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FOUNDASIA Vol 2, No 3 (2003): FONDASIA
Publisher : Prodi Filsafat dan Sosiologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/foundasia.v2i3.6522


The education is convinced to play an important role in solving and providing the way out upon the present social problem. One of the important results of educational implementation is the progress of science and technology proved to be able to assist mankind in solving the problem. Ironically, if the educational implementation practice it self contains the problem, for example degradation of morality in education. Therrfore, it, order to solve such a condition, an effort is needed to reconstruct morality to return the main mission of education fur the manifestation of the Indonesian societal typology which is within morality and just prosperity
FOUNDASIA Vol 2, No 10 (2010): FONDASIA
Publisher : Prodi Filsafat dan Sosiologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/foundasia.v2i10.5834


Banyak ahli mensinyalir bahwa ada persoalan dengan sekolah. Aneka kesulitan yang dialaminya antara lain menyangkut drug use, early pregnancy, delinquency, dan school failures. Salah satu yang termasuk school failures adalah kesulitan dalam menyelenggarakan proses belajar mengajar efektif. Proses ini hanya dapat dilakukan oleh sekolah berkualitas. Pandangan awam, sekolah berkualitas adalah sekolah dengan kemegahan gedung, keluesan den keindahan area lingkungan, secara kelengkapan fasilitas serana dan prasarananya. Namun oleh pare ahli, sekolah berkualitas lebih ditentukan pada kualitas proses belajar mengajar yang dapat menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas. Kualitas proses belajar mengajar ditentukan oleh enam faktor dan gabungan dari kesemuanya, yaitu: teacher's behavior, student's behavior and learning impact, learning climate, subject matters mastery, media, dan learning system. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas sekolah, dewasa ini terdapat dua gerakan yaitu School effective Movement oleh Mortimor dan kawan-kawan dan The Quality School Movement oleh William Glasser den kawan-kawan. Masing-masing memiliki pendekatan, cara, dan indikator yang berbeda.  
FOUNDASIA Vol 1, No 6 (2005): FONDASIA
Publisher : Prodi Filsafat dan Sosiologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/foundasia.v1i6.6323


Economic policies that spoil only big conglomerates and foreign capitalist and political policies that continously restrict and ignore democratic values and human rights have made lay people and civil power weak Therefore. Non-Government Organizations (NGO) as voluntary organizations, especially in 1990s, tried to enpower the civil people in order to be able to face the government. NGOs made such an attempt to achieve tha aspiratiron of making a civil society into reality, the society is not natural society or political society anymore, but a society in the highest level, namely civil society. It is a society whose members have an independent atlitude, an ability to develop the self, and an ability to restrict the government intervention in the reoliy that they have created as the space of their own activities.
Analisis Persamaan Merek Terkenal Tidak Sejenis Ditinjau Dari Hukum Merek (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 29 PK/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2016) Arif Rohman
JIPRO: Journal of Intellectual Property JIPRO, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jipro.vol4.iss1.art3


Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 29 PK/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2016 mengenai gugatan BMW (BAYERISCHE MOTOREEN WERKE AKTIENGESELOLSCHAFFT) terhadap BMW (BODY MAN WEAR) kurang tepat. Dengan dikeluarkanya Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung Nomor 03/BUA.6/H.S/SP/XII/2015, mengakibatkan amar putusan untuk gugatan persamaan pada pokoknya dan/atau keseluruhan merek terkenal tidak sejenis, harus diputus dengan amar tidak dapat diterima. Majelis hakim berpendapat bahwa belum ada aturan yang mengatur untuk kasus persamaan merek beda jenis, sehingga dianggap belum ada pelanggaran hukum. Menurut penulis dengan amar putusan tersebut dapat menimbulakan ketidakpastian hukum untuk pemegang merek terkenal dalam hali ini BMW milik Penguggat yang sudah terbukti terkenal di dunia.
Problematika Penetapan Kawasan Hutan di Wilayah Masyarakat Adat dalam Rangka Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Kota Tarakan Marthin -; Yahya Ahmad Zein; Arif Rohman
Pandecta Research Law Journal Vol 9, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/pandecta.v9i1.2855


Pada dasarnya hukum diciptakan sebagai alat perubahan sosial. Salah satu berkurangnya hutan yang ada di Tarakan disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan penduduk dan mengklaim hutan yang ada sebagai hutan adat sehingga diperlukan kebijakan pemerintah daerah untuk menetapkan kawasan hutan tertentu. Hal ini di samping sebuah perintah UU juga merupakan tugas Pemerintah Daerah. Yang intinya sebagai peran Hukum Administrasi pada intinya, pertama, yang memungkinkan tugas administrasi negara, Kedua, melindungi warga negara terhadap tindakan sikap administrasi negara dan juga melindungi administrasi negara itu sendiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian empiris. Sedangkan untuk memperoleh data menggunakan study pusktaka, observasi dan wawancara, kemudian data primer, sekunder dan tersier dianalisis untuk memecahkan masalah yang ditimbulkan. Status lahan hutan di Wilayah Adat di kota Tarakan adalah hutan negara, hutan harus dikelola sesuai dengan hak ulayat masyarakat adat. Suatu kawasan hutan tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai kawasan hutan adat begitu saja, tetapi harus melalui beberapa prosedur dan salah satu peran Pemerintah daerah Kota Tarakan adalah mengeluarkan peraturan Daerah Nomor 4 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Kota 2012-2032 yang di dalamnya memuat tentang hutan. Basically the law was created as a tool for social change. One of the existing forest loss in Tarakan caused by population growth and forest claimed as indigenous forest policy that required local governments to establish a particular forest area. This is in addition to a command law is also the duty of Local Government. Which is essentially the role of Administrative Law in essence, the first, which allows the state administration tasks, Second, to protect citizens against the actions and attitude of the state administration also protects the state administration itself. The method used in this study include the type of empirical research. As for obtaining data using pusktaka study, observation and interview, then the primary data, secondary and tertiary analyzed to solve the problems posed . Status of forest land in the town of Tarakan Indigenous Territory is a state forest, the forest must be managed in accordance with the customary rights of indigenous peoples. A forest can not be regarded as indigenous forests for granted, but must go through one of several procedures and the role of local government is issuing regulations Tarakan City Region No. 4 of 2012 on City Spatial Plan 2012-2032 in which the load on the forest .
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol. 25, No. 2, August 2023: Contemporary Issues on Indonesian Legal Reform
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kanun.v25i2.35292


This article discusses the possibility of non-ratifying states to the Rome Statute to be refered to International Criminal Court (ICC) with reference to Sri Lanka, where war crimes and crimes against humanity has been occured. This study employed the doctrinal method to analyze the issue. Sri Lanka is unable to deal with perpetrators who must be responsible for humanitarian conflicts, despite of a sovereign State. This paper found that the United Nations has a responsibility in addressing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sri Lanka when dealing with war crimes due to its non-ratification of the Rome Statute. Sri Lanka can propose the formation of an Ad Hoc Tribunal to the United Nations, adopting a judge composition inspired by hybrid models used in Sierra Leone and Cambodia. However, the legality of foreign judges must be clarified beforehand.