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Pengaruh Penggunaan Tinta Buatan pada Pancing Tuna Terhadap Jumlah Hasil Tangkapan Tri Setianto; Muhammad Maskur; Tamrin Tamrin; Khairudin Isman; Arham Rumpa; Nurwahidin Nurwahidin
Jurnal Airaha Vol 9 No 01: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.416 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v9i01.167


Tuna is one of the mainstay commodities of South Sulawesi Province. The use of ink attractants to attract or lure Tuna, especially those made from non-food grade ingredients (can not be consumed) is increasingly widespread, but has the potential to pollute the environment. This study aims to compare the number of catches (volume) between tuna fishing rods with attractants made from screen printing ink (non food grade) with ink atractant made from food coloring. The experimental method used in this study was to collect data on the number of catches () of the two types of treatment on the tuna fishing rod at the fishing location. Data on the number of catches collected was then analyzed using Variance Analysis (ANOVA) patterned randomized block design (RBD). The results showed that the number of catches of tuna fishing with non-food-grade ink attractants is more than tuna fishi`ng lines with food-grade ink attractants. The analysis showed that the calculated F value for the treatment was 43.587 and the group was 8.956, greater than the F table value at the real level of 95% which meant that there were differences between the two forms of treatment and the group. Non-food-grade ink has an adequate level of viscosity because it does not dissolve quickly in seawater so that it is thought to attract or attract more attention or vision of Tuna fish to more aggressively grab the bait compared to food-grade ink. The focus of future research is to improve the performance of fishing line with food-grade ink to be more environmentally friendly.
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Google Earth Untuk Evaluasi Perbedaan Koordinat Dan Tampilan Peta GPS Yang Digunakan Nelayan di Teluk Bone Arham Rumpa; Khairudin Isman; Tamrin Tamrin; Panduartama Tandipuang
Jurnal Salamata Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bone

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.939 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/salamata.v2i1.11251


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji perbedaan posisi koordinat dan jarak Google Earth Pro terhadap beberapa GPS kondisi statis (diam). Uji Perbedaan posisi koordinat dan jarak GPS Garmin 585 terhadap GPS Furuno GP32 Kondisi real time (jalan) dan  Uji tampilan peta Google Earth Pro terhadap tampilan peta eletronik GPS Garmin 585 dan Peta Laut kertas.  Metode yang di gunakan adalah observasi dimana peneliti mengadakan pengamatan secara langsung terhadap posisi lokasi koordinat suatu tempat. Data di analisis secara deskriptif  dalam bentuk gambar dan tabel, untuk perhitungan nilai jarak di gunakan menu yang terdapat pada aplikasi Google Earth Pro. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  titik koordinat dan tampilan berupa peta pada aplikasi Google Earth Pro kondisi statis (diam) dan off line dapat di aplikasikan untuk menentukan posisi suatu benda di permukaan laut, namun untuk kondisi kapal real time sulit untuk di aplikasikan di laut. GPS Garmin 585 kondisi statis dan real time akurasi koordinat lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan GPS Furuno GP 32. Uji akurasi beberapa alat navigasi GPS Garmin 585 pada berbagai tempat tidak ada masaalah dalam menentukan posisi koordinat suatu tempat, sedangkan peta eletroniknya itu sendiri yang berupa SD Card menunjukan adanya perbedaan tampilan masing-masing perangkat GPS Garmin 585.