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Stock Return: Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Equity (ROE) in Real Estate and Property Industrial Companies Malahayati, Rina; Tahir, Muhammad; Hasan, Muridha
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4495


This study aims to determine the effect of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Equity Ratio (ROE) on stock returns. This research includes associative research. The population of this study are real estate and property industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2015-2018 period. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method and there are 26 companies that meet the criteria as research samples. The results showed that the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) had a negative but not significant effect on stock returns and Return on Equity (ROE) had a positive effect on stock returns.
Analisis Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Kinerja Pelayanan Pada Perusahaan Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Agara Kutacane Muridha Hasan
Jurnal Visioner & Strategis Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business, UNIVERSITAS MALIKUSSALEH

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This study aims to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of service performance at the Tirta Agara Kutacane Drinking Water Company (PDAM). The subject of this research is the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Kutacane, while the object of the research is the Customers of the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Kutacane. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with the method of observation and interview. Research results In general, the performance appraisal of the employees of the Tirta Agara Kutacane Regional Water Company that has been carried out by the leadership includes, among others, performance appraisal based on behavioral assessment, performance appraisal based on the individual characteristics and characteristics of employees, performance appraisal based on work results, performance appraisal on the basis of a combination of several elements,. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the efficiency, effectiveness of the service performance of the regional drinking water company Tirta Agara Kutacane has not shown maximum results because it is not in accordance with what is expected. natural resources to optimize public services. For the survival of the company to be better, attention is needed from the government both in the form of capital and policies so that service performance will increase.
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2023 Periode Januari - Maret
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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The budget is a financial activity plan that comprises the projected expenditure estimates in one period and the proposed sources of revenue to pay these expenditures. The budget operates as a plan that is believed to be a work guideline and gives direction, as well as objectives that must be fulfilled by future company activities. This study intends to evaluate how to manage the local government budget allocated for regional expenditure realization in Southeast Aceh Regency which has been defined, the method of analysis employed is a quantitative descriptive approach employing data collection techniques such documentary techniques, surveys and observations. The source of research data is in the form of secondary data from the Local Financial Management Board. Three years of study were done in the Southeast Aceh Regency, between 2019 and 2021. The findings of study undertaken at the Southeast Aceh Regency Local Financial Management Agency about the Analysis of Realization of Local budget Budgets demonstrate that every year there are adjustments in line with local budgets made. And the performance of local government expenditure in Southeast Aceh Regency was able to efficiently conserve the local government's budget. This is evident by the absence of achievement numbers that surpass the planned expenditure budget.
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 12 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2023 Periode Januari - Maret
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This study aims to see the effect of discipline, job satisfaction and motivation on work productivity at the Central Bureau of Statistics in Southeast Aceh District. This data uses primary data obtained by directly interviewing respondents using a questionnaire. To find out the effect of Discipline, job satisfaction and motivation on work productivity at the Central Statistics Agency for Southeast Aceh District, a multiple linear regression method was used using processing tools in this study in the form of SPSS version 16. In the multiple linear regression stages, classical assumption tests were first performed. To determine the effect of Discipline, job satisfaction and motivation both partially and simultaneously, t-test and F-test were carried out. The results found partially that both job satisfaction and motivation had a significant effect on work productivity, while the results of the joint tests showed that Discipline, job satisfaction work and motivation have a significant effect on work productivity in the Central Bureau of Statistics in Southeast Aceh District.
Analisis Strategi dan Efisiensi Pelayanan Peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Kesehatan Pada RSU H.Sahudin Kutacane Muridha Hasan; Sabitah Sabitah
Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE) Vol 4, No 1 (2023): Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jbfe.v4i1.3780


This study aims to find out 1. To know the form of service strategy for the Health Insurance Administration Agency at H.Sahudin Kutacane Public Hospital. The population in this study is As for the population in this study are all employees / staff who use BPJS health cards who come to check their health at RSU.H.Sahudin Kutacane. The samples in this study were 134 employees/Medical Officers at the H.Sahudin Kutacane Hospital. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The nature of this research is classified as descriptive research, namely describing, explaining and interpreting a phenomenon that occurs in an object and the data is qualitative. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that every company without exception at the H. Sahudin Hospital Kutacane has several advantages over the others, on the other hand the company is also inseparable from its weaknesses. The strengths possessed by H. Sahudin Kutacane Hospital are -Service or services provided by H. Sahudin Kutacane Hospital are known for their nice service. Based on the analysis of internal and external factors, the competitive strategy that must be carried out by RSUD H. Sahudin Kutacane in the future is an intensive or integrative strategy.
Jurnal Ekonomika: Manajemen, Akuntansi, dan Perbankan Syari'ah Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Economic Faculty, University of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh leverage yang diukur dengan debt to asset ratio (DAR), long term debt to equity ratio (LTDtER), dan debt to equity ratio (DER) terhadap return on equity ratio (ROE). Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan hotel, restoran dan pariwisata yang terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia tahun 2019-2021. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling sehingga diproleh 10 sampel perusahaan. Data penelitian merupakan data sekunder yaitu laporan keuangan yang telah diaudit dan diproleh melalui website resmi bursa efek Indonesia. Hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan metode regresi data panel. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa rasio leverage yang diukur dengan DAR, berpengaruh terhadap ROE. sedangkan LTDtER dan DER tidak berpengaruh terhadap ROE. Secara simultan Debt to Asset Ratio, Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio dan Debt to Equity Ratio berpengaruh terhadap Return On Equity Ratio.
Analisis Strategi dan Efisiensi Pelayanan Peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Kesehatan Pada RSU H.Sahudin Kutacane Muridha Hasan; Sabitah Sabitah
Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal Of Business, Finance, and Economics (JBFE)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jbfe.v4i1.3780


This study aims to find out 1. To know the form of service strategy for the Health Insurance Administration Agency at H.Sahudin Kutacane Public Hospital. The population in this study is As for the population in this study are all employees / staff who use BPJS health cards who come to check their health at RSU.H.Sahudin Kutacane. The samples in this study were 134 employees/Medical Officers at the H.Sahudin Kutacane Hospital. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The nature of this research is classified as descriptive research, namely describing, explaining and interpreting a phenomenon that occurs in an object and the data is qualitative. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that every company without exception at the H. Sahudin Hospital Kutacane has several advantages over the others, on the other hand the company is also inseparable from its weaknesses. The strengths possessed by H. Sahudin Kutacane Hospital are -Service or services provided by H. Sahudin Kutacane Hospital are known for their nice service. Based on the analysis of internal and external factors, the competitive strategy that must be carried out by RSUD H. Sahudin Kutacane in the future is an intensive or integrative strategy.
Penyuluhan Strategi UMKM Ibu PKK Desa Pasir Penjengakan Dalam Pemasaran Produk Melalui Media Sosial Sabitah Sabitah; Lusi Tutur Mulia; Roezaini Soefi; Rila Maufira; Muridha Hasan
JURNAL PRODIKMAS Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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Penyuluhan adalah suatu kegiatan mendidik sesuatu kepada individu ataupun kelompok, memberi pengetahuan, informasi-informasi dan berbagai kemampuan agar dapat membentuk sikap dan perilaku hidup yang seharusnya. Hakekatnya penyuluhan merupakan suatu kegiatan nonformal dalam rangka mengubah masyarakat menuju keadaan yang lebih baik seperti yang dicita-citakan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan di desa Penjengakan, dengan target utama ibu-ibu PKK. Kegiatan utama dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah penyuluhan dan desain label kemasan. Isi penyuluhan terdiri dari perencanaan produksi, strategi marketing, dan cara membuat akun bisnis serta memasarkannya melalui media sosial. Penyuluhan strategi pengembangan dalam pemasaran produk UMKM di era digital yang telah dilakukan di desa ini sangat penting bagi pelaku UMKM agar dengan pemanfaatan media sosial, pelaku UMKM dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih, mereka juga dapat melakukan komunikasi secara intens dengan pelanggan karena sebagian masyarakat yang kini cenderung lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya dengan menggeluti media sosial, sehingga pelaku UMKM dapat berpeluang memenuhi capaian target pemasaran produk mereka sekaligus dapat menyelamatkan atau bahkan meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat