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Revitalisasi Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Sementara Di Perumahan Buana Gardenia Untuk Peningkatan Kesehatan Lingkungan Dyah Pratiwi Kusumastuti; Indah Handayasari; Irma Sepriyanna; Hastanto Sm
Terang Vol 2 No 2 (2020): TERANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/terang.v2i2.987


A comfortable and healthy residential area must be supported by the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure such as the availability of clean water networks, road networks, drainage systems, worship facilities, green open spaces and temporary garbage storage facilities. The available temporary garbage collection sites must be able to accommodate the volume of waste up to the relevant transportation service schedule. However, sometimes transportation delays can occur, so that it can cause problems in residential areas, especially in Buana Gardenia housing such as unpleasant odors and the flow of water that is blocked due to rubbish that falls into the waterways. Waste that falls into the water channel over time can clog the flow of water in it, other than that due to organic rotting in the water channel can cause sedimentation in the bottom of the channel so that the channel becomes shallow. To anticipate the fall of rubbish into the waterways due to the full volume of waste and delays in transportation from related agencies. In the community service activities at the Buana Gardenia housing complex, a temporary garbage shelter will be revitalized. The revitalization results can reduce the waste that falls into the water channel so that the flow of water in the channel flows smoothly, reducing the number of mosquito larvae and puddle when it rains.
Konstruksia Vol 14, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksia Vol 14 No. 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jk.14.1.33-39


Salah satu jenis tanah berbutir halus adalah tanah lempung yang memiliki sifat kohesi dengan tingkat plastisitas yang rendah sampai dengan tinggi dan daya dukung yang rendah. Tingginya tingkat plastisitas dapat menyebabkan tingginya potensi mengembang tanah lempung. Untuk mengurangi plastisitas dan meningkatkan daya dukung pada tanah lempung  sehingga perlu adanya perbaikan parameternya. Metode perbaikan yang sederhana adalah stabilisasi kimia. Pada penelitian ini digunakan serbuk arang cangkang sawit sebagai bahan stabilisasi tanah lempung. Serbuk arang cangkang sawit yang ditambahkan berdasarkan berat kering tanah bervariasi mulai 5%, 10% dan 15%. Penambahan serbuk arang cangkang sawit tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap plastisitas dan parameter kuat geser tanah lempung. Hasil pengujian di laboratorium didapatkan tingkat plastisitas tanah lempung menurun seiring dengan penambahan serbuk arang cangkang sawit. Sedangkan untuk parameter kuat geser diketahui bahwa nilai kohesi mencapai nilai optimum dengan variasi penambahan serbuk arang cangkang sawit 10% dengan nilai sebesar 44,04 kPa. Namun hal tersebut tidak berlaku dengan nilai sudut geser dalam yang semakin lama semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya serbuk arang cangkang sawit. Penambahan serbuk arang cangkang sawit pada tanah lempung dapat menyebabkan hilangnya sifat kohesif dan tanah lempung menjadi lebih berbutir.
Construction and Material Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Construction and Material Journal Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/cmj.v4i2.4593


Buton asphalt is a kind of natural asphalt found in Indonesia. The government is recently trying to develop various ways so that the use of Buton asphalt can be optimized to meet the demand for quality asphalt supplies for road pavements. CPHMA is a product from the development of Buton asphalt which has the advantage that it can be spread in conditions of air temperature (known as Cold mix) and elevated temperature (known as Hot mix). In this study, tire powder was used in addition to variations of 0%, 2.5%, 7.5% and 12.5% on CPHMA asphalt with variations in compaction temperature of 30oC, 60oC, 90oC, 120oC, and 150oC. Based on the results of tests carried out, the use of used tire powder from motor vehicle waste can improve the performance of CPHMA with an additional percentage of 2.5% at a compaction temperature of 150oC to meet the specified specifications. Keywords: CPHMA, Tire Powder, Marshall.
Kajian Laboratorium Penggunaan Serat Daun Nanas dan Serat Ijuk Pada Campuran Stone Matrix Asphalt Indah Handayasari; Irma Sepriyanna; Siti Herni Wulandari
TERAS JURNAL : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Volume 13 Nomor 2, September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i2.877


Abstrak Stone Matrix Asphalt merupakan jenis beton aspal hotmix dengan campuran bahan agregat kasar, agregat halus, bahan pengisi dan aspal yang membentuk mortar dengan aspal sebagai bahan pengikat yang dicampur dalam keadaan panas. Campuran beraspal ini didesain menggunakan agregat kasar dan aspal dengan kadar tinggi yang distabilisasi dengan serat selulosa sehingga lebih tahan terhadap deformasi (rutting), mempunyai ketahanan gelincir (skid resistence) yang tinggi, keretakan (cracking) serta tahan lama dan mampu melayani kendaraan berat dengan lebih baik. Dikarenakan kandungan aspal pada stone matrix asphalt yang sangat tinggi maka cenderung terjadi bleeding. Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan kajian laboratorium terhadap pemanfaatan serat alami berupa serat daun nanas dan serat ijuk sebagai bahan tambah serat selulosa pada campuran stone matrix asphalt. Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium bahwa variasi penambahan 0.3% serat daun nanas dan 0.3 % serat ijuk memiliki nilai durabitas tertinggi dibandingkan dengan variasi persertase penambahan yang lainnya yaitu sebesar 95,23%. Penambahan serat daun nanas dan serat ijuk pada campuran stone matrix asphalt dapat mengatasi bleeding pada aspal serta menambah daya dukung dan keawetan pada jalan. Kata kunci: Durabilitas, serat daun nanas, serat ijuk, stone matrix asphalt.  Abstract Stone Matrix Asphalt is a type of hot mix asphalt concrete with a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and asphalt which forms a mortar with asphalt as a binder which is mixed in hot conditions. This asphalt mixture is designed to use coarse aggregate and high-grade asphalt stabilized with cellulose fibers so that it is more resistant to deformation (rutting), has high skid resistance, cracking (cracking) and is durable and able to serve heavy vehicles with better. Because the asphalt content in the stone matrix asphalt is very high, it tends to bleed. This research attempts to conduct a laboratory study of the use of natural fibers in the form of pineapple leaf fiber and palm fiber as an added ingredient for cellulose fiber in a mixture of stone matrix asphalt. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the variations in the addition of 0.3% pineapple leaf fiber and 0.3% palm fiber had the highest durability value compared to the other addition variations, namely 95.23%. The addition of pineapple leaf fibers and palm fiber fibers to the stone matrix asphalt mixture can overcome bleeding on asphalt and increase the carrying capacity and durability of the road. Keywords: Durability, Pineapple leaf fiber, Ijuk fiber, Stone Matrix Asphalt.