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RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/rjpkm.v3i2.1967


Industri kecil rumah tangga saat ini telah banyak ditekuni oleh masyarakat sebagai bentuk usaha untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan bersama. Salah satunya adalah industri rumah tangga yang mengelola kerupuk miler berbahan baku singkong yang dikelola oleh ibu umroh, industri rumah tangga ini berlokasi di kelurahan Kedungkandang kecamatan Kedungkandang kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur Indonesia. Namun dalam proses pengelolannya industri rumah tangga kerupuk miler ini mengalami beberapa kendala antara lain: kendala dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi kerupuk miler, karena kurangnya alat produksi yang berbasis teknologi modern serta cara pengemasan dan memasarkan produk yang masih menggunakan cara tradisional. Adapun metode pengabdian masyarkat ini adalah sosialisasi yaitu memberikan materi serta alat inovasi guna mengembangkan dan meningkatkan industri rumah tangga jamu tradisional. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini antara lain memberikan pendampingan dalam mengambangkan alat berbasis teknologi, menyediakan pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam pembuatan kerupuk miler yang bersih dan sehat, melakukan sosialisasai terkait dengan manajemen pengeloaan, manajemen pemasaran dan manajemen keuangan. Setelah adanya pelatihan-pelatihan tersebut pelaku isdustri rumah tangga menyadari akan pentingnya sistem pengelolaan bisnis
Pengaruh Deviden Per Share, Return On Equity, Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, Dan Return On Assets Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Real Estate Dan Property Terdaftar Di BEI Periode 2017-2020 Heri Mohammad Setiawan; Muhammad Agus Salim; Achmad Agus Priyono
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract The Real Estate and Property sector is perhaps the main area for the monetary development of the Indonesian State. Creating assets with various comfortable structures with the aim that it can also influence Indonesia's financial development. The population of this study is Real Estate and Property Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2020. The method used in this test is purposive sampling, which depends on qualification. The scientific tool used is multiple linear regression. Test indicate that the DPS variable has a large and positive impact on stock prices in real estate and property companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The ROE variable has a positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in real estate and property companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The NPM variable has a negative and insignificant impact on stock prices in real estate and property companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The return on investment  capital variable has a negative and insignificant impact on stock prices in real estate and property companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The ROA variable has a positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in real estate and property companies at the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Keywords: Stock Exchange, Deviden Per Share, Return On Equity, Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, dan Return On Assets. 
Dampak Modal Sosial, Digitalisasi Bisnis, Dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Terhadap Keberlangsungan UMKM Di Kabupaten Malang Finadila Arifin; Jeni Susyanti; Muhammad Agus Salim
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract This research was conducted in Malang Regency. The type of research used is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social capital, business digitalization and technology utilization on the sustainability of SMEs. The independent variables used are social capital, business digitalization and technology utilization, while the dependent variable is the sustainability of SMEs. The sample used in this study was 70 respondents from MSMEs in Malang district. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is instrument test, path analysis, determination t test using IBM SPSS computer software for data processing. The results of this study indicate that social capital, business digitization and technology utilization have a direct effect on the sustainability of SMEs. Keywords: Social Capital, Business Digitalization, Technology Utilization, MSMEs Sustainability
Pengaruh Perceived Value Dan Kepuasan Customer Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Fashion Pada Brand (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Islam Malang) Novi Yulianti Ramadani; Muhammad Agus Salim; Fahrurrozi Rahman
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract This study aims to examine the influence of Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on Fashion Customer Loyalty at the Brand. This research uses quantitative methods. The population of this study were students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang. The method used is multiple linear regression. In this study, a sample of 55 respondents via Google form was in accordance with the formula used, namely the Malhotra formula. Data analysis in this study used the help of SPSS 26.0 analysis aimed at the Influence of Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on Fashion Customer Loyalty at the Brand. In this study resulted in Perceived Value partially positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction partially positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty. And for the Influence of Perceived Value (X₁) and Customer Satisfaction (X₂) on Fashion Customer Loyalty (Y) on the Brand, the study on students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Islamic University of Malang was 73.8% and the remaining 26.2 was influenced by other variables not present in the study. Keywords : Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty.
Pengaruh Motivasi Berwirausaha, Kemandirian Dan Efikasi Diri (Self Efficacy) Terhadap Keberhasilan Usaha Pada Penyandang Disabilitas Di Kota Malang Reza Alvinova Amalia Dewi; Muhammad Agus Salim; Afi Rachmat Slamet
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen eJrm Vol. 11 No. 11 Agustus 2022

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Abstract The rapid development of MSMEs is a manifestation of true entrepreneurship and is deeply rooted in the daily work of entrepreneurs in their respective fields of business. Like ordinary people, people with disabilities need decent work to continue living with all the limitations despite all the limitations they have. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the variables of entrepreneurship motivation, independence and self-efficacy that affect business success in people with disabilities in the city of Malang by applying snowball sampling technique with several criteria obtained as many as 60 respondents. The research method uses multiple linear regression tests such as t test, R square determination and F test to obtain the results that simultaneously the variables of entrepreneurial motivation, independence, and self-efficacy affect business success, while partially self-efficacy does not affect business success. Keywords : Entrepreneurial Motivation, Independence, Self-Efficacy, Business Success
Pengaruh Komunikasi, Disiplin, Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Study Pada PT. Mitra Cipta Abadi Mulia) Fatmasari Fatmasari; Muhammad Agus Salim; Khalikussabir Khalikussabir
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of communication, discipline, and work motivation on the performance of employees of PT. Mitra Cipta Abadi Mulia. The type of research used in this research is quantitative with the method of distributing questionnaires. The sample in this study was 35 respondents and data management used the SPSS computer program. This study has met the requirements of the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing and analysis of the coefficient of determination. The variables used in this study are employee performance variables (the dependent variable), while the independent variables are communication, discipline, and work motivation.The results of the analysis show that communication, discipline, and work motivation simultaneously influence employee performance. Partially communication has a significant positive effect on employee performance, partially discipline has an insignificant positive effect on employee performance, and partially motivation has an insignificant positive effect on employee performance at PT. Mitra Cipta Abadi Mulia. Keywords: Communication, Discipline, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Informasi Pelaporan Keuangan Daerah Titian Nurmaulidia; Muhammad Agus Salim; Achmad Agus Priyono
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 01

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Abstract Affect the value of regional financial reporting information. Indicator variable Value of Financial Report Information, Quality of Human Resources, Information Technology, Regional financial supervision, internal control system. The data used is primary data, which is obtained by distributing questionnaires by respondents, namely the chief of staff of the accounting/financial administration sub-section. Sampling was done using purposive sampling method. The sample of this study is the criteria for respondents in this study are employees who carry out accounting/financial administration functions at SKPD, which include the head and staff of the regional accounting/financial administration sub-section in Bima Regency. Data analysis used classical assumption test and multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the variable Quality of Human Resources has a positive and significant effect on the Value of Information on Financial Statements in the Bima Regency, Utilization of Information Technology has a positive and significant effect on the Information Value of the Financial Reports in the Bima Regency, Regional Financial Supervision has a positive and significant effect on the Value of Report Information. The regional finance of the bima district, the Inter Control System has a positive and significant effect on the Information Value of the regional financial report of the bima district. Keywords: Value of Financial Report Information, Quality of Human Resources, Information Technology, Regional Financial Supervision, Internal Control System
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Digital Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepatu Aerostreet (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang) Mahfudi Mahfudi; Muhammad Agus Salim; Afi Rachmat Slamet
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 02

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Abstract This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of product quality, price and digital marketing on the decision to purchase Aerostreet shoes for students at the Islamic University of Malang. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The independent variables used are product quality, price, digital marketing, while the dependent variable is purchasing decisions. The sample used in this study were 105 respondents who purchased Aerostreet shoes. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, with the help of SPSS software. The results of the study show that the variables of product quality, price, digital marketing partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Purchase Decision, Product Quality, Price, Digital Marketing
Pengaruh Company Size, Company Growth Dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2019-2021) Novi Dewi Sartika; Muhammad Agus Salim; M. Khoirul Anwarudin Broto Suharto
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 02

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Abstract The purpose of this study was to test and analyze the effect of company size, company growth and profitability on company value in companies in the food and beverage industry sector which are listed on the IDX for the 2019-2021 period. This research uses Explanative Research. The sample selection for this study used a purposive sampling method using several criteria. From these criteria, companies in the food and beverage sector are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), companies in the food and beverage industry sector that do not publish annual financial reports consistently on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2019-2021 period and companies in the food and beverage sector. did not experience delisting on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2019-2021 period. The data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis and used SPSS version 29.0. The results of this study show. Company size has a partially insignificant negative effect on firm value, Company growth has a partially positive and insignificant effect on firm value and Profitability has a partially significant positive effect on firm value Company size, company growth and profitability have a significant positive effect simultaneously on firm value in companies the food and beverage sector listed on the IDX in 2019-2021 Keywords: Company size, company growth profitability and company value.
Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Gaya Hidup, Kontrol Diri Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Malang) Miranda Aulia Udayani; Muhammad Agus Salim; Ita Athia
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen Vol. 12 No. 02

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Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the impact of financial literacy, lifestyle, and self-control on the consumption behavior of Islamic University of Malang students in the class of 2019. As many as 100 responders successfully gathered the available samples. Although SPSS is utilized for analysis, Multiple Linear Regression is employed. According to the findings of this study, financial literacy, lifestyle, and self-control all have a simultaneous influence on consumption, and financial literacy and lifestyle have a large positive effect on consumption while self-control has a considerable negative effect. Keywords : Financial Literacy, Lifestyle, Self-Control.