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SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 1 Februari 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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This study was conducted in 2002 and took place in North Sumatra.Districts of Asahan and Simalungun were chosen as area samples. The objectives ofstudy were (i) to describe the channel of rice marketing, (ii) to analyze thecomponents of cost and marketing margin in each agent of marketing link, and (iii) toidentify the characteristics and problems in each agent of marketing link. The methodof Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was used in this study using Snow Ball Pointwhere the farmers were placed as a start point. Primary data were collected from 50farmers, 20 traders, 4 village rice mills, and 10 rice consumers. Secondary data werecollected from Agriculture office, Institutions for Agricultural Research, and others.The results informed that, in North Sumatra there were found two channels of ricemarketing. First, farmers sell direct unhulled rice to collecting merchant thencollecting merchant sells them to large merchant (kilang). In kilang, unhulled rice isprocessed to become hulled rice then sold them to wholesalers and retailer to be soldto consumers. Second, farmers sell unhulled rice to local rice mill. In rice mill,unhulled rice is processed to become hulled rice then sold them to retailer to be soldto consumers. In the first channel, the most marketing margin happened at kilangequal to Rp.216,- with net benefit margin of Rp. 89,-/kg. In the secondary channel themost marketing margin and net benefit margin happened at the village rice mill equalto Rp.210,- and Rp.85,-/kg respectively. Some problems in agents of rice marketingwere found especially at the levels of the farmer as rice producer, the collectingmerchant, and the local rice mill.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 2 Juli 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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The implementation of agropolytant have strong justification and considered to be abreakthrough program to strengthen the achievement of agribusiness development for the benefit ofthe farmers as well as regional economic development. The study consists of two main activities, i.e.:(a) To evaluate the concept and the achievement of agropolytant program; and (b) To assess the ongoingagropolytant pilot project. The strengthening of agropolytant development has to be facilitatedwith suitable strategic policies of domestic price stability, better accessibility to input market andprocessing, better urban functionality, and accelerated rural-urban flow for the benefit of rural people.In addition, the policy of agropolytant program credit scheme (BLM) have to be complemented andfacilitated with strong self-help farmer group and cooperative marketing institutional development.Agropolytant development has been able to improve farmer income, but absolutely the farmer incomeis still low, due to restricted resource endowment. Agropolytant program working group (Pokja) atregency level has well functionality, and Agropolytant Regional Management Agency (BPKAP) atprovincial and regency level are badly needed. The existence of BPKAP will have important role insupporting the efectivity, performance, and accountability of agropolytant program. Governmentsupport have been implemented well. The achievement of those facilities have to be complementedwith proper incentive system for all parties participated in agropolytant development program.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 6, No. 1 Februari 2006
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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This study was conducted in 2003 and took place in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).The objectives of study were: to evaluate the implementation of the integrated pestmanagement School on farmer field (IPM-FFS), farmers adoption of IPM technology,changes of farm productivity and income. The result showed, that majority of farmershave controlled the pest based on principles of IPM. Firstly, the farmer do preventivecontrol by adopting some practices to make crops grow healthy, apply biological andmechanical control, and also use organic pesticide. Finally, if the intensity of pest's attackwere still in the level of economic injury the farmer would use chemical pesticide. Agroecosystemobservation has been adopted by alumni farmer (100%) and non-alumni (34,5%), mechanical control have been adopted by (100%) and non-alumni (66, 6%), andorganic pesticide have been adopted by alumni (6, 7%) and non-alumni (13, 3%). Whilethe application of chemical pesticide not be found because the intensity of pest attack wasstill low and the costly pesticide price push reduction of chemical pesticide use. Thealumni productivity was 300kg and non-alumni were 270 kg/ha/year. If all expenses offarm were counted, farm benefit of alumni and non-alumni would be disadvantage,namely Rp.206 thousand and Rp.287 thousand/ha/year, respectively. If family labor costwere not counted, they would be advantage, namely Rp.858 thousand and Rp.735thousand/ha/year, respectively. Then if all expenditure coming from property of farmer(family labor and organic fertilizer) were not counted, they would be advantage, namelyRp.890 thousand and Rp.771 thousand/ha/year, respectively. Based on statistical test,productivity and farm benefit of alumni and non-alumni were not different. Introducingthe low cost technology (IPM-FFS) is very suited for cashew nut farmer because theircapital are still low such as using organic pesticides available in their field, biological andmechanical control, and organic manure. Considering its progress, IPM-FFS is suggestedto overspread to other location.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 3 November 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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This study was conducted in 2002 dan took place in Province of North SulawesiNorth. Sub-Province of Minahasa as one of the North Sulawesi center of vanilla productionwas chosen for location of study. The objectives of study were: (i)to analyze theprofitability of vanilla farm, ( ii) to identify the channel of vanilla marketing dan, itsmargin in each agent of marketing, dan ( iii) to analyze the role of attribute of productquality to vanilla price. Research used method of survey structure. Primary data werecollected from 60 farmers, 15 merchants, 5 product processing, dan 2 exporters. Whilesecondary data were collected from Central Agency of Statistics, the Office of EstateCrops, reports of Research Institute, dan others relating to this study. Results showed, thatin one cycle of production ( 10 year), vanilla farm required production cost about Rp.86,4million per hectare consisting of labor fee ( 82,7%), input productions ( 11,4%), dan othercosts ( 5,9%). It took a total production of Rp.209,3 million dan a total income ofRp.122,9 million per hectare. Efficiency rate of vanilla farm was enough high. Withinterest rate 24 dan 30 %, vanilla farm reached B/C Ratio of 3,58 dan 2,45, dan reachedNPV of Rp.35,03 million dan Rp.26,07 million, respectively. Value of IRR indicated thatvanilla farm would reach break-even point in interest rate of 74,6 percent. The channel ofvanilla marketing was still modestly, farmer as vanilla producer at most selling to small(collecting) merchant ( 50%), large merchant ( 40%), dan large merchant/exporter ( 10%).A highest marketing margin was obtained by large merchant/exporter (Rp.7.000/kg), largemerchant (Rp.4.495/kg), dan small merchant (Rp.1.885/kg). The price of vanilla wasdetermined by diameter, long, dan color of fruit where long of fruit gave a biggestparameter, namely 0.67. It means that accretion of fruit length equal to 10 percent willimprove the vanilla price equal to 6.7 percent. Some suggestions to increasing productivitydan quality of vanilla product were; ( i) knowledge dan skilled of farmer have to beimproved continuously in line with the increasing of new innovation, ( ii) role of farmergroup have to be improved, dan (iii) private sector as agent of agribusiness like productprocessing dan exporter have to include in assisting farmer. Their participation were veryexpected to assist farmer, especially in maintaining vanilla crops, supplying input ofproduction, dan marketing.
Jurnal Ekonomi-Qu Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FEB Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35448/jequ.v7i2.4977


Banten Province is one province that has an industrial area that is pretty much like the Cilegon, Serang and Tangerang regency. For the expansion of employment, the industrial sector is expected to absorb more labor than other sectors. This study aims to determine how the influence of both partially and simultaneously economic growth variables and variable levels of industry sectors that include resident education with graduate elementary, junior high, high school, and higher education on employment in the industrial sector in the province of Banten. This study uses secondary data consisting of the data years 2005-2011 were obtained from Statistics Province. This study analyzes the method using Fixed Effect Model on Panel Data. Results of analysis of this study it can be concluded that the variables of economic growth and industrial sector levels elementary, junior high, high school and PT simultaneously have a positive and significant impact on employment in the industrial sector. F-calculated value of 538.1693 with a probability value of 0.000000 is smaller than alpha 5 percent, so it can be concluded that there is significant influence between the variables of economic growth in the industrial sector and the education level of the labor market in the industrial sector. R2 value of 0.994273 indicates that 99.4273% of independent variables to explain the dependent variabel
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : STMIK SUBANG

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Perpustakaan sebagai sarana ilmu mesti mendapat perhatian yang serius terutama dalam kelengkapan buku-buku yang relevan dengan keilmuan kampus. Penataan buku-buku pada rak-rak yang tersedia harus membuat nyaman para pengunjung dan memudahkan dalam pencarian. Permasalahan yang masih terjadi adalah ketidak teraturan penempatan buku pada tempatnya, baik disebabkan penempatan buku-buku sejak awal kurang baik, maupun penempatan buku setelah dipergunakan tidak rapih. Perlu adanya metode penempatan buku-buku yang secara praktis dan cepat. Salah satu metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan algoritma hash. Teknik yang memungkinkan lokasi suatu record dapat diperoleh dengan mudah dan cepat melalui fungsi hash tersebut. Fungsi ini untuk menerjemahkan suatu nilai kunci menjadi suatu nilai yang dinamakan hash address yang menyatakan indeks lokasi dalam array. Struktur data yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah struktur data statis yakni array. Implementasi penerapan pada interface menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Delphi. Kata Kunci: Buku, Hashing, Array, Delphi
Agrin Vol 16, No 2 (2012): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2012.16.2.132


Dalam kondisi modal lemah, proses adopsi teknologi oleh petani akan berjalan kurang optimal dan terjadibeberapa komponen teknologi yang terbuang percuma (idle). Menyadari masalah tersebut, Kementrian pertanianmulai tahun 2008 telah melaksanakan program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Pedesaan (PUAP) di 33Provinsi di Indonesia. Pemerintah memberikan bantuan modal usaha berupa Bantuan Langsung Mandiri (BLM)sebanyak Rp.100 juta yang diberikan dan dikelola melalui Gapoktan selain itu juga dilakukan pembinaanpeningkatan adopsi inovasi teknologi dan kelembagaan. Pada tahun pertama dana dikelola oleh Gapoktanmelalui Usaha Simpan Pinjam (USP) dan selanjutnya diharapakan dikelola melalui Lembaga Keuangan MikroAgribisnis (LKM A) dengan syarat dananya dapat berkembang sebanyak 15 persen. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakantahun 2010 dan berlokasi di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Tujuan kajian: (a) mengetahui perkembangan jumlahLKM-A, (b) mengetahui cara pengelolaan bantuan modal BLM PUAP di tingkat Gapoktan, dan (c) mengetahuikeragaan adopsi teknologi. Hasil menunjukan, bahwa Program PUAP di Provinsi Sumatera Barat sudahmencapai 429 Gapoktan yang tersebar ke 15 kabupaten. Dari total 429 Gapoktan, sudah terbentuk 103 LKM-Aatau 24 persen dari total Gapoktan. Pengelolaan modal oleh Gapoktan sudah sesuai petunjuk dan diputuskanberdasarkan hasil musyawarah antara pengurus dan anggota Gapoktan. Selama ini, adopsi inovasi teknologibelum menunjukan kemajuan sementara adopsi inovasi kelembagaan sudah cukup berhasil, terutama dalammengelola modal. Untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan, program PUAP masih memerlukan beberapa perbaikan,terutama perbaikan Sumber Daya Manusia dan inovasi teknologi spesifik lokasi. Untuk itu, memerlukandukungan dari berbagai Dinas/Instansi teknis terkait dan dukungan kebijakan pemerintah baik pusat maupundaerah.Kata kunci: LKM-A, adopsi innovasi, Sumatra Barat.ABSTRACTIn the low capital condition, the process of technology adoption by farmers will run less than optimaland there are some innovations that are wasted (idle). In 2008, Ministry of agriculture has been implementingthe program of Rural Agribusiness Development (RAD) in Rural Area.Through the program RAD, the FarmersGroups Association (FGA) was given the capital grand as much as 100 million per FGA. This studi wasconducted in 2010 and located in West Sumatera. Research objectives are (a) to know the development of theMicro Credit Institution for Agribussiness (MCI-A), (b) to know the management of capital grand in the FGD,and (c) to know the performance of technologi adoption. Result showed, that the program of Rural AgribusinessDevelopment (RAD) in in West Sumatera have reached 429 of Farmers Groups Association, distributed in 15Districts, and resulted 103 of Micro Credit Institution for Agribussiness or 24 percents of total.The managementof Capital by FGA was appropriate and decided by the results of discussions between officials and members ofFGA. During this time, the adoption of potatos technology has not shown progress while the adoption ofinstitutional innovation has been quite successfully, especially in managing capital. The RAD program stillneeds some improvement, particularly improvement of human resources and site-specific technologicalinnovations. For that, need support from various technical offices/agencies and policy support both central andlocal government.Key words: LKM-A, innovation adoption, West Sumatra
Agrin Vol 16, No 1 (2012): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2012.16.1.123


Salah satu program Badan Litbang Pertanian dalam peningkatan produksi beras nasional adalah programIP Padi 400. Program IP.padi 400 ditempuh dengan dua strategi yaitu rekayasa teknologi dan rekayasa sosialuntuk optimalisasi ruang dan waktu sehingga indeks pertanaman dapat dimaksimalkan. Masalahnya bagaimanaimplementasi peningkatan indeks pertanaman tersebut di tingkat lapangan. Kajian ini dilaksanakan tahun 2009 diProvinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Jawa Tengah, keduanya merupakan lokasi sasaran pengembangan IP Padi 400.Tujuan pengkajian, yaitu; (a) menginformasikan pengertian IP Padi 400, (b) upaya rekayasa teknologi, (c) upayarekayasa sosial, dan (d) mengsintesis syarat keharusan dalam pengembangan IP Padi 400. Hasil menunjukanbahwa dalam pengembangan Indeks pertanaman empat kali padi setahun, layak dilakukan dengan beberapasyarat keharusan: (a) aspek teknis meliputi penggunaan varietas padi sangat genjah (VUSG), teknik persemaian”culikan”, penggunaan alsintan, introduksi alat dekomposer dan monitoring hama penyakit; (b) aspek ekonomismeliputi efisiensi biaya produksi, tingkat produksi dan pendapatan lebih tinggi dari eksisting, mengoptimalkankelompok panen dan kelompok tanam serta upaya stabilitas harga gabah; dan (c) aspek kelembagaan meliputimengoptimalkan kelompok tani, dukungan lembaga keuangan mikro, penyediaan teknologi yang dibutuhkan dandukungan kebijakan pemerintah. Sepanjang kondisi ideal belum bisa terrealisasi, maka IP Padi 300 lebih layakuntuk dikembangkan daripada IP Padi 400. Program ini dapat dijadikan alternative terobosan kebijakanmendorong peningkatan produksi beras nasional.Kata kunci: Padi sawah, indeks pertanaman ,rekayasa teknologi dan sosial.ABSTRACTOne of AARD pogram in increasing rice production was a program of rice cropping index of 400. Thisprogram will be implemented through two strategies that is technological and social assessments to shorten timeand space so that a cropping index can be maximized. This paper is a review of strategy for improving thecropping index of lowland rice to reach cropping index of 400. The objectives of study; (a) to inform theunderstanding of rice cropping indek 400, (b) to describe the effort of technological assessment, (c) describe theeffort of social assessment, and (d) to synthesis the necessary condition in developing the rice cropping index of400. The results showed that the rice cropping index of 400 can be conducted with several necessary conditionsnamely: (a) technical aspects including the uses of superior varieties, seedling technique “culikan”, agriculturalmechanization, introduction of decomposer and monitoring of pest and disease; (b) the economic aspectincluding the efficiency of production cost, higher production and revenue than existing, optimalization ofharvest and planting groups and stability of the rice price; and (c) institutional aspect including optimalizationof farmer groups, micro financial institution, provision of technology required by farmers, and governmentspolicies. As long as the ideal condition has been not created for developing the cropping index of 400, thecropping index of 300 is more feasible to be developed either by technical, social, economical and theenvironment aspects. This program can be used as an alternative policy for supporting the national riceproduction.Keywords: Lowland rice, cropping index, technology and social assessments
ANALISIS PEMASARAN MANGGA “GEDONG GINCU” (Studi kasus di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat) Ade Supriatna
Agrin Vol 14, No 2 (2010): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2010.14.2.105


Mangga Gedong Gincu mempunyai prospek baik untuk dikembangkan karena mempunyai karakteristik yangsesuai dengan permintaan pasar, yaitu mempunyai kulit mangga berwarna merah, komponen serat pada daging buahcukup banyak dan mempunyai aroma sangat tajam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tahun 2006 di Kabupaten Cirebon,sebagai sentra produksi mangga di Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu: (i) menggambarkan rantai tataniaga mangga(ii) mempelajari karakteristik pelaku lembaga pemasaran dan (iii) menganalisis margin tataniaga. Penelitianmenggunakan metoda survai. Dimana data primer dikumpulkan dari 50 petani yang diambil secara acak (RandomSampling) dan pelaku lembaga pemasaran dengan metode snowball sampling. Data sekunder diperoleh dari DinasPertanian, Badan Pusat Statistik dan Lembaga Penelitian. Hasil penelitian menginformasikan, bahwa buah GedongGincu dipasarkan dalam bentuk grade A/B dan grade C (non grade). Pemasaran grade A/B melalui dua saluran,yaitu, pertama: petani – pengumpul - pedagang besar – agen - toko/kios buah – konsumen dan kedua: petani –pengumpul – pedagang besar – agen – suplayer – supermarket – konsumen sedangkan grade C melalui satu saluran,yaitu saluran ketiga: petani – pengumpul – pedagang besar – pedagang pasar tradisional – konsumen. Marjinpemasaran saluran pertama Rp.10.920,-/kg, berasal dari pedagang besar (48,1%), toko/kios (35,4%), agen (14,2%)dan pengumpul (2,3%). Marjin pemasaran saluran kedua Rp.15.000,-/kg, berasal dari pedagang besar (34,9%),suplayer (26,6%), supermarket (26,6%), agen (10,2%) dan pengumpul (1,7%). Keuntungan pedagang besar lebihtinggi dibandingkan agen, yaitu masing-masing Rp.3.350,-/kg dan Rp.1.460,-/kg. Permasalahan pemasaran manggaGedong Gincu yaitu posisi petani seringkali lemah dalam penentuan harga jual, jumlah serta mutu produk yangdihasilkan tidak selalu sesuai permintaan pasar, petani bermodal lemah sering terperangkap ke pelepas uang (moneylender) dan ditemukan pungutan-pungutan liar dalam kegiatan transportasi pengiriman mangga ke agen di pasar-pasarinduk. Dalam hal ini, perlu peningkatan aksesibilitas petani terhadap informasi pasar termasuk permintaan, variasi hargamusiman dan trend harga dengan demikian mereka dapat menyesuaikan rencana penjualan mangga untuk mencapaipenjualan efisien dan menguntungkan.Kata kunci: mangga, analisis pemasaran, Jawa Barat ABSTRACTGedong Gincu have a good prospect to be developed because it has some characteristics as good as marketrequest, namely mango’s skin is red, mango contains a lot of fiber components and aroma of ripe mango is verysharply This study was conducted in 2006 and took place in Cirebon District, as centre of mango production of WestJava. The objectives of study were; (i) to describe the marketing channel, (ii) to learn the characteristics ofmarketing institution and (iii) to analyze marketing margin of mango. This research used method of survey applyingstructured questionnaires. Primary data were collected from 50 farmers selected by random sampling and somemarketing institutions using snowball method. Secondary data were collected from the Agriculture Office, the CentreAgency of Statistic and the Research Institutions. Results showed, that mango was marketed in the form of grade A/Band grade C (non grade). Grade A/B had two marketing channels, namely; (i) farmers – collector – wholesaler –agent – fruit shop – consumer and (ii) farmers – collector – wholesaler – agent – supplier – supermarket –consumer. While grade C had one channel, namely (iii) farmers – collector – wholesaler – nonstore retailer –consumer. The first channel got marketing margin of Rp.10,920,- coming from wholesaler (48.1%), fruit shop(35.4%), agent (14.2%) and collector (2.3%). The second channel got marketing margin of Rp.15,000,- comingfrom wholesaler (34.9%), supplier (26.6%), supermarket (26.6%), agent (10.2%) and collector (1.7%). Theproblems in marketing were the farmers have a low bargaining position in determining the mango’s price, theamount and quality of product did not always accord to market request, the farmers that have weak capital wereoften fallen on money lender and there were found the illegal charges in activity of transportation. Somerecommended efforts in farmer’s level, namely to increase the farmer’s knowledge and skill to produce mango’squality according to market request by low cost technology, to improve the farmer’s accessibility to marketinformation inclusive of request, variation of seasonal price and trend price thereby they can plan the mango sale toreach effective, efficient and profit sale.Key words: mang, marketing analysis, West Java
KINERJA PEMASARAN DAN DAYA SAING EKSPOR KAKAO INDONESIA (Studi Kasus di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara) Ade Supriatna; Bambang Dradjat
Agrin Vol 12, No 2 (2008): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2008.12.2.85


Penelitian dilaksanakan tahun 2005 di Kabupaten Kolaka, daerah sentra produksi kakao SulawesiTenggara. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu: (1) menganalisis pemasaran kakao di tingkat petani dan (2) menganalisiskinerja ekspor kakao terutama daya saing kakao Indonesia di pasar internasional. Penelitian menggunakanmetoda survai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, bahwa petani menjual kakao melalui tiga saluran pemasaran, yaitu:pertama, petani menjual kakao ke pengumpul, dari pengumpul ke pedagang besar lalu pedagang besarmenjualnya ke eksportir; kedua petani menjual kakao ke pengumpul lalu pengumpul menjualnya ke eksportir;ketiga, petani menjual kakao ke pedagang besar lalu pedagang besar menjualnya ke eksportir. Saluran pertamapaling sering digunakan oleh petani dibandingkan saluran lainnya. Pada setiap saluran, eksportir selalumemperoleh keuntungan paling besar (antara Rp.1.000 sampai Rp.1.050/kg) dibandingkan pelaku pasar lainnya.Hal ini sudah wajar karena mereka mengeluarkan biaya besar untuk mendapatkan mutu barang sesuaipermintaan importir, menanggung resiko akibat perubahan harga di pasar dunia serta perubahan nilai tukarrupiah terhadap mata uang asing. Ekspor kakao Indonesia belum berorientasi pasar, melainkan masihberorientasi produksi dimana perkembangan volume ekspor tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan nilai ekspor.Hasil analisis RCA selama sembilan tahun (1995-2004) menunjukkan bahwa daya saing kakao Indonesiacenderung menurun (0,11%/tahun) dan juga Ghana (3,98%) dan Pantai Gading (2,59%) per tahun. Sementara,negara eksportir lainnya mengalami kenaikan seperti Belgia (35,09%), Belanda (8,15%), Nigeria (4,82%) danKamerun (1,52%) per tahun. Pemerintah perlu memberikan dukungan kebijakan yang kondusif untukmeningkatkan daya saing kakao Indonesia. Perbaikan diperlukan mulai dari tingkat usahatani melalui penerapanteknologi unggulan, perbaikan pasca panen dan pemasaran.Kata kunci: kakao, analisis pemasaran dan eksporABSTRACTThis study was conducted in 2005 and taken place in Kolaka District, a centre of cacao production ofSulawesi Tenggara. The objectives of study were : (1) to analyze the marketing of cacao in farmer level and (2)to analyze the performance of cacao export especially its competitiveness in international market. This studyused the method of survey. Result showed, that the farmer sold cacao through three marketing channels, that is:the first channel, the farmer sold cacao to collector, from collector to wholesaler then the wholesaler sold it toexporter; the second channel, the farmer sold cacao to collector then the collector sold it to exporter; the thirdchannel, the farmer sold cacao to wholesaler then wholesaler sold it to exporter. The first channel was the mostoften used by farmer compared to other channels. In each marketing channel, exporter always obtained thehighest benefit (from IDR.1,000 to IDR.1,050/Kg) compared to other market actors. The exporter spend a lot ofcost to get quality of cacao according to importer request, took some risks caused by the price change in theworld market and also change of the exchange rate of rupiah to foreign money. The export of Indonesia cacaowas not yet oriented to the market, but still oriented to production. Where the growth of export volume did not inline with the growth of export value. The result of RCA analysis during nine years (1995-2004) indicated thatIndonesia cacao competitiveness showed decreasing (0.11%/year) and also Ghana (3.98%) and Ivory Coast(2.59%). While the others countries showed increasing like Belgium (35.09%), Netherlands (8.15%), Nigeria(4.82%) and Cameroon (1.52%) per year. Government required doing some conductively policy to supportincreasing the competitiveness of Indonesia cacao. Some improvements were needed from on-farm level throughadopting recommended technology, post-harvest handling and marketing.Key words: cacao, marketing and export