Mumtazul Fikri
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

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ISLAMISM IN DAYAH: SHAFI'IYAH, HANBALIYAH, AND POPULAR ISLAM Sofanudin, Aji; Ibda, Hamidulloh; Syafi’, Moh.; Fikri, Mumtazul; Marzuki, Marzuki; Tsauro, Ahalla
Islam Futura Vol 23, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jiif.v23i2.17527


Islamism is a set of ideologies that believe that religion and the state are one (addinu waddaulah) as happened in Aceh, Indonesia. This research aims to find out the variants of Islamism in integrated dayah in Aceh. The phenomenological method was used to reveal the phenomenon of Islamism in six integrated dayah. The findings show that there are three variants of Islamism in integrated dayah in Aceh, namely shafiyah style, hanbaliyah style and Islamic popular style. This research is limited to integrated dayahs and only reveals dayah variants. Further research is needed on Islamist networks in various types of dayah in Aceh.
ISLAM PERSUASIF DAN MULTIKULTURALISME DI ACEH: Upaya Rekonstruksi Penerapan Syariat Islam Berbasis Pendidikan Fikri, Mumtazul
AKADEMIKA: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 20 No 1 (2015): Studi Islam di Era Global
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Beberapa tahun terakhir pergolakan dan penolakan terhadap syariat Islam di Aceh semakin gencar disuarakan, selain itu banyak pertikaian berbasis agama muncul dalam masyarakat Aceh, ini menunjukkan ada masalah akut dalam penerapan syariat Islam di Aceh. Tulisan ini diawali dengan uraian fakta bahwa multikultural merupakan konsep klasik di dalam Islam yang telah ada sejak lama bahkan sejak negara Madinah lahir sebagai negara Islam pertama di dunia. Sedangkan dalam konteks Aceh, multikultural juga telah lama dikenal mengingat Aceh merupakan daerah pluralis dengan keragaman identitas masyarakatnya. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian penulis yang menunjukkan bahwa syariat Islam di Aceh seolah belum mampu memayungi aspek multikultural masyarakat Aceh. Bahwa implementasi syariat Islam di Aceh membutuhkan kepada pendekatan berbasis lokal dengan mengedepankan multikultural sebagai muara dari penetapan kebijakan. Konflik multikultural di Aceh dapat diselesaikan melalui pendekatan pendidikan melalui 2 (dua) substansi. Pertama, Substansi Teoritis, yang berhubungan dengan kurikulum pendidikan, metode pembelajaran, materi pelajaran dan lembaga pendidikan. Kedua, Substansi Praksis, yang berhubungan dengan penelitian sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan agama yang akar masalahnya bermuara pada multikulturalisme, selanjutnya dicari solusi praktis dan bijak berbasis pendidikan. Penulis merumuskan konsep Islam persuasif melalui 4 (empat) prinsip, yaitu: (1) dakwah berbasis kultur budaya, (2) mewujudkan partisipasi aktif umat, (3) dakwah berbasis psikologis, dan (4) dakwah yang bernilai optimis. Keempat prinsip tersebut diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi dalam upaya resolusi konflik agama yang terjadi di Aceh. In the last few years, the upheaval and rejection of Islamic law in Aceh is voiced intensively, besides many religion-based disputes arise in Acehnese society, this issue indicates to an acute problem in the application of Islamic law in Aceh. This paper begins with a description of the fact that multicultural is a classic concept in Islam that has existed for a long time even since the state of Medina was born as the first Islamic country in the world. While in Acehnese context, multicultural also has long been recognized in view of Aceh is a pluralist society with multiple identities. This paper is the result of a research which showed that Islamic law in Aceh as yet able to accommodate multicultural aspect of the Acehnese. Implementation of Islamic law in Aceh need to locally-based approach in promoting multicultural as the aim of the policy- setting. Multicultural conflict in Aceh can be resolved through a educational approach in two substances. First, Theoretical Substance, the substance related to curriculum, teaching methods, learning materials and educational institutions. Second, Practical Substance, the substance related to the study of social, cultural, economic and religious where the root of the problem based on multiculturalism, subsequently sought practical solutions and instant-based education. The author formulates the concept of Islamic persuasive through four principles, namely: (1) cultures-based preaching, (2) embodies the active participation of the umat, (3) psychological-based preaching, and (4) optimistic preaching. These four principles are expected to be the solutions to religious conflict resolution in Aceh.