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Perspektif Komunikasi Islam Dalam Menyikapi Kekerasan Verbal Pada Vlog Game Brandonkent Everything Ilham Wijaya; Achmad Syarifudin; Manalullaili Manalullaili
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Mei - Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v3i2.940


This research is entitled "Perspectives on Islamic Communication in Responding to Verbal Violence in BrandonKent Everything's Vlog Game". In this study, the authors raise the issue of how the perspective of Islamic communication responds to verbal violence in the BrandonKent Everything vlog game. The background of this research is the presence of verbal violence in BrandonKent's game vlog shows. The purpose of this study was to find out the perspective of Islamic communication in responding to verbal violence in the BrandonKent Everything game vlog. The theory used in this study is the Hypodermic Needle Theory. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative research method that produces descriptive data. The source of the data obtained in this study is directly from the game's vlog broadcast on the BrandonKent Everything YouTube channel. The results of this study indicate that there is violence in vlog game shows on the BrandonKent Everything channel, namely words that contain verbal violence such as swearing, insulting, cursing, mocking and cornering in a loud tone and as if yelling. This verbal abuse can be found in the video games he plays on BrandonKent Everything's YouTube channel.
Strategi Komunikasi Pemuka Adat Dalam Menjaga “Tradisi Minjam Calon Pengantin Wanita Untuk Adaptasi Keluarga” Di Desa. Ujanmas Baru, Kec. Ujanmas, Kab. Muara Enim Ghea Frasilia Putri Utamia; Nuraid Nuraid; Manalullaili Manalullaili
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Mei - Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v3i2.977


This thesis discusses the Communication Strategy of Traditional Leaders in Maintaining "The Tradition of Borrowing Brides for Family Adaptation" in Ujanmas Baru Village, Kec. Ujanmas, Kab. Muara Enim, South Sumatra. The main problems in this study are how the communication strategy is carried out by traditional leaders in maintaining the tradition of borrowing from prospective brides in Ujanms Baru Village and what are the inhibiting factors faced by traditional leaders in maintaining the tradition of borrowing prospective brides in Ujanmas Baru Village. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to find out the communication strategy used by traditional leaders in maintaining the tradition of borrowing from the bride and groom in Ujanmas Baru Village and to find out the inhibiting factors faced by traditional leaders in maintaining the tradition of borrowing from prospective brides in Ujanmas Baru Village. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The selected informants are those who have the relevance needed for research consisting of traditional leaders or traditional leaders, government, religious leaders, and the local community. data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative supported by primary data and secondary data. The results of the study show that the strategy used by traditional leaders is to provide material to the younger generation regarding customs that exist in Ujanmas Baru Village with all local wisdom, traditional leaders use stories or fairy tales to teach customary values ​​or norms in tradition to the community, especially the younger generation. When carrying out the tradition, traditional leaders usually invite the younger generation to be involved in it. Then in the tradition of borrowing the bride and groom, there are obstacles faced by traditional leaders, namely lack of support from stakeholders, ignorance of the community, especially the younger generation regarding customs, currents of globalization that are rife due to changing times which have reduced the interest of the younger generation and because of differences in traditions or customs in other regions.
Analisis Semiotika Pada Desain Logo Penerbit Cahaya_Publisher Wingki Azwandi Saputra; Fifi Hasmawati; Manalullaili
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Mei - Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v3i2.1018


This research is entitled "Semiotics Analysis on the Design of the Cahaya_Publisher Publisher Logo". This research was conducted on the logo of the Cahaya_Publisher publisher, which is a book publishing that focuses on the religious/spiritual genre. The formulation of the problem in this study is the semiotic analysis of the Cahaya_publisher logo design on the meaning of connotations, denotations and myths in the Cahaya-publisher logo design. The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning of connotations, denotations, and myths in the logo design of the Cahaya_publisher publisher. The author uses a qualitative research method, the data used is primary data in this study, namely the founder of Cahaya_publisher who also designed the Cahaya_publisher logo and secondary data, namely printed media and internet sites to support collecting data sources. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used is Roland Barhets Semiotics analysis. The results of this study are that the meaning of denotation is a visual unity of the yellow and brown logo with the use of sunflower and pen elements. writing, for myth is a positive hope that is contained in the logo design in the form of a sunflower unity and the colors yellow and brown are chosen as representatives of sunlight which has positive energy, lighting for the surroundings in this case for the world of publishing and writing.
Penggunaan Aplikasi Wattpad Sebagai Media Dakwah (Studi Pada Penulis Novel Indahnursf) Rica Ayu Permata Sari; Fifi Hasmawati; Manalullaili
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli - September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jishs.v1i4.1147


This research is entitled "Use of the Wattpad Application as a Da'wah Media (Study of the Novel Writer Indahnursf)". The problem formulation in the research is how to apply Wattpad as a medium for writing novels that contain elements of da'wah messages for the writer Indahnursf. The purpose of this research is to find out that the Wattpad application for writing novels by Indahnursf can be used as a medium for conveying da'wah messages. This research uses a qualitative research method with a content analysis approach. The data collected is in the form of documentation and interviews. And the data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques. The results of the research explain that Indahnursf's use of the Wattpad application for writing novels can be an effective medium for conveying da'wah messages. This can be seen from the results of Indahnursf's novels entitled The Most Beautiful Hijrah, Jodoh, Qalbu, and At the End of the Prayer of Love, which contain preaching messages. The categories of da'wah messages contained in the novel Indahnursf are, Novel Jodoh contains a message of faith, namely faith in Allah, a moral message, namely sincerity. And also sharia, namely worship. The Most Beautiful Hijrah Novel contains a sharia message, namely worship, a moral message, namely gratitude, and a creed message, namely Faith in Allah. Then, the novel Di Penghujung Doa Cinta contains a sharia message, namely worship and muamalah, a moral message, namely gratitude, helping each other and reminding each other of goodness, and a creed message, namely faith in Allah and faith in Qodo and Qodar. Lastly, Novel Qalbu contains a sharia message, namely the prohibition of approaching adultery, a creed message, namely faith in Allah, and a moral message, namely patience and gratitude.
Strategi Bisnis Thrifting @ngebedje_store di Palembang Elvira Putri Utami; Fifi Hasmawati; Manalullaili
Pubmedia Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Januari
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/pssh.v1i3.177


The research is motivated by the thrifting business which is experiencing significant growth in Indonesia because the cheap, unique and quality prices offered by thrift shops have become an attractive alternative for shoppers on a limited budget. However, the thrift business is faced with the challenge of competition and the ban on imports of used clothing in Indonesia, which has had a negative impact on thrift traders. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the thrift business strategy carried out by @Ngebedje_store. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. In this research, Promotion Mix theory such as Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Personal Selling is applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the promotional strategy implemented by Ngebedje Store. The research results show that Ngebedje Store has succeeded in implementing the four elements of the promotional mix well. This strategy has increased customer interest in the products offered, resulting in increased sales, as well as growth in the number of followers on his Instagram account. Apart from that, Ngebedje Store has also succeeded in maintaining customer loyalty by fostering trust, maintaining satisfaction and maintaining good relationships with customers. This ultimately made Ngebedje Store able to survive and compete in the thrift industry in Palembang.
Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saurre Pesan Dakwah Pada Film “Mengejar Surga” Tanzilal; Abdur Razzaq; Manalullaili
Pubmedia Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Januari
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/pssh.v1i3.179


This research is entitled "Semiotic Analysis of Ferninanda De Saussurre's Da'wah Message in the Film Chasing Heaven". This research is motivated by da'wah which is one of the efforts to broadcast Islam. Da'wah is an obligation for every Muslim, in this modern era da'i must be creative in choosing media and be able to utilize technology so that the message they want to convey to mad'u can be well received. In this research, the media is the film "Menjejar Surga which contains preaching messages about struggle, prayer, endeavor and death. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using content analysis techniques. This research is also based on theory. Ferdinand De Saussure's semiotics is the concept of signifier and signified. The results of this research answered the problems above, we found several preaching messages, namely about marriage guardians, death and endeavors.
Analisis Aplikasi RRI Play Go Dalam Siaran Streaming Penyiaran Radio (Studi pada LPP RRI Palembang) Yuni Maharini; Fifi Hasmawati; Manalullaili
Pubmedia Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/pssh.v1i4.188


Analysis Of The RRI Play Go Application in Streaming Radio Broadcacts (Study at LPP RRI Palembang) Mass media is a communication and information medium that disseminates information and can be accessed by the entire community en masse. One of the forms of mass media that is often found is radio, radio is a broadcast medium as a whole broadcast starting from material preparation, production, preparation of broadcast material, and broadcasting to reception of the broadcast or listeners in a place. There are many radio broadcasts in Indonesia, one of which is RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia), the development of information technology has meant that RRI does not only convey information from conventional radio networks, because RRI has released an application called RRI Play Go, this application provides information that is easily accessible anywhere. and at any time, actual and effective information. RRI Play Go is new media or digital media with the meaning of context media which has a combination of data, sound, text and various kinds of images stored in digital format. The RRI Play Go application has several features, namely, Programs, Music, Podcasts, News, Community, Partner Media and cctv Monitoring. The features available on the RRI Play Go application make all information and programs from various cities to remote areas easy to access, make it easier for users to find communities to build relationships, provide many music genres that can be accessed without time limits, access to news that is guaranteed without hoax and according to facts. The available categories also make it easier to find all the features according to your needs, podcasts with healthy and medical broadcasts, partner media that can be accessed easily and cctv monitoring that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.