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Penerapan Metode ISSAF dan OWASP versi 4 Untuk Uji Kerentanan Web Server Dirgahayu, Raden Teduh; Prayudi, Yudi; Fajaryanto, Adi
Network Engineering Research Operation [NERO] Vol 1, No 3 (2015): Nero
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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Untuk mengamankan web server dariserangan hacker maka sebaiknya para pemilik web server melakukan self test terhadap server mereka sendiri. Melalui self test ini, para pemilik web server akan mengetahui letak kerentanan dari sistem yang ada. Salah satu metode self test ini adalah penetration test. Metode ini sama dengan aktivitas hacking namun dilakukan secara legal. Penelitian ini, metode implementasi penetration test yang akan digunakan adalah ISSAF (Information Systems Security Assessment Framework) dan OWASP versi 4. IKIP PGRI Madiun sebagai salah satu instansi pendidikan sudah mempunyai web server sendiri sejak tahun 2010. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan pengelola web server IKIP PGRI Madiun, sejak pertama kali web server online sampai saa tini web server berhasil dibobol oleh hacker beberapa kali dalam setahun dan belum pernah dilakukan penetration test pada web servernya. Hasil pengujian dan analisa dengan metode ISSAF menunjukkan bahwa sistem web server IKIP PGRI Madiun masih dapat ditembus dan mengambil alih hak akses administrator, sedangkan dengan metode OWASP versi 4 menunjukkan bahwa manajemen otentifikasi, otorisasi dan manajemen sesi belum diimplementasikan dengan baik. Kata kunci: webserver, pentest, owasp, issaf, framework.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

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MITM based Evil twin menjadi suatu ancaman yang berbahaya bagi para pengguna jaringan Wifi. Pelaku penyerangan ini memanfaatkan AP (Access Point) palsu dengan konfigurasi gateway yang berbeda dengan legitimate AP, sehingga jenis serangan ini menjadi cukup sulit untuk dideteksi, disisi lain proses pengungkapan kasus serangan MITM based Evil Twin hanya sebatas mendeteksi aktivitas serangan dan belum ada pembahasan lebih lanjut terkait digital forensik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan pendekatan metode Live forensik dan pendekatan dari sisi user, untuk mendeteksi aktivitas ilegal yang terjadi di dalam jaringan Wifi, Proses investigasi MITM Based Evil dibagi menjadi empat tahapan, dimulai dari proses collection, examination, analysis dan reporting dan analisa Forensik, selain itu penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua proses penelitian yaitu proses analisa Wifi scanning dan analisa network trafik untuk proses penemuan barang bukti digital berupa informasi traffik data dari serangan mitm based evil twin.
Penerapan Integrated Digital Forensic Investigation Framework v2 (IDFIF) pada Proses Investigasi Smartphone Ruuhwan, Ruuhwan; Riadi, Imam; Prayudi, Yudi
JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika) Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Volume 2 No 1
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1033.501 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jp.v2i1.14369


Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, dapat menimbulkan permasalahan bagi pengguna teknologi itu sendiri, semakin maju kehidupan masyarakat, maka kejahatan juga ikut semakin maju. Smartphone merupakan salah satu bentuk teknologi yang digunakan untuk melakukan penipuan melalui fasilitas Short Message Service (SMS). Pada saat smartphone yang digunakan untuk melakukan kejahatan maka smartphone tersebut dapat disita oleh aparat penegak hukum sebagai salah satu barang bukti. Cara pembuktian untuk mendapatkan bukti yang valid adalah dengan melakukan investigasi menggunakan pendekatan penanganan bukti digital yang dikenal dengan istilah Framework. Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework versi 2 (IDFIF v2) merupakan framework terbaru yang telah dikembangkan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk proses investigasi smartphone.Kata kunci— Barang Bukti, Framework, IDFIF v2, Smartphone
Infotekmesin Vol 10, No 2 (2019): Infotekmesin: Juli 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.582 KB) | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v10i2.48


Network devices as media file sharing and can be used as file servers have begun to appear, just as smart router devices can be used as file servers by adding USB Thumb drive as storage media. With the diversity of router devices, it becomes a challenge in digital forensic science when a case occurs by utilizing a smart router device related to file-sharing services. Then it is necessary to study the right method in investigating smart router devices. This paper discusses the use of the live forensics acquisition method in investigating smart router devices, against system log files related to file-sharing activities. In identifying the process of searching, recognizing, and documenting potential things as digital evidence of processing devices and digital media storage. The acquisition process uses two methods, namely the live acquisition method on the router device and physical acquisition on the device that is used as storage media on the smart router.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.256 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v11i2.442.135-142


Social media has become a major part of society. But most of the time social media is used as a way people commit the crime. Due to numerous crimes that use social media, it is essential to design a framework to gather digital evidence on social media. This study develops the design of Framework by implementing Composite Logic Model.  A logic Composite model can be used to determine the role model of any variable or pattern that need to collaborate. Composite Logic Model will produce a role model that has a role to produce patterns so that it can produce the same goal. A method of Composite Logic will collaborate with the Digital Forensics Investigation framework to produce a Digital Evidence Collection Framework on Social Media. Based on data and facts, this study has been producing a new framework of gathering digital evidence on social media. The framework has four main stages in the process of collecting digital evidence on social media including pre-process, collection, analysis, and report.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (889.489 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v11i2.443.143-151


Social media is an application that can make everyone interact with each other and can consume information by sharing content quickly, efficiently and real time. Various kinds of information about someone's activities that we can find on social media, making social media can help to conduct investigations. Some research, using visualization with several graph methods to facilitate the process of analyzing data on social media that is so abundant. But the data used only comes from one social media, while there is still a lot of information on other social media that can be used as data sources for analysis purposes. In this study visualization using the directed graph method will be carried out, then calculate the value of network property and the value of centrality to find out which nodes have many activities which will be carried out in depth searches to find patterns of interaction or activity. Based on the results of the calculated centrality, it is found that on Twitter and Instagram accounts there are many interactions, this can be seen in the value of the indegree and outdegree node. Based on the results of the analysis in this study, information that is important for investigating social media is obtained, such as information about user profiles, posts, comments, preferred social media pages, location, and timestamp, all of which are connected by a line that shows the relationship between the node.
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Univeristas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (719.417 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/ilkom.v11i2.444.152-158


In recent years, the use of drones by civilians is increasing rapidly by the presentation of total sales continued to increase rapidly every year. With the increasing possibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) abuse, crime in the use of UAVs to be larger. Through forensic analysis of data using static forensic and live forensic to obtain data that allows it to be used as digital evidence. To dig up information that could be used as digital evidence in the UAV and controllers, as well as to know the characteristics of digital evidence on a UAV. The results showed that digital evidence on a UAV, the smartphone is used as a controller UAV has a very important role in the investigation. The findings in aircraft has a percentage of 50% and a camera memory card with 16.6%. DJI Phantom 3 Advanced GPS coordinates always store data in flight LOG; the data is always stored even when the flight mode is used does not use GPS signals to stability. Due to DJI Phantom 3 Advanced always use GPS on flights, file, image or video captured by the camera has the best GPS location coordinates to the metadata therein.
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 7, No 4 (2016): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 7 Nomor 4 Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.959 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jbi.v7i4.767


Abstract. The handling of digital evidence each and every digital data that can proof a determination that a crime has been committed; it may also give the links between a crime and its victims or crime and the culprit. How to verify a valid evidence is to investigate using the approach known as the Digital Forensic Examination Procedures. Integrated Digital Forensic Investigation Framework (IDFIF) is the latest developed method, so that it is interesting to further scrutinize IDFIF, particularly in the process of investigation of a smartphone. The current smartphone devices have similar functions with computers. Although its functions are almost the same as the computer, but there are some differences in the process of digital forensics handling between computer devices and smartphones. The digital evidence handling process stages need to overcome the circumstances that may be encountered by an investigator involving digital evidence particularly on electronic media and smartphone devices in the field. IDFIF needs to develop in such a way so it has the flexibility in handling different types of digital evidence.Keywords: digital evidence, IDFIF, investigation, smartphone Abstrak. Penanganan bukti digital mencakup setiap dan semua data digital yang dapat menjadi bukti penetapan bahwa kejahatan telah dilakukan atau dapat memberikan link antara kejahatan dan korbannya atau kejahatan dan pelakunya. Cara pembuktian untuk mendapatkan bukti valid adalah dengan melakukan investigasi dengan pendekatan Prosedur Pemeriksaan Digital Forensic. Integrated Digital Forensics Investigation Framework (IDFIF) merupakan metode terbaru sehingga IDFIF ini menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut terutama dalam proses investigasi smartphone. Saat ini perangkat smartphone memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan komputer. Meskipun demikian, ada beberapa perbedaan dalam proses penanganan digital forensics diantara perangkat komputer dan smartphone. Tahapan proses penanganan barang bukti digital seharusnya dibuat untuk mengatasi keadaan umum yang mungkin dihadapi oleh investigator yang melibatkan barang bukti digital terutama pada perangkat smartphone dan media elektronik terkait di lapangan. IDFIF perlu dikembangkan sehingga memiliki fleksibilitas dalam menangani berbagai jenis barang bukti digital. Kata Kunci: bukti digital, IDFIF, investigasi, smartphone
Detection of Metasploit Attacks Using RAM Forensic on Proprietary Operating Systems Prakoso, Danar Cahyo; Riadi, Imam; Prayudi, Yudi
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 5, No. 2, May 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.564 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v5i2.1037


Information technology has become an essential thing in the digital era as it is today. With the support of computer networks, information technology is used as a medium for exchanging data and information. Much information is confidential. Therefore, security is also essential. Metasploit is one of the frameworks commonly used by penetration testers to audit or test the security of a computer system legally, but it does not rule out the possibility that Metasploit can also be used for crime. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out a digital forensic process to uncover these crimes. In this study, a simulation of attacks on Windows 10 will be carried out with Metasploit. Then the digital forensics process uses live forensics techniques on computer RAM, where the computer RAM contains information about the processes running on the computer. The live forensic technique is important because information on RAM will be lost if the computer is off. This research will use FTK Imager, Dumpit, and Magnet RAM Capture as the RAM acquisition tool and Volatility as the analysis tool. The results of the research have successfully shown that the live forensics technique in RAM is able to obtain digital evidence in the form of an attacker's IP, evidence of exploits/Trojans, processes running on RAM, operating system profiles used and the location of the exploits/Trojan when executed by the victim.
JUSTINDO (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Indonesia) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JUSTINDO
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/justindo.v5i1.3415


Terdapat banyak framework forensika digital masih tersebar dalam berbagai paper. Diperlukan sebuah upaya untuk menghimpun framework yang ada dalam sebuah repository untuk memudahkan mendapatkan informasi dan dokumentasi tentang framework tersebut. Selain itu, framework sebagai sebuah output dari kajian ilmiah perlu dilengkapi dengan review dari pakar agar bisa memberikan gambaran tentang  framework tersebut dari sudut pandang pakar. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian adalah menggunakan Daubert Criteria. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah upaya untuk menyiapkan sebuah system yang dapat menjadi repository framework dalam bidang forensika digital serta penilaian pakar terhadap framework tersebut. Adanya system ini diharapkan akan memudahkan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang framework pada forensika digital serta menjadi media untuk mendapatkan dokumentasi tentang sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah repository untuk mendokumentasikannya. Sementara itu, evaluasi framework fframework yang dihasilkan oleh para penelitian melalui publikasi paper yang dapat diakses oleh publik. Kata kunci: repository; framework forensika digital; evaluasi; daubert criteria; expert  ABSTRACT There are many digital forensics frameworks still scattered in various papers. An effort is needed to compile the existing framework in a repository to make it easier to get information and documentation about the framework. In addition, the framework as an output of scientific studies needs to be supplemented by reviews from experts in order to be able to provide an overview of the framework from the expert's point of view. One method that can be used to conduct assessments is to use Daubert Criteria. This research is an attempt to prepare a system that can become a repository framework in the field of digital forensics and expert assessment of the framework. The existence of this system is expected to make it easier to obtain information about the framework in digital forensics as well as being a reference to get documentation about the framework produced in the field of digital forensics research. Keywords: repository; digital forensics framework; evaluation; daubert criteria; expert
Co-Authors - Bambang Sugiantoro, Bambang Sugiantoro - MTI UII Yogyakarta, Zaenudin - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Bambang Sugiantoro Abdul Muis Abdul Rohman Supriyono Abdul Rohman Supriyono Achmad Syauqi Adhitya Wishnu Wardhana Adi Fajaryanto Agus Wijayanto Agus Wijayanto Ahmad Luthfi Ahmad Luthfi Ahmad Luthfie Ahmad Muhariya Ahmad Ridha Kelrey Ahmad Rois Syujak Ahmad Subki Ahmad Subki - STMIK Mataram Ahmad, Muhammad Sabri Akhmad Muzakka Al Jumah, Muhammad Naim Andrian Sah Ardy Wicaksono Arif Surya Putra Arrochman, Ibnu Fajar Astria Adhi Wijaya azis catur laksono Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro Bambang Sugiantoro - Bambang Sugiantoro CITRA ARFANUDIN Danar Cahyo Prakoso Dedy Frianto Dhomas Hatta Fudholi Dimas Pamilih Epin Andrian Dinda Shafira Gita Islami Dirgahayu, Raden Teduh Dirman Dirman Dita Rahayu Berliana Dodi Prakoso Wibowo Dwi Kurnia Wibowo Erika Ramadhani Erika Ramadhani Ermadi Satriya Wijaya Fajaryanto, Adi Fauzan Natsir Feryan Lutfie Nafila Fetyata Yudha Fietyata Yudha Fudholi, Dhomas Hatta Hanifah Mardlatillah Helmi Rachman Ibnu Fajar Arrochman Idham Halik Ilman Pradhana Ilyas Nuryasin Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Imam Riadi Isriade Putra Ivany Hikmatunnisa' Iwan Aprizal Kharisma Mahesa Koes Wiyatmoko Kun Saidi Lilik Widyawati Merisa Kurniasari Fadilla Moch Bagoes Pakarti Moh Fadly Panende Muh. Ditra Pamungkas Muhamad Maulana Muhammad Khairul Faridi Muhammad Naufal Bahreisy Muhammad Nur Adhar Muhammad Zulfadhilah Muzammilatul Wachidah NANNY NANNY Nora Lizarti Nukman Nukman Nurhayati Jiatmiko Nurmi Hidayasari Pahrul Irfan Pomalingo, Suwito Prakoso, Danar Cahyo Putry Wahyu Setyaningsih Rachman, Helmi Rahmat Inggi Ramadhani, Erika Ramansyah Ramansyah Ridho Rahmadi Rifqi Mahmud Rio Pradana Aji Rosidin Al Caruban Ruuhwan Ruuhwan Setiawan, Mukhammad Andri Sisdarmanto Adinandra, Sisdarmanto Siti Kartika Munawarah Subki, Ahmad Supriyono, Abdul Rohman Syarif Hidayat Teduh Dirgahayu Tino Feri Efendi Tri Sudinugraha Triawan Adi Cahyanto Verry Noval Kristanto Virjayanti Lazinu Wachidah, Muzammilatul Wisnu Pranoto Wisnu Pranoto Wisnu Sanjaya Yasir Muin