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Produksi konsentrat karetenoid dari fraksi cair minyak menggunakan metode kromotografi Nur Wulandari
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 12 No. 1 (2007): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This research was aimed to obtain an optimum conditions for production of liquid fraction of crude palm (CPO) containing high concentration of  carotenoids,as well as to get  the optimum condition on production o carotenoids concentrate, by  using adsorption column chromatography method at laboratory scale. Adsorbent used  were rice hull ash and silica gel.  In order to get  high amount of carotenoids on liquid fraction of palm o the   palm oil was  treated with  n-hexane and   was  mixed by  using shaker.  Based  on  recovery and  tot carotenoids parameters contained in the  liquid fraction, the optimum condition to get high total carotenoids o liquid fraction was shown when employing 50% hexane,mixing at 200 rpm for 10 minutes,and decanting for days  at ambient temperatures. The  palm oil liquid fraction contained 275 ppm carotenoids with 81.0 recovery. The  next step   was the separation of  carotenoids from other components of palm oil by  usin adsorption column chromatography method with  rice hull ash  and  silica   gel  as  adsorbents. The optimu condition on  separation were found by  using ratio of rice hull ash:silica gel  30:10, which produced total corotenoids  of 317.2 11g   and   recovery  of   carotenoids  of   41.7%. The final  concentration in  carotenoi concentrate was 1865.9 ppm,4 times higher than the initial concentration in CPO. Key words: carotenoids,palm oil,adsorption column hromatography
Hysteresis Phenomena of Moisture Sorption Isotherm in Amylose, Amylopectin, Protein, and Cellulose Nur Wulandari; Soewarno T Soekarto
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 14 No. 1 (2003): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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Hysteresis phenomena of four basic food compounds (amylose, amylopectin, casein, and cellulose) were studied after 9 days equilibration in descicators at 28oC. Adsorption experiments started from 2% moisture content and desorption from wetted samples with excessive moisture. In starch and protein, the hysteresis occurred in the middle range of the sorption isotherm in the range of 10 - 90% RH and no hysteresis at the lowest and highest ranges of RH. While in cellulose hysteresis started at about 10% RH and was increasing to the saturated RH. Analyses of stratified bound water using sorption isotherm data revealed that from the four samples, the desorption monolayer and secondary bound water fractions were higher than those of adsorption. However, the tertiary bound water fractions of desorption were lower than those of adsorption, except from the cellulose sample. Key words : Hysteresis, isotherm, starch, protein, and cellulose
SINTESIS DAN POTENSI APLIKASI LIPIDA TERSTUKTUR BERBASIS MINYAK KELAPA DAN MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT UNTUK INDUSTRI PANGAN FUNGSIONAL /Synthesis and Potential Applications of Coconut and Palm Oils Based Structured Lipid for Functional Food Industry Siti Nurhasanah; Purwiyatno Hariyadi; Nur Wulandari; Joni Munarso
Perspektif Vol 16, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Puslitbang Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/psp.v16n2.2017.111-121


Berkembangnya teknologi proses pengolahan pangan berdampak pada kebutuhan lipida dengan sifat khusus untuk diaplikasikan pada produk tertentu. Sifat lipida alami belum tentu sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri, baik dari segi sifat fisikokimia, gizi, maupun sifat fungsional lain yang diinginkan.  Karena itu, perlu dilakukan modifikasi untuk membentuk lipida dengan nilai tambah tertentu. Salah satunya melalui modifikasi stuktur molekuler lipida; yaitu untuk menghasilkan lipida terstruktur (structured lipids, SL). Lipida terstrukturadalah lipida yang termodifikasi, dengan penambahan dan/atau pengaturan posisi asam-asam lemak pada kerangka gliserolnya untuk tujuan menghasilkan lipida dengan nilai tambah sesuai aplikasinya.  Perbedaan jenis dan posisi asam-asam lemak pada kerangka gliserol akan menentukan sifat kimia, fisika, biokimia lipida dan fungsionalnya yang berpotensi memberikan nilai tambah tertentu. Sintesis SL dengan interesterifikasi secara kimia maupun enzimatis memungkinkan potensi aplikasi yang lebih luas, khususnya untuk industri pangan fungsional. Saat ini telah beredar di pasaran produk SL dengan nilai tambah tertentu; misalnya mudah diserap tubuh, kandungan kalori lebih rendah, dan mempunyai komposisi asam lemak mirip dengan lemak ASI untuk formulasi makanan bayi.  Minyak kelapa dan kelapa sawit sebagai hasil perkebunan, yang masing-masing memiliki keunggulan kaya asam lemak rantai menengah dan kaya asam lemak tak-jenuh merupakan bahan bakupotensial untuk pengembangan SL dengan nilai tambah khas.Pembuatan SL sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri pangan fungsional ini dapat meningkatkan daya saing produk perkebunan dalam pasar dunia. Hilirisasi riset perlu dikembangkan agarmampu menghasilkan inovasiyang dapat diaplikasikan di industri, yang melibatkan komitmen pemerintah maupun pelaku usaha.  ABSTRACTThe growth of process technology in food processing affecting the needs of lipid with special characteristics for specific products. The characteristic of natural lipid is not always suitable with industry requirement, either from its physicochemical characteristic, nutrition, or from other desirable functional characteristics. Therefore it is necessary to develop modification technique to produce lipid with desirable added value, such as generating structured lipids (SL). Structured lipids is modified lipid, with the addition and/or arrangement of the fatty acid position on its glycerol backbone.The difference of types and positions of fatty acids on glycerol backbone will determine the chemical, physical, biochemical characteristic and the functionality of the lipid. Structured lipids synthesed by chemical or enzymatic interesterification will potentially have broader potential of applications, especially for functional food industry. Currently, SL products with several added values, such as more easily absorbed, lower calorie content, or having fatty acid composition similar to that of breastmilk lipid for baby food formulation, have been introduced in the market. Coconut oil and palm oil are, respectively, known to be rich in medium saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acids. Both oil are potential to be used for development of SL. Structured lipids production suitable for functional food industry could increase the competitiveness of coconut and palm oil as plantation comodities in world market. Downstream policy research by promoting research and development toward industrial application is needed, involving commitment from government and private sectors. 
Jurnal Pangan dan Gizi Vol 1, No 1 (2010): Kajian Pangan dan Gizi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jpg.1.1.2010.%p


The purpose of this research was studied the effect of soaking solution and stripping the treatment of the physical characteristics of mung bean flour produced. The design of this study is purely experimental descriptive analytic method. Research done in 2 stages: a preliminary study and main study. Preliminary research to find the optimal soaking time, ie variation of immersion time. Primary research to find the characteristics of various soaking solutions (aquades, Na2HPO4, and mixtures of Na-citrate- Ca(H2PO4)2 and control). The variables measured were the development of the volume ratio, water absorption ratio, yield, density Kamba, when soluble, starch granules are microscopic, whiteness and water absorption index. The results showed that immersion using a mixture of of Na-citrate- Ca (H2PO4)2 ratio of 1:1 in 1% concentration and immersion time of 11 hours gives the results of the physical characteristics of the best instant mung bean flour. Key words: mung beans, flour, instant, cooking technology.
Jumlah Kejadian dan Faktor Risiko Stunting di Desa Ngarum, Kecamatan Ngrampal, Kabupaten Sragen Nur Wulandari; Devara A. Nugraha; Dian Santika Chandra; Farah Nadhifa Tyas Djatmika; Hafiszah Asfahani; Kholda A. P
Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas Vol 7, No 1 (2018): Nexus Kedokteran Komunitas
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

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Pendahuluan: Indonesia memiliki prevalensi balita stunting ketiga tertinggi di regional negara Asia Tenggara. Stunting dapat disebabkan beberapa faktor risiko. Stunting berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan tumbuh kembang anak di masa sekarang dan mendatang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui angka kejadian atau prevalensi kasus stunting di Desa Ngarum Metode: Metode yang kami gunakan adalah observasi dan pengambilan data primer dan pengambilan data sekunder di Pusekesmas Ngrampal. Jenis penelitian yang kami lakukan adalah deskriptif observasional.Hasil: Didapatkan hasil data primer dan sekunder berisi pengukuran tinggi badan dan berat badan anak di Desa Ngarum dan wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ngrampal.Kesimpulan : Stunting masih terjadi di Kecamatan Ngrampal, khususnya di posyandu tempat kami melakukan observasi, yaitu Desa Ngarum. Perlu pengawasan dan penyuluhan lebih dalam terkait keadaan tersebut.Kata Kunci: stunting, number of events, risk factors, children, Sragen.
PENENTUAN KODISI PROSES TERBAIK PEMBUATAN BIOFOAM DARI LIMBAH PERTANIAN LOKAL MALUKU UTARA Erna Rusliana Muhamad Saleh; Muhammad Assagaf; Indah Rodianawati; Endang Warsiki; Nur Wulandari
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kondisi proses terbaik dalam pembuatan biofoam.  Teknikpembuatan biofoam dilakukan dengan metode thermopressing. Selang suhu yang diujikan berkisar150-225oC, sedangkan lama waktu proses diujikan 10-40 menit. Jumlah adonan yang dimasukkanke dalam cetakan dilakukan dengan variasi 40-60 gram. Karakterisasi biofoam pada penelitian inidilakukan secara visual dengan melihat warna dan penampakan biofoam yang dihasilkan. Kondisiproses  terbaik  adalah  adonan  yang  diproses  sebanyak  50  gram  pada  suhu  200oC  dengan  lamaproses 30 menit.