Firman Ardiansyah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

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IQTISADIE: Journal of Islamic Banking and Shariah Economy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syariah STAI Al-Fitrah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1194.989 KB)


This study aims to provide a conceptual model regarding the optimization and transformation of BUMDes into BUMDesMa through the OVOP Concept approach which is expected to provide a constructive solution in increasing the economic potential of the Pamekasan community as a farming village. In addition, in order to create a halal lifestyle climate, all BUMDes activities are based on sharia contracts. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with secondary data collection methods obtained from literature and documentaries that have been processed. While the data analysis technique starts from editing, organizing and finding. The results showed that the optimization of the performance of BUMDes has a wider scope, not only applying the concept of one village one product, but also cooperating with several villages that have the same potential to produce a superior commodity that is more leverage so that an innovation called "BUMDesMa Kampung Tani" appears where there are optimization efforts by forming a community that leads to community economic empowerment, starting from the community of raw material producers, creative and innovative, marketing, and waste management. Pamekasan Regency has good potential because the community can establish cooperation starting from capital, raw material production, management, marketing, to the handling of agricultural waste generated. Keywords: BUMDesMa Kampung Tani, OVOP concept, economic empowerment, sharia contract
IQTISADIE: Journal of Islamic Banking and Shariah Economy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Perbankan Syariah STAI Al-Fitrah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1439.757 KB)


The Islamic financial literacy and inclusion index in Indonesia is still relatively low. Based on data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2019 shows that the level of Islamic financial literacy is only around 8.93% and the level of Islamic financial inclusion just only around 9.1%. The low of public access to the banking will be quickly resolved by combining financial services and products using the latest technology. These efforts needs to be made, because the 5.0 industrial revolution makes it easier for people to access all information using smartphones that are connected to the internet. This decision will be a great opportunity for the Islamic finance industry to innovate digitally. The author offers digital innovation to accommodate these opportunities through the “CONTREN: (Connected Sharia Economic of Pesantren)” application which focuses on ZISWAF transactions (Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf) equipped with supporting features that can be enjoyed by all groups of people. The main purpose of writing this scientific paper is to analyze the normative picture of the potential for digitizing Islamic philanthropy in Madura. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that explains the suitability of the features in the "CONTREN" application with the standardization of sharia financial contracts that not contain elements of maysir, gharar, tadlis, ikhtikar and usury, analyzes the implications of this digital application on literacy and sharia financial inclusion. The method of data collection in this study used secondary data obtained from literature and documentaries that had been processed. The results of the study indicate that the "CONTREN" digital innovation is in accordance with the concept of standardization of sharia financial contracts, and has great potential to be implemented. The conclusion obtained shows that the "CONTREN" innovation can increase Islamic financial literacy and inclusion in order to increase public accessibility to Islamic financial products. Keywords: Digitalization, Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, Islamic Boarding School, ZISWAF
Pelatihan akuntansi keuangan desa berbasis SISKEUDES sebagai upaya peningkatan akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan di Desa Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan Ira Hasti Priyadi; Uly Mabruroh Halida; Firman Ardiansyah; Nur Faiqoh
PERDIKAN (Journal of Community Engagement) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): (In progress)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/pjce.v5i1.8063


Constitution number 6 of 2014 mandates that the village government has to be independent in managing the government system. In its journey, the Village Law made significant changes to village development. However, it cannot be denied that many village heads and village officials have received the spotlight due to their failure to carry out the mandate of the Village Law. The reason is that they do not understand the rules and the low quality of human resources who manage village finances. The purpose of organizing this activity is to educate and provide adequate knowledge to village officials in managing village finances. The approach or method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), which starts from a site survey, analyzing problems, developing solutions, conducting training, and finally evaluating. From the implementation of the activities, it was found that the participants gained an understanding of village financial management and provided solutions to the problems they faced. The Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) can facilitate village officials in reporting village finances so that the reported finances can be transparent and accountable. (Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 mengamanahkan agar pemerintah desa bisa mandiri dalam mengelola sistem pemerintahannya. Dalam perjalanannya, UU Desa memberi perubahan cukup signifikan terhadap pembangunan desa. Namun juga tidak dapat dipungkiri, banyak kepala desa beserta aparat desa yang mendapat sorotan disebabkan gagal mengemban amanah UU Desa ini. Penyebabnya karena belum memahami aturan serta rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia yang mengelola keuangan desa. Tujuan penyelenggaraan kegiatan ini untuk mengedukasi dan memberikan pengetahuan yang memadai kepada aparat desa Bicorong dalam mengelola keuangan desa. Adapun pendekatan atau metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR), yang dimulai dari survei lokasi, menganalisis permasalahan, menyusun solusi, mengadakan pelatihan, dan yang terakhir evaluasi. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan diperoleh hasil bahwa peserta memperoleh pemahaman tentang pengelolaan keuangan desa serta memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi. Sistem Keuangan Desa (SISKEUDES) dapat mempermudah aparatur desa dalam pelaporan keungan desa sehingga keuangan yang dilaporkan dapat transparan dan akuntabel.)