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Pembangunan Pedesaan Vol 11, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Pembangunan Pedesaan

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Many researches on Macrobrachium shrimp in Indonesia focus more on Macrobrachium osenbergii, because other Macrobrachium shrimps are smaller, including M. idae. The previous study howed that M. idae spread widely as it could be found in the rivers, but the number and the size were elatively small. Possibly in the future, the existence of this shrimp cannot be found anymore, so the prevention has to be conducted through biological and ecological scientific information. As a preliminary, a biological study is carried out to see the morphological characteristics of M. idae shrimp with the purpose of knowing the differences between the shrimps taken from Kawung river in Banyumas regency and Luk Ulo river in Kebumen regency. This information can be used as a foundation of other researches aims at conserving M. idae shrimps. This research used a survey method with a simple random sampling. Variables observed were color design and truss distance. There were 21 characteristics of truss to figure out the shape of the whole body. The measurement of truss ratio compared to the standard length of the shrimp was analyzed using t test. The result showed that male M. idae shrimp had a bigger size than that of the female one. There was a different color design and 2 truss ratio distance in comparison to the length standard, between M. idae taken from Kawung and Luk Ulo rivers.
Reproduction Characteristics of Rice Field Eel (Monopterus albus Zuieuw) on Several Functionally Changed Lands in Banyumas Regency Susatyo, Priyo; Setyaningrum, Nuning; Winarni, Elly Tuti; Chasanah, Titi; Atang, Atang
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 8, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.976 KB) | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.08.02.12


Functional change of agricultural lands into non-agricultural lands will obviously have an impact on the dimin-ished or loss of habitat of the rice field eels (Monopterus albus Zuieuw). The aim of this research was to un-derstand the difference between (1) reproduction parameters (fecundity, gonadal maturity level (GML), and gonadal maturity index (GMI); (2) histological features of female and male gonadal development (oogenesis and spermatogenesis); (3) range of body length in each sexual phase; and (4) range of body length in each GML stage of captured eel from 4 sub-districts of Banyumas regency, Central Java (Ajibarang, Sumpyuh, Banyumas, and Sumbang). The total number of captured subjects were 631 eels; which consisted of 155; 227; 157; and 92 eels from Ajibarang, Sumpyuh, Banyumas, and Sumbang, respectively. We observed oogenesis in the stages of GML-1 (chromatin nucleolar stages and perinucleolar stage); GML-II (cortical alveolar formation stage or globular yolk stage), GML-3 (late globular yolk stage), GML-IV (mature or ripe stage), and follicle atretic stage. Also, we observed male gonadogenesis and spermatogenesis in the intersex. The range of GMI of captured eels was between 0.023 and 0.686. Eel in GML-I, GML-2, GML-3, and GML-IV had GMI within the range of 0.023-0.096; 0.096-0.425; 0.427-0.686; and >0.686, respectively. Eels achieved stage of GML-IV in body length range of 22.6-34.5 cm in Sumpyuh, 22.6-38.5 cm in Ajibarang, and 26.6-34.5 cm in Banyumas. There was no eel with the status of GML-IV in Sumbang, which had the most residential or functionally changed lands in its area. Based on these findings, can be concluded that the condition of rice fields or habitat of eel in functionally changed lands may affect eel’s growth and gonad maturation.
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 12, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.708 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v12i1.20497


The existence of mole crabs had been reported from the southern coast of Central Java. However, no mole crab data was available from the northern coast Central Java.  This study aimed to figure out the existence of mole crabs in the northern coast of Central Java as revealed from the cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) barcoding. Mole crabs samples collected in Sendang Sikucing Beach Kendal. Taxonomic status of the samples was inferred from sequences similarity test using basic local alignment search tool to conspecific sequence deposited in GenBank. Pairwise genetic distances were calculated based on the Kimura 2-parameter model. A phylogenetic tree had reconstructed in molecular evolution genetic analysis (MEGA) software based on neighbor-joining algorithm. Branching reliability was obtained from 1000 bootstraps replication while branching polarity was obtained from the out-group comparison. The mole crab samples from the northern coast of Central Java had unambiguously identified as Emerita emeritus based on high sequences similarities (98.27%-99.70%), low genetic distances (0.002-0.005), and their monophyly with Emerita emeritus (KR047035) in GenBank. Pairwise analysis among each possibility pair of samples had genetic distances ranged between 0.000 and 0.005, indicated that all sample belong to single species. The data provide the first record of the existence of Emerita emeritus in the northern coast of Central Java. Our data on the existence of E. emeritus in the northern coast of Central Java is among essentials information as a scientific basis in creating policy for the management of sustainable use of the mole crabs in the areas.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani Desa Dawuhan Kulon Kabupaten Banyumas Melalui Knowlegde Transfer Pembenihan Ikan Dian Bhagawati; Agus Nuryanto; Diana Retna Utarini Suci Rahayu; Anastasia Endang Pulungsari; Elly Tuti Winarni; Siti Rukayah
Populis : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/pjsh.v6i2.1383


Aktivitas kelompok wanita tani Desa Dawuhan Kulon Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas, selama ini adalah bercocok tanam padi, tanaman sayuran dan tanaman hias. Mulai tahun 2020 desa tersebut sedang menggalakkan program budidaya ikan, Kepala Desa menghendaki agar kelompok wanita tani terlibat dalam kegiatan itu. Tujuan pelatihan dan pendampingan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada kelompok tersebut dalam pembenihan ikan Nila dan Nilem. Metode yang digunakan partisipatif yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk pelatihan, dengan tahapan  kegiatan: 1) persiapan, 2) pelaksanaan kegiatan (knowledge transfer, praktik, pembuatan demplot), 3) monitoring dan evaluasi, 4) pendampingan.  Hasil yang diperoleh adalah anggota kelompok wanita tani berhasil memproduksi benih ikan Nila dengan cara pemijahan alami dan memproduksi benih ikan Nilem melalui pijah induksi. Keberhasilan dalam memijahkan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa anggota kelompok wanita tani di Desa Dawuhan Kulon  telah bertambah pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dalam melakukan pembenihan ikan air tawar.
Induksi Pematangan Gonad dengan Ovaprim-C: untuk Penyediaan Benih Belut Sawah (Monopterus albus) Berkelanjutan Priyo Susatyo; Sugiharto Sugiharto; Elly Tuti Winarni
Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal Vol 29, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Biologi | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.mib.2012.29.3.247


Rice eel (Monopterus albus Zuiew), have economical value is high in Banyumas, national to international markets, but rarely is grown intensively, the seed is still dependent on the catch. Reproduction of swamp eel unlike other fish species in the presence of phase teleostei  intersex / hermafroditus and in nature only spawn once a year. This study will seek to accelerate the scale seed production with natural canvas with several techniques triggers lust and sex organ maturation eels based preparedness aspects of reproductive anatomy, hormones estradiol and testosterone profiles and the intrinsic need for hormonal regulation and the mechanism for the reproductive cycle of the eel rice. In the first year aims to determine (1) the profile of estradiol and testosterone hormonal parent during the natural reproductive cycle, (2) histologic gonadogenesis (development of the testes and ovaries) eel rice during the natural reproductive cycle was evaluated by measuring fecundity. Results: In the control group, body weight gradually decreased during the study. Unlike the control group, the treatment groups were observed every two weeks showed an increase in body weight; Results of the study, in the control group (A0), the value of female eels GSI average of the first two weeks until the fourth two weeks is 0.67 % and 1.78%. While the treatment group A1 was 1.42% - 4.28% (DM-1 s / d DM-4), for the treatment A2 GSI average value is 2.52% - 7.05%; fecundity eggs increased during induction period; calibration titer two types of hormones in the first two weeks to the fourth two weeks showed improvement when compared with the control group; histological profile of rice eel gonad after induction of ovaprim-C show that up to the fourth two weeks, gonad has reached late-stage yolk globule (advanced primary oocyte), even the most mature oocyte has reached the stage: in male eels up to the fourth two weeks has reached the stage of spermatozoa
Distribusi dan Sex Ratio Udang Macrobrachium pilimanus pada Sungai Mengaji di Banyumas Prodhiana Prodhiana; Moh. Husein Sastranegara; Elly Tuti Winarni
BioEksakta : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Unsoed Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Bioeksakta
Publisher : Fakultas Biologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.bioe.2022.4.1.4578


The one forms of freshwater ecosystems which is the habitat of various organisms is rivers. The Mengaji River is a river that springs from the southern slopes of Mount Slamet. Rivers always experience changes in physical, chemical, and biological factors. The decline in river water quality greatly affects the distribution and sex ratio of Macrobrachium pilimanus in the Mengaji River. This research aims to determine the distribution and sex ratio of M. pilimanus shrimp in the Mengaji River. The research was conducted using a survey method for determining stations and purposive random sampling for sampling. The samples obtained were then identified and measured using the morphometric method. Research was conducted between June-August 2020. Shrimp distribution data were analyzed using the "F" test with SPSS 2016, while the sex ratio of shrimp was analyzed using the sex ratio formula from the Kao and Liu method. The results of this study found that the distribution of M. pilimanus shrimp in the Mengaji River, Banyumas, was not evenly distributed between stations. The highest distribution was found at Station IV, while the highest female shrimp was found at Station II. The sex ratio of M. pilimanus shrimp in the Mengaji River Banyumas was not balanced and was dominated by females. The sex ratio was found to be the highest at Station II.
Aplikasi Truss Morphometrics untuk Karakterisasi Morfologi Udang Putih (Penaeus indicus dan P. merguensis) Anastasia Endang Pulungsari; Dian Bhagawati; Elly Tuti Winarni
Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek) 2020: Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.257 KB)


Udang genus Penaeus termasuk udang laut dari familia Penaeidae. Ciri yang membedakan udang Penaeus dengan spesies udang Penaeidae lainnya adalah bagian atas dan bawah rostrum terdapat gigi. Salah satu komoditas udang Penaeid yang bernilai ekonomis penting adalah udang putih. Udang putih yang dikenal di pasaran terdiri dari 2 spesies yaitu P. indikus dan P. merguensis, yang secara morfologi sangat mirip. Teknik Truss morfometrics diharapkan dapat memudahkan pengenalan ke 2 spesies tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan rasio jarak truss dengan panjang standar yang dapat digunakan untuk membedakan spesies udang P. indikus dan P. merguensis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap, dan pengambilan sampel secara Purposive Random Sampling. Sampel diambil tiga kali dengan interval sepuluh hari. Variabel yang diamati adalah karakter morfologi dan morfometrik. Karakter morfometrik terdiri dari 23 jarak trus. Data morfometrik dianalisis “compmenggunakan SPSS “independent-Samples T Test”. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 11 karakter morfologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai pembeda P. indicus dan P. merguiensis namun yang paling mudah digunakan sebagai penentu spesies adalah rasio panjang carapace dgn panjang standar yang memunjukan P. indicus lebuh besar dibanding P. merguiensis.
Reproduction Characteristics of Rice Field Eel (Monopterus albus Zuieuw) on Several Functionally Changed Lands in Banyumas Regency Priyo Susatyo; Nuning Setyaningrum; Elly Tuti Winarni; Titi Chasanah; Atang Atang
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol. 8 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.08.02.12


Functional change of agricultural lands into non-agricultural lands will obviously have an impact on the dimin-ished or loss of habitat of the rice field eels (Monopterus albus Zuieuw). The aim of this research was to un-derstand the difference between (1) reproduction parameters (fecundity, gonadal maturity level (GML), and gonadal maturity index (GMI); (2) histological features of female and male gonadal development (oogenesis and spermatogenesis); (3) range of body length in each sexual phase; and (4) range of body length in each GML stage of captured eel from 4 sub-districts of Banyumas regency, Central Java (Ajibarang, Sumpyuh, Banyumas, and Sumbang). The total number of captured subjects were 631 eels; which consisted of 155; 227; 157; and 92 eels from Ajibarang, Sumpyuh, Banyumas, and Sumbang, respectively. We observed oogenesis in the stages of GML-1 (chromatin nucleolar stages and perinucleolar stage); GML-II (cortical alveolar formation stage or globular yolk stage), GML-3 (late globular yolk stage), GML-IV (mature or ripe stage), and follicle atretic stage. Also, we observed male gonadogenesis and spermatogenesis in the intersex. The range of GMI of captured eels was between 0.023 and 0.686. Eel in GML-I, GML-2, GML-3, and GML-IV had GMI within the range of 0.023-0.096; 0.096-0.425; 0.427-0.686; and >0.686, respectively. Eels achieved stage of GML-IV in body length range of 22.6-34.5 cm in Sumpyuh, 22.6-38.5 cm in Ajibarang, and 26.6-34.5 cm in Banyumas. There was no eel with the status of GML-IV in Sumbang, which had the most residential or functionally changed lands in its area. Based on these findings, can be concluded that the condition of rice fields or habitat of eel in functionally changed lands may affect eel’s growth and gonad maturation.