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Combination of Gymnastics and Warm Compresses for Reducing Menstrual Pain (Dysminore) in Young Girls at SMA 1 West Pasaman Endang Sari; Elwitri Silvia; Welly Handayani
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 5 (2022): December: Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v10i5.1045


Menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea is a problem the most common reasons for a decrease in women's activity during menstruation, for example not going to school. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) 85% of women experience dysmenorrhea with 15-20% experiencing severe dysmenorrhea. Handling this problem in a non-pharmacological way needs to be developed, for example by exercising and warm compresses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of exercise and warm compresses on reducing dysmenorrhea in young women at SMA 1 Pasaman Barat. The type of research used was a pre-experimental design with one group pre and post test. Samples were obtained based on inclusion criteria as many as 30 people. data acquisition through observation sheets in the form of a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Of the 30 respondents before being given treatment as much as 20 (67%) experienced moderate pain during menstruation and 6 respondents (20%) experienced mild pain during menstruation and after being given treatment as many as 18 respondents (60%) became painless and 6 respondents (20% ) to mild pain. From the analysis of the data obtained value (p value = 0.0001). This p value indicates a relationship between a combination of exercise and warm compresses on reducing pain. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that doing a combination of exercise and warm compresses has an effect on reducing menstrual pain in young women at SMA 1 Pasaman Barat.
UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN MELALUI KELAS IBU TENTANG GIZI IBU HAMIL DI PUSKESMAS LUBUK ALUNG Endang Sari; Welly Handayani; Novia Rita Aninora; Mekar Zenny Radhia; Hanifa Zaini; Dewi Asmawati; Elwitri Silvia
COVIT (Community Service of Health) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/covit.v2i2.11548


Adequate nutritional intake is needed by pregnant women, these nutritional needs are needed for pregnant women to be able to provide good nutrition to the fetus for fetal growth and development in the womb. Pregnant mothers class activities are a means to study groups about health for pregnant women in the form of face to face. The form of community service activities carried out is the implementation of counseling about balanced nutrition for pregnant women and the provision of supplementary food for pregnant women in the pregnant mothers class at Nanggalo Public Health Center in September 2022. The purpose of this activity is so that all pregnant women who are in the class of pregnant women Lubuk Alung Community Health Center knows about balanced nutrition that must be consumed during pregnancy. The results of this community service are all pregnant women who are in the class of pregnant women Lubuk Alung Health Center knows about the benefits and balanced nutrition that must be consumed during pregnancy. Pregnant women with good nutritional knowledge are expected to be able to choose foods that are of good nutritional value and balanced for themselves, the fetus and family Keywords: Knowledge, Nutrition for Pregnant Women
Edukasi Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI yang Tepat dalam rangka Pencegahan Stunting dengan Melibatkan Tokoh Masyarakat Elwitri Silvia; Endang Sari; Welly Handayani; Mekar Zenni Radhia; Hanifa Zaini
Literasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.109 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v2i2.627


Stunting is still a problem for health status of children in Indoensia which has an impact on children’s cognitive development and it is irreversible and has an intergenerational impact so that the productivity levelof Indonesia’s next generation is predicted to be still half of its potential. Stunting is related to nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life associated with cimplementary feeding. The period of complementary feeding is an important opportunity to prevent all forms of childhood malnutrition including stunting. Education about complementary feeding is one of the steps in reducing stunting. The purpose of this activity is to provide education on the provision of appropriate complementary foods to prevent stunting by involving community leaders at the Nagari Tanah Datar 10 Koto Hall, Padang Panjang. This activity was attended by wali nagari, babinsa and bhabinkantibmas. Participants in the activity are family members (parents) who have children aged 6-24 months. The activity was attended by 28 people. This activity is carried out simultaneously with the distribution of direct cash assistance. The implementation method in this health education activity uses lecture method, discussion, question and answer method. Media used are LCD projectors and leaflets. Before the education started, each participant was given a leaflet. The educational activities were divided into two sessions. The first session was the delivery of material and the second session was a discussion and question and answer session with the participants. The activity went smoothly, participants actively participated during the activity.
Hubungan Tingkat Stres Dengan Lama Fase Aktif Kala 1 Persalinan Pada Primigravida Di Bpm Rita Endang Sari; Welly Handayani
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3337


As a prospective mother, especially for the first time or first time, in the face of childbirth, you will feel afraid, causing tension which can cause disruption to uterine contractions. Psychological factors also greatly determine the success of childbirth, This research is a quantitative research with descriptive analysis method. The design used in this research is cross sectional. The population in this study were all third trimester pregnant women who were facing active phase 1 labor namely 50 pregnant women. The number of samples taken is a minimum sample of 30 samples.The results showed that 50% of mothers experienced stress and more than half of mothers experienced a fast active phase of 63.3%. Statistical tests resulted in a relationship between stress and the length of the active phase of stage 1 withp value 0,001. To the practice of midwives Hermina and other health facilities, it is recommended to further improve health education on how mothers are not stressed in dealing with childbirth, especially during stage 1.
Speech Act of Demand by the Community of Speaking on the Buying Transaction of Sand Mining on the River Banks in the Sungai Sariak Region, Padang Pariaman Regency *Vonny Ardiel; Dina Ayuning Tyas; Ira Maulina Sa'danoer; Welly Handayani; Yulia Citra; Wulandari Pertiwi; Indan Duka Lara
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022, History, Learning Strategy, Economic History and Social Knowledge
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v5i2.27531


Speech Act is communication activity which contains the intent to be conveyed when speaking (the illocutionary power of an utterance) and the effect the speaker wants to achieve (perlocutionary speech). In the sale and purchase of sand mining on the banks of the Sariak River, Padang Pariaman Regency, there is a speech act between the miner and the buyer of the sand. The researcher wants to reveal the lexicon and meaning in speech acts as linguistic documentation and the richness of the lexicon. The purpose of this research is to develop linguistics in a sociopragmatic perspective. The theory used in this study is the theory of speech acts in sociopragmatic science. In this study the author uses a qualitative approach. The researcher found the syntactic aspect in the form of words and sentences. The syntactic form found is in the form of nouns that turn into adverbs due to changes in meaning in speech acts based on the context. Then find the sentence mode in the speech act of request by using declarative and interrogative sentences/questions, and using terms and language that are in accordance with the social context of interaction and culture of the community, so that efficient communication is achieved. 
Upaya Pencegahan Strie Gravidarum Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Pemberian Aloe Vera Oil Novia Rita; Yohana Suganda; Dewi Asmawati; Welly Handayani
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ceria (JPKMC) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ceria (JPKMC)
Publisher : PT. Gelora Cipta Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61674/jpkmc.v1i1.9


Kehamilan merupakan masa indah yang diinginkan bagi setiap wanita, saat kehamilan akan terjadi perubahan disetiap sistem tubuh ibu hamil. Trimester kedua sampai ketiga peningkatan Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone akibat perubahan signifikan dari hormon estrogen dan progesteron. Prevalensi striae gravidarum pada ibu hamil berkisar 50% sampai 90% sekitar usia 24 minggu kehamilan. Banyak sedikitnya sretch marks yang timbul, salah satunya memang dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetis (elastisitas kulit). Pengolesan menggunakan pelembab kulit dan emolien yang mengandung, vitamiv C, vitamin E dan kolagen dapat membantu mempertahankan elastisitas kulit dan mengurangi kekakuan dari dinding perut. Komponen tersebut mampu didapatkan dari Aloe Vera Oil. Striae gravidarum bukanlah penyakit namun menimbulkan dampak ketidakyamanan dan ketidakstabilan emosi akibat penurunan kepercayaan diri yang secara signifikan berhubungan dengan beban psikologis. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengaplikasikan pemberian aloe vera oil sebagai perawatan kulit untuk mencegah dan mengurangi strie gravidarum pada ibu hamil, memberikan solusi permasalahan kulit ibu hamil dengan strie gravidarum, membentuk desa mitra perguruan tinggi, meningkatkan kemandirian ibu hamil dalam mengaplikasikan komplementer kebidanan
Speech Act of Demand by the Community of Speaking on the Buying Transaction of Sand Mining on the River Banks in the Sungai Sariak Region, Padang Pariaman Regency *Vonny Ardiel; Dina Ayuning Tyas; Ira Maulina Sa'danoer; Welly Handayani; Yulia Citra; Wulandari Pertiwi; Indan Duka Lara
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022, History, Learning Strategy, Economic History and Social Knowledge
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v5i2.27531


Speech Act is communication activity which contains the intent to be conveyed when speaking (the illocutionary power of an utterance) and the effect the speaker wants to achieve (perlocutionary speech). In the sale and purchase of sand mining on the banks of the Sariak River, Padang Pariaman Regency, there is a speech act between the miner and the buyer of the sand. The researcher wants to reveal the lexicon and meaning in speech acts as linguistic documentation and the richness of the lexicon. The purpose of this research is to develop linguistics in a sociopragmatic perspective. The theory used in this study is the theory of speech acts in sociopragmatic science. In this study the author uses a qualitative approach. The researcher found the syntactic aspect in the form of words and sentences. The syntactic form found is in the form of nouns that turn into adverbs due to changes in meaning in speech acts based on the context. Then find the sentence mode in the speech act of request by using declarative and interrogative sentences/questions, and using terms and language that are in accordance with the social context of interaction and culture of the community, so that efficient communication is achieved.