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Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Teknologi Informasi (JIPTI) Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Teknologi Informasi (JIPTI)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52060/pti.v4i2.1409


Teaching factory learning plays a significant role in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, which is the process of developing and implementing creativity and innovations to improve the economy. This research aims to determine the management of teaching factory learning in developing the students' entrepreneurial spirit at SMK Muhammadiyah Gamping. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research method applied is a case study method with data collection through in-depth interviews. The research results show that the teaching factory learning management has been running well—as can be seen from the optimal functioning of each management function. However, it is necessary to develop more specific teaching factory learning to be competent to provide a more tangible picture for each student, especially in developing an entrepreneurial spirit. With this research, an overview of implementing the teaching factory learning practice that is appropriate, correct, and effective can be discovered in more depth.
Memperbaiki Hubungan Antara Manusia dan Alam Melalui Pemikiran Daisaku Ikeda Antonius Glendnaldy Hendrysusanto; Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology
Publisher : Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/snf.v2i2.8507


Man and nature are inseparable unity, both are organic unity that must be mutually maintained. Daisaku Ikeda asserted that the state of the world filled with the destruction of nature has diminished the interdependent relationship between humans and nature. The destruction of nature caused by human unconsciousness of nature preservation and hierarchical view which puts human beings as supreme beings among all that exists in nature is a significant warning that should re-awaken human beings of responsibility (guarding and nurturing) to nature. Pope Francis in Laudato Si' emphasizes the ecological repentance that should be imbued with ecological spirituality rooted in the faith of faith in Christ as proclaimed through  the Gospel. In this context, ecological conversion can be understood as the process of sharing all the fruits of human encounter with Christ with the surrounding environment. One result of this encounter should be manifested in relation to the universe, i.e. environmental justice.AbstrakManusia dan alam merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, keduanya merupakan kesatuan organik yang harus saling dijaga. Daisaku Ikeda menegaskan, keadaan dunia yang penuh dengan kerusakan alam telah merusak hubungan saling ketergantungan antara manusia dan alam. Rusaknya alam akibat ketidaksadaran manusia terhadap kelestarian alam dan pandangan hierarkis yang menempatkan manusia sebagai makhluk ciptaan yang tertinggi dan termulia di antara segala yang ada di alam merupakan sebuah peringatan penting yang patut menyadarkan kembali manusia akan tanggung jawab mereka untuk menjaga dan memelihara alam. Seperti yang dikatakan Paus Fransiskus dalam ensiklik Laudato Si’, ia menekankan pertobatan ekologis yang harus dijiwai dengan spiritualitas ekologis yang berakar pada iman kepada Kristus sebagaimana diwartakan melalui Injil. Dalam konteks ini, konversi ekologis dapat dipahami sebagai proses berbagi seluruh hasil perjumpaan manusia dengan Kristus dan dengan lingkungan sekitar. Salah satu hasil dari perjumpaan ini harus diwujudkan dalam kaitannya dengan alam semesta, yaitu keadilan lingkungan.
Jalan Baru Memaknai Hubungan Filsafat dan Agama dalam Pemikiran Al-Kindidan Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana Alexander Bayu Putra Pratama; Nirwan Prasetya; Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology
Publisher : Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/snf.v2i2.8511


This qualitative research aims to explore the ideas of Al-Kindi and Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana on the relationship between philosophy and religion. Philosophy and religion are often seen as opposites. For these two figures, philosophy and religion have a close relationship and cannot be separated from life. The method used to collect data in this research is literature study. The results of this research include three points. First, Al-Kindi's ideas about the relationship between philosophy and religion in the framework of Islamic thought. Second, Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana's ideas about the importance of philosophy in developing rationality and adapting to Western culture, while still maintaining religious values. Third, a new understanding of the relationship between philosophy and religion. They need to be opposed but can complement each other in the search for truth and a deep understanding of religious teachings.AbstrakPenelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi gagasan Al-Kindi dan Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana tentang hubungan filsafat dan agama. Filsafat dan agama sering dianggap sebagai dua hal yang bertentangan. Bagi kedua tokoh ini, filsafat dan agama memiliki hubungan yang erat dan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini meliputi tiga pokok. Pertama, gagasan Al-Kindi tentang hubungan filsafat dan agama dalam kerangka pemikiran Islam. Kedua, gagasan Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana tentang pentingnya filsafat dalam mengembangkan rasionalitas dan beradaptasi dengan budaya Barat, sambil tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai religius. Ketiga, pemahaman baru tentang hubungan filsafat dan agama, keduanya tidak harus dipertentangkan melainkan dapat saling melengkapi dalam pencarian kebenaran dan pemahaman mendalam terhadap ajaran-ajaran agama.
Menyelami Filosofi Lonto Leok: Persatuan dan Konsensus dalam Budaya Manggarai Adrianus Musu Sili; Ferdinandus Iswandi; Oktavianus Nefrindo; Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno
Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Proceedings of The National Conference on Indonesian Philosophy and Theology
Publisher : Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/snf.v2i2.8514


Lonto Léok, a tradition from Manggarai, Indonesia, reflects a significant transformation in the context of unity and communal decisions. Originating from inter-tribal conflicts, this tradition has evolved into a symbol of family unity. In Lonto Léok, formal interaction mechanisms are led by a leader known as "Tu'a Golo," who serves as a facilitator and guides the deliberation process. There are three main stages in Lonto Léok: "caca" (unpack), "cica" (discuss), and "congko" (finalize), reflecting an intensive deliberation process to reach collective agreements. This research aims to elucidate the history, meaning, and mechanisms of Lonto Leok in Manggarai culture while highlighting issues that still need to be addressed. The author adopts a qualitative method based on literature review, interviews, and the author's direct experiences as data sources. The research findings reveal that the shift in the meaning of Lonto Léok from battle to family unity demonstrates cultural adaptability in the face of social change. Lonto Léok represents how the Manggarai community manages conflicts and achieves consensus through deliberation and agreement.AbstrakLonto Léok, sebuah tradisi dari Manggarai, Indonesia, mencerminkan transformasi signifikan dalam konteks persatuan dan keputusan komunal. Tradisi ini, yang berasal dari masa konflik antarsuku, kini menjadi simbol persatuan keluarga. Dalam Lonto Léok, mekanisme interaksi formal dipimpin oleh seorang pemimpin yang dikenal sebagai "Tu'a Golo," yang bertugas sebagai fasilitator dan memandu proses musyawarah. Terdapat tiga tahapan utama dalam Lonto Léok: "caca" (bongkar), "cica" (bahas), dan "congko" (rampung), yang mencerminkan proses musyawarah intens untuk mencapai kesepakatan kolektif.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sejarah, makna, dan mekanisme Lonto Leok dalam budaya Manggarai sambil menyoroti masalah yang masih perlu diatasi. Penulis mengadopsi metode kualitatif dengan berlandaskan pada studi pustaka, wawancara, dan pengalaman langsung penulis sebagai sumber data. Hasil penelitiannya adalah pergeseran makna Lonto Léok dari pertempuran menjadi persatuan keluarga menunjukkan adaptabilitas budaya dalam menghadapi perubahan sosial. Lonto Léok adalah cara masyarakat Manggarai mengelola konflik dan mencapai kesepakatan melalui musyawarah dan konsensus.
Experiences of Educing Blind and Deaf Children in The Study of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Carolus Borromeus Mulyatno; Sandra Bakhita Parada Costa
ENDLESS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): ENDLESS : International Journal of Future Studies
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/endlessjournal.v5i2.73


A blind and deaf child has a natural power to relate to other people even in situations and conditions of physical limitations. In relating and communicating with a blind and deaf child, teachers and caregivers need to recognize the child's modality. This study aimed to explore the experience of accompanying and educating a blind and deaf child. This qualitative research used an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach and a case study using the interview method to collect data. The case studied was the experience of a teacher in accompanying and educating a blind and deaf student at the Helen Keller Special School (SLB G/AB) Helen Keller, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta. Helen Keller's thoughts on relationships with children with special needs became the framework for analyzing research data. The results of the study showed that blind and deaf children related to other people by using the senses of touch, smell, and taste. These three senses were modalities and bridges for teachers to build relationships with blind and deaf children in the process of learning and to live together. Affective and empathic attention and relationships become the basis for assisting and educating blind and deaf children.