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Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 4 No. 4 (2021): FairValue : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Publisher : Departement Of Accounting, Indonesian Cooperative Institute, Indonesia

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The nature of this research is descriptive quantitative. That is researchconducted to determine the value of the independent variable without makingcomparisons or connecting with other variables. The validity test used in thisstudy is intended to ensure how well the instrument measures the concept that should be measured. A valid instrument means that the instrument can be usedto measure accurately and correctly, by using a research instrument that hashigh validity, the research results are able to explain the research problemaccording to the actual situation or event. Reliability tests are carried out todetermine the consistency and accuracy of measurements, if measurements aremade on the same object repeatedly with the same instrument. To assessreliability, Cronbach's Alpha is used which is calculated using spss. Aninstrument has high reliability if the value of Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha >0.6 and Cronbach's Alpha If Item Delete < Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha(Ghozali, 2006:113). Through the results of the normality test of the dataobtained, it is known that the significant value using the residual value throughthe Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z method on spss for all variables X and Y is 0.057 >0.05, so because the significant value is greater than 0.05 it can be said to bedistributed normal. Through data processing in the Coefficients table in the Signcolumn. Above, the significance value is 0.000. Where the value is 0.000 < 0.05.Thus Ho is accepted, which means that there is a significant influence betweenleadership style (X) on employee performance (Y) at the Kutacane irrigationoffice
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Periode September 2022
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This research aims to find out the strategy and work program of Gayo Lues Regency that has been planned and will be implemented, this can only be done through the Gayo Lues Regency public relations department. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with observation and literature methods. The results in this study are Gayo Lues Regency Public Relations. has a role in publicizing government activities, namely as a communicator in making and covering government activities, relationships, namely building good relations with internal and external publics, backup management by approaching how the community reacts and responds to posts from the Kampar Regional Secretariat's public relations account, as well as good image markers, namely by creating a positive image for the Government of Gayo Lues Regency. Then it was suggested to Gayo Lues Regency Public Relations, always be active in making news, and asked all Public Relations staff of the Gayo Lues Regency Government to have the ability, visual, to deal with future developments and demands for public services
Pengaruh Kualiatas Pelayanan dan Layanan terhadap Loyalitas Pengunjung Hotel Sartika Kutcane Rila maufira
MANABIS: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Penelitian Pengabdian Algero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (947.202 KB) | DOI: 10.54259/manabis.v1i1.581


Hotel Sartika Kutacane is a company in the field of hospitality services. To be able to continue to compete in the struggle for the Sartika Kutacane hotel market, always prioritize service quality as the spearhead to get new visitors as well as to maintain the loyalty of old visitors. The research method used in this study is descriptive analysis method with quantitative techniques. This research was conducted using the existing population and sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 83 respondents who are part of the overall visitors who stay at the Hotel Sartika Kutacane. The results showed that there was no positive and significant relationship between the independent variables (service quality) and (service quality) with the dependent variable (visitor loyalty) at the Hotel Sartika Kutacane. Based on the results of the t test, service quality has no effect on loyalty, it can be seen from the table that the significant value (0.369) is below (less than) 0.05 and t count (1.66 <0.903) if so, it can be interpreted that if the service quality variable is improved, it can be seen. that the value of Cronbach's alpha is 0.526, this means it is valid and can be used in research, it can be seen that the total correlation value is – 0.369, this means that the question failed to reject Ho. on visitor loyalty. This can be seen from the significant value (1.66 <0.05). Based on the validity test the value of the total correlation is 0.48, this means the question is valid and can be used in research. The results of multiple linear regression that examined the service quality variable did not have a positive and significant effect on visitor loyalty. This can be seen from the significant value (1.66 <0.05), then the results of the research are normal and the research is valid.  
Analisa Indeks Harga Konsumen terhadap Upah Karyawan Pada CV. Simetriz Design Consultant Kutacane Rila maufira
MANABIS: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Penelitian Pengabdian Algero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (759.075 KB) | DOI: 10.54259/manabis.v1i1.595


CV. Simetriz Design Consultant Kutacane, is a trading company engaged in Architectural Design, which has a vision and mission of integrated and comprehensive services in the planning and supervision of Civil architecture and environmental planning. In using employees, the company must pay attention to, utilization, development, assessment, provision of remuneration, ways to design planning systems, employee preparation, career management, performance evaluation, employee compensation, and labor relations. In this research, the background of the problem is that the Compensation Function is the provision of direct and indirect remuneration in the form of money or goods to employees as compensation for the services (output) that employees provide. The identification of the problem in this research is whether the salary/wages received by the employee have been able to meet the needs. So in this study formulate several problems, that the salary received is not enough to meet the needs seen from the ability of wages seen from purchasing power. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection method with field research using direct observation and interview methods on the research object to obtain an overview of the research subject. From the results of the study, obtained data, the number of employees on the CV. Simetriz Design Consultant Kutacane numbered 13 people, consisting of 11 men and 2 women 1.88% 1.65%, 1.416%, 0.944 % , Female people, the remuneration provided is in the form of salary, the President Director is given a salary of Rp. 4,000 .000,-/Month, meaning that based on the specified UMP the wages earned are able to meet the consumer price index of 1.88%, the Deputy Director is given a remuneration of Rp. 3,500,000,-, 1.65%, while the Experts are given a salary IDR 3,000,000,- and subordinates are given IDR 2,500,000 and IDR 2,000,000/month, respectively. 0.944 %
The Strategy of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Banda Aceh Branch in the Socialization of the Non-wage Recipient Program Rahmat Arfan; Rila Maufira; Indra Akbar
Telaah Bisnis Vol 23, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen YKPN Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35917/tb.v23i2.321


This study aims to discuss the strategies implemented by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Banda Aceh Branch Office in disseminating the Non-Wage Recipient program and to find out the obstacles of this program. The theory used in this paper is the promotion mix model which includes: sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, advertising, and public relations. This study uses qualitative analysis methods. This paper uses certain data collection techniques such as an interview with respondents and documentation supporting the research.The results showed that the strategy BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Banda Aceh Branch used in socializing the Non-Wage Recipient Program or BPU program was by advertising or promoting the benefits of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program for informal workers in various media. The second strategy is personal selling. The third strategy is public relations. The fourth strategy is direct marketing through the Market. The last strategy is sales promotion through socialization in informal worker forums. There are four obstacles faced by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Banda Aceh Branch in conducting socialization this program, it is the public's view about BPJS is not an Islamic product, competition with commercial insurance, lack of firmness from the government.
JURSIMA (Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen) Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Volume 11 Nomor 1 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47024/js.v11i1.559


Abstrak penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor fundamental yang kemungkinan adanya pengaruh fluktuasi kurs us$/rp, suku bunga dan harga minyak dunia terhadap indeks harga saham sektor pertambangan serta perdagangan dan jasa periode juni 2017- oktober 2021. Data skunder yang digunakan yang akan dia analisis dengan menggunakan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian diuji simultan dan parsial yang memberikan kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh signifikan pada indeks harga saham sektor pertambangan serta perdangangan dan jasa Juni 2017-Oktober 2021 Kata Kunci : Kurs US$/Rp, suku bunga, harga minyak dunia
JURSIMA (Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen) Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Volume 11 Nomor 1 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47024/js.v11i1.564


Abstract Education plays an important role in the formation of financial management, both informal education in the family environment and formal education in the tertiary environment. Within the family environment, the level of financial management is determined by the role of parents in providing support in the form of financial education in the family. Financial management education in the family is influenced by the socioeconomic status of the parents. Differences in the socioeconomic status of parents make a big difference in parenting. Children are conditioned by socio-economic class which influences their knowledge and behavior. Learning in tertiary institutions plays an important role in the process of establishing student financial management. Appropriate and directed learning will help students have the ability to understand, assess, and act in their financial interests. High levels of financial knowledge are positively correlated with higher levels of income and savings. By having financial literacy, students are able to make decisions for their lives and accept responsibility for their own actions (Danes in Jorgensen, 2007). Financial literacy is closely related to financial management where the higher a person's level of financial literacy, the better his financial management. Personal financial management is an application of the concept of financial management at the individual level. Financial management, which includes financial planning, management and control activities, is very important to achieve financial prosperity. Planning activities include activities to plan the allocation of income earned will be used for anything. Parents' socioeconomic status is one of the external factors that influence student financial management. Parents' socioeconomic status includes parents' education level, parents' occupation, and parents' income. Financial management carried out by students is in the form of management in controlling personal financial expenses which are carried out continuously. When students find it difficult to control expenses that are made continuously and are unlimited in number, then it shows that these students have poor financial management. Therefore, it is important to conduct this research to determine the effect of parents' socio-economic status, the effect of financial literacy, and the effect of self-control on the financial management of students of management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Gunung Leuser Aceh. Keywords: Financial management, socioeconomic status.
Penyuluhan Strategi UMKM Ibu PKK Desa Pasir Penjengakan Dalam Pemasaran Produk Melalui Media Sosial Sabitah Sabitah; Lusi Tutur Mulia; Roezaini Soefi; Rila Maufira; Muridha Hasan
JURNAL PRODIKMAS Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

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Penyuluhan adalah suatu kegiatan mendidik sesuatu kepada individu ataupun kelompok, memberi pengetahuan, informasi-informasi dan berbagai kemampuan agar dapat membentuk sikap dan perilaku hidup yang seharusnya. Hakekatnya penyuluhan merupakan suatu kegiatan nonformal dalam rangka mengubah masyarakat menuju keadaan yang lebih baik seperti yang dicita-citakan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan di desa Penjengakan, dengan target utama ibu-ibu PKK. Kegiatan utama dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah penyuluhan dan desain label kemasan. Isi penyuluhan terdiri dari perencanaan produksi, strategi marketing, dan cara membuat akun bisnis serta memasarkannya melalui media sosial. Penyuluhan strategi pengembangan dalam pemasaran produk UMKM di era digital yang telah dilakukan di desa ini sangat penting bagi pelaku UMKM agar dengan pemanfaatan media sosial, pelaku UMKM dapat memperoleh keuntungan yang lebih, mereka juga dapat melakukan komunikasi secara intens dengan pelanggan karena sebagian masyarakat yang kini cenderung lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya dengan menggeluti media sosial, sehingga pelaku UMKM dapat berpeluang memenuhi capaian target pemasaran produk mereka sekaligus dapat menyelamatkan atau bahkan meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat
Analisis Sistem Rekruitmen dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. BANK ACEH SYARIAH Cabang Kutacane Nasruddin Nasruddin; Rila Maufira
Jurnal Manuhara : Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JULI : Jurnal Manuhara: Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/manuhara.v1i3.173


PT Bank Aceh Syariah Kutacane Branch. Companies engaged in finance, in the form of capital, namely the provision of savings and loan capital. The number of employees is 22. In this study, the background to the problem is that the recruitment carried out by PT Bank Aceh Syariah has not fully paid attention to needs, so it is difficult to get professional employees which results in low employee performance. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection method with field research using methods, direct observation and interviews on research objects to obtain an overview of research subjects. The recruitment system run by the company is not fully appropriate, in accordance with the company's goals, where there are still a number of employees who have educational backgrounds and concentrations, who have not been able to demonstrate and contribute to the company. 11 of 2002, regarding the withdrawal system (recruitment) which must use the media as a medium of information. From these conclusions it can be suggested that the recruitment system for the future must be in accordance with the objectives in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) so that it is easy to evaluate and measure employee performance. To see the effectiveness of the company's achievements.
Optimalisasi Penguatan Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Pada Negara Hukum Melalui Regulasi Rila Maufira
Jurnal Pencerah Bangsa Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Pencerah Bangsa

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Lembaga keuangan merupakan jantung dari sistem keuangan di setiap negara, karena bank menjadi acuan bagi seluruh individu dan organisasi bisnis baik swasta maupun pemerintah untuk melakukan transaksi dalam bentuk lembaga keuangan.Metode simpanan, hutang usaha dan layanan lainnya berkaitan dengan masalah keuangan. Lembaga keuangan merupakan perantara keuangan yang berperan untuk mendukung perantara yang diperlukan untuk menjaga kelancaran perekonomian. Lembaga keuangan pada hakikatnya berfungsi mentransfer uang (borrowable capital) dari penabung atau unit surplus (lender) kepada peminjam (borrower) atau unit defisit. Dana tersebut dialokasikan melalui negosiasi antara pemilik dana pengguna modal melalui pasar uang dan pasar modal. Proses transaksi lembaga keuangan dengan produk yang diperdagangkan dapat berupa surat berharga primer (satuan obligasi, surat promes, dan lain-lain) dan surat berharga sekunder (giro, tabungan, deposito, dan lain-lain). Sekuritas sekunder yang diterbitkan oleh lembaga keuangan ditawarkan untuk kelebihan saham. Unit surplus akan menerima pendapatan, hasil dari unit surplus akan ditransfer ke unit defisit, dan unit defisit harus membayar bunga kepada lembaga keuangan yang menyalurkan modal. Pada Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan pada pasal 3 yang berbunyi, Undang-Undang ini dibentuk dengan maksud mendorong kontribusi sektor keuangan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif, berkelanjutan, dan berkeadilan guna meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat, mengurangi ketimpangan ekonomi, dan mewujudkan Indonesia yang sejahtera, maju, dan bermartabat