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Jurnal Spektra Vol 15, No 2 (2014): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil pengukuran dosis radiasi permukaan kulit yang diterima pasien thorax terhadap dosis radiasi di udara dari penyinaran pesawat sinar-X.Penelitian ini menggunakan TLD-100 sebagai alat ukur radiasi. Pengambilan data dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit di Kota Padang dengan cara mengumpulkan 18 orang data pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan thorax untuk pengukuran dosis radiasi di permukaan kulit dan styrofoam untuk pengukuran dosis radiasi di udara dengan menvariasikan tegangan mulai dari 40 kV sampai 70 kV, Hasil penelitian untuk pengukuran dosis radiasi di permukaan kulit (Entrance Surface Dose / ESD), minimum adalah 0,268 mGy dan maksimum adalah 0,736 mGy dengan ESD rata-rata adalah 0,497 mGy. Selanjutnya, untuk pengukuran dosis radiasi di udara untuk kondisi thorax, nilai minimum adalah sebesar 0,333 mGy dan nilai maksimum adalah sebesar 0,532 mGy dengan rata-rata 0,455 mGy.Dari perbandingan kedua dosis radasi ini, didapatkan nilai backscatter factor yang bervariasi, tetapi nilai ini tidak berbeda jauh dengan data TRS (Technical Reports Series) IAEA No. 457. Kata kunci :Backscatter factor, dosis radiasi di permukaan kulit, dosis radiasi di udara, Entrance Surface Dose.
Perbandingan Verifikasi Akurasi Posisi Pasien Radioterapi Secara Manual dan Semiotomatis Berbasis Citra DRR/EPID NOFRIDIANITA, SUSI; PRASETIO, HERU; PAWIRO, SUPRIYANTO A
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 3 (2016): July - September 2016
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Cancer

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ABSTRACTRadiotherapy is one of common treatment modality for Nasopharyngeal Cancer. The development of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT technique) gives satisfactory results in the nasopharyngeal cancer treatment, both clinically and dosimetry. IMRT can reduce the effects of acute and chronic, with a maximum dose coverage to the tumor and minimal dose to the organ or normal tissue surrounding target value. The purpose of this study is to compare theaccuracy of patient positioning verification of Nasopharyngeal Cancer IMRT with DRR / EPID image registration. Retrospective data analysis of the AP and Lateral projections DRR and EPID images 35 patients (140 images) were then manually verified by simulative applied fusion semiautomatic with FIJI program. FIJI program improved the image quality of the DRR and EPID to facilitate the image registration. Results of this study shows no statistically significantdifference between the manual verification and semiautomatic fusion method of nasopharyngeal cancer patients, but there is a tendency that the semiautomatic method with FIJI program provides verification geometry radiotherapy better a result than manual methods.ABSTRAKTeknik Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) dapat mengurangi efek akut dan kronik, dengan cakupan dosis maksimal pada tumor dan dosis minimal pada organ/jaringan sehat di sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan verifikasi akurasi posisi pasien IMRT Kanker Nasofaring dengan registrasi citra DRR/ EPID. Analisis data retrospektif terhadap citra DRR/EPID dari 35 pasien proyeksi AP dan Lateral (140 citra) yang telah diverifikasi secara manual kemudian secara simulatif diterapkan metode fusi semiotomatis dengan program FIJI. Penggunaan program FIJI dapat memperbaiki kualitas citra DRR/EPID sehingga memudahkan dalam verifikasi geometri radioterapi. Hasil penelitian ini secara statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan antara verifikasi manual denganmetode fusi pada radioterapi pasien kanker nasofaring, namun secara deskriptif terdapat kecenderungan bahwa metode fusi dengan program FIJI memberikan verifikasi geometri radioterapi yang lebih baik dibandingkan metode manual.
Kalibrasi TLD-100 di Udara Menggunakan Radiasi Sinar-X Pada Rentang Radiation Qualities in Radiodiagnostic (RQR) Yeni, Nisaul Chaira; Milvita, Dian; Prasetio, Heru
Jurnal Ilmu Fisika Vol 11, No 2 (2019): Published in September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (837.969 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jif.11.2.81-87.2019


Telah dilakukan kalibrasi TLD-100 di udara menggunakan radiasi sinar-X pada rentang Radiation Qualities in Radiodiagnostic (RQR). Kalibrasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui koefisien kalibrasi TLD di udara, faktor koreksi kualitas radiasi dan pengaruh variasi dosis radiasi terhadap koefisien kalibrasi. Penelitian menggunakan pesawat sinar-X konvensional sebagai sumber radiasi, detektor TLD-100 sebagai detektor yang akan dikalibrasi dan detektor unfors-X2 sebagai detektor standar. Dosis radiasi yang digunakan yaitu (0,2; 0,3; 0,5; 0,7) mGy dengan variasi tegangan (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100) kV. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai koefisien kalibrasi TLD bergantung kepada kualitas radiasi sehingga TLD harus dikalibrasi pada setiap tegangan. Nilai faktor koreksi kualitas radiasi berada pada rentang 0,825 ± 0,097 sampai 1,039 ± 0,084 yang berarti kemampuan detektor merespon radiasi berbeda-beda seiring perubahan kualitas radiasi. Nilai koefisien kalibrasi meningkat seiring bertambahnya nilai dosis radiasi.Kata kunci: koefisien kalibrasi, faktor koreksi, TLD
Worker Health Monitoring Through Whole Body Counter Examination for Safety and Radiation Protection (2017-2018 Data) Surniyantoro, Harry Nugroho Eko; Sugiyana, Sugiyana; Prasetio, Heru; Ikram, Abarrul; Syaifudin, Mukh
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 2 (2021): KEMAS (Article in Press)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i2.25911


Abstract. Radiation protection is an action or effort taken to reduce the effects of damaging radiation exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to routinely monitor the condition of workers, among others, with a whole-body counter (WBC) either for daily activities or in a radiation emergency. In this research 78 male and female workers with an average age of 44.51 years who have been worked for 1 up to more than 30 years at the Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology (PTKMR) - BATAN in 2018-2019 have been determined with standard procedures. The results showed that the average K-40 count for the year 2018 was 3767.35 ± 975.33 Bq. Among the 80 participants tested, internal radioisotopic contamination with Cs-137 was detected in one person, but the levels were marginal and just exceeded the detection limit (250 Bq/body). This average value was lower than that of the previous year (2017) i.e. 4274.74 ± 740.85 Bq for 43 respondents. There is no positive correlation between radioactivity with the bodyweight of respondents but correlated positively with body mass index. It was concluded that the radioactivities of the workers of PTKMR are still within a normal range.
Worker Health Monitoring Through Whole Body Counter Examination for Safety and Radiation Protection (2017-2019 Data) Sugiyana, Sugiyana; Prasetio, Heru; Ikram, Abarrul; Syaifudin, Mukh; Surniyantoro, Harry Nugroho Eko
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 17, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v17i2.25911


Radiation protection is an action or effort taken to reduce the effects of damaging radiation exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to routinely monitor the condition of workers, among others, with a whole-body counter (WBC) either for daily activities or in a radiation emergency. In this research 78 male and female workers with an average age of 44.51 years old who have been worked for 1 up to more than 30 years at the Center for Technology of Radiation Safety and Metrology (PTKMR) - BATAN in 2018-2019 have been determined with standard procedures. The results showed that the average K-40 count for the year 2018 was 3767.35 ± 975.33 Bq. Among the 80 participants tested, internal radio-isotopic contamination with Cs-137 was detected in one person, but the levels were marginal and just exceeded the detection limit (250 Bq/body). This average value was lower than that of the previous year (2017) i.e. 4274.74 ± 740.85 Bq for 43 respondents. There is no positive correlation between radioactivity with the bodyweight of respondents but correlated positively with body mass index. It is concluded that the radio-activities of the workers of PTKMR are still within a normal range.