Leliana Sandra Devi Ade Putri
Bagian Ortodonsia, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Jember

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Desain dan Implementasi Alat Ukur Overbite Elektronik Wibowo, Setyo; Agung, Mohamad; Devi, Leliana Sandra
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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Pada umumnya, dokter gigi menggunakan metode konvensional untuk mengukur level kompleksitas penyimpangan letak gigi dan atau malrelasi lengkung gigi (rahang) di luar rentang kewajaran yang dapat diterima (maloklusi), yang biasanya berupa pengukuran manual pada cetakan model gigi pasien. Cara tersebut membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama sehingga dapat dikatakan memiliki efisiensi dan efektifitas yang rendah. Pada penelitian ini, kami akan membuat sebuah alat ukur maloklusi yang lebih moderen, namun hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengukur overbite (gigi depan atas lebih menonjol daripada gigi depan bawah). Alat ukur ini dibuat dengan menggunakan sensor elektronik sehingga menghasilkan waktu ukur yang lebih cepat. Sensor yang digunakan adalah flux sensor, yang digunakan untuk mengukur overbite pada insisivus tengah. Hasil yang didapatkan pada saat melakukan pengukuran dengan alat ini dibandingkan dengan proses pengukuran manual memberikan hasil yang memiliki akurasi di atas 80%. Galat (error) yang terkecil adalah sebesar 0% sedangkan galat terbesar adalah 19%. Kata Kunci — flux sensor, maloklusi, overbite,
STOMATOGNATIC- Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 9, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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The shape and size of dental arch plays an important role in determining the space available for teeth. To avoid crowding the teeth it needs the space provided (available space) is sufficient for the permanent teeth grow. Measurement of available space on the discrepancies in the diagnosis of orthodontic models generally use the analysis Moyers and the analysis Nance. The research was carried out by casting the lower jaw in 30 subjects. The cast is then measured using a brass wire available space on the analysis of Nance and digital calipers on the analysis of Moyers. The data obtained were then conducted a t test with a significance of p <0.05 to determine differences in measurement results available space mandibular dental arch based on the analysis Moyers and the analysis Nance. The test results obtained by using t test p value of 0.563 (p> 0.05). The resulting value shows that the size of the available space in the mandibular dental arch analysis Moyers and analysis Nance showed no significant difference, so that the analysis can be used to measure the available space mandibular dental arch in the permanent dentition.
The Effect of Sodium Fluoride Administration on IL-1β and TNF-α Expression on Orthodontic Teeth Movement Rina Sutjiati; Erna Sulistyani; Leliana Sandra Deviade Putri; Rudy Joelijanto; Herniyati Herniyati; Dwi Prijatmoko; Adik Wulandari; Dani Agam Rahmadianto
Health Notions Vol 6, No 3 (2022): March
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/hn60304


Relapse in post orthodontic treatment is common in the community because resorption in the pressure side occurs excessively due to teeth being moved with an orthodontic device. Excessive resorption can be inhibited by using NaF which has been shown to inhibit osteoclast activity, thereby reducing osteoclast numbers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of NaF administration on IL-1β and TNF-α expression of osteoclast in orthodontic teeth movement. The research used experimental-quantitative research type applying Randomized Posttest Only Control Group Design, by selecting the experimental group and the control group randomly. Animal model using 16 male Wistar rats given orthodontic force using NiTi closed coil spring adjusted to give 10 grams/cm2 of mechanical strength, were applied to the palatal in the maxillary incisors of the Wistar rat teeth. Rats were divided into two groups, the control group (C group) and treatment group (T group) given topical NaF application (11.75 ppm). Immunohistochemical examination was performed to calculate IL-1β and TNF-α expression on osteoclasts on the 7th day and 14th day. The administration of NaF reduces IL-1β and TNF-α osteoclast’s expression both on the 7th day (p <0.05) and 14th day (p <0.05). Data were tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene test and the difference tested Annova followed by LSD (p <0.05). Topical administration of NaF application to the gingival sulcus of male Wistar rats in orthodontic tooth movement can reduce the number of osteoclasts that express IL-1β in the alveolar bone in the pressure area. Topical administration of NaF application to the gingival sulcus of male Wistar rats in orthodontic tooth movement can reduce the number of osteoclasts that express TNF-α in the alveolar bone in the pressure region. Decreased number of osteoclasts expressing IL-1β and TNF-α significantly occurred on the 7th day and 14th day. Keywords: IL-1β; TNF-α; NaF; osteoclast; orthodontic teeth movement
Daya Inhibisi Korosi Ekstrak Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) terhadap Kawat Thermal NiTi Ortodonti (Corrosion Inhibition of Starfruit Leaves Extract (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) on Thermal NiTi Orthodontic Wire) Irdian Devi Saputri; Rudy Joelijanto; Leliana Sandra Devi Ade Putri Putri
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 3 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Orthodontic wire can corrode in oral cavity. Corrosion can affect human body and feature of orthodontic wire. One way to reduce corrosion rate is using inhibitor. Natural ingredients extract inhibitor is usually preferred because it’s not harmful to environment. One of natural ingredients that can be used is starfruit leaves. This study was aimed to determine the corrosion inhibition of starfruit leaves extract on Thermal NiTi orthodontic wire. This study was an experimental laboratory research. Samples was 12 Thermal NiTi orthodontic wire which had been prepared and then divided into control group, 600 ppm group and 1000 ppm group. Then samples were measured by using a potentiostat. Results of Kruskal Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference between groups. The conclusion from this research was there were starfruit leaves extract have corrosion inhibition on thermal NiTi orthodontic wire. Keyword: corrosion inhibiton, starfruit leaf extract, thermal NiTi orthodontic wire
Pengaruh Perendaman Kawat Nikel-Titanium Termal Ortodonti dalam Minuman Teh Kemasan terhadap Gaya Defleksi Kawat (The Effect of Immersion Thermal Nickel-Titanium Archwire in The Bottled Tea Drinks to The Archwire Force Deflection) Halimatus Sa'diyah Hasyim; Leliana Sandra Devi AP; Agus Sumono
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: The acidic salivary pH cause potentially undergo orthodontic wire constituentmetal ions release. The release of metal ions can affect the quality of orthodontic wire.Objective: To analyze the effect of immersion thermal NiTi archwire in the bottled tea drinks tothe archwire force deflection. Material and Methods: The sample size were 12 round thermalNiTi orthodontic archwires (3M; 0,016 inch) which divided into three groups: a control group(artificial saliva), a group of bottled tea drinks and bottled tea drinks of fruit flavors. The sampleswere immersed in an incubator for 10.5 hours at 37 ° C. The deflection test used Three-PointBending method with a Universal Testing Machine in each group. Results and Conclusion:The results of One Way ANOVA test obtained value of 0.768 (p>0.05) which indicates that nosignificant difference in each group. The conclusion from this study is the bottled tea drinks cannot affect the force deflection of thermal NiTi orthodontic archwires.Keywords: Bottled tea drinks, Force deflection, NiTi thermal archwire
Efek Seduhan Kopi Robusta terhadap Jumlah Limfosit pada Daerah Tarikan Ligamen Periodontal Gigi Marmut (Cavia Cobaya) yang Diinduksi Gaya Mekanis Ortodonti Ginanjar Hidayatullah; Herniyati Herniyati; Leliana Sandra Deviade Putri
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 7 No 3 (2019): Volume 7 No.3, 2019
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v7i3.11560


Malocclusion is an occlusion that deviates from the normal state, so it needs to be treated using an orthodontic device. The formation of new alveolar bone after obtaining an orthodontic force will be surrounded by osteoid bones are not stable enough (relapse). Robusta coffee (Coffea robusta) has flavonoids which can increase lymphocyte proliferation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of robusta coffee on the number of lymphocyte cells in the tension area of marmot’s (Cavia cobaya) periodontal ligament which induced by mechanical orthodontic forces. This type of research is laboratory experimental with the Post Test Only Control Group Design. The average number of lymphocyte cells in group A = 0.75, B = 1.45, C = 1.26, D = 1.54. One-way Anova test results showed that the number of lymphocyte cells in all groups showed a significant difference (p <0.05). The results of the post hoc LSD test showed that group A had significant differences with group B and group D (p <0.05). While group C did not have a significant difference with group A (p> 0.05). The conclusion obtained is that the provision of robusta coffee brew for 2 weeks can increase the number of lymphocyte cells in the tension area of marmot’s (Cavia cobaya) periodontal ligament which induced by orthodontic mechanical forces compared to without robusta coffee brew.
Pengaruh Perendaman Kawat Nikel-Titanium Termal Ortodonti dalam Minuman Teh Kemasan terhadap Gaya Defleksi Kawat (The Effect of Immersion Thermal Nickel-Titanium Archwire in The Bottled Tea Drinks to The Archwire Force Deflection) Halimatus Sa'diyah Hasyim; Leliana Sandra Devi; Agus Sumono
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: The acidic salivary pH cause potentially undergo orthodontic wire constituent metal ions release. The release of metal ions can affect the quality of orthodontic wire.Objective: To analyze the effect of immersion thermal NiTi archwire in the bottled tea drinks to the archwire force deflection.Material andMethods: The sample size were 12 round thermal NiTi orthodontic archwires (3M; 0,016 inch) which divided into three groups: a control group (artificial saliva), a group of bottled tea drinks and bottled tea drinks of fruit flavors. The samples were immersed in an incubator for 10.5 hours at 37 ° C. The deflection test used Three-Point Bending method with a Universal Testing Machine in each group.Results and Conclusion: The results of One Way ANOVA test obtained value of 0.768 (p>0.05) which indicates that no significant difference in each group. The conclusion from this study is the bottled tea drinks can not affect the force deflection of thermal NiTi orthodontic archwires. Keywords: Bottled tea drinks, Force deflection, NiTi thermal archwire
Perbandingan Kekuatan Tarik Bahan Adhesif Resin Komposit Hibrid pada Braket Ortodontik terhadap Perbedaan Intensitas Sinar Tampak (Comparation of Tensile Strength Hybrid Composite Adhesive Material Resin at Orthodontic Brachet to Different Light Cure Syamsinar .; Leliana Sandra Devi; Amiyatun Naini
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 3 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Hybrid composite resin it’s brachet adhesive agents of little and big particle bond. Light cure intensity influence hybrid composite resin polymmerisation. In orthodontic most research is about brachet bonding strength by using tensile strength test. The aim of this study was to determine the difference of tensile strength of hybrid resin composite on orthodontic brachet with different light cure intensity. Samples for this study ware upper maxilary jaw premolar tooth. Samples ware divided into two groups. Each groups was etched, bonded, and applied by hybride composite resin on base of brachet. Group 1 was exposed by light cure intensity at 650-850 mW/cm2, and group two with 2700 mW/cm2 intensity. Tensile strength test was done to know bracke bonding strength with teeth. The result of this study showed there was significant difference between tensile strength of light cure at 650-850 mW/cm2, and 2700 mW/cm2intensity with signifficant value 0.002 (p<0,005). Conclusion of this study that high light cure intensity had better brachet bonding strength than low light cure intensity.   Keywords: hybrid composite resin, light cure intensity, tensile strength.
Prevalensi Kebiasaan Buruk Sebagai Etiologi Maloklusi Klas I Angle Pada Pasien Klinik Ortodonsia RSGM Universitas Jember Tahun 2015-2016 Arimbi Gupitasari; Herniyati .; Leliana Sandra Devi Ade Putri
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v6i2.8660


Habit is a repetitive act that is done spontaneously and commonly occurs in childhood. A habit in the oral cavity that can cause malocclusion is called a bad habit. Bad habits can affect the dentofacial functions such as the process of chewing, talking, tooth occlusion, periodontal tissue, and esthetic. If bad habits continue after six years old, they can cause malocclusion. The etiology of malocclusions can be classified into general and local factors. Bad habit is one of the general factors that play a role in the occurrence of malocclusion. Kinds of bad habits are sucking the thumb/finger, pushing the tongue, biting the lips and nails, wrong swallowing habits, breathing through the mouth, and bruxism. The study investigate the prevalence of bad habit and bad habit that mostly happened as etiology of Angle’s Class I malocclusion in patient of Orthodontic Clinic RSGM Jember University. This descriptional study with total sampling technique was conducted by identifying dental records and study models of Angle’s Class I malocclusion that caused by bad habit. Obtained data were tabulated and analysed so that conclusion could be made. Prevalence of Angle’s Class I malocclusion caused by bad habits was 9.4% with the largest distribution in thumb/finger sucking (38,7%), in the age group 9-10 years (50%), and in the male gender (53,6%). Keywords: Prevalence of bad habits, etiology of Angle’s Class I malocclusion
Perbedaan Defleksi Kawat Ortodonti Nikel-Titanium dan NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated pada Perendaman dalam Saliva Buatan dan Minuman Berkarbonasi (The Difference in Deflection of Nickel Titanium Archwire and NiTi Epoxy Resin Coated Immersed by Artificial Saliva Citra Ayu Mawaddah; Leliana Sandra Devi A. P; Dwi Prijatmoko
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 4 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Background: Deflection of orthodontic wire can be changed by oral condition, for exampleacidic condition caused by carbonated drink consumption. Objective: to analyze the differencein deflection of Nickel-Titanium archwire and NiTi epoxy resin coated immersed by artificialsaliva and carbonated drink. Materials and Methods: This research used four sample groups:NiTi non coated archwire immersed by saliva, NiTi non coated archwire immersed by salivamixed carbonated drink, NiTi coated archwire immersed by saliva, and NiTi coated archwireimmersed by saliva mixed carbonated drink. The samples were immersed for 3.5 hours at 37° Cin incubator. The deflection was measured with Three Point Bending method using UniversalTesting Machine. Result and Conclusion: One Way Anova test result showed significantlydifference between coated and non coated group that immersed by saliva with the groupimmersed by saliva mixed carbonated drink. In conclusion, the deflection of Nickel-Titaniumarchwire and NiTi epoxy resin coated archwire had decreased after immersed by carbonateddrink and Nikel-Titanium archwire had higher deflection than NiTi epoxy resin coated immersedby artificial salivaKeywords: Carbonated Drink, Deflection Force, NiTi Archwire, NiTi Epoxy Resin CoatedArchwire