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ANALYSIS OF COMBINING ABILITY, HETEROSIS EFFECT AND HERITABILITY ESTIMATE OF YIELD-RELATED CHARACTERS IN SHALLOT (Alium cepa var. ascalonicum Baker) Farid, Noor; Sugiharto, Arifin Noor; Herison, Catur; Purwito, Agus; Sutjahjo, Surjono Hadi
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 34, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya and Indonesian Agronomic Assossiation

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Low productivity of shallot in Indonesia can be improved through development of high yielding variety. The availability of genetic information related to the character being improved is inevitable for effective breeding program. In this study, seven shallot genotypes were evaluated for their combining ability for yield improvement using half diallel cross.  Heterosis effect and heritability estimate was also investigated for yield-related characters.  The results showed that there were significant differences in general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) among the evaluated genotypes. Tiron and Timor had the greatest GCA.  The greatest SCA and heterosis value was found in crosses of Kuning/Tiron, Timor/Bima Juna, Tiron/Timor and Kuning/Sibolangit. Heterosis effect varied from low to high. Broad sense heritability estimate for all characters was high, but narrow sense heritability was low for most charaters.  The dominant gene action observed on all yield-related characters suggests that the evaluated genotypes are potential to be used in breeding for high yielding hybrid varieties.   Keywords: GCA, SCA, heterosis, heritability, shallot
Stabilitas Produksi Sepuluh Genotip Padi Sawah di Lahan Salin , Intan; Agus Riyanto; Noor Farid; , Suprayogi; Totok Agung D. H.
Zuriat Vol 23, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Breeding Science Society of Indonesia (BSSI) / PERIPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/zuriat.v23i1.6863


Diversity of the physical environment which is followed by the diversity of genetic resources in agriculture in Indonesia is very wide. The potential of specific environments can be used by breeders in determining the applicability distribution of a superior new cultivars, such as releasing the rice cultivars tolerant salinity with high yield potential for a wide range of spatial and specific. We growed 10 genotypes of rice and Siak Raya as check in three locations with low to moderate levels of salinity, Kebumen (140 µc/cm-350 µc/cm), Batang (861 µc/cm-5783 µc/cm), dan Pekalongan (670 µc/cm-1416 µc/cm). Genotypes showed difference performance, which indicated diversity of agronomic characters at three location. Genotypes stability were tested refer to Eberhart and Russell (1963), UNSOED 8 is a stable genotype with higher gran yield than the total average of genotypes.
Agrin Vol 14, No 2 (2010): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (103.202 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2010.14.2.110


Produksi cabai merah terkendala adanya hama dan penyakit tanaman. Virus ChiMV (Chilli Veinal MottleVirus) adalah salah satu penyakit tanaman yang dapat menurunkan hasil cabai merah. Perakitan hibrida cabaimerah yang hasil tinggi dan tahan penyakit virus ChiVMV diperlukan informasi antara lain daya gabung umum,khusus, heterosis, letak gen dan heritabititas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1). mendapatkan nilai daya gabungumum dan khusus, 2). memperoleh nilai heterosis dari sejumlah persilangan yang ada, 3). memperoleh nilaiheritabilitas dari sifat ketahanan terhadap virus ChiVMV. Hasil penelitian adalah 1) genotip cabai merah yangyang sesuai untuk tetua tahan ChiMV berdasarkan DGU intensitas penyakit: G6321 dan X4271, 2) genotip cabaimerah yang berdasarkan DGK intensitas penyakit yang tahan: X4271xG6321, dan G3257xX427, 3) berdasarkannilai DGK, heterosis, intensitas penyakit, dan bobot buah bahwa persilangan antaraX4271xG6321,G3257xx4271 dan G3257x Jatilaba dipilih sebagai genotip tahan ChiMV dan hasil tinggi 4) nilaiheritabilitas arti luas termasuk tinggi tetapi heritabilitas arti sempit berkisar antara tinggi sampai rendah, dan 5)sifat ketahanan terhadap virus ChiVMV dipengaruhi tetua betina.Kata kunci : daya gabung, heterosis, heritabilitas, ketahanan virus ChiVMV, efek tetua betina ABSTRACTYield of chilli pepper is limited by disease and insect pests. ChiMV virus is off important disease thatcould decrease chilli pepper production. Genetic information, such as genetic parameter, combining ability,heterosis and heritability is required in order to improve resistance variety. The research’s objectives were: 1)to estimate the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA), 2) to estimate theheterosis of several diallel mating, 3) to estimate heritability of resistance to ChiMV virus. It was evidenced that:1) genetype of chilli pepper having low GCA (desease intensity) were G6321 and X4271, 2) genetypes of chillipepper resulted from diallel mating of X4271xG6321, dan G3257xX4271 low high SCA on desease intensity toChiMV virus, 3) base on SCA, heterosis, disease intensity, fruit weigh, X4271xG6321,G3257xx4271 danG3257x Jatilaba genotypes could be selected for high yielding chili and resistance to ChiMV virus, 4) boardsense heritability values of observed character were high, but range of narrow sense heritability were high tolow, 5) resistance character to ChiMV virus was influenced by maternal effect.Key words: combining ability, heterosis, heritability, ChiMV resistance, maternal effect
Pengaruh kelembaban media terhadap pertumbuhan dan evapotranspirasi lima varietas anggrek dendrobium Zulfa Ulinnuha; Noor Farid

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i1.3014

