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Spatial Distribution Pattern of The Fruit Fly, Bactrocera Dorsalis Complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Mango Orchard Soemargono, A.; Muryati, Muryati; Hasyim, Ahsol; Istianto, Mizu
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 33, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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The spatial distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis complex in the mango orchard that was analyzed using various mathematical indices dispersion and regression models showed an aggregated distribution. Taylor’s power law and Iwao’s regression model fitted well to all data sets. However, Iwao’s regression model fitted the data better, yielding higher values of R2 than Taylor’s power law. As the regression of the reciprocal of k of negative binomial (1/k) on x [k = ( x2 – s2/n) / (s2 – x )] was not significant, the calculation of a common k was justified to be 1.30. This implies that the grade of aggregation of the fruit flies population was relatively constant throughout the time despite the variation in sample means. Since the clump size (λ) value was more than 2, the aggregated distribution might be due to the behavior and environmental factors working together.Keywords: Bactrocera dorsalis complex, spatial, distribution, trapping, mango
Penampilan Beberapa Klon Bawang Merah dan Hubungannya dengan Intensitas Serangan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Sartono Putrasamedja; Wiwin Setiawati; L Lukman; Ahsol Hasyim
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember 2012
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v22n4.2012.p349-359


Perkembangan varietas-varietas bawang merah di suatu daerah ditentukan oleh keserasian dengan lingkungan, potensi hasil, toleransi terhadap serangan organisme pengganggu tumbuhan (OPT), serta umur dan mutu hasil. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji penampilan beberapa klon bawang merah dan hubungannya dengan intensitas serangan OPT penting. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Brebes dan Tegal (Jawa Tengah) dari Bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2011. Perlakuan yang diuji ialah 10 klon bawang merah hasil silangan tahun 2004 dan 2005, serta dua varietas bawang merah sebagai pembanding (Bauji dan Bima Brebes). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Parameter yang diamati ialah pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan jumlah anakan), hasil panen, dan serangan OPT penting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon no. 2005/1 dapat beradaptasi dengan baik di Brebes dan Tegal, mampu menghasilkan produksi tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 9,95 dan 17,50 t/ha, mempunyai diameter umbi terbesar (1,87 dan 2,41 cm), bentuk umbi bulat, dan berwarna merah tua, sedangkan klon no. 2004/11 mempunyai pertumbuhan dan  produktivitas yang tinggi, relatif toleran terhadap serangan Spodoptera exigua, Alternaria porri, dan Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, diameter umbi (1,67 dan 1,96 cm), bentuk umbi bulat,  dan berwarna merah tua, sedangkan klon no. 2004/10 dan no. 2005/19 sangat rentan terhadap serangan hama S. exigua, penyakit A. porri, dan C. gloeosporioides. Klon-klon yang mempunyai tingkat serangan rendah/toleran terhadap OPT merupakan klon harapan bawang merah toleran/tahan OPT. Namun demikian, penggunaan pestisida sesuai dengan konsep pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT) masih tetap diperlukan terutama apabila serangan OPT tersebut mencapai ambang pengendalian yang ditetapkan. The development of shallots varieties in one location depends on the genetic adaptability, yield potential,  tolerance to pest and diseases, harvest date, yield and quality. The aim of study was to evaluate 10 clones and two local clones as check, Bima Brebes and Bauji were conducted in Brebes and Tegal (Central Java) from June to September 2011. The trial were laid out in a completely randomized block design and each treatment was replicated three times. The parameters used for evaluating these clones were plant height, no. of sprout,  no. of leaves, yield and pests and diseases incidence. The results showed that considering overall performance, clone no. 2005/1 gave the highest yield (9.95 and 17.50 t/ha), and diameter of bulb (1.87 and 2.41 cm) in Brebes and Tegal respectively, clone no. 2004/11 produced growth and good yield  and showed tolerance to Spodoptera exigua, Alternaria porri, and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, bulb diameter (1.67 and 1.96 cm) with dark red color,  while clone no. 2004/10 and no. 2005/19 were identified as the most susceptible clones to S. exigua, A. porri, and C. gloeosporioides. This suggests that some of shallots clones could be good candidates for the new varieties of shallots. However, the use of pesticides in IPM concept were still needed especially if the incidence of pests and diseases reach the action threshold.
Efikasi dan Persistensi Minyak Serai sebagai Biopestisida terhadap Helicoverpa armigera Hubn. (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) Ahsol Hasyim; Wiwin Setiawati; R Murtiningsih; Eri Sofiari
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 20, No 4 (2010): Desember 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v20n4.2010.p%p


ABSTRAK. Helicoverpa armigera merupakan hama penting pada tanaman cabai merah. Kehilangan hasil akibat seranganH. armigera dapat mencapai 60%. Pengendalian yang umum dilakukan adalah menggunakan insektisida secara intensif,yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh berbagai konsentrasiminyak serai terhadap aktivitas biologi larva H. armigera. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium dan Rumah KasaBalai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang dari bulan Juni sampai Desember 2009 pada suhu 27±20C dan kelembaban75-80%. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam empat tahap kegiatan, yaitu pengaruh minyak serai terhadap: (1) repelensi larvaH. armigera instar II, (2) indeks nutrisi larva H. armigera instar III, (3) toksisitas larva H. armigera instar I, II, dan III,serta (4) persistensi minyak serai dalam pakan H. armigera dan pengaruhnya terhadap mortalitas larva H. armigerainstar III. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok yang terdiri atas enam perlakuan dengan empatulangan. Penelitian menggunakan metode pencelupan (dipping methods). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyakserai dapat digunakan sebagai penolak larva H. armigera instar II, dengan tingkat repelensi kelas II (20-40%) dan kelasIII (40-60%). Aplikasi minyak serai pada konsentrasi 3.000-5.000 ppm dalam pakan dapat menurunkan laju konsumsirelatif, laju pertumbuhan relatif, efisiensi konversi makanan yang dicerna dan yang dimakan, serta dapat menghambatmakan larva H. armigera sebesar 50%. Penggunaan minyak serai dapat menurunkan bobot pupa H. armigera jantandan betina. Nilai LC50 untuk larva H. armigera instar I, II, dan III berturut-turut ialah 12.795,45, 8.327,42, dan 3.324,89ppm, sedang nilai LC95 untuk larva H. armigera instar I, II, dan III berturut-turut sebesar 10.564,59, 12.535,12, dan4.725,30 ppm. Residu minyak serai dalam pakan H. armigera hanya berkisar antara 1- 4 hari setelah pemaparan ataupada 5 HSP toksisitas menurun drastis. Minyak serai sebagai insektisida nabati mempunyai tingkat persistensi yangrelatif rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, minyak serai dapat digunakan sebagai insektisida yang potensialuntuk dikembangkan secara komersial dan ramah lingkungan dalam rangka pengendalian H. armigera.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A., W. Setiawati, R. Murtiningsih, and E. Sofiari. 2010. Efficacy and Persistence of CitronellaOil as A Biopesticide Against Helicoverpa armigera Hubn.. The fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubn.) is one ofthe key pests of chili pepper in Indonesia. Yield loss due to this insect pest is up to 60%. The chemical treatment forcontrolling this insect pest is ineffective and eventually leads to environmental pollution. Studies were conducted toassess the biological activity of citronella oil against tomato fruit worm, H. armigera from June to December 2009 atthe Laboratory and the Screenhouse at Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute. All the bioassays were conducted undercontrolled environmental conditions (27± 20C and 75-80% RH). Four bioassay steps were performed, i.e the effectof citronella oil on percentage repellency of second instar larvae of H. armigera, the antifeedant effect of citronellaoil against third instar larvae of H. armigera, toxicity of citronella oil on first, second, and third instar larvae of H.armigera and persistence of citronella oil and is effect of mortality of H. armigera. The results indicated that citronellaoil significantly repellened to second larvae of H. armigera with the repellency level of relative lowest II (20-40%) andIII (40-60%). Applications of citronella oil at 3,000 until 5,000 ppm concentrations reduced the food consumptionindex, growth rate, approximate digestability, efficiency of conversion of digested food and feeding deterrent was reducedby 50%. Citronella oil significantly decreased the growth and the development of both pupal male and female of H.armigera. The percentage of mortality rate varied significantly among the H. armigera larvae tested and the values ofLC50 for first, second, and third larvae instar of H. armigera were 12,795.45, 8,327.42, and 3,324.89 ppm, respectively.Meanwhile LC95 value at the first, second, and third larvae instar of H. armigera were 10,564.59, 12,535.12, and 4,725.30ppm, respectively. Residual activity of citronella oil were found to be moderately toxic to H. armigera. The residueof citronella on food H. armigera was about 1-4 days after treatment. However, toxicity decreased significantly after5 days. These results clearly showed that citronella oil was not persistent to the environment due to its volatile nature.These results suggested that the application of citronella oil is potential to be used as an ideal eco-friendly approach forthe control of the agricultural pests H. armigera.
Evaluasi Bahan Carrier dalam Pemanfaatan Jamur Entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana (BALSAMO) Vuillemin untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus GERMAR Ahsol Hasyim
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 16, No 3 (2006): September 2006
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v16n3.2006.p%p


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Solok, dari Juli sampai Desember 2002. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui bahan carrier terbaik dalam pemanfaatan Beauveria bassiana untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus GERMAR. Penelitian ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap, dengan 7 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 6 bahan carrier, yaitu tepung jagung, tepung beras, talk, tepung maizena, minyak Sania, air, dan kontrol (konidia kering). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung beras merupakan carrier yang paling baik dalam pemanfaatan B. bassiana dan menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan carrier minyak Sania yang menyebabkan mortalitas paling rendah. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol C. sordidus yang paling tinggi yakni 90% diperoleh jika menggunakan B. bassiana dengan tepung beras sebagai carrier pada batang semu pisang. Sedangkan B. bassiana yang diaplikasikan pada batang pisang semu dengan menggunakan minyak atau air hanya dapat menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling rendah, yaitu berkisar antara 61-65%. Nilai LT50 dan LT95 dari bahan carrier tepung beras adalah 12,93 hari dan bahan carrier minyak adalah 23,34 hari. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa bahan carrier berbentuk tepung dapat mempertinggi kemampuan jamur entomopatogen, B. bassiana dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, C. sordidus.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A. 2006. Evaluation of carrier materials for Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin to control banana corm borer, Cosmopolites sordidus GERMAR. The experiment was conducted at Entomological Laboratory, Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute from July to Desember 2002. The objective of the study was to determine the best carrier for B. bassiana to control banana weevil borer, C. sordidus GERMAR. A randomized completely design with 7 treatments and 3 replications were used. Treatments consisted of 6 carriers, such as corn powder, talc, rice powder, maizena powder, Sania oil, water, and control (dry conidia). The results showed that rice powder was the best carrier for B. bassiana and caused highest mortality of banana corm borer. Whereas Sania oil carrier gave the lowest mortality of banana corm borer. The highest mortality of adult banana weevil borer, C. sordidus obtained when B. bassiana was exposed using rice powder carrier on pseudostem, which was 90%. While the B. bassiana exposed at liquid carrier of oil or water carrier on pseudostem, caused the lowest mortality of C. sordidus by 61 and 65%, respectively. The value of LT50 and LT95 from rice powder was lowest (12.93 days) and oil carrier was highest (23.34 days). The results demonstrated that powder as a carrier can enhance the efficacy of the insect pathogenic fungus B. bassiana against banana weevil borer, C. sordidus.
Pengaruh Magnesium, Boron, dan Pupuk Hayati terhadap Produktivitas Cabai serta Serangan Hama dan Penyakit (Effect of Magnesium, Boron, and Biofertilizers on Chili Pepper Productivity and Impact of Pests and Diseases) Wiwin Setiawati; Ahsol Hasyim; Bagus Kukuh Udiarto; Abdi Hudayya
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 30, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v30n1.2020.p65-74


Penggunaan pupuk hayati dan unsur hara makro sekunder seperti magnesium (Mg) dan hara mikro boron (B) diketahui dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan, kualitas hasil tanaman, meningkatkan unsur hara dalam tanah serta mampu meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit. Selain itu penggunaan pupuk tersebut dapat mengurangi kebutuhan terhadap pupuk kimia sintetis. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Mg, B, dan kombinasinya dengan pupuk hayati terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen serta penekanan serangan hama dan penyakit. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang, Jawa Barat (1.250 m dpl.) dari bulan Juni 2018 sampai bulan Februari 2019. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok terdiri atas delapan perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah aplikasi Mg, B, dan kombinasi dengan pupuk hayati serta teknologi konvensional sebagai pembanding. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi tanaman dan luas kanopi), komponen hasil dan hasil serta serangan hama dan penyakit penting yang menyerang tanaman cabai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi Mg, B, dan pupuk hayati yang diaplikasikan sebanyak dua kali pada umur 30 HST dan 45 HST mampu meningkatkan produktivitas cabai sebesar 21,68 ton/ha atau meningkat sebesar 54,53% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Peningkatan produktivitas cabai terjadi karena adanya perbaikan dalam komponen hasil seperti jumlah bunga, jumlah buah, panjang, dan bobot buah serta adanya penekanan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit seperti trips, antraknosa, lalat buah, dan penggerek buah sebesar 18,10% sampai 23,93%.KeywordsCapsicum annuum; Unsur hara makro; Pupuk hayati; Produktivitas; Organisme pengganggu tumbuhanAbstractThe use of biofertilizer and macro and micro nutrients enhanced the growth and development, yield quality of vegetable crops as well as nutrient status of soil to a greater extent and to increased on pests and diseases resistance. Organic sources of nutrients including biofertilizers also economize the use of chemical fertilizers. The objectives of this study were to determine the best combination of Mg, B, and biofertilizer that increase the growth and yield of chili pepper and the impact to pest and diseases on chili pepper. The field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of the Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute, Lembang, West Java from June 2018 to February 2019. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with eight treatments and four replicated. The treatments were Mg, B, and their combinations with biofertilizer compared to the conventional technologies as a control. The observations were carried out on the growth parameters (plant height and leaf canopy), yield components, pest and diseases of chili pepper. The results showed that the combinations of Mg, B, and biofertilizer increased the yield of chili up to 21.68 ton/ha or positive interaction beside beneficial agent with Mg, B, and biofertilizer package on 54.53%. Increased productivity of chili occurs because of improvements in yield components such as the number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit length and fruit weight and reduction of pest and disease attacks such as thrips, anthracnose, fruit flies and, fruit borers by 18.10% to 23.93%.
Distribusi Spesies Lalat Buah di Sumatera Barat dan Riau - Muryati; Ahsol Hasyim; W J de Kogel
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 1 (2007): Maret 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v17n1.2007.p%p


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui distribusi dan diversitas spesies lalat buah di Sumatera Barat dan Pulau Kundur Kabupaten Karimun, Riau. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei mulai bulan Juni 2003 – Desember 2004. Lalat buah ditangkap menggunakan perangkap yang terbuat dari botol bekas air mineral yang di dalamnya digantungkan kapas yang telah dibasahi dengan metil eugenol dan cue lure. Lalat buah hasil tangkapan dibawa ke Laboratorium Proteksi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika Solok untuk diidentifikasi menggunakan kunci identifikasi elektronik Cabikey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari semua lokasi penelitian diperoleh 45 spesies lalat buah (2 spesies belum teridentifikasi). Tiga spesies lalat buah ditemukan di semua lokasi penelitian, yaitu B. albistrigata, B. carambolae, dan B. papayae. Keragaman spesies lalat buah paling tinggi ditemukan di Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat dan Pulau Kundur, berturut-turut ditemukan 30 spesies dan 25 spesies lalat buah. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat sebagai informasi terutama bagi karantina sebagai dasar untuk memperketat aturan mengenai keluar masuknya buah-buahan dari dan ke suatu daerah sehingga spesies-spesies yang ada di daerah tertentu terutama daerah yang mempunyai diversitas spesies tinggi tidak masuk ke daerah lain.ABSTRACT. Muryati, A. Hasyim, and W.J. de Kogel. 2007. Distribution of Fruit Fly Species at West Sumatera and Riau. The objective of the research was to understand the distribution and diversity of the fruit flies species at West Sumatera and Kundur Island. The research was done by survey method on June 2003 to December 2004. Fruit flies were trapped by using methyl eugenol and cue lure attractant that were hung inside of traps made from used bottle of mineral water. The fruit flies that were caught brought to the Plant Protection Laboratory of Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute for identification purpose by using electronic identification key Cabikey. Forty five fruit fly species spread on the whole research location (2 species were not yet identified). Three species of fruit fly found in the whole research locations, i.e. B. albistrigata, B. carambolae, and B. papayae. Solok Regency and Kundur Island had the most species diversity than other locations, which were found 30 and 25 species fruit flies, respectively. This information useful for quarantine regulation to prevent the spreading of fruit fly species to other areas.
Kemampuan Pemangsaan Pred a tor Kumbang Buas terhadap Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang Ahsol Hasyim; - Harlion; H. Yasir
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 3 (2004): September 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v14n3.2004.p204-209


Kumbang pred a tor Plaesius javanus dikoleksi dari pertanaman pisang di Bukittinggi dan Sitiung. Percobaandilakukan di Laboratorium Proteksi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Solok dari bulan April sampai Desember 2001,menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan individupemangsaan pred a tor kumbang buas dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa P. javanus dewasa dan larva dapat memangsa semua sta dia hama penggerek bonggol pisangsecara efektif. Setiap individu P. javanus dewasa dapat memangsa telur, larva instar 2, 3, 4, 5, serta pupa dan dewasaberturut-turut 7 butir, 4,9; 3,9; 2,9; 2,9; 2,0; 2,0; dan 1,9 ekor/hari. Kemampuan memangsa individu larva P. javanusrelatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kemampuan memangsa individu dewasa P. javanus. Sedangkan kemampuanmemangsa individu P. javanus betina relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan P. javanus jantan. Pred a tor inimempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai agens pengendali hayati di masa mendatang.Kata kunci: Musa sp.; Plaesius javanus; Cosmopolites sordidus; Sta dia hama penggerek bonggol; PemangsaanAB STRACT. Hasyim, A., Harlion, and H. Yasir. 2004. Pred a tory rate of histerid bee tles on ba nana wee vilborer. Pred a tory of histerid bee tles were col lected from ba nana field at Bukittinggi and Sitiung. This ex per i ment wascar ried out at lab o ra tory of In do ne sian Fruit Re search In sti tute from April to De cem ber 2001, used a ran dom ized blockde sign. The pur pose of this ex per i ment was to know the in di vid ual po ten tial of pred a tory bee tles, P. javanus to preyba nana wee vil borer. The re sults showed that adult and lar vae of P. javanus ef fec tively preyed ba nana wee vil borer,Cosmopolites sordidus. Each in di vid ual of P. javanus adult was able to prey 7 pieces 4.9, 3.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.0, 2.0, and 1.9in di vid ual/day, re spec tively for egg, sec ond, third, fourth, fifth instar lar vae, pupa and adult. Pre da tion rate of individualP. javanus lar vae was higher com pare to adult in con trolling ba nana wee vil borer. Pred a tory rate of in di vid ual fe -male P. javanus was higher than the male. The pred a tor has a prom is ing po ten tial us age as bi o log i cal con trol agent innear fu ture.
Skrining Tumbuhan Atraktif terhadap Lalat Buah Jantan Bactocera carambolae D&H Almahdy A; Deddi Prima Putra; Ahsol Hasyim; Mardinus Mardinus
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 11, No 3 (2006): October 2006
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v11i3.2545


Odour and frequently visited plants by Bactocera sp. were screened for fruit fly attractants. The attractiveness of hexane extracts for B. dorsalis were determined by Y-tube method. Of 20 species treated, 5 species such as Cymbopogon nardus, Ocimum basillicum, Cymbopogon citratus, Cananga odorata, and Hyptis suaveolens showed the attractiveness and the presence of methyl eugenol (ME). These plants could be used as the source of ME for controlling fruit flies infestation. It was also found that Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) revealed the absence of ME peak by GC-spectrum but responded to fruit flies B. carambolae. The results reveal that the chemical compounds existing in the extracts of R. graveolens may have great potential for development as attractants of the Oriental fruit fly. However, further isolation, identification, and evaluation of active compounds are needed in future studies.
Efektivitas Model dan Ketinggian Perangkap dalam Menangkap Hama Lalat Buah Jantan, Bactrocera spp Ahsol Hasyim; - Muryati; W J de Kogel
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 16, No 4 (2006): Desember 2006
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v16n4.2006.p%p


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui model dan ketinggian perangkap yang efektif dalam menangkap lalat buah, Bactrocera spp. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kebun petani di Kenagarian Kacang pada pertanaman polikultur dan Alahan Panjang pada pertanaman monokultur, Solok mulai Maret 2003-Desember 2004. Model alat perangkap yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu perangkap bekas botol air mineral, modifikasi gipsy moth, modifikasi perangkap steiner, perangkap delta, dan perangkap McPhail. Masing-masing perangkap diberi umpan dengan 0,5 ml metil eugenol atau cue lure yang diteteskan pada sepotong kapas dan digantungkan di dalam perangkap. Untuk mengetahui ketinggian perangkap yang efektif untuk menangkap lalat buah, penelitian dilakukan dengan memasang perangkap dari botol air mineral pada ketinggian 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, dan 2,5 m dari permukaan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah lalat buah yang tertangkap per perangkap/hari pada masing-masing jenis perangkap yang digunakan berbeda nyata. Lalat buah yang paling banyak tertangkap per perangkap/hari adalah pada perangkap McPhail yaitu 52 ekor dan yang paling sedikit diperoleh pada perangkap gipsy moth yaitu 6 ekor/perangkap/hari. Ketinggian perangkap terlihat berbeda nyata, di mana lalat buah yang paling banyak tertangkap adalah pada perangkap dengan ketinggian 1,5 m dari permukaan tanah. Penggabungan antara model perangkap dengan atraktan sintetis, seperti metil eugenol atau cue lure meningkatkan kemampuan tidak hanya sebagai perangkap lalat buah yang potentsial tetapi juga sebagai alat monitoring hama lalat buah.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A., Muryati, and W. J. de Kogel. 2006. Trap type and trap height effectiveness on catching male fruit flies, Bactrocera spp. The objective of the research was to understand trap types and trap position that most effective on catching male fruit flies, Bactrocera spp. The research was conducted at Kenagarian Kacang of polyculture plantation and Alahan Panjang of monoculture plantation, Solok from March 2003 to December 2004. The types of trap used in this experiment were the trap made from used bottle of mineral water, the modified of gipsy moth trap, the steiner trap, delta trap, and McPhail trap. One piece of cotton, soaked in 0.5 ml methyl eugenol were hung in each trap. To determine the trap height effectiveness, the trap made from used bottle of mineral water were set at several height of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 m above the ground level, respectively. The results showed that the number of flies cought/trap/day was significantly different in respect to trap types. The highest number of flies cought/day/trap was found in McPhail trap (52 flies), and the lowest number of flies cought/day/trap was found in modified gypsy moth traps (6 flies), the trap positions was significantly affect the number of fruit flies cought and the higest number of flies cought/trap/day was obtained by 1.5 m trapped height. The combination types of trap and syntetic attractant such as methyl eugenol or cue lure could increase the capacity, not only as a potential trapped but also as a monitoring tool for fruit flies.