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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Pemrograman Dengan Metode Blended Learning (Studi Kasus: Laboratorium Komputer Stikom Surabaya) Koentjoro, Edo Yonatan; Hariadi, Bambang; Purnama, Rangsang
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Praktikum Bahasa Pemrograman (untuk S1 Sistem Informasi dan D3 Manajemen Informatika) atau praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrograman II (untuk S1 Komputer Akuntansi) merupakan mata praktikum yang diadakan guna mendukung mata kuliah yang diadakan di kelas. Tujuan mata praktikum tersebut yaitu untuk melatih mahasiswa agar mampu menerapkan algoritma sederhana ke dalam pemrograman. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah bahasa Java (Java’s Language). Di dalam praktikum, praktikan diajar dan dipandu oleh Co-Ass. Ada 3 tahap yang harus dijalani oleh praktikan, yaitu tes awal, latihan, dan tugas praktikum. Keterbatasan waktu praktikum yang ada membuat praktikan kesulitan dalam mempelajari pemrograman, karena cara menguasai materi setiap praktikan berbeda-beda. Meskipun pembelajaran juga bisa dilakukan secara mandiri, namun kadangkala praktikan masih kesulitan untuk menerapkan algoritma ke dalam bahasa pemrograman. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, maka diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat membantu dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran praktikum. Aplikasi berbasis web ini menggunakan metode Blended Learning. Dengan dibantu Co-Ass, kemungkinan pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai alur pemrograman bisa menjadi lebih jelas. Keberadaan aplikasi ini diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan di atas dalam membantu menjelaskan mahasiswa untuk menerapkan algoritma ke dalam bentuk bahasa pemrograman.
Rancang Bangun Pencarian File Multimedia Berbasis Web Menggunakan Standar Scorm 2004 Perdana, Hevea Bori; Hariadi, Bambang; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In an organization of education, training and learning is an activity that is very important. Currently, training and learning can be replaced by using information technology that is now growing rapidly in such regardless of who the perpetrator, without limitation of place and time. In the terminology of development of information technology training and learning form thus known by the term e-Learning. E-Learning has become a strategy and solutions for successful organizations in the world in order to manage and update their students´ learning. Based on the above issues, then built an interactive multimedia online learning system. In this thesis, an interactive learning system (E-Learning) apply the reference standard SCORM 2004.   Keyword : SCORM 2004, SCO, E-Learning, Multimedia
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Potensi Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Di Kabupaten Jombang (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Megaluh) Santoso, Mayska Widya; Hariadi, Bambang
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Agricultural potential is a valuable asset owned by the District Jombang mainly agricultural potential in sub Megaluh. Agriculture is one of the major sectors of the tipping point of regional development. Therefore, the Department of Agriculture District to build an institutional Jombang madiri farmers in collaboration with Agribusiness Sub Terminal which houses and markets all the crops of farmers who are members of the independent farmer. One of the problems that occur in Agribusiness Sub Terminal is the lack of certainty about the availability of food commodities and thus a potential Information system of agricultural crops in the district Jombang who can provide Information in detail. Information is needed about the number of stocks of agricultural commodities dikabupaten megaluh, in an area where STA can get in food crops, food crops are available in each area, whichever area is the highest producer of food crops, as well as who is included in the institutional independent farmers. This Information system will assist in structuring the existing system in which wish Agribusiness Sub Terminal will be able to assist in the management and storage of data in Agribusiness Sub Terminal is particularly associated with the data of institutional farmers. Not only that, it antinya Information system will provide Information about the potential of food crops in sub Megaluh. This system will provide Information needed by the data in the Form of Agribusiness Sub Terminal stock number of agricultural crops, data pests / diseases that attack crops, data infrastructure and the existing infrastructure and the data group of independent farmers. From all these data produced a report containing the agricultural potential of Information increases and decreases in crop production as well as the cause. Agricultural potential report is used by the District Agriculture Office. Jombang to take the best steps in the next growing season. Keywords: Information Systems, Potential of Agricultural, Food Crops.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Pembelian Koperasi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Koperasi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya) Perdana, Irfandi Agung; Hariadi, Bambang; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Cooperative State University student Surabaya is the type of business cooperatives engaged in the campus environment. Key business processes in the cooperative is selling and buying. Cooperative Surabaya State University students are constrained in clarifying the sales in detail, specifying the items expired, calculates sales records to determine the contribution of each member to member, to calculate changes in the cost of goods in the event of price changes at the time of the purchase process, and knowing the flow of goods in and out of card stock . Based on the description above, we need a system of buying and selling information on student cooperative. The system was built consisting of cash sales, print receipts cash sales, cash purchases, consignment purchases, purchases payable, consignment payment, accounts payable payments, print receipt consignment, master recap reporting, reporting cash sales, reporting a cash purchase, reporting, accounts payable, consignment reporting, card inventory, daily information, the information per member, and infomrasi per item. From the results of testing the sale and purchase of information systems in cooperative Surabaya State University students concluded that the system can run the business of selling and buying process, issuing reports and information required by the cooperative management students of the State University of Surabaya. Keywords: Cooperative Information Systems, Technology, Sales, Purchases.
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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PT. Kuda Inti Samudera is a company that provides, maintains, and operates heavy equipment in a port. PT. Kuda Inti Samudera has four branches, including Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, and Banjarmasin. PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya) has several divisions, such as Human Resource Development (HRD) and Finance Division. The Human Resource Development handles some activities, including recapitalize and create data report of employees’ presence, while the Finance Division handles some activities, such as create data report of employees’ salary. There are some problems in PT. Kuda Inti Samudera related with those two divisions, such as employees’ presence still done manually by using check-lock, so employees can do cheating when they absented. Similarly at the Finance Division, yet the data report between employees’ presence recapitulation from HRD and data report of employees’ salary still not integrated automatically. Based on the illustration above, it is necessary to create Payroll Information System using fingerprint for the presence that integrated and appropriated with PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya), so cheating will not happen again during the process of employees’ presence. The results of the implementation of Payroll Information System using fingerprint in PT. Kuda Inti Samudera (Surabaya) has able to overcome the cheating of employees´ presence and produce integrated data report of employees’ presence and salary. Keywords : Information System, Presence, Fingerprint, Employee, Payroll
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Potensi Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Di Kabupaten Jombang (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Megaluh) Santoso, Mayska Widya; Hariadi, Bambang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Agricultural potential is a valuable asset owned by the District Jombang mainly agricultural potential in sub Megaluh. Agriculture is one of the major sectors of the tipping point of regional development. Therefore, the Department of Agriculture District to build an institutional Jombang madiri farmers in collaboration with Agribusiness Sub Terminal which houses and markets all the crops of farmers who are members of the independent farmer. One of the problems that occur in Agribusiness Sub Terminal is the lack of certainty about the availability of food commodities and thus a potential Information system of agricultural crops in the district Jombang who can provide Information in detail. Information is needed about the number of stocks of agricultural commodities dikabupaten megaluh, in an area where STA can get in food crops, food crops are available in each area, whichever area is the highest producer of food crops, as well as who is included in the institutional independent farmers. This Information system will assist in structuring the existing system in which wish Agribusiness Sub Terminal will be able to assist in the management and storage of data in Agribusiness Sub Terminal is particularly associated with the data of institutional farmers. Not only that, it antinya Information system will provide Information about the potential of food crops in sub Megaluh. This system will provide Information needed by the data in the Form of Agribusiness Sub Terminal stock number of agricultural crops, data pests / diseases that attack crops, data infrastructure and the existing infrastructure and the data group of independent farmers. From all these data produced a report containing the agricultural potential of Information increases and decreases in crop production as well as the cause. Agricultural potential report is used by the District Agriculture Office. Jombang to take the best steps in the next growing season. Keywords: Information Systems, Potential of Agricultural, Food Crops.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Pembelian Koperasi Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus Koperasi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya) Perdana, Irfandi Agung; Hariadi, Bambang; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Cooperative State University student Surabaya is the type of business cooperatives engaged in the campus environment. Key business processes in the cooperative is selling and buying. Cooperative Surabaya State University students are constrained in clarifying the sales in detail, specifying the items expired, calculates sales records to determine the contribution of each member to member, to calculate changes in the cost of goods in the event of price changes at the time of the purchase process, and knowing the flow of goods in and out of card stock . Based on the description above, we need a system of buying and selling information on student cooperative. The system was built consisting of cash sales, print receipts cash sales, cash purchases, consignment purchases, purchases payable, consignment payment, accounts payable payments, print receipt consignment, master recap reporting, reporting cash sales, reporting a cash purchase, reporting, accounts payable, consignment reporting, card inventory, daily information, the information per member, and infomrasi per item. From the results of testing the sale and purchase of information systems in cooperative Surabaya State University students concluded that the system can run the business of selling and buying process, issuing reports and information required by the cooperative management students of the State University of Surabaya. Keywords: Cooperative Information Systems, Technology, Sales, Purchases.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Pemrograman Dengan Metode Blended Learning (Studi Kasus: Laboratorium Komputer Stikom Surabaya) Koentjoro, Edo Yonatan; Hariadi, Bambang; Purnama, Rangsang
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Rancang Bangun Pencarian File Multimedia Berbasis Web Menggunakan Standar Scorm 2004 Perdana, Hevea Bori; Hariadi, Bambang; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA)

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Co-Authors Achmad Andi Setyawan Agus Dwi Churniawan Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Akbar, Jamrodzi Firdhani Akbar, Jamrodzi Firdhani Ali Djamhuri Amelia Tan Angga Hanggar Satyawan Ashari, Pangestika Ayu Ashari, Pangestika Ayu Binar Kurnia Prahani Brian Nusual Karyana Murti Budi Jatmiko Budiharjo, Yusuf Budiharjo, Yusuf Darusman, Andi Darusman, Andi Dita Astrina Maysaroh Edo Yonatan Koentjoro Elfasa, Zayed Elfasa, Zayed Erdini Nugrahini Erwin Soetomo Erwin Sutomo Fadila, Rullyana Nur Fitrayana, Mochamad Winnedi Gigih Haris Pradana Gusti Adistriani Hakim, Mesra Berlyn Handayani, Mey Handayani, Mey Hangga Yuda Rozaqi Herfiyanto, Prasetyo Herfiyanto, Prasetyo Hergantoro, Firman Anom Hevea Bori Perdana Insan, R. Iqbal Amirul Irfandi Agung Perdana Jamali, Nashir Jamhari Jamhari Jamrodzi Firdhani Akbar Julianto Lemantara Kusuma, Rizky Wijaya Kusuma, Rizky Wijaya Larasati, Rani Mei Clara M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto Maulana, Nanda Rizka Maysaroh, Dita Astrina Mayska Widya Santoso Mey Handayani Miftah, Muhammad Hoiril Miftah, Muhammad Hoiril Muhammad Hoiril Miftah Muhammad Ivan Setiawan Muhammad Sarwani Muhammad, Irfan Zuhdi Murti, Brian Nusual Karyana Nurdiwiyandra, Sidiq Arbingta Parastowo, Irvan Alfaridzi Dwi Perdana, Amryzal Perdana, Amryzal Pradana, Gigih Haris Pradhana, Ilham Gilang Pradita Maulidya Effendi Prasetyo Herfiyanto Pratama, Ardo Yoga Putra Aditya, Wigananda Firdaus putra, Wedyatama rachma putra, Wedyatama rachma R. Iqbal Amirul Insan Rahayu Arya Shintawati Rahmawati, Endra Rangsang Purnama Rani Mei Clara Larasati Rizky Wijaya Kusuma Setiawan, Muhammad Ivan Setyawan, Achmad Andi Shintawati, Rahayu Arya Shintawati, Rahayu Arya Sulis Sulistiowati Tan Amelia Togatorop, Ester Debora Tri Sagirani Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wedyatama rachma putra Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yusuf Budiharjo Zayed Elfasa