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Jurnal Dedikasi Vol 15 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.249 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v15i0.6440


Mitra Program Iptek bagi Produk Eksport (IbPE) adalah UKM yang produkutamanya adalah kerajinan kayu meubel dan ukir Karduluk Sumenep. UKM mitrayang terlibat ada 2, yaitu: UD. Meubel Sejahtera dan UD. Meubel Barokah. Tujuankhusus kegiatan IbPE ini adalah  :1).  Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasilproduk kerajinan mebel karduluk dengan peralatan yang lebih efisien danberkapasitas lebih tinggi, 2).  Memperbaiki proses produksi dengan pengadaan alatyang lebih efisien dan multi fungsi, 3). Meningkatkan mutu produk melaluipengembangan desain motif dan desain warna sehingga dapat diterima masyarakatglobal, 4).  Menata system administrasi dan manajemen sehingga dapat mendukungperluasan pasar. Adapun metode pelaksanaannya berupa pendampingan penerapanIptek bagi produk berpotensi ekspor ini dilakukan dengan metode pendampinganproses produksi, penyuluhan dan pelatihan administrasi dan pembukuan. Hasilyang telah dicapai dari kegiatan IbPE adalah  : 1).  Penambahan investasi secaratidak langsung, karena adanya bantuan peralatan dari Perguruan Tinggi pelaksanakegiatan, 2). Peningkatan volume produksi melalui penambahan kapasitasperalatan, 3). Bertambahnya diversifikasi produk melalui pelatihan pengembanganproduk, 4)   meningkatnya kualitas produk kerajinan mebel, 5). Dihasilkan bukukas melalui perbaikan administrasi dan manajemen, 6).  meningkatnyapengetahuan dan wawasan UKM, 7).  Peningkatan jumlah tenaga kerja (karyawan).
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 2 No 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v2i2.991


Globalization and modernization have given birth to a consumption society. Individuals or groups of people expressively celebrate excessive consumption. One of the celebratory phenomena of overconsumption in our society is marriage among artists; Rafii-Gigi's wedding. A marriage that contains values of piety and religiosity, is reduced to a celebration of the consumption of goods and services filled with signs. A sign to gain social image and prestige. How these social phenomena are read analytically by sociological theory; Baudrillard theory of consumption society. This research is a qualitative research using literature method. Data and information collected from the mass media and facts that occur. The results showed, the existence of a person is determined by what goods or commodities are consumed. Self-existence is no longer determined by the way and how the individual thinks, but what and how the individual produces as much image and priority as possible. The super luxurious celebration of Raffi-Gigi's wedding and being a social magnet is a reflection of the moderation of a consumption society that is devoid of public morality. Show of "permissibility" is the right of every individual, but it is necessary to remember also not to show luxury and glamor to destroy the sensitivity and human values. Key Word :Celebrations, Artist Weddings, Society Consumption Theory
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 3 No 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v3i2.1246


This article aims to examine the critical theory of the Fraknfurt school, especially those related to its history, concepts, assumptions, and contributions. Historically-geneologically, critical theory was born from the womb of Marxist theory. Although born from the womb of Marxist theory, critical theory is not too satisfied with the analysis of the Marxians who are considered too mechanistic economic determinism in seeing the social reality of Western capitalist society. According to critical theory, the Marxian analysis in viewing and analyzing the inequality of the reality of capitalist society in Europe is too reductionist, that is, it is the economic factor (structure) that determines socio-economic inequality or class conflict in a capitalist society. The critical theory developed by the people who call themselves Neo-Maxians, exists to further develop the classical Marxian analysis, which rests not only on economic factors, but also on other socio-economic factors. The Frankfurt school of critical social theory thought services pioneered by Horkheimer, however, has provided a relatively new (though not very new) theoretical perspective in seeing, understanding and analyzing social reality. This critical social theory perspective has contributed significantly to the development of social theory. One of them is that critical theory has contributed to the development of critical and emancipatory awareness of human practice in seeing social realities that are full of inequality and injustice.Keyword : Critical Theory, Frankfurt School, History, Development of Social Theory
KEADILAN HUKUM BAGI SI MISKIN : Sebuah Elegi Si Miskin Dihadapan Tirani Hukum Sholahudin, Umar
Journal of Urban Sociology Volume 1 No 1 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jus.v1i1.562


Praktik penegakan hukum yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat, khususnya yang menimpa masyarakat miskin kerapkali melahirkan ketidakadilan. Masyarakat miskin adalah kelompok sosial paling rentan terhadap perlakuan hukum yang tidak adil. Ketidakdilan hukum ini bersumber dari bekerjanya hukum dalam sebuah sistemnya. Ketika hukum dilepaskan dari konteks sosialnya, maka hukum akan jauh dari rasa keadilan masyarakat. Aparat penegak hukum melihat dan memahami kasus hukum masyarakat miskin hanya pada teks-teks “kaku” yang ada dalam aturan perundang-undangan semata, legalistic-positivistik, tanpa berusaha memahami kasus hukum tersebut dalam konteks sosiologisnya. Keberpihakan hukum pada masyarakat miskin adalah sebuah kenicayaan. Penegakan hukum yang affirmative dan berpihak, tidak cukup dibangun dengan paradigma dan cara berhukum legalistic-positivistic, tapi juga perlu dibangun dengan paradigm kritis-progresif. Para pengadil tidak hanya dituntut untuk memiliki kecakapan dan pengetahuan hukum yang cukup, tapi juga dituntut untuk memiliki skiil, kreativitas dan terobosan hukum yang positif yang berdampak pada keadilan dan kemanfaatan hukum bagi masyarakat yang lebih luas. Kata Kunci : Keadilan Hukum, Masyarakat Miskin
Jurnal Dedikasi Vol. 15 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v15i0.6440


Mitra Program Iptek bagi Produk Eksport (IbPE) adalah UKM yang produkutamanya adalah kerajinan kayu meubel dan ukir Karduluk Sumenep. UKM mitrayang terlibat ada 2, yaitu: UD. Meubel Sejahtera dan UD. Meubel Barokah. Tujuankhusus kegiatan IbPE ini adalah  :1).  Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasilproduk kerajinan mebel karduluk dengan peralatan yang lebih efisien danberkapasitas lebih tinggi, 2).  Memperbaiki proses produksi dengan pengadaan alatyang lebih efisien dan multi fungsi, 3). Meningkatkan mutu produk melaluipengembangan desain motif dan desain warna sehingga dapat diterima masyarakatglobal, 4).  Menata system administrasi dan manajemen sehingga dapat mendukungperluasan pasar. Adapun metode pelaksanaannya berupa pendampingan penerapanIptek bagi produk berpotensi ekspor ini dilakukan dengan metode pendampinganproses produksi, penyuluhan dan pelatihan administrasi dan pembukuan. Hasilyang telah dicapai dari kegiatan IbPE adalah  : 1).  Penambahan investasi secaratidak langsung, karena adanya bantuan peralatan dari Perguruan Tinggi pelaksanakegiatan, 2). Peningkatan volume produksi melalui penambahan kapasitasperalatan, 3). Bertambahnya diversifikasi produk melalui pelatihan pengembanganproduk, 4)   meningkatnya kualitas produk kerajinan mebel, 5). Dihasilkan bukukas melalui perbaikan administrasi dan manajemen, 6).  meningkatnyapengetahuan dan wawasan UKM, 7).  Peningkatan jumlah tenaga kerja (karyawan).
Sawala : Jurnal pengabdian Masyarakat Pembangunan Sosial, Desa dan Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Sawala : Jurnal pengabdian Masyarakat Pembangunan Sosial, Desa dan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/sawala.v3i1.37246


Salah satu hambatan untuk membentuk desa adat adalah tidak adanya pendampingan kepada masyarakat sehingga masyarakat kesulitan memenuhi persyaratan yang harus diajukan untuk mengubah status desa menjadi desa adat. Desa adat merupakan daerah otonom yang memiliki nilai-nilai asli yang dianut oleh masyarakat setempat dan bercorak sosial religius. Oleh karena itu penting kiranya mengulik kembali nilai-nilai asli dan corak sosial religius masyarakat Senduro sebagai modal menuju desat adat melalui pelatihan penggalian sumber daya lokal.  Tujuan dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah mengidentifikasi sumber daya local yang dimiliki oleh desa Senduro, meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya masyarakat desa melalui pelatihan, melibatkan masyarakat dalam proses pembentukan desa adat melalui pemberdayaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses pemberdayaan masyarakat ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal). Dengan menggunakan metode ini maka masyarakat terlibat secara langsung dalam proses penggalian sumber daya lokal yang dimiliki oleh desa. Identifikasi awal dari kegiatan pelatihan, tim penggali sumber daya lokal desa yang terdiri dari karang taruna, tokoh masyarakat dan pemerintah desa antusias dan mampu menangkap materi pelatihan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari proses diskusi dan tanya jawab antara peserta dan fasilitator. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan berhasil karena tim yang terlibat dalam penggalian sumber daya local mampu mengidentifikasi, menarasikan hasil temuannya dalam bentuk tulisan atau catatan.
Menguji Dasar Sosiologis Sebuah Produk Hukum(Analisis Sosiologi Hukum terhadap Perpres No. 20 Tahun 2018) Umar Sholahudin
Interaktif : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 11, No 1 (2019): INTERAKTIF: Jurnal-jurnal Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Politik dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Brawijaya

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A good and functional legislation in the community, including the Perpres, is not only required to have a strong philosophical and juridical basis, but also sociological considerations. This article will examine the sociological basis of Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers in Indonesia. The issuance of the Presidential Regulation needs to be looked at and critics together whether Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018 has taken into account the sociological aspects, the current dynamics and adequate future projections? This consideration needs to be done to ensure that the Perpres has a parallel and adequate basis for philosophical, juridical, and sociological visibility. This sociological consideration and basic test is important, to ensure that a legal product will be implemented effectively or not? This study uses a descriptive-qualitative method using the Legal Sociology approach. The focus studied is a legal product, namely the Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018. The data used is Peraturan Presiden 20 of 2018, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), literature review, mass media information and other sources related to support. As a result, the issuance of Perpes No. 20 of 2018, shows that besides its weak philosophical and juridical basis, it is also weak sociologically. The employment policy outlined in the Presidential Regulation clearly neglects the sociological conditions of the Indonesian people, especially Indonesian workers A good and functional legislation in the community, including the Perpres, is not only required to have a strong philosophical and juridical basis, but also sociological considerations. This article will examine the sociological basis of Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers in Indonesia. The issuance of the Presidential Regulation needs to be looked at and critics together whether Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018 has taken into account the sociological aspects, the current dynamics and adequate future projections? This consideration needs to be done to ensure that the Perpres has a parallel and adequate basis for philosophical, juridical, and sociological visibility. This sociological consideration and basic test is important, to ensure that a legal product will be implemented effectively or not? This study uses a descriptive-qualitative method using the Legal Sociology approach. The focus studied is a legal product, namely the Peraturan Presiden No. 20 of 2018. The data used is Peraturan Presiden 20 of 2018, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), literature review, mass media information and other sources related to support. As a result, the issuance of Perpes No. 20 of 2018, shows that besides its weak philosophical and juridical basis, it is also weak sociologically. The employment policy outlined in the Presidential Regulation clearly neglects the sociological conditions of the Indonesian people, especially Indonesian workers
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.164 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v7i1.4735


Abstract. The poor are those who do not have the empowerment of social, political, economic and legal access. Poor people didn’t know and less understood the positive law of the State. It needs juridical and sociological wisdom in resolving the legal case that afflicts the poor. Legal cases was hit the poor or weak should not be resolved through a process of positive law, but enough to be completed at the community level through peaceful means and deliberation. Completion gives more sociological sense of justice for the poor. This settlement, known as the principle of restorative justice, in example justice outside the court obtained a positive law, through the recovery process with a spirit of mutual forgiveness between perpetrators and victims. Applying the law against the poor, it's time we not only understand and apply the law of the legalistic-positivistic, but need to do a groundbreaking law that is more progressive and responsive, which is trying to get out of the shackles or prison law is positivistic and legalistic Law that responds to social needs of society.
Hukum dan Keadilan Masyarakat (Analisis Sosiologi Hukum terhadap Kasus Hukum Masyarakat Miskin “Asyani” di Kabupaten Situbondo) Umar Sholahudin
DIMENSI - Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 9, No 1 (2016): Juni
Publisher : DIMENSI - Journal of Sociology

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Law and justice community such as poles apart, not closer together. Law was born not just to create a social order (social order), but more than that, how law enforcement can provide a sense of justice for the community. One of thelegal cases that disturb public sense of justice is a legal case Asyani; theft of seven teak in Situbondo. This study aims to analyze the legal case Asyani, mainly related to how the perspective of sociology of law to explain the legal case Asyani grandmother ?; and sociological resolution mechanisms such as what it can provide a sense of legal justice for the poor as Asyani. The method used is descriptive-qualitative research approach to the sociology of law. The results showed; First, the case law Asyani grandmother should be resolved through legal mechanisms and approaches sociological and humanist. This settlement is known as the principle of restorative justice, the justice that is obtained outside the court positive law, through the recovery process in the spirit of mutual forgiveness between the perpetrator and the victim. Restorative justice is the best solution to resolve the legal problems that afflict the poor. Second, the working of the law more understandable and limited the application of the law is formal-procedural, without considering the sense of justice that is more substantive and sociological. Approach and application of the law legalistic-positivistic, only to bring justice which is legal-formal and procedural rigid, away from moral values and humanity. While the approach of sociology of law will be presenting more substantive justice that is based on the basis of ethical, moral and human values of society.
Pendekatan Sosiologi Hukum Dalam Memahami Konflik Agraria Umar Sholahudin
DIMENSI - Jurnal Sosiologi Vol 10, No 2 (2017): November
Publisher : DIMENSI - Journal of Sociology

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This paper explains the approach of sociology of law to understand agrarian conflict. This legal sociology approach is used because the normative, legalistic-positivistic legal approach that has been used is not sufficiently able to explain and even provide a solution to the continuous and long-lasting agrarian conflict. Agrarian conflict, not just a matter of positive law alone, but more suabtansial it is a complex issue, related to other social issues such as law, economy and culture. The approach of legal sociology is used to understand agrarian conflicts, particularly in the land of Bongkoran Wongsorejo Banyuwangi District, to understand the issue of agrarian conflict more fully and hence can be found a way more just settlement for society.