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Desain dan Implementasi Alat Ukur Overbite Elektronik Wibowo, Setyo; Agung, Mohamad; Devi, Leliana Sandra
e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : e-Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia

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Pada umumnya, dokter gigi menggunakan metode konvensional untuk mengukur level kompleksitas penyimpangan letak gigi dan atau malrelasi lengkung gigi (rahang) di luar rentang kewajaran yang dapat diterima (maloklusi), yang biasanya berupa pengukuran manual pada cetakan model gigi pasien. Cara tersebut membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama sehingga dapat dikatakan memiliki efisiensi dan efektifitas yang rendah. Pada penelitian ini, kami akan membuat sebuah alat ukur maloklusi yang lebih moderen, namun hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengukur overbite (gigi depan atas lebih menonjol daripada gigi depan bawah). Alat ukur ini dibuat dengan menggunakan sensor elektronik sehingga menghasilkan waktu ukur yang lebih cepat. Sensor yang digunakan adalah flux sensor, yang digunakan untuk mengukur overbite pada insisivus tengah. Hasil yang didapatkan pada saat melakukan pengukuran dengan alat ini dibandingkan dengan proses pengukuran manual memberikan hasil yang memiliki akurasi di atas 80%. Galat (error) yang terkecil adalah sebesar 0% sedangkan galat terbesar adalah 19%. Kata Kunci — flux sensor, maloklusi, overbite,
Kanz Philosophia A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam (STFI) Sadra

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Faith becomes problematic in our modern world. In the age of secularization and emancipation man masters the Nature with his growing reason and ever developing technology. This new situation brings with itself a discredit toward faith and religion. Without refusing the existence of God, Immanuel Kant declares that theology is a paralogism (a fallacious reasoning). Auguste Comte corners the religion in the realm of infantile age to be overcomed by the progress of science. Meanwhile Friedrich Nietzsche, from his own view, analyses that the phenomenon of fanatism in religion hides the uncontrallble “need to believe” typically found among the weaks.The central critique of Martin Heidegger toward ontotheological metaphysics shows that theology defi ned as science does not think. Man of faith has already all the answer before a question is posed, therefore he cannot truly pariticipate in the question of Being. This article tries to consider these objections against faith. As an answer, this article off ers to acknowledge “the act of believe” as an universal disposition in man. Much wider than his need to possess knowledge, man is driven by a desire for the infi nite. Faith resumes this human desire for infinite.
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 41, No 3 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.492 KB) | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.41.3.332


Foaming on oil has a very undesirable effect which can cause an increase in oxidation by intensive mixture with air, damage to cavitation, and insufficient oil transportation in the lubrication circulation system which can cause poor lubrication. Adding the appropriate antifoam additives is one way to avoidfoaming. To determine the tendency of foaming formation which has an impact on the stability of the performance of lubricating oil, so that there is wear and tear in research in the laboratory by means of; 6 types of lubricating oil taken from the market are tested for viscosity, index viscosity, flash point, pour point and color. As well as to determine the effect of foam formation tested foaming tendency / stability and wear before and after antifoam added from 6 (six) types of lubricated oil obtained from the market. The result after adding antifoam additives, three types (GB, SH, and MH) of six types of lubricated oil were tested, the tendency of foaming and the wear results met the required limits, namely 0/50/0 ml for foaming tendency and maximum 0.5 mm for wear, while for 3 (three) oils, the results are not satisfying the required limits.
Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam Universitas Negri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.648 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/jaqfi.v6i2.15841


AbstrakTeknologi adalah keniscayaan. Kita membutuhkan teknologi untuk hidup, namun teknologi juga menunjukkan wajahnya yang seram: krisis ekologi, perang nuklir dan disrupsi. Bagi Heidegger, teknologi bukan sekedar pengetahuan teknis dan kumpulan perangkat (instrumentum) untuk mempermudah kerja. Inti teknologi adalah Gestell yang membingkai segala sesuatu, termasuk manusia, sebagai sumber daya untuk dieksploitasi. Heidegger menengarai bahwa inti teknologi berasal dari Metafisika Barat yang berciri ontoteologis. Manusia mesti berpikir secara lain, bukan lagi kalkulatif melainkan meditatif supaya ia memiliki relasi lebih baik dengan physis (alam). Kata Kunci: teknologi, ontoteologi, Gestell (Enframing), pikiran kalkulatif dan meditatif AbstractIn this age, technology is an imperative. Though we need it, technology has its own dangers: ecological crisis, nuclear war and technological disruption. Heidegger thought that technology was not merely a technical knowledge, nor a set of instruments to make work easier. The essence of technology is Gestell, Enframing, a stand point to consider everything, including man, as a standing reserve ready to be exploited. For Heidegger, the essence of technology comes from Western Metaphysics, characterized by its ontotheological structure. Man should look for another kind of thinking, meditative one, to have a better relationship with nature. Key words: technology, ontotheology, Gestell (Enframing), calculative and meditative thinking.
Manusia Sebagai “Kami”Menurut Plotinos A. Setyo Wibowo
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 13 No. 1 (2014): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.844 KB) | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v13i1.92


Abstrak: Bertitiktolak dari teori Prosesi (proodos) realitas, Plotinos menyatakan bahwa manusia adalah sebuah pluralitas, sebuah “kami,” di mana sebagai bagian utuh dari realitas, jiwa manusia merangkumi di dalamnya ketiga hipostasis intellingibel (Yang Satu, Intellek, Jiwa). Kesatuan aktual manusia dengan dunia intelligibel diungkapkan Plotinos dalam doktrinnya yang kontroversial tentang bagian jiwa manusia yang tidak turun ke dunia. Pemikiran Plotinos ini merupakan rangkuman orisinal atas ajaran-ajaran Platon tentang imortalitas jiwa, doktrin hylemorfisme Aristoteles dalam ranah Fisika—kategori-kategori forma, materia, potentia actus, entelekheia, dan energeia, motor immobil, noûs yang memikirkan dirinya sendiri—serta teori Logos dari Stoicisme. Sebagaimana tampak dalam prinsip energeia ganda, Plotinos secara kreatif menggunakan sumber-sumber para pendahulunya untuk mengemukakan teori barunya tentang realitas, khususnya tentang jiwa manusia. Kata-kata kunci: imortalitas jiwa, hylemorfisme, logos, prosesi, hipostasis, Yang Satu, Intellek, Jiwa. Abstract: The procession of reality leads Plotinus to assert that man is a plurality. As part of reality, each of us is a “we,” because all three hypostases (the One, the Intellect, and the Soul) are present in us. This is a controversial theory of soul. Plotinus affirms that man is actually present in the intelligible world by the undescended part of his soul. To understand this original theory, one has to consider the way Plotinus used his predecessors’ theories: the Platonic theory of the soul’s immortality, the hylemorphism theory of Aristotle’s Physics (form, matter, potency, actuality, entelechy, energy, unmoved mover, noûs which thinks its noema), and the Stoics’ theory of Logos. As shown in the theory of double energy, Plotinus used creatively the theories of those predecessors to invent his own theory of the procession of reality, more specifically, his unique theory of man’s soul. Keywords: immortality of the soul, hylemorphism, logos, procession, hypostase, the One, Intellect, Soul.