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Consumer’s Satisfaction Assessment for Service Quality by Servqual Method (Study Case at “Waroeng X“Soekarno Hatta-Malang Branch) Mustaniroh, Siti Asmaul; Lestari, Endah Rahayu; Sari, Eko Natalia
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 11, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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“Waroeng X” is one of restaurants in Malang that provide steaks and drinks that not only give product’s quality and quantity, but also give a good service in order to get constumers. The purpose of this research is to define the level of consumer’s satisfaction toward service quality by servqual method approach and to know the major priority attributes “Waroeng X” Soekarno Hatta-Malang branch. The results showed that all of dimensions had a negative satisfaction value, including un-satisfaction categories. Satisfaction value of each dimensions were, reliability of -0,136; responsiveness of -0,117; assurance of -0,173; empathy of -0,096; and tangibles evidence of -0,078. The major priority attributes in service quality improvements were: service time, product’s and serve’s quality, price,  empathy to the consumer’s complaints, pleasant and clean room, and the availability of additional facilities such as toilet, and parking area.Keywords: consumer’s satisfaction, service quality, Servqual method
Aggregate Production Planning of Marie Biscuit: A Case Study at a Biscuit Factory in Malang Lestari, Endah Rahayu; Astuti, Retno; Mardiastutik, Heny
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 6, No 3 (2005)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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The aim of this research were to forecast a weekly demand of marie biscuit in the next 6 months and to determine the optimal production aggregate planning that minimizes total cost. The planning, made for the period of August 2005 to January 2006, was based on the previous weekly demand in the period from August 2004 until July 2005. The demand of marie biscuit was forecasted using Winters’ for Additive Method that produced the least mean square error and then the demand forecasting was obtained by means of the Minitab for Windows Version 14. A weekly inventory and an aggregate production were planned using the Dynamic Programming approach by means of a computer software which was developed using the Delphi for Windows version 5. The results showed that the highest demand was found in the forth week of January 2006 (2,534 kg ) and the lowest one (2,394 kg) was predicted to occur in the first week of August 2005. The weekly inventory level of the marie biscuit factory was between 185 kg to 225 kg in 24 weeks planning horizon. Overtime works would be necessary if the demand exceed the maximum regular production capacity. However, in case of the demand and the production quantity were lower than that of the regular production capacity, an introduction of undertime cost in the first and third weeks of the planning horizon would reduce the total cost by Rp 73,470 per week. The minimum total cost of the aggregate marie biscuit production planning in 24 weeks planning horizon was Rp 96,602,174.   Key words: aggregate production planning, demand forecasting, Dynamic Programming
Penerapan Peta Kendali X , R Dan Sampel Penerimaan Standar Militer 414 pada Proses Grading untuk Pengendalian Mutu Udang Beku (Studi Kasus di PT SKB-Sidoarjo) Ratnawati, Ely; Lestari, Endah Rahayu; Suhartini, Sri
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2004)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tentang gambaran mutu pemeriksaan keseragaman berat produk udang beku pada proses grading dengan menerapkan peta X dan R, membandingkan metode pemeriksaan Standar Militer 414 dengan metode perusahaan dalam mengendalikan keseragaman berat produk udang beku dan melihat perbedaan jumlah produk yang tidak sesuai dengan standar perusahaan antara sebelum dan sesudah penerapan Standar Militer 414, serta melihat perbedaan biaya mutu pada proses grading antara sebelum dan sesudah penerapan Standar Militer 414. Pengamatan untuk membentuk peta X dan R dilakukan selama enam hari kerja menggunakan 30 sampel dengan 5 sub grup, tiap sub grup terdiri dari 4 observasi. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan Standar Militer 414 menggunakan jumlah populasi (N) 47 ember udang. Pada pemeriksaan normal dan ketat jumlah sampel yang diamati (n) 7 ember udang dan pada pemeriksaan normal jumlah sampel (n) 5 ember udang. Jumlah maksimal produk tidak sesuai dengan standar yang masih dapat diterima (M) pada pemeriksaan normal 12,20%, pemeriksaan ketat 8,40% dan pemeriksaan longgar 12,19%. Tingkat Kualitas Terima (TKT) yang digunakan sebesar 4%. Hasil penerapan peta  dan R menunjukkan bahwa proses grading dalam keadaan terkendali dengan menghasilkan 5,85% produk udang tidak sesuai dengan standar berat perusahaan. Penerapan Standar Militer 414 dapat menurunkan jumlah produk udang yang tidak sesuai dengan standar berat perusahaan dari 27 ember udang/47 ember udang menjadi 12 ember udang/47 ember udang atau terjadi penurunan 32%. Biaya mutu yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan juga mengalami penurunan dari Rp1.377.624,64/bulan menjadi Rp1.345.173,76/bulan atau terjadi penurunan 3,47%.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan 2017: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL FKPT-TPI 2017

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Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) merupakan salah satu bentuk kelembagaan petani. Kabupaten Kediri memiliki KWT yang telah mempunyai usaha produktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh kebijakan pemerintah, pasar kompetitif, dan kualitas sumberdaya kinerja usaha yang dilakukan oleh KWT. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh pengelola KWT. Total kuesioner 30 buah. Persaman model struktural dirancang untuk menguji hubungan dalam model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebijakan pemerintah berupa bantuan mesin dan permodalan, serta pelatihan yang diberikan kepada KWT di Kabupaten Kediri dan kualitas SDM terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja usaha, akan tetapi pasar kompetitif tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan daya saing. Kata kunci: Kebijakan pemerintah, kinerja usaha, kualitas sdm, KWT, pasar kompetitif. 
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.117 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2020.021.01.1


ABSTRAK  Pertumbuhan industri minuman non-alcoholic ready to drink (RTD) di Indonesia kian meningkat seiring dengan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat. Berkaitan dengan maraknya isu lingkungan akibat kegiatan industri yang tidak bertanggung jawab, beberapa perusahaan minuman RTD berupaya menerapkan strategi green marketing yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat beli konsumen terhadap produk hijau. Kerangka pikir penelitian ini menggunakan Theory of Reasoned Action, yang menjelaskan bahwa minat seseorang terbentuk dari sikap dan norma subjektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji secara empirik pengaruh green product, green advertising, dan kepedulian lingkungan, terhadap green trust dan selanjutnya menguji hubungan antara green trust terhadap minat beli produk hijau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemodelan struktural dan pengolahan data menggunakan WarpPLS 4.0 (Partial Least Square). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Malang. Penentuan responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sebanyak 280 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa green product, green advertising, dan kepedulian lingkungan masing-masing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap green trust. Selanjutnya terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara green trust dengan minat beli produk hijau.  Kata kunci: Green Advertising; Green Product; Green Trust; Minat Beli; Kepedulian Lingkungan; ABSTRACT The growth of the non-alcoholic ready to drink (RTD) beverage industry in Indonesia is increasing along with changes in people's lifestyles. Regarding the environmental issues due to irresponsible industrial activities, some RTD beverage companies are trying to implement a green marketing strategy aimed at increasing consumer buying interest in green products. This research framework uses Theory of Reasoned Action, which explains that a person's interests are formed from attitudes and subjective norms. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of green products, green advertising, and environmental concern on green trusts, then analyze the relationship between green trusts and purchase intention of green products. This study uses structural modeling with the WarpPLS 4.0 (Partial Least Square) method for data analysis. The study was conducted in Malang and the selection of 280 respondents used purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that green products, green advertising, and environmental concern each had a significant positive effect on green trust. Furthermore, there is a positive relationship between green trust and purchase intention.Keywords: Green Advertising;  Green Product; Green Trust; Environmental Concern; Purchase Intention
PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK PRALINE APEL UNTUK MENDUKUNG PROGRAM ONE VILLAGE ONE PRODUCT DI KECAMATAN BUMIAJI, BATU Ikasari, Dhita Morita; Silalahi, Rizky Luthfian Ramadhan; Dewi, Ika Atsari; Kurniawan, Miftakhurrizal; Lestari, Endah Rahayu; Rohmah, Wendra Gandhatyasri
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 20, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (971.058 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtp.2019.020.01.1


ABSTRAKDesa Bumiaji merupakan salah satu daerah di Kota Batu yang menghasilkan buah apel dan sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan konsep One Village One Product (OVOP). OVOP merupakan suatu pendekatan pengembangan potensi daerah di satu wilayah untuk menghasilkan produk yang mampu bersaing di pasar global, dengan tetap memiliki ciri khas keunikan karakteristik dari daerah tersebut. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah produk yang memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal. Oleh karena itu, Koperasi Usaha Bersama (KUB) Bumiaji ingin mengembangkan produk praline apel sebagai upaya pengembangan potensi Desa Bumiaji yang sesuai dengan konsep OVOP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen terhadap produk praline apel yang akan dikembangkan oleh KUB Bumiaji. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut produk yang paling diinginkan oleh konsumen terhadap produk praline apel adalah keamanan dan jaminan halal produk praline apel. ABSTRACTBumiaji Village is an area in Batu which produces apples and has high potential for developing concept of One Village One Product (OVOP). OVOP is a potential approach for developing area in aregion to produce a product that can compete in the global market, while still having a unique characteristic of the area. The product of this program is a product that utilizes local resources. Therefore, Koperasi Usaha Bersama (KUB) Bumiaji intends to develop the apple praline product as the potential development for Bumiaji Village that accordance with the concept of OVOP. The purpose of this study is to obtain information about what the consumer desires and needs related to the apple praline product that will be developed by KUB Bumiaji. The method used in this research is Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The results show that the most desirable product attributes by the consumers about the apple praline product are safety and halal product guarantee of the apple praline.
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Department of Agro-industrial Technology, University of Brawijaya

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Abstrak Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan hasil waktu baku secara tidak langsung pada bagian pengemasan dengan metode work factor, methods time measurement, dan maynard operation sequence technique. Hasil pengukuran dengan menggunakan metode work factor diperoleh waktu baku sebesar 10,37 detik/karung, sedangkan methods time measurement dengan maynard operation sequence technique diperoleh waktu baku berturut-turut sebesar 9,10 detik/karung dan 8,26 detik/karung. Perbedaan hasil pengukuran tersebut disebabkan adanya pembagian gerakan-gerakan kerja, satuan unit dalam TMU tiap metode. Pemilihan aplikasi dari salah satu metode dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.Kata kunci: MOST, MTM, semi otomatis, waktu baku, work factorAbstract The purpose of this research is to know the differences of standard time result by indirect measurement on the packaging with work factor, methods time measurement, and maynard operation sequence technique. The obtained results using work factor was 10.37 seconds/ unit. However, the usage of time measurement and maynard operation sequence technique resulting the standard time in 9.10 seconds/ unit and 8.26 seconds/ unit respectively. The difference in the measurement results due to the division of work movements and also TMU units in each method. The application of one selected methods can be ajustedted to the company’s necessity.Keywords: MOST, MTM, semi automatic, standard time, work factor
Analisis Rantai Nilai Berbagai Skala Usaha Ayam Broiler di Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur Nuria Rahmatin; Sucipto Sucipto; Endah Rahayu Lestari
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Agro-industrial Technology, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.002 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.industria.2019.008.03.3


AbstrakKabupaten Jombang merupakan daerah potensial untuk pengembangan industri ayam broiler. Tantangan utama pengembangan industri ayam broiler yaitu fluktuasi harga yang tinggi, baik input maupun output. Analisis rantai nilai industri ayam broiler di Kabupaten Jombang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi serta menganalisis peta dan saluran rantai nilai, distribusi biaya dan keuntungan, serta karakteristik pasar. Analisis distribusi biaya dan keuntungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Hayami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kenaikan harga yang tidak wajar dan ketimpangan struktur pasar di setiap level rantai nilai. Setiap pelaku usaha industri ayam broiler di Kabupaten Jombang memperoleh keuntungan sesuai kontribusi penciptaan nilai dan risiko yang ditanggung, kecuali peternak dan broker. Total keuntungan broker lebih besar, sedang kegiatan penciptaan nilai dan risiko broker lebih kecil dibanding peternak. Fluktuasi harga daging ayam yang tidak wajar merupakan dampak dari penguasaan akses pasar oleh broker dan perusahaan peternakan skala besar. Penguasaan akses pasar menyebabkan distorsi pasar pada industri ayam broiler. Pengembangan industri ayam broiler harus difokuskan pada perbaikan akses pasar, informasi, dan modal untuk meningkatkan daya saing para pelaku usaha.Kata kunci: broiler, fluktuasi, Hayami, keuntungan AbstractJombang Regency is a potential area for the development of the broiler chicken industry. The main challenge in developing the broiler industry is the high price fluctuation, both input and output. Analysis of the value chain of broiler chicken industry in Jombang Regency aims to identify and analyze maps and value chain channels, distribution of costs and profits, as well as market characteristics. Analysis of the distribution of costs and benefits was carried out using the Hayami method. The results showed that there was an unnatural price increase and imbalance in the market structure at each level of the value chain. Every broiler chicken industry businessman in Jombang Regency gets benefits according to the contribution of value creation and the risks borne, except for breeders and brokers. The broker's total profits are greater, while the value creation activities and broker risks are smaller than those of breeders. Unfair fluctuations in chicken meat prices are a result of the existence of market access control by brokers and large-scale livestock companies. Mastery of market access causes market distortion in the broiler chicken industry. The development of the broiler chicken industry must be focused on improving market access, information and capital.Keywords: broiler, fluctuation, Hayami, profit
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 32 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2022.32.2.121


Apple production as a typical fruit of Malang Regency has decreased due to land degradation, land conversion, climate change, and old tree age. This can disrupt the apple supply chain sutainability in Malang Regency. This study aimed to produce simulations of several scenarios for the sustainable apple supply chain development and provide policy recommendations for the apple supply chain sustainability in Malang Regency. The model made consisted of 3 sub models, i.e. economic, social, and environmental. The respondents were 53 farmers, 3 collectors, and 20 retailers. The parameters measured were the profit of farmer, collectors, and retailers, employment, and the area of degraded land. Simulations were carried out in 3 scenarios from 2020 to 2030, i.e. the original conditions (scenario 1), controlling land (scenario 2), and increasing productivity and controlling land simultaneously (scenario 3). The best parameter values were obtained from the scenario 3 simulation results, i.e. adding land by 1.15%/year, reducing the conversion rate to 2.93%, and increasing productivity by 5%/year. This scenario showed that in 2030 yields 4,905,656 kg of apples with profits of farmer, collectors, and retailers were Rp 26,374,922,326, Rp 31,597,327,651, and Rp 27,996,576,448, respectively, employment of 22,349 people/hectare, and a degraded land area of 11.7 hectares. The scenario 3 implementation can reduce the decline in apple land area and productivity over the next 10 years. Policies that can be implemented include providing training and incentives for farmers, strengthening policies on apple commodities, restoring soil, and transitioning to organic farming.Keywords: apple, supply chain, sustainability, system dynamics
Analisis anteseden inovasi hijau terhadap kinerja berkelanjutan pada UMKM berbasis pangan di Kediri Raya Izzati Ardhan Firdausyi; Endah Rahayu Lestari; Wike Agustin Prima Dania
AGROINTEK Vol 17, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v17i1.13610


Nowadays, environmental problems are increasing. This is largely due to production activities carried out by large and small industries, one of which is MSMEs. The increasing number of SMEs that have sprung up also increases their impact on the environment. Increasing environmental problems encourage companies to be environmentally oriented and green innovation to be the right solution for these problems. The purpose of this study was to examine the antecedent variables of green innovation (technology capability and CSR/Corporate Social Responsibility) in MSMEs and the effect of implementing green innovation on sustainable performance. Then examine the effect of environmental dynamics in moderating the relationship between green innovation and sustainable performance. The conceptual model was verified using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. Data were obtained from 100 food-based SMEs in Kediri Raya. The results showed that the antecedent variables (technology capability and CSR/Corporate Social Responsibility) had a significant positive effect on green innovation. Furthermore, green innovation has a significant positive effect on sustainable performance. Environmental dynamics have a significant negative effect on the relationship between green innovation and sustainable performance. The results of this study offer important implications for MSMEs to be more concerned and increase green innovation to achieve sustainable performance.