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Journal : Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)

Faux Insider Hazard Investigation on Non-Public Cloud Computing by Using ADAM’s Technique Dwi Kurnia Wibowo; Ahmad Luthfi; Yudi Prayudi; Erika Ramadhani; Muhamad Maulana
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 6 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i6.4714


Cloud computing is a service system mechanism that businesses and organizations use to perform computerized and integrated transactions over computer networks. The service system must, of course, be”matched”with a”certain amount”of security. It is applied to” forecast the probability of cybercrime. A Cloud Service Provider (CSP) often offers cloud-based services with a basic level of security. Typically, CSPs are set up to offer their services on the open internet. Data security-focused organizations strive to shield their systems from a wide range of attackers. One of the alternatives is to construct a private cloud computing system. The issue is the potential for Man in the Cloud (MITC) assaults, which compromise and modify identities and are identified in cloud systems as phony insider threats. Based on the ISO 27032 standard research, the goal of this work is to undertake a threat analysis of MITC attack methodologies against private cloud computing services. With regards to risks to cloud services in a private cloud computing environment, it is intended that reporting and documenting the study' findings would lead to suggestions for more research and cybersecurity management procedures.
TAARA Method for Processing on the Network Forensics in the Event of an ARP Spoofing Attack Agus Wijayanto; Imam Riadi; Yudi Prayudi
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 7 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v7i2.4589


According to reports in 2021 by Kaspersky, requests for investigations into suspicious network activity, such as ARP Spoofing, which can result in sophisticated attacks, reached up to 22%. Several difficulties with examining network systems have been overcome thanks to network forensic investigations. This study aims to perform a network forensic analysis of ARP spoofing attacks using Wireshark forensic tools and Network Miner with a sniffer design process to capture traffic on the router side. In order to gather reliable evidence, this study employs the TAARA method as a network forensic investigation process. Based on the research conducted, it can be demonstrated that an attack took place from eight PCAP files. The information that was gathered, such as the IP address and MAC address of the attacker, the IP address and MAC address of the target, and the date and time of the attack are examples of evidence information that was gathered. This study also shows that network forensic operations can use the Wireshark forensic tool to obtain more detailed data.
Forensic Analysis of Faces on Low-Quality Images using Detection and Recognition Methods Verry Noval Kristanto; Imam Riadi; Yudi Prayudi
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 7 No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v7i2.4630


Facial recognition is an essential aspect of conducting criminal action investigations. Captured images from the camera or the recording video can reveal the perpetrator's identity if their faces are deliberately or accidentally captured. However, many of these digital imagery results display the results of image quality that is not good when seen by the human eye. Hence, the facial recognition process becomes more complex and takes longer. This research aims to analyze face recognition on a low-quality image with noise, blur and brightness problem to help digital forensic investigator do an investigation in recognizing faces that the human eye can’t do. The Viola-Jones algorithm method has several processes such as the Haar feature, integral image, adaboost, and cascade classifier for detecting a face in an image. Detected face will be passed to the next process for recognition call Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD), Local Binary Pattern’s (LBP) and Principal Component analysis (PCA). The software's facial recognition feature shows one of the images in the database that the program suspects has the same face as the analyzed face image. In conclusion, from the analysis we determined that LBP approach is the best among the other recognition methods for blur and brightness problem, bet found PCA method is the best for recognize face in noise problem. The software's facial recognition feature shows one of the images in the database that the program suspects has the same face as the analyzed face image. The position of the face object in the image, whether or not there is an additional object that was not previously included in the image in the dataset, as well as the brightness level of an image and the color of the face's skin, all affect the accuracy rates.
Co-Authors - Bambang Sugiantoro, Bambang Sugiantoro - MTI UII Yogyakarta, Zaenudin - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Bambang Sugiantoro Abdul Muis Abdul Rohman Supriyono Abdul Rohman Supriyono Achmad Syauqi Adhitya Wishnu Wardhana Adi Fajaryanto Agus Wijayanto Agus Wijayanto Ahmad Luthfi Ahmad Luthfi Ahmad Luthfie Ahmad Muhariya Ahmad Ridha Kelrey Ahmad Rois Syujak Ahmad Subki Ahmad Subki - STMIK Mataram Ahmad, Muhammad Sabri Akhmad Muzakka Al Jumah, Muhammad Naim Andrian Sah Ardy Wicaksono Arif Surya Putra Arrochman, Ibnu Fajar Astria Adhi Wijaya azis catur laksono Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro - Bambang Sugiantoro CITRA ARFANUDIN Danar Cahyo Prakoso Dedy Frianto Dhomas Hatta Fudholi Dimas Pamilih Epin Andrian Dinda Shafira Gita Islami Dirgahayu, Raden Teduh Dirman Dirman Dita Rahayu Berliana Dodi Prakoso Wibowo Dwi Kurnia Wibowo Erika Ramadhani Erika Ramadhani Ermadi Satriya Wijaya Fajaryanto, Adi Fauzan Natsir Feryan Lutfie Nafila Fetyata Yudha Fietyata Yudha Fudholi, Dhomas Hatta Hanifah Mardlatillah Helmi Rachman Ibnu Fajar Arrochman Idham Halik Ilman Pradhana Ilyas Nuryasin Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Isriade Putra Ivany Hikmatunnisa' Iwan Aprizal Kharisma Mahesa Koes Wiyatmoko Kun Saidi Lilik Widyawati Merisa Kurniasari Fadilla Moch Bagoes Pakarti Moh Fadly Panende Muh. Ditra Pamungkas Muhamad Maulana Muhammad Khairul Faridi Muhammad Naufal Bahreisy Muhammad Nur Adhar Muhammad Zulfadhilah Muzammilatul Wachidah NANNY NANNY Nora Lizarti Nukman Nukman Nurhayati Jiatmiko Nurmi Hidayasari Pahrul Irfan Pomalingo, Suwito Prakoso, Danar Cahyo Putry Wahyu Setyaningsih Rachman, Helmi Rahmat Inggi Ramadhani, Erika Ramansyah Ramansyah Ridho Rahmadi Rifqi Mahmud Rio Pradana Aji Rosidin Al Caruban Ruuhwan Ruuhwan Setiawan, Mukhammad Andri Sisdarmanto Adinandra, Sisdarmanto Siti Kartika Munawarah Subki, Ahmad Supriyono, Abdul Rohman Syarif Hidayat Teduh Dirgahayu Tino Feri Efendi Tri Sudinugraha Triawan Adi Cahyanto Verry Noval Kristanto Virjayanti Lazinu Wachidah, Muzammilatul Wisnu Pranoto Wisnu Pranoto Wisnu Sanjaya Yasir Muin