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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 18, No 2 (2003): April
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Masuknya sistem perkebunan kolonial pada akhir abad 19 di Indonesia menimbulkan berbagai perlawanan/konflik dari rakyat. Secara struktural konflik terjadi antara rakyat lemah dan elit desa di satu sisi, dengan perkebunan kolonial dan birokrasi di sisi yang lain.Namun menarik untuk dicermati apakah konflik tersebut hanya disebabkan sistemkapitalistik dan hegemoni bangsa Eropa terhadap Asia ataukah ada faktor lainnya. Tulisan ini menggambarkan proses dominasi perkebunan kolonial dengan latar belakang penentangan kolektif, berdasar struktur konflik di dalam perkebunan kolonial, kerajaan Jawa, dan rakyat desa. Penelitian ini juga menjawab pertanyaan mengapa suatu wilayah dengan tipologi ekonomi kolonial yang sama menghasilkan tingkat penolakan/perlawanan yang berbeda. Studi kasus yang diteliti adalah perusahaan gula Sewu Galur dan perusahaan nila Sumbernila di wilayah Pakualam pada akhir abad 19, dengan aktor-aktor perlawanan rakyat beserta persepsi hidup mereka. Konflik terjadi tidak hanya secara kolektif, melainkan secara individual yang dilatarbelakangi ketimpangan dan persaingan ekonomi. Konflik di perkebunan kolonial disebabkan adanya struktur lingkungan ganda (hybrydal environment) antara sistem agraria lama dan sistem kapitalisme perkebunan kolonial, selain juga karena struktur politik penjajahan.Kata kunci: sistem perkebunan kolonial, sistem apanage, Peraturan Bekel, perlawanan rakyat.
a Study on Bisri Mustofa, Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah [Hamka] and Quraish Shihab’s Tafsîr on Isrâ’îlîyât Haris, Achmad Murtafi; Margana, Sri; Al Makin, Al Makin
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 6 No 2 (2016): September
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Umat Islam sekarang sinis terhadap kisah isrâ’îlîyât atau kisah-kisah yang berasal dari Yahudi dan Kristen. Fenomena intelektual ini bertentangan dengan respons Muslim awal yang akrab dengan materi-materi isrâ’îlîyât. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membedah kisah-kisah isrâ’îlîyât yang ditulis oleh Bisri, Hamka, dan Quraish dalam tafsir masing-masing: Tafsîr al-Ibrîz, Tafsîr al-Azhar, dan Tafsîr al-Miṣbah. Titik tekan dari artikel ini adalah latar belakang yang kemudian mempengaruhi persepsi mereka dalam menafsir ayat-ayat isrâ’îlîyât. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan sejarah intelektual untuk mengetahui perkembangan ide manusia pada isu tertentu. Makalah ini berakhir pada kesimpulan bahwa sikap toleransi Bisri dan Hamka dan penolakan Quraish isrâ’îlîyât dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang sosial dan akademik masing-masing.  
a Study on Bisri Mustofa, Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah [Hamka] and Quraish Shihab’s Tafsîr on Isrâ’îlîyât Achmad Murtafi Haris; Sri Margana; Al Makin Al Makin
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016): September
Publisher : Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.39 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/religio.v6i2.606


Umat Islam sekarang sinis terhadap kisah isrâ’îlîyât atau kisah-kisah yang berasal dari Yahudi dan Kristen. Fenomena intelektual ini bertentangan dengan respons Muslim awal yang akrab dengan materi-materi isrâ’îlîyât. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membedah kisah-kisah isrâ’îlîyât yang ditulis oleh Bisri, Hamka, dan Quraish dalam tafsir masing-masing: Tafsîr al-Ibrîz, Tafsîr al-Azhar, dan Tafsîr al-Mi?bah. Titik tekan dari artikel ini adalah latar belakang yang kemudian mempengaruhi persepsi mereka dalam menafsir ayat-ayat isrâ’îlîyât. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan sejarah intelektual untuk mengetahui perkembangan ide manusia pada isu tertentu. Makalah ini berakhir pada kesimpulan bahwa sikap toleransi Bisri dan Hamka dan penolakan Quraish isrâ’îlîyât dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang sosial dan akademik masing-masing.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 18, No 2 (2003): April
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.424 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6622


Masuknya sistem perkebunan kolonial pada akhir abad 19 di Indonesia menimbulkan berbagai perlawanan/konflik dari rakyat. Secara struktural konflik terjadi antara rakyat lemah dan elit desa di satu sisi, dengan perkebunan kolonial dan birokrasi di sisi yang lain. Namun menarik untuk dicermati apakah konflik tersebut hanya disebabkan sistem kapitalistik dan hegemoni bangsa Eropa terhadap Asia ataukah ada faktor lainnya. Tulisan ini menggambarkan proses dominasi perkebunan kolonial dengan latar belakang penentangan kolektif, berdasar struktur konflik di dalam perkebunan kolonial, kerajaan Jawa, dan rakyat desa. Penelitian ini juga menjawab pertanyaan mengapa suatu wilayah dengan tipologi ekonomi kolonial yang sama menghasilkan tingkat penolakan/perlawanan yang berbeda. Studi kasus yang diteliti adalah perusahaan gula Sewu Galur dan perusahaan nila Sumbernila di wilayah Pakualam pada akhir abad 19, dengan aktor-aktor perlawanan rakyat beserta persepsi hidup mereka. Konflik terjadi tidak hanya secara kolektif, melainkan secara individual yang dilatarbelakangi ketimpangan dan persaingan ekonomi. Konflik di perkebunan kolonial disebabkan adanya struktur lingkungan ganda (hybrydal environment) antara sistem agraria lama dan sistem kapitalisme perkebunan kolonial, selain juga karena struktur politik penjajahan.
Politik dan Ekonomi di Dua Kota: Baubau dan Kendari pada tahun 1950an–1960an La Ode Rabani; Bambang Purwanto; Sri Margana
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i1.15746


This article explains the implications of political-economic shock on the development of two towns; Baubau and Kendari in the 1950s to 1960s. Indonesia in the 1950s general and especially Southeast Sulawesi were politically and economically unstable. This situation happened because the country is still on the stage of finding a balance and political and economic consolidation has not reached the point of equilibrium. As a result, political shock occurred in certain areas due to differences in views, including in South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. One of the political disturbances that influenced the development of the towns was the DI / TII rebellion in the 1950s. One of the effects of political turmoil in two cities, Buton and Kendari, is the flow of rural populations into towns. Military operations to eliminate security disturbances in the towns of Baubau and Kendari support the improvement of infrastructure for access to the town and expand morphology of towns. The author examines, reads, and examines documents archives carefully in South and Southeast Sulawesi. The facts in the archives show that political and economic shocks have a good effect on one thing and not good on another side. The events of political turmoil in Southeast Sulawesi provide important lessons and knowledge about the other side of political and economic shocks.
Identifkasi dan Inventarisasi Permasalahan Pelestarian Situs Makam Megalitikum di Distrik Mulyosari, Kecamatan Malangsari, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur Uji Nugroho Winardi; Agus Suwignyo; Baha’Uddin Baha’Uddin; Sri Margana
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3724.695 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bb.37916


Te existence of ancient grave sites in Banyuwangi save the potential of historical data to uncover the origins of Javanese civilization. However, the sites have been damaged by the activity of looting graves in the last ffteen years. Tis Community Engagement Activity aims to identify socio-economic issues and the substance of the object of the site study to stop looting and raise the potential of ancient tombs academically and politically concerning historical heritage management policies, as well as ocioeconomically for the local community. Community Engagement Activities was conducted in November 2015. Te team found that the looting of grave sites by residents was motivated by economic problems. Nevertheless, the problem network is rooted in the political aspect of the absence of a policy that places the ancient site’s grave as an area of cultural heritage. Tis issue is closely related to the low level of awareness of government and citizens. In addition, there are complex issues concerning the ownership and management of the land area of the grave site, which is a coffee plantation.
Politics of Islam in Javanese Aesthetics: R. Ng. Yasadipura I’s Poe(li)tical Imagination of Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi Achmad Fawaid; Wening Udasmoro; Sri Margana; Bannaga Taha Al-Zubair Hussen
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.088 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v6i1.14718


This paper is to figure out R. Ng. Yasadipura I’s poe(li)tical imagination of Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi. The ‘politics’ is defined not merely as instrumental utility, but intertwined with ‘poetics’, an aesthetic strategy which allegorically unveils an interpretation of the undecidability of  Islam as central Islam or peripheral Islam, as Arabia Islam or Javanese Islam. Based on the biographical and structural approaches, this article attempts to analyze textual, ideological, and religious traces of this 18th century Javanese Muslim bhujangga and its relation to the way he describes Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi. Yasadipura I is a political subject, since he describes Islam not merely as a religious consensus, but also dissensus to other identities. This dissensus is partly a logical consequence of—using Jacques Rancière’s term—Yasadipura I’s ‘class migration’, ranging from Muslim student (santri) from Kedu, royal advisor (menteri) of Surakarta court, to prolific writer and translator of Hindu-Buddhist kakawin and Islamic Malay suluk.
Politics of Prophecy in Java: A Mythological Narrative on Political Succession of Javanese Dynasties in Babad Tanah Jawi Achmad Fawaid; Wening Udasmoro; Sri Margana
Khazanah Sosial Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Khazanah Sosial Vol 4, No 2 August 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.281 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/ks.v4i2.17622


This article is to figure out how Javanese power succession has archetypal structures and relational systems in Babad Tanah Jawi, representing that the past is prophetic prologomena for the future. Using Lévi-Strauss’s structural anthropology of myth as a methodological approach, this study attempts to analyze the relational systems of successive power of Javanese characters (rulers) from pre-Majapahit to early Mataram in Babad Tanah Jawi and to interpret symbols of the prophetic divine during the periods of different Javanese reigns. This study has found that Javanese dynastic succession has been characterized by archetypal structures, in which the Javanese rulers commonly passed through identical phases of life-journeys, ranging from getting divination from fortune-teller (prophecy), getting out of the origins (exodus), to getting political recognition to be the next ruler (legitimacy). This system argues that the mythological prophecy in Babad Tanah Jawi is political because it prevails the logic of the Javanese worldview (weltanschauung) and the precondition of mystical and political legitimacy for Javanese rulers. The narratives of prophetic symbols, in which the different Javanese rulers had been involved in similar forms and structures, also imply the political dimension of prophecy representing the power of their reigns.
Religion, communism, and Ratu Adil Colonialism and propaganda literature in 1920s Yogyakarta Margana, Sri
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 20, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article examines the social realities of literary works and the colonial perceptions of socio-political movement inspired by the ideologies of Islam, communism, and the Just King (Ratu Adil). The main sources for this study are four propaganda literatures published by the Resident of Yogyakarta, Louis Frederik Dingemans (1924-1927). It employs post-colonial literary theory to analyse the colonial authority’s perceptions of Islam, communism, and Ratu Adil, and examines how colonial rulers (as colonizers) positioned themselves as above indigenous society (the colonized) as the guardians of moral, social, and political order.
Narrative Imagination of Islam in Nusantara: A Study on Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi and Babad Giyanti Achmad Fawaid; Wening Udasmoro; Sri Margana; Miftahul Huda
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Literature and Muslim Society Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/islimus.v8i1.5030


The lack of research on literary elements in "babad" is in line with the limited study of Islamic elements within this genre. This research aims to analyze the Javanese poets' depictions of Islam in "Babad Tanah Jawi" and "Babad Giyanti." The study operates under the assumption that "babad" as literary works can allegorically create a contested space where Islam interacts with other traditions. A qualitative paradigm with a comparative structural approach is employed in this study, focusing on the narratives that shape the author's understanding of Islam in the 18th century. The findings of this research reveal that the court poet's portrayal of Islam in "Babad Tanah Jawi" shares similarities with another work in the same genre, "Babad Giyanti." These commonalities encompass the utilization of Islamic verses in the "bhabuka" text and "asmaul husna," the depiction of "walisongo's" role, the practice of "tawajjuh," moral Islamic teachings, and the political positioning characterized by ambivalence and negotiation among different traditions.