Mohammad Sholichin
Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Dermaga Pelabuhan Canti Rajabasa Kabupaten Lampung Selatan Andono, Rizky Harsya; Purwati, Endang; Sholichin, Mohammad
Jurnal Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Pelabuhan Canti di Kecamatan Rajabasa, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan ini adalah salah satu pelabuhan rakyat yang dimana fungsi pelabuhannya akan ditingkatkan menjadi Pelabuhan Lokal yang berfungsi sebagai Pelabuhan Pengumpan Lokal sesuai dengan RencanabbIndukbPelabuhan Nasional No. KP 414 Tahun 2013 dan Peraturan Daerah KabupatenbLampung Selatan Nomor 15 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah KabupatenbLampung Selatan 2011-2031, Pelabuhan Canti ditetapkan sebagai Pelabuhan Lokal yang berfungsi sebagai Pelabuhan Pengumpan Lokal. Sebagai Pelabuhan Pengumpan Lokal maka Pelabuhan Canti dari segi pelayanan ialah pelabuhan yang fungsinya melayani kegiatan angkutan laut dalam negeri, bongkar muat angkutan laut dalam negeri dalam jumlah terbatas, dan merupakan pengumpan bagi pelabuhan utama dan pelabuhan pengumpul, dan sebagai tempat asal tujuan penumpang dan/atau barang, serta angkutan penyeberangan dengan jangkauan pelayanan provinsi. Dengan kenaikan fungsionalitas pelabuhan serta kondisi eksisting Pelabuhan Canti yang tidak sesuai dengan keamanan dan keselamatan pelayaran menjadi dasar dari pekerjaan pembangunan proyek Pelabuhan Canti di Kecamatan Rajabasa, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan yang bertujuan untuk dapat memfasilitasi angkutan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat yaitu sandang, pangan dan papan, hasil bumi seperti pertanian, peternakan, perikanan dan layanan jasa pariwisata menuju alur pelayaran yang telah ditentukan.
Penggunaan Citra Aster Dalam Identifikasi Peruntukan Lahan Pada Sub Das Lesti (Kabupaten Malang) Wibowo, Leo Arbi; Sholichin, Mohammad; Rispiningtati, Rispiningtati; Asmaranto, Runi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The indicator impaired balance the hydrologic cycle in watershed was characterized by the number of occurrences of floods, landslides, droughts and pollution of water quality. Lesti sub-watershed was part watershed Brantas contained in the upstream sub-watershed is a priority and having problems against land degradation, erosion and landslides. A lot of effort can be done in order to restore the balance of the hydrological cycle in the watershed so that the quality and quantity of water resources are maintained, one of the efforts that can be done is by way of determination of critical areas which will be used as a reference for determining priority areas for the handling. This effort while increasing productivity, income and socio-economic conditions of the people in the uplands. In determining the criticality of land and conservation directives Lesti sub-watershed, needed some supporting data, one of the most important data is the data of land use. To get land use map in the sub-watershed Lesti, one way that can be used is to perform image interpretation ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) obtained from TERRA satellite. The use of ASTER imagery in the identification of land use is feasible by using sub-system VNIR (Visible and Near-Infrared Radiometer), which has a spatial resolution up to 15 meters above the ground.Key words: Topography map, Watershed, ASTER image, Classification, Land Use Map.
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstrak: Sungai Garang  pada tahun 1990 pernah meluap sehingga daerah sekitarnya banjir. Banjir biasanya terjadi akibat dari perubahan tata guna lahan dari pertanian/ perkebunan dan hutan menjadi permukiman, dan Pembabatan hutan. Untuk mengetahui kondisi kinerja DAS Garang perlu diidentifikasi perubahan tataguna lahan dan kondisi hidrologi setiap sub DAS yang ada di DAS Garang. Evaluasi penilaian indikator kinerja DAS Garang berdasarkan Kepmenhut No. 52 Kpts-II/2001 yang berkonsep hidrologi dan penggunaan lahan. Peta tataguna lahan yang digunakan tahun 2000, 2005, 2008, 2010 dan RTRW. Analisa ini menggunakan bantuan software AVSWAT 2000. Dalam menentukan prioritas perbaikan Sub DAS yang paling buruk peneliti menggunakan metode Analisis Hierarky Proces (AHP). Kondisi aliran langsung memiliki trend naik pada Bulan Februari sampai Agustus kemudian turun pada bulan September dan naik kembali pada Oktober hingga Januari. Kinerja DAS Garang berdasarkan segi penggunaan lahan dan tata air berdasarkan peta tataguna lahan tahun 2000 diberi penilaian kategori Sedang dengan jumlah skor 2,942. Berdasarkan peta tata guna lahan tahun 2005 diberi penilaian kategori Sedang dengan jumlah skor 3,026. Berdasarkan peta tataguna lahan tahun 2008 diberi penilaian kategori Sedang dengan jumlah skor 2,897. Berdasarkan peta tataguna lahan tahun 2010 diberi penilaian Sedang dengan jumlah skor 2,967. berdasarkan peta RTRW diberi penilaian kategori Agak Baik dengan skor 2,205. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan kondisi sub DAS yang rusak pada kriteria tataguna lahan dan tata air. Maka dalam menentukan skala prioritas perbaikan sub DAS dilakukan pemilihan berdasarkan metode Analisis Hierarki Proses (AHP). Dari proses AHP disimpulkan bahwa sub DAS 13 yang paling rusak dan harus diprioritaskan dalam perbaikan dan pengelolaan sub DAS pada DAS Garang.Kata kunci : Kinerja DAS, Perubahan Tata Guna lahan, Hidrologi, AVSWAT2000 Abstract: Garang River in 1990 never overflow so that flash floods washed away the surrounding area is so powerful. Floods usually occur as a result of changes in land use from agricultural / plantation and forest to settlements, and Deforestation. So as to determine the condition of the performance of DAS Garang be identified land-use change and hydrological conditions of each sub-watershed in DAS Garang. Evaluation of performance indicators DAS Garang assessment by Ministerial Decree No. 52 Kpts-II / 2001 the concept of hydrology and land use. Land use maps used in 2000, 2005, 2008, 2010 and RTRW. This analysis using statistical software AVSWAT 2000. In determining the priority of improvement worst subzone researchers used a method of analysis Hierarky Proces (AHP). Direct flow conditions have rising trend in February until August and then fell in Semptember and climbed back in October and January. Kienerja DAS Garang based in terms of land use and water management based maps of land use in 2000 was given a moderate rating with a total score of 2,942. Based on the land use maps in 2005 was given a score of assessment was the number 3,026. Based on the land use map of 2008 given the moderate vote with a total score of 2,897. Based on the land use maps in 2010 was given a score of assessment was the number 2,967. based map RTRW given Somewhat better ratings with a score of 2.205. In this study, the condition of the damaged sub watershed on the criteria of land use and water management. Then in determining priority repair sub watershed election based analysis method Hierarchy Process (AHP). Of the AHP process is concluded that sub DAS 13 most damaged and should be prioritized in the repair and management of sub-basins in the watershed Garang.Keywords : DAS performance, Changes in land use, Hydrology. AVSWAT2000
Studi Potensi Tanah Longsor Dan Upaya Pengendaliannya Di Wilayah Sub DAS Konto Hulu Darmawan, Arif Rahmad; Sholichin, Mohammad; Limantara, Lily Montarcih; Andawayanti, Ussy
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Landslides often occur in the Upper Konto sub watershed. To anticipate the future landslide, the landslide susceptibility map was made that show the landslide potential areas. Eight thematic maps as landslide susceptibility formula parameters used to develop a landslide susceptibility map that includes three daily maximum cumulative rainfall, slope, geology rocks, the presence of faults, regolith soil depth, land use, the presence of road infrastructure, and population density. Determination of susceptibility value is the sum of the multiplying of scores for each parameter with the weight of each parameter. Based on the value of vulnerability, landslide susceptibility maps generated from the overlay analysis of the multiplication results of the score and weight of the eighth parameters with the Geographic Information Systems (GIS)program. The results of this study is the potential for landslides in the Upper Konto sub watershed consists of not susceptible at 1.24%, slightly susceptible at 12.12%, moderatelysusceptible 84.17%, and susceptible at 2.38%, so do very vulnerable while there but very small. Landslide control efforts can be divided into short-term treatment with mechanical methods in accordance with the level of susceptibility and long-term treatment with vegetative methods in accordance with the area function and the level of susceptibility.Keyword: potential landslides, landslide susceptibility formula, control efforts
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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PDAM of Buntok City is a supplier of clean water needs for the area of Buntok Kota, Hilir Sper, Jelapat and Pamait villages. Utilization of discharge is not optimal and water loss is service constraint. This study aims to realize a distribution network system that is able to serve up to 2038 by evaluating the existing conditions of clean water distribution networks,network development plans, water quality and economic analysis to determine water prices. The results of hydraulic simulation show that the existing conditions of pressure and headloss gradient meet technical criteria while the speed is not up standard. Then the development simulation meets the technical requirements of 0,3-4,5 m/s, headloss gradient 0-15 m/km, pressure 0,5-8 atm. Simulation of residual injection chlorine concentration at the inlet reservoir of 0,4 mg/l are given constantly. The results of residual chlorine simulation meet the criteria of 0,383-0,395 mg/l. Economic analysis found that water prices were Rp.6.100,00/m³,BCR 1,23 IRR 12,14% and 11-year BEP. Analysis of the ability of the community to pay Rp.4.200/m³, the amount of government subsidy is Rp.13.905.747.800,00.