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Fisheries Of Wallacea Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Volume 3 No. 1 (Edisi Februari 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55113/fwj.v3i1.1074


Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Laut Arafura pada kapal penangkap ikan KM. Putra Leo Exlusif yang berpangkalan di pelabuhan perikanan pantai (PPP) Bajomulyo, penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2020 sampai bulan Mei 2021.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji teknik pengoperasian alat penangkapan ikan purse seine di atas kapal. Nelayan di Bajomulyo pada umumnya menggunakan alat penangkapan ikan purse seine. Pengoperasian alat penangkapan ikan purse seine dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yaitu setting dan hauling.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Tinta Buatan pada Pancing Tuna Terhadap Jumlah Hasil Tangkapan Tri Setianto; Muhammad Maskur; Tamrin Tamrin; Khairudin Isman; Arham Rumpa; Nurwahidin Nurwahidin
Jurnal Airaha Vol 9 No 01: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.416 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v9i01.167


Tuna is one of the mainstay commodities of South Sulawesi Province. The use of ink attractants to attract or lure Tuna, especially those made from non-food grade ingredients (can not be consumed) is increasingly widespread, but has the potential to pollute the environment. This study aims to compare the number of catches (volume) between tuna fishing rods with attractants made from screen printing ink (non food grade) with ink atractant made from food coloring. The experimental method used in this study was to collect data on the number of catches () of the two types of treatment on the tuna fishing rod at the fishing location. Data on the number of catches collected was then analyzed using Variance Analysis (ANOVA) patterned randomized block design (RBD). The results showed that the number of catches of tuna fishing with non-food-grade ink attractants is more than tuna fishi`ng lines with food-grade ink attractants. The analysis showed that the calculated F value for the treatment was 43.587 and the group was 8.956, greater than the F table value at the real level of 95% which meant that there were differences between the two forms of treatment and the group. Non-food-grade ink has an adequate level of viscosity because it does not dissolve quickly in seawater so that it is thought to attract or attract more attention or vision of Tuna fish to more aggressively grab the bait compared to food-grade ink. The focus of future research is to improve the performance of fishing line with food-grade ink to be more environmentally friendly.
Komposisi Ikan Hasil Tangkapan Pukat Cincin pada Berbagai Koordinat di Perairan Laut Jawa Muhammad Maskur; Nurwahidin Nurwahidin; Arham Rumpa; Tri Setianto; Khaerudin Isman; Tamrin Tamrin; Paduartama Tandipuang
Jurnal Airaha Vol 9 No 01: June 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.379 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v9i01.168


This study aims to identify the composition of fish capture and the number of catches with purse seine at various coordinates in the fisheries management area (WPP) 712, namely the Java sea. The study was carried out on several coordinates in the Java sea waters when the ship was operating the purse seine fishing gear. The data generated were 25 coordinates in the operation of fishing gear with the composition of the catch of 10 species of fish, namely mackerel, banyar fish, black pomfret, tetengkek fish, tongkol fish, ceramic fish, tembang fish, japuh fish, selar fish, and squid. The data analyzed using Anova Two Factor Without Replication, where this analysis is used to test the average difference based on rows (fish species) and columns (coordinates). The results showed that Coordinate 8 is a fishing area that produces the highest number of catches of 6000 kg with the type of fish caught namely 1000 kg of selar fish, 4500 kg of tetengkek fish, 400 kg of black pomfret and mackerel of 100 kg and at coordinate 14 is a fishing area that produces the lowest number of catches of 400 kg, with the types of fish caught are 50 kg black pomfret, 200 kg of tetengkek fish, 100 kg of japuh fish, 20 kg of anchor fish and 30 kg of squid . Anova Two Factor Without Replication analysis results show that there are differences in the average number of catches based on fish species in the fishing ground area
Penentuan Rute Pelayaran Zona Pantai yang Optimal dengan System Kombinasi Navigasi Datar dan Navigasi Eletronik ( Studi Kasus Alur Muara Pelabuhan Perikanan Kabupaten Bone ) Arham Rumpa; Muhammad Maskur; Khaerudin Isman; Tamrin Tamrin; Paduartama Tandipuang
Jurnal Airaha Vol 9 No 02: December 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.683 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v9i02.191


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi posisi benda bantu navigasi dan karang berbahaya guna optimalisasi rute pelayaran yang efektif berdasarkan kombinasi tampilan peta laut kertas, GPS Map dan tampilan aplikasi google eart. Metode yang di gunakan adalah observasi Sedangkan data di Analisis secara deskriptif dalam bentuk gambar dan tabel, untuk perhitungan titik koordinat dan nilai jarak di gunakan menu yang terdapat pada aplikasi Google Earth Pro 2019, menu pada GPS map Garmin 585 dan titik jarak pada peta laut kertas dengan menjangka peta (plotting). Hasil penelitian menunjukan Adanya perbedaan tampilan posisi dan jarak suatu benda bantu navigasi yang terdapat pada Buku Publikasi Navigasi (Buku DSI 2014) dengan kombinasi pengukuran lapangan berkisar 737 – 935 meter, selain itu terdapat perbedaan Jumlah dan posisi tanda bahaya (karang) pada tampilan aplikasi google eart, peta laut kertas dan peta laut eletronik pada GPS garmin 585, Untuk itu pengukuran secara kombinasi sangat perlu di lakukan, terutama pemanfaatan aplikasi google eart untuk validasi sehingga terciptanya dan adanya Rute pelayaran baru pada Zona Pantai Alur Muara Pelabuhan Perikanan Kabupaten Bone Yang Optimal Dengan System Kombinasi Navigasi Datar dan Navigasi Eletronik.
Identifikasi Kearifan Lokal Dimensi dan Bentuk Kasko Kapal Pancing Ulur KMN. Reski 01 Berbasis di Kelurahan Panyula, Bone Paduartama Tandipuang; Tamrin Tamrin; Muhammad Maskur; Nurwahidin Nurwahidin; Khairudin Isman; Arham Rumpa; Tri Setianto; Asia Asia
Jurnal Airaha Vol 10 No 01: JUNE 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.652 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v10i01.213


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan rasio dimensi utama KMN. Reski 01 dengan rasio dimensi utama kapal ikan static gear umumnya di Indonesia dan menentukan tipe bentuk lambung kapal KMN. Reski 01 dari gambaran bentuk gading terbesar. Metode studi kasus digunakan untuk mengetahui penyebab kapal ikan ini memerlukan alat stabilizer tambahan saat drifting. Identifikasi dimulai dari rasio dimensi utama dan tipe bentuk lambung kapal dari gambaran kelengkungan gading terbesar sebagai data primer. Data sekunder diperoleh dari hasil pengolahan data penelitian yang telah dilakukan Iskandar & Pujiati, 1995. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan metode comparative numeric dan deskriptif dengan bantuan software coreldraw. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, rasio dimensi kapal KMN. Reski 01 yang terdiri dari perbandingan L/B, L/D, dan B/D, masih masuk dalam kisaran kapal ikan static gear di Indonesia. Akan tetapi walaupun nilai perbandingan dimensi L/B berada di kisaran modus, nilai L/D dan B/D berada di atas kisaran modus dan median. Kapal KMN. Reski 01 yang merupakan kapal ikan static gear memiliki tipe lambung round bottom. Tipe lambung kapal ikan seperti ini lebih umum digunakan pada kapal ikan yang mengoperasikan alat tangkap aktif dari pada kapal ikan static gear.
Patterns and Business Scale of Milkfish Growing in East Tanete Riattang District, Bone Regency Toto Hardianto; Mustafa Mustafa; Tamrin Tamrin; Feby Triadi
Jurnal Ad'ministrare Volume 10, Issue 1, January-June 2023
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ja.v10i1.51598


Pond cultivation is an effort to maintain and enlarge aquatic organisms in pond waters or ponds that are deliberately made by humans. This study aims to determine the pattern and scale of the milkfish enlargement business at the level of feasibility per unit of pond land. The research was conducted from January to July, 2020, in the Tanete Riattang Timur District, Bone Regency. Pond business patterns are grouped into three strata, namely monoculture milkfish (Chanos chanos fork), polyculture milkfish (Chanos chanos fork) and seaweed (Gracellaria verrucosa), polyculture milkfish (Chanos chanos fork) and shrimp with a narrow scale, medium and wide. Aquaculture business scale and pattern are analyzed by analyzing farmer income, R/C ratio analysis, Paybeack Period analysis, business feasibility analysis namely NVP analysis, IRR analysis and B/C Ratio analysis. The research results from a sample of Fisheries Households (RTP) Respondents. The highest financial feasibility of the milkfish (Chanos chanos fork). The financial feasibility of the milkfish (Chanos chanos fork) shrimp polyculture. The conclusion is that in general the ponds in Tanete Rianttang Timur District that are already operating are managed privately. The business feasibility category in East Tanete Riattang District is divided into two categories, namely very suitable and appropriate. From the NPV feasibility analysis, the IRR and BC ratio are included in the feasible category to be continued.