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Hubungan Kadar 25-Hidroksivitamin D Serum dengan Latensi Tidur pada Perempuan Remaja Akhir Elwitri Silvia; Elliza Nasrul; Cimi Ilmiawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Online Maret 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jka.v8i1.980


Tinjauan sistematis dan metanalisis melaporkan bahwa defisiensi vitamin D berhubungan dengan gangguan tidur yang lebih tinggi. Reseptor vitamin D terdapat pada area batang otak yang dikenal sebagai pacemaker cells yang berperan dalam tahap pertama tidur (latensi tidur). Studi epidemiologi menyatakan bahwa perempuan lebih berisiko mengalami kualitas tidur buruk dibandingkan laki-laki. Kondisi kesehatan generasi mendatang bergantung pada keadaan kesehatan perempuan mulai dari masa pranikah. Berdasarkan data statistik menunjukkan perkawinan sering terjadi pada usia 19-24 tahun yang tergolong pada kelompok usia remaja akhir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan hubungan kadar 25-Hidroksivitamin D (25(OH)D) serum dengan latensi tidur pada perempuan remaja akhir. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross-sectional pada mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas. Sepertiga (32,6%) subjek penelitian memasuki fase tidur lebih dari 15 menit. Lebih dari separuh (65%) pernah mengalami sulit tidur yaitu tidak memasuki fase tidur dalam waktu 30 menit sebanyak kurang dari 1 kali sampai dengan 3 kali dalam seminggu. Lebih dari separuh (60%) subjek penelitian mengalami defisiensi vitamin D (<11 ng/ml). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan latensi tidur (p<0,001; r=-0,437) pada perempuan remaja akhir. Simpulan studi ini ialah semakin rendah kadar vitamin D maka akan semakin buruk latensi tidur individu tersebut.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5737/v6i1.12


Background: Based on data in Academic Administration of Poltekkes Surakarta, there are 17% first semester students in 2012/2013 get theory score midwifery base skill lower than 68. One of factors that influence studying result is learning method. During this time, learning method that is often used is lecture method. Jigsaw is cooperative learning method that can improve students studying result. Objective: This research is aim to know differences of jigsaw learning method dan lecture method to studying result of midwifery base skill in Poltekkes Surakarta.Research Methods: Type of research is quasy experiment with expansion of design pretest-posttest with control group. The technique of interpretation sampling is cluster sampling with population is all students in first semester Midwifery DIII Study Program of Poltekkes Surakarta that is consist of 3 classes and it was take 2 classes for sample which amounts to 75 students. This research use one of midwifery base skill subject, that is principle of infection prevention. Result: Univariat analysis indicate that pretest average with jigsaw method and lecture method are 45,27 and 45,39 while posttest average of jigsaw method is higher than lecture method, that is 78,83>66,67. Based on analysis unpair t-test was got that p<0,05 (0,000<0,05), it’s mean null hypothesis is rejected. Conclusion: There are differences jigsaw learning method dan lecture method to the studying result of midwifery base skill in Poltekkes Surakarta.
Perbedaan Kadar 25(OH)D Serum menurut Lama Paparan Sinar Matahari pada Perempuan Remaja Akhir di Kota Padang Elwitri Silvia
GALENICAL : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Mahasiswa Malikussaleh Vol 1, No 2 (2022): GALENICAL : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Mahasiswa Malikussaleh - Agustus 202
Publisher : Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jkkmm.v1i2.8224


Penelitian terkini menyatakan vitamin D mempunyai peran dalam kesehatan perempuan. Sumber utama vitamin D berasal dari sinar matahari. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang mempunyai kontribusi 90% sebagai sumber vitamin D. Kota Padang dengan penduduk dominan beragama Islam sehingga sebagian besar perempuannya menggunakan hijab dan cenderung melakukan aktivitas didalam ruangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kadar 25(OH)D serum menurut lama paparan sinar matahari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas dan UPTD Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Sampel penelitian adalah 80 orang mahasiswa berumur 17-25 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan kadar 25(OH)D serum  dengan metode ELISA. Lebih dari separuh subjek penelitian (n=48; 60%) termasuk dalam kategori defisiensi vitamin D (<11 ng/ml). Sepertiga subjek penelitian dengan lama paparan sinar matahari dalam rentang 0,5 – 1 jam/hari yaitu sebanyak 35%. Analisis uji One Way ANOVA didapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kadar 25(OH)D serum yang signifikan pada kelompokm data lama paparan sinar matahari dengan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05). Diperlukan paparan sinar matahari dengan memajankan wajah, kedua lengan dan tangan selama 25 menit pada pukul 09.00 WIB atau selama 7,5 menit antara pukul 11.00-13.00 WIB atau jika luas permukaan tubuh yang terpapar lebih sedikit maka diperlukan waktu yang lebih banyak agar tercukupinya kebutuhan vitamin D dari sinar matahari terutama pada perempuan remaja akhir yang merupakan calon ibu hamil yang harus memperhatikan status vitamin D agar mendapat luaran kehamilan yang baik, baik bagi ibu maupun janin.
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v5i3.403


Hand hygiene is one of the important elements in achieving one of SDG’s targets in 2030. Hand hygiene includes washing hands with soap and using hand sanitizers. Hand hygiene provides great health benefits at a relatively small cost. Curly Ch Personal hygiene is considered the best tool to prevent infectious diseases that affect their growth and development. Health education about hand hygiene is the only cost-effective way to implement the correct hand hygiene. Elementry School 5Toboh Palabah Kota Pariaman is a curly educational institution located on the side of the road that is often traversed by vehicles and the community, so it is very important to provide health education about hand hygiene. In addition, based on interviews with teachers, it was stated that there was no health education on how to wash hands and apply hand hygiene from health workers. 21 students in grades 5 and 6 of Elementry School 5 Toboh Palabah, Pariaman City, attended the health education activity. The activity is divided into two sessions. The first session is material giving and the second session is the practice of washing hands with soap and using hand sanitizers. This activity went smoothly, and a positive response both in the first and second sessions. All students can practice hand washing steps and understand the application of hand hygiene correctly. With this health education, we hope that school residents, especially students of Elementry School 5 Toboh Palabah, Pariaman City can implement and optimize the use of school facilities so that the application of hand hygiene can be carried out properly and correctly.
Combination of Gymnastics and Warm Compresses for Reducing Menstrual Pain (Dysminore) in Young Girls at SMA 1 West Pasaman Endang Sari; Elwitri Silvia; Welly Handayani
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 5 (2022): December: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i5.1045


Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is a problem the most common reasons for a decrease in women's activity during menstruation, for example not going to school. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) 85% of women experience dysmenorrhea with 15-20% experiencing severe dysmenorrhea. Handling this problem in a non-pharmacological way needs to be developed, for example by exercising and warm compresses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of exercise and warm compresses on reducing dysmenorrhea in young women at SMA 1 Pasaman Barat. The type of research used was a pre-experimental design with one group pre and post test. Samples were obtained based on inclusion criteria as many as 30 people. data acquisition through observation sheets in the form of a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Of the 30 respondents before being given treatment as much as 20 (67%) experienced moderate pain during menstruation and 6 respondents (20%) experienced mild pain during menstruation and after being given treatment as many as 18 respondents (60%) became painless and 6 respondents (20% ) to mild pain. From the analysis of the data obtained value (p value = 0.0001). This p value indicates a relationship between a combination of exercise and warm compresses on reducing pain. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that doing a combination of exercise and warm compresses has an effect on reducing menstrual pain in young women at SMA 1 Pasaman Barat.
UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN MELALUI KELAS IBU TENTANG GIZI IBU HAMIL DI PUSKESMAS LUBUK ALUNG Endang Sari; Welly Handayani; Novia Rita Aninora; Mekar Zenny Radhia; Hanifa Zaini; Dewi Asmawati; Elwitri Silvia
COVIT (Community Service of Health) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/covit.v2i2.11548


Adequate nutritional intake is needed by pregnant women, these nutritional needs are needed for pregnant women to be able to provide good nutrition to the fetus for fetal growth and development in the womb. Pregnant mothers class activities are a means to study groups about health for pregnant women in the form of face to face. The form of community service activities carried out is the implementation of counseling about balanced nutrition for pregnant women and the provision of supplementary food for pregnant women in the pregnant mothers class at Nanggalo Public Health Center in September 2022. The purpose of this activity is so that all pregnant women who are in the class of pregnant women Lubuk Alung Community Health Center knows about balanced nutrition that must be consumed during pregnancy. The results of this community service are all pregnant women who are in the class of pregnant women Lubuk Alung Health Center knows about the benefits and balanced nutrition that must be consumed during pregnancy. Pregnant women with good nutritional knowledge are expected to be able to choose foods that are of good nutritional value and balanced for themselves, the fetus and family Keywords: Knowledge, Nutrition for Pregnant Women
Edukasi Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI yang Tepat dalam rangka Pencegahan Stunting dengan Melibatkan Tokoh Masyarakat Elwitri Silvia; Endang Sari; Welly Handayani; Mekar Zenni Radhia; Hanifa Zaini
Literasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.109 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v2i2.627


Stunting is still a problem for health status of children in Indoensia which has an impact on children’s cognitive development and it is irreversible and has an intergenerational impact so that the productivity levelof Indonesia’s next generation is predicted to be still half of its potential. Stunting is related to nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life associated with cimplementary feeding. The period of complementary feeding is an important opportunity to prevent all forms of childhood malnutrition including stunting. Education about complementary feeding is one of the steps in reducing stunting. The purpose of this activity is to provide education on the provision of appropriate complementary foods to prevent stunting by involving community leaders at the Nagari Tanah Datar 10 Koto Hall, Padang Panjang. This activity was attended by wali nagari, babinsa and bhabinkantibmas. Participants in the activity are family members (parents) who have children aged 6-24 months. The activity was attended by 28 people. This activity is carried out simultaneously with the distribution of direct cash assistance. The implementation method in this health education activity uses lecture method, discussion, question and answer method. Media used are LCD projectors and leaflets. Before the education started, each participant was given a leaflet. The educational activities were divided into two sessions. The first session was the delivery of material and the second session was a discussion and question and answer session with the participants. The activity went smoothly, participants actively participated during the activity.
Pengaruh Pemberian Aromaterapi Peppermint terhadap Keluhan Mual Muntah pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pondok Tinggi Hanifa Zaini. S; Elwitri Silvia; Desni Fitri Halawa
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3474


In Indonesia there are (50-90%) cases of nausea and vomiting experienced by pregnant women. The main factor causing maternal death in Indonesia is not nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum), but the incidence of nausea and vomiting is quite large, namely (60-80%) in primigravidarum and (40-60%) in multigravida. One hundred in 1000 experience more severe symptoms. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving peppermint aromatherapy to complaints of nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women in the Pondok Tinggi Health Center Working Area in 2022. This research method uses a pre-experimental design using a one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study was the total number of first trimester pregnant women in the Pondok Tinggi Public Health Center Work Area. Which gets 15 samples. Data were collected using a questionnaire by means of a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out univariately in the form of frequency distribution and bivariate using T test. The results of the study found that the average score before being given peppermint aromatherapy was (3.20) and before being given peppermint aromatherapy (2.13). Based on the results of statistical tests, there was an effect before being given aromatherapy and before being given peppermint aromatherapy (p-value 0.000). Peppermint aromatherapy has an effect on nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women, it is hoped that first trimester pregnant women can apply peppermint aromatherapy as an alternative to non-pharmacological therapy to overcome nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women.
Keragaman Sumber Protein Berperan dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Vitamin D Pada Mahasiswi di Kota Padang Elwitri Silvia; Hanifa Zaini. S; Mekar Zenni Radhia; Endang Sari; Dewi Asmawati
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.317 KB) | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-literate.v7i7.9029


Salah satu penyebab masalah dalam sistem reproduksi pada masa sebelum kehamilan sampai masa kelahiran adalah defisiensi vitamin D. Sumber utama vitamin D adalah sinar UVB sehingga diasumsikan tinggal di negara tropis seperti Indonesia akan tercukupi kebutuhan vitamin D. Namun hal ini bertolakbelakang dengan hasil-hasil penelitian di negara tropis, bahwa tinggal di negara tropis tidak menjamin tercukupinya kebutuhan vitamin D. Kadar vitamin D tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh paparan sinar matahari, namun juga dipengaruhi oleh asupan vitamin D. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan asupan vitamin D pada mahasiswi di Kota Padang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional pada 80 mahasiswi di Kota Padang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara cluster random sampling. Pemeriksaan kadar 25(OH)D serum diukur dengan menggunakan metode ELISA. Penilaian asupan vitamin D dilakukan dengan menggunakan food recall 24 hour dan Nutrisurvei 2007. Sebagian besar subjek penelitian mengalami defisiensi (n=48; 60%) dan insufisiensi (n=30; 37,5%) vitamin D dan asupan vitamin D subjek penelitian tidak ada yang mencukupi angka kecukupan vitamin D. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara asupan vitamin D dengan kadar 25(OH)D serum pada mahasiswi di Kota Padang. Kecukupan vitamin D harus dicapai dengan protein yang beragam dimana asupan vitamin D menjelaskan separuh dari variabilitas kadar 25(OH)D serum.
Pengaruh Pemberian Nugget Tempe terhadap Kadar Hb Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sicincin Yohana Suganda; Novia Rita Aninora; Elwitri Silvia
Jurnal Medisains Kesehatan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Medisains Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Negara bagian Asia Tenggara salah satunya Indonesia memiliki prevalensi ibu hamil dengan anemia sebanyak 37,1%. Ibu hamil diseluruh dunia mengalami anemia diperkirakan 41,88%, Anemia merupakan kondisi dimana tubuh mengalami kekurangan sel darah yang mengandung hemoglobin untuk membawa oksigen ke seluruh organ tubuh. Tempe merupakan bahan pangan yang banyak ditemukan di masyarakat dan mengandung unsur – unsur gizi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian nugget tempe terhadap kadar Hb ibu hamil di wilayah kerja puskesmas Sicincin tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan one group pretest posttest design. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret−September 2022. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia ringan periode trimester II kehamilan yang tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sicincin sebanyak 27 orang. tehnik sampel total sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan format observasi, kemudian dianalisis dengan uji Paired Sampling Test. Hasil Analisa univariat didapati rerata kadar HB pretest adalah 10.037 gr%, rerata kadar HB posttest adalah 10.319 gr%, hasil uji hipotesis paired sample t-test p-value 0,000. bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian nugget tempe terhadap kadar Hb ibu hamil. Edukasi kesehatan bagi ibu hamil sehingga mereka mampu mengatasi anemia dengan sendirinya dengan terapi non farmakologi anemia sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan anemia.