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Analisa Cemaran Bakteri Jamu Beras Kencur Sediaan Cair dengan Metode Angka Lempeng Total Mubarokah Nuriaini Dewi; Wigayanti Wigayanti; Putri Fatmawati; Rinette Visca; Junie Suriawati; Siti Rahayu Rahmawati
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 4 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i4.4921


Abstract Traditional medicine such as saffron-colored rice is still in great demand in Indonesia. If the production process is not carried out in accordance with the method of making and processing herbal medicine, it can cause microbial contamination. The preparation of herbal medicine must meet the requirements for the Total Plate Number (ALT). The aimof this study was to determine the amount of microbial contamination in the liquid herbal rice kencur which is produced by the traveling herbal medicine seller. The study used an experimental method using samples of saffron-colored rice (A, B, and C). Microbial testing went through the stages of homogenization, dilution, mixing with the mediumsnd incubation. Homogenization was initiated by adding 25 ml sample with 225 ml 0.1% Buffered Peptoned Water with a stomacher for 2 minutes. Suspension dilution was carried out in order to obtain colonies that grew separately so that they were easy to count. Mixing with the medium is done by pour plate inoculation method. The solid medium used for ALT is Nutrient agar. Based on the results of the study, the ALT results were obtained, sample A  2.2 x 104 colonies/ml, sample B 2.6 x 104 colonies/ml, and sample C 8.0 x 107 colonies/ml. The results are not in accordance with the requirements stated in the Regulation of the Head of the Drug and Food Control Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2014 about Quality Requirements for Traditional Medicines.AbstrakObat tradisional seperti jamu beras kencur masih banyakdiminati di Indonesia. Apabila proses produksinya dilakukantidak sesuai dengan cara pembuatan dan pengolahan jamu dapat menyebabkan terkontaminasi mikroba. Penyediaanjamu harus memenuhi syarat Angka Lempeng Total (ALT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah cemaranmikroba dalam jamu beras kencur sedian cair yang di produksi oleh penjual jamu gendong keliling. Penelitianmenggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan sampel jamu gendong beras kencur (A, B, dan C). Pengujianmikroba melalui tahap homogenisasi, dilutasi, pencampurandengan medium, inkubasi dan interpretasi hasil.Homogenisasi sampel diawali dengan sebanyak 25 ml sampelditambahkan 225 ml Buffered Peptoned Water 0.1% dan dikocok dengan stomacher selama 2 menit. Dilutasi suspensidilakukan agar memeroleh koloni yang tumbuh secaraterpisah sehingga mudah dihitung. Pencampuran dengan medium dilakukan dengan metode inokulasi pour plate. Medium padat yang digunakan untuk ALT adalah Nutrient agar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat hasil ALT yaitu, sampel A 2,2 x 104 koloni/ml, sampel B 2,6 x 104 koloni/ml, dan sampel C 8,0 x 107 koloni/ml. Hasilnya tidak sesuaidengan persyaratan yang tertera pada Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia Nomor12 Tahun 2014 tentang Persyaratan Mutu Obat Tradisional.
Penentuan Terbinafine Hidroklorida dalam Kosmetik Sediaan Pemutih Secara Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tingg Putri Fatmawati; Mubarokah Nuriaini Dewi; Wigayanti Wigayanti; Rinette Visca; Latirah Latirah; Joko Sulistiyo
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 4 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i4.4973


Terbinafine hydrochloride is a synthetic allylamine drug with a broad spectrum of antifungal properties. The purpose of this study was to identify terbinafine hydrochloride in whitening cosmetic products using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The first stage starts with dissolving cosmetic samples (A, B, C) and blanks, diluted with 25 ml of methanol. Then the solution was vortexed for 2 and centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4000 rpm. The supernatant layer formed was filtered through a 0.45 m membrane filter. Then the filtrate obtained was tested by the HPLC method. Based on the results of the system suitability test of the sample and blank, the concentration was 16????????/ml, the average retention time was 8.934 minutes and the average area was 2163340. The standard deviation of the relative retention time was 0.3098% and the area was 0.0721%. The follow-up factor and theoretical plate obtained automatically from the HPLC tool obtained an average follow-up factor value of 0.9515 and an average theoretical plate value of 217.7531. The results of the HPLC system suitability test and the terbinafine hydrochloride blank were identical, but the retention time was different, obtained from each different sample. All cosmetic samples contained Terbinafine hydrochloride as they did not meet the requirements. Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2021.
Pembuatan Kompos dari Limbah Organik Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Proses Anaerobik di RT 07/RW 08 Pabuaran Asri, Pabuaran Mekar, Cibinong, Bogor Lukman Nulhakim; Dody Guntama; Herliati Herliati; Yeti Widyawati; Ferra Naidir; Mubarokah Nuriaini Dewi; Gilang Lukman Hakim; Ilham Andreansyah; Muhammad Farhan Firdaus; Rayhan Sahreza
Dedikasi:Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Jayabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31479/dedikasi.v3i1.214


Perumahan Pabuaran Asri merupakan mitra dari Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Jayabaya. Perumuhan ini memiliki target menjadi perumahan zero waste pada tahun 2023. Penanganan limbah organik merupakan permasalahan yang mejadi tantangan untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, merupakan kegiatan berupa alih teknologi pengolahan sampah organik menjadi pupuk kompos dan pupuk cair. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan teknologi yang dihasilkan di Universitas dapat diaplikasikan untuk menyelesaikan permsalahan warga. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berlangsung selama 6 bulan, dimana baik teori maupun praktik dalam pengolahan sampah organik menjadi kompos dan pupuk cair. Kesimpulan dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilaksanakan adalah teknologi pengolahan sampah organik menjadi kompos dan pupuk cair merupkan solusi yang tepat untuk menangani permasalahan warga akan sampah dan teknologi ini dapat di terapkan di Perumahan Pabuaran Asri RT 07/RW 08, Kelurahan Pabuaran Mekar Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Dari hasil evaluasi peserta merasa puas dan berpendapat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini sangat bermanfaat.
Analisis Kadar LogamKadmium, Mangan dan Seng dalam Air Limbah secara Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry Rauzatun Nusyura; Erni Azizah; Dewi Pujo Ningsih; Mubarokah Nuriani Dewi
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i1.5556


AbstractWastewater has the potential to cause water pollution which causes water quality to decrease due to imperfect sewage treatment, it can cause poisoning in fish and other aquatic biota both from organic waste and accumulation of inorganic heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn). Control of water pollution is necessary so that the wastewater complies with the wastewater quality standards based on the Regulation of Permen Lingkungan Hidup RI No.5 (2014) Quality control of each test parameter is carried out by linearity test on wastewater, the value of linear regression correlation coefficient (r) on heavy metals is obtained. Cd, Mn, Zn were 0.9998; 0.9999; 0.9999. In the precision test of the wastewater test sample, the %RSD value was 2.01%, 5.21%, 2.58%. The %recovery values were 100.98%, 100.00%, 99.99%. The results of research showed the Cd, Mn and Zn metal using a spectrometer Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Cd metal content in wastewater is 0.0070- 0.0504 (mg/L), Mn metal content is 0.0661 -0.9270 (mg/L), and Zn metal content 0.1823-1.1202 (mg/L). These results indicate that the metals Cd, Mn and Zn in wastewater samples compliance the quality standard classification of Permen Lingkungan Hidup RI No.5 (2014).keywords: heavy metals, ICP-OES, pollution, relative standard deviation, wastewater
Potensi Limbah Cair Organik Sebagai Bahan Baku Biogas Menggunakan Sistem Fermentasi Dua Tahap Mubarokah Nuriaini Dewi; Rinette Visca
Jurnal Migasian Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Migasian
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Petroleum Balongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36601/jurnal-migasian.v4i2.142


The high value of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is one of the indicators of the burden of organic substance pollution in the wastewater food flavoring industry. COD values can be lowered by converting to biogas. In this study biogas was made through a two-stage fermentation system. At the first stage organic material is conditioned in an acidic state (pH = 4) with variable fermentation time: 2 days, 4 days, 6 days and 8 days. Then at each time fermented for 18 days at second stages. As a result, the amount of biogas volume produced is the same, namely: 7,5 L. However, the most amount of methane is produced at the time of fermentation phase one for 2 days, namely: 83%. While the lowest value is produced at the time of fermentation phase one for 8 days, namely: 70%. At the time of fermentation phase one for 8 days produced the highest hydrogen composition, namely: 9,023 %. The composition of methane at stage one for 4 days produces a higher value, namely: 81.431% compared to the single stage fermentation system, namely: 78.9 %.
Pemanfaatan Arang Aktif Ampas Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica) dengan Aktivator Asam Klorida (HCl) dan Asam Fosfat (H3PO4) Sebagai Adsorben Logam Kromin (Cr) pada Limbah Tekstil Dody Guntama; Mubarokah Nuriani Dewi; Lukman Nulhakim; Samuel Armawan Sandi; Audina Trisnaeni; Ayu Lintang
Jurnal Migasian Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Migasian
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Petroleum Balongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36601/jm.v7i1.226


Activated charcoal of Arabica coffee grounds with different activators (HCl and H3PO4) has the potential as an adsorber for chromium in artificial textile waste. Coffee grounds can be used as raw material for activated charcoal because it has a fairly high carbon content. Waste is made using Chromic Acid powder with a ratio of 1:10 to Aquadest. The concentrations of HCl and H3PO4 activators used were respectively 0.1 N. Activated charcoal is made by drying coffee grounds for 24 hours and the carbonization process is carried out in a furnace at a temperature of 200 oC. Charcoal formed is activated with HCl and 0.1 N H3PO4 activator for 48 hours. The characteristics tested were ash content, water content, absorption of iodine, and absorption of chromium solution. The chromium absorption test used AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) and SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscope - Energy Dispersive X-Ray) tests. The results showed that Arabica coffee grounds had the potential as chromium adsorbent and the best activator used was HCl with the characteristics of activated charcoal as follows: water content of 8.1175%, ash content of 4.5981%, absorption of iodine of 401.7964 mg /g and the absorption capacity of chromium solution is 800 mg/g.
Analisis Kadar LogamKadmium, Mangan dan Seng dalam Air Limbah secara Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry Rauzatun Nusyura; Erni Azizah; Dewi Pujo Ningsih; Mubarokah Nuriani Dewi
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i1.5556


AbstractWastewater has the potential to cause water pollution which causes water quality to decrease due to imperfect sewage treatment, it can cause poisoning in fish and other aquatic biota both from organic waste and accumulation of inorganic heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn). Control of water pollution is necessary so that the wastewater complies with the wastewater quality standards based on the Regulation of Permen Lingkungan Hidup RI No.5 (2014) Quality control of each test parameter is carried out by linearity test on wastewater, the value of linear regression correlation coefficient (r) on heavy metals is obtained. Cd, Mn, Zn were 0.9998; 0.9999; 0.9999. In the precision test of the wastewater test sample, the %RSD value was 2.01%, 5.21%, 2.58%. The %recovery values were 100.98%, 100.00%, 99.99%. The results of research showed the Cd, Mn and Zn metal using a spectrometer Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Cd metal content in wastewater is 0.0070- 0.0504 (mg/L), Mn metal content is 0.0661 -0.9270 (mg/L), and Zn metal content 0.1823-1.1202 (mg/L). These results indicate that the metals Cd, Mn and Zn in wastewater samples compliance the quality standard classification of Permen Lingkungan Hidup RI No.5 (2014).keywords: heavy metals, ICP-OES, pollution, relative standard deviation, wastewater