Wendra G. Rohmah, Wendra G.
Unknown Affiliation

Published : 2 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Reaction Optimization Study on Extraction of Crude Glucosamine Siwalan Fruit Seeds (Borassus flabellifer L.) Rahmah, Nur Lailatul; Dewi, Ika Atsari; Dewanti, Beauty S. Diah; Perdani, Claudia Gadizza; Prayudi, Danang Triagus; Ihwah, Azzimatul; Rohmah, Wendra G.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 17, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Glukosamin (C6H13NO5) atau (3R,4R,5S)-3-Amino-6-(hidroksimetil) oksana-2.4.5-triol atau 2-Amino-2-deoksiglukosa merupakan gula amino dan prekursor penting dalam sintesis biokimia. Glukosamin dapat berfungsi sebagai obat osteoarthritis dan rematik. Glukosamin terkandung dalam biji buah siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) yang banyak tersebar di wilayah Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah bagian timur, Madura, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Sulawesi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Respon Permukaan yaitu Rancangan Komposit Terpusat (Central Composit Design) dengan menggunakan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi NH4Cl dan lama perendaman.  Digunakan NH4Cl 2 M sebagai batas bawah dan 4 M sebagai batas atas, sedangkan waktu ekstraksi selama 6 jam sebagai batas bawah dan 24 jam sebagai batas atas. Kedua faktor tersebut menghasilkan sebanyak 13 perlakuan. Respon dari penelitian ini  adalah kadar, pH dan  rendemen glukosamin. Model hubungan pengaruh antara konsentrasi NH4Cl dan lama waktu perendaman terhadap kadar dan rendemen glukosamin siwalan adalah model linier, sehingga tidak bisa ditentukan solusi optimum untuk masing-masing faktor. Namun yang ditemukan adalah respon terbesar yang terdapat pada konsentrasi NH4Cl 4 M dan lama perendaman 24 jam dengan kadar glukosamin 858,772 ppm, pH glukosamin 4,383 dan rendemen glukosamin  0,285%. Ekstrak glukosamin hasil respon terbesar ini memiliki ciri fisik larut dalam air, sedikit larut dalam methanol, dan berwarna coklat.
Design Combination Attributes (Stimuli) of Sweet Potatoes Product Using Syntax and Orthogonal Procedure Ihwah, Azzimatul; Astuti, Retno; Effendi, Usman; Effendi, Mas'ud; Rohmah, Wendra G.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 15, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Processed orange sweet potato has produced people who joined in Gapoktan Sukoanyar Village, District Pakis, Kab. Malang, among others stick, lunkhead, crackers. In the meantime, orange sweet potato processed products they produce only deposited in Food Production and Training Center (FPTC) owned THP FTP UB Department. However, manufacturers have complained that the production capacity and the number of products sold is still unbalanced. In other words, many products are not sold, while the product has been distributed to FPTC not all sold out. The purpose of this study to find out what the consumer desires, and obtain the design combination of attributes (stimuli) sweet potato processed products. The population in this study is a population of Malang. The size of the sample to be taken, calculated using the formula Slovin. By using a significance level of 5% was obtained sample size of 400. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling, the purposive sampling. So respondents will be used for the sample of respondents who like sweet potatoes. The questionnaire was given to a number of respondents. Questions in the questionnaire is an open question. From the results of the questionnaire, obtained 4 levels of attributes that taste, price, type and how to purchase. 4 levels of attributes and levels, gained as much as 16 combinations of attributes (stimuli), both designed using procedures and orthogonal syntax, whereas if only used 3-level attributes, ie taste, price and type of the obtained 8 stimuli if designed using a procedure syntax and 7 stimuli if designed using orthogonal procedure.Keywords: attributtes product, sweet potatoes, stimuli, syntax, orthogonal