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International Journal Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): November: International Journal Science and Technology
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56127/ijst.v1i3.332


A production building is one of important buildings in a factory. A lot of factories in Indonesia are still considered labor intensive factories. People need a convenient place to work to produce quality products. A discomfort workspace condition for workers often causes not only poor productivity but also poor quality of product. Therefore, it is important to create healthy working environment for workers. Air comfort is determined at least by five factors that are temperature, relative humidity, oxygen content, air pressure and air flow. Common working space in a production building is a huge space, so it is almost impossible to apply air conditioner system to such a big space due to too high investment cost and operational cost and economically unfeasible. In tropical region, oxygen content, air pressure and air flow can be controlled by letting the fresh air from outside to enter the building. Air movement will also lower temperature sensation on human skin. Commonly in factories, the managements equip the factories with fans to improve air comfort in the production building. However, this current research found that improper fan system configuration and direction does not help to improve air comfort and even worsens the air condition because the air movement blown from improper fan configuration and direction can cancel each other and trap the heated air recirculated inside the building. This research found that arranging the fans in one direction will poster air movement from one end to the other end of building as well as keep the fresh air entering building from one side and the used air exiting the building through the other side. Because a fan is not a cooling device, the air temperature inside the building similar to that of fresh air, but the air movement pushed by the fans will reduce temperature sensation on human around 2 0C.
Observasi Awal: Model Pengabdian pada Masyarakat oleh Dosen Melalui Kegiatan Mandiri di Sekolah Aliya Bogor Arief Goeritno; Dian Wulandari; Muhamad Lutfi; Eko Hadi Purwanto; Roy Waluyo; Nurul Chayati; Rudi Irawan; Ritzkal Ritzkal; Syaiful Syaiful; Abdul Rahman; Ahmad Suhaedi; Luluk Dianarini; Rulhendri Rulhendri
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 13, No 4 (2022): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v13i4.5970


Telah dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat oleh dosen dengan objek sasaran pada manajemen Sekolah Islam Terpadu (SIT) Aliya di Kota Bogor, melalui ide, implementasi, dan pendanaan mandiri. Tujuan observasi awal ini, yaitu pemaparan dan penjabaran sejumlah topik yang berkaitan dengan disiplin keilmuan di bidang keteknikan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk pemaparan sejumlah topik, dilakukan melalui penerbitan surat permohonan dari Direktur SIT Aliya ke Dekan Fakultas Teknik dan Sains (FTS), penerbitan surat tugas dari Dekan FTS, dan penyampaian sejumlah topik disertai deskripsi yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi SIT Aliya, sedangkan penjabaran lebih lanjut terhadap topik yang disepakati, dilakukan melalui penjabaran dalam rentang waktu dan kesempatan dan tinjauan lapangan dan pengukuran sejumlah parameter. Hasil kegiatan berkenaan dengan sejumlah topik di bidang keteknikan, berupa pemaparan dan diskusi yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 dan 24 Oktober 2019, sedangkan penjabaran berkenaan dengan sejumlah topik yang disepakati, berupa kegiatan presentasi dan diskusi yang dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis, 21 November 2019 dan ditundaklanjuti dengan tinjauan lapangan dan pengukuran parameter. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimupulkan, bahwa topik-topik sesuai disiplin keilmuan di bidang keteknikan dan pemilihan topic yang disepakati untuk kondisi kekinian dan kedisinian di lingkungan SIT Aliya Kota Bogor sangat relevan dan diperlukan.
Comparison Of SF6 Dissociation Rate Due To Positive and Negative Coronas Rudi Irawan
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 1 (2002): Vol. 13 No.1, Januari 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Measurements of SF6 dissociation rate due to 75 μA positive and negative coronas have been carried out using a mass spectrometer. The results show that the rates of SF6 degradation and by-product production due to a positive corona are significantly higher than those for a negative corona. The rates of degradation and production of SF6 and gaseous by-products are proportional to the charge transported by the corona.Both positive and negative coronas produce the same major gaseous by-products, SiF4, SO2F2 and SOF2.Besides gaseous by-products, coronas also produce solid by-products, metal fluorides. Due to the impact of high-energy electrons and F¯, the positive electrode is always more coated and damaged than the negative electrode.
Pelayanan Proses Penerbitan Kartu Tanda Penduduk Berbasis Elektronik (KTP-el) Desilia Purnama Dewi; Harjoyo Harjoyo; Rudi Irawan
Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Sosial Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/sjias.v9i1.2751


Layanan administrasi kependudukan yang berlangsung pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipildi Kabupaten Karawang mengalami keterlambatan penerbitan KTP-el, sebagian warga yangmelaksanakan perekaman KTP-el pada Kecamatan masing-masing, kenyataannya di lapangan masihbanyak warga yang belum mendapatkan KTP-el dikarenakan penerbitan melebihi waktu yangditetapkan.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji pemahaman Pelayanan dalam Proses Penerbitan KTP-eldan secara khusus untuk mengetahui pelayanan dalam proses penerbitan KTP-el pada DinasKependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Karawang serta solusinya kepada masyarakat yang memiliki dataganda. Jenis penelitian adalah riset deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi kasus. Metodepengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dengan memilih informan utama, observasi secaralangsung terhadap pelaksanaan pelayanan dan dokumentasi hasil. Teknik analisis data menggunakantriangulasi sumber data. Berdasarkan pembahasan dan hasil mengenai pelayanan dalam proses penerbitanKTP-el bahwa alur pelayanan perekaman KTP yang telah terdaftar dalam basis data Kependudukan telahberjalan dengan baik melalui aplikasi SIAK, masalah yang terjadi yaitu terbatasnya blanko KTP-el yangberdampak pada keterlambatan dalam proses penerbitan KTP-el yang seharusnya dapat diselesaikandalam empat belas hari kerja serta pemberlakukan KTP-el seumur hidup dengan konsep layanan One DayService Catpil dijadikan media untuk mengajukan penunggalan data dan mengajukan penerbitan KTPelektronik baru.
Potensi Pengontrolan Suhu Ruangan Menggunakan Sistem Penukar Panas Dalam Tanah Rudi Irawan; Ricky Therisno; Ksatrio Susanto
AME (Aplikasi Mekanika dan Energi): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

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Salah satu biaya operasi yang signifikan dari bangunan-bangunan adalah pengaturan suhu udara ruangan agar tercapai kondisi ruangan yang nyaman. Telah banyak diketahui bahwa umumnya suhu dalam tanah pada siang hari lebih rendah dibanding suhu udara ruangan, sementara pada malam hari suhu dalam tanah lebih hangat dari suhu ruangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti potensi suhu tanah sebagai sumber untuk menurunkan atau menaikkan suhu ruangan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar penurunan dan kenaikan suhu udara setelah melalui Ground Cooling Heat Exchanger (GCHE) dengan perangkat lunak Ansys. Sebagai data lokasi untuk penelitian digunakan data daerah Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Pengaruh GCHE terhadap suhu udara dipelajari dalam penelitian ini. Hasil-hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa GCHE dapat dengan efektif menurunkan dan menaikkan suhu berkisar 5oC jika dibandingakn dengan suhu udara ketika masuk GCHE. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk mengatur suhu dalam ruangan dari sebuah bangunan dengan cara yang lebih alami, ramah lingkungan dan hemat energi dengan mengacu pada parameter kenyamanan ASHRAE-55, sehingga bermanfaat untuk perancangan sistem heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Kata kunci :  ground cooling; HVAC; kenyamanan; tanah; udara ruang.
Pengaruh Massa dan Kecepatan Kendaraan Terhadap Suhu Pada Rem Drum Ridwan Ridwan; Afrizal Riyantono; Rudi Irawan
Jurnal Sinergi Jurusan Teknik Mesin Vol 21, No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v21i2.4600


Brakes are a tool for slowing down or stopping a vehicle while it's in motion. They also serve as a safety mechanism when a vehicle is parked or at a stop. Brakes can convert kinetic and potential energy into heat through the frictional process between brake pads and the rotor, leading to heat transfer. In the world of transportation, analyzing the heat generated by the vehicle's brakes is a crucial process for evaluating and enhancing braking system performance. In this study, simulations were conducted on the brake rotor (drum brake) of a minibus with vehicle masses of 3500 kg and 5000 kg, using Abaqus software. Five different speed variations were considered: 60 km/h, 70 km/h, 80 km/h, 90 km/h, and 100 km/h. The simulation results for the vehicle with a mass of 3500 kg showed progressively increasing maximum temperatures in the brake rotor: 87.82°C, 106.55°C, 163.69°C, 216.34°C, and 275.04°C for the respective speeds. In the simulation with a vehicle mass of 5000 kg, the maximum rotor temperatures were 108.45°C, 126.33°C, 207.9°C, 269.03°C, and 299.31°C. Higher braking speeds result in higher heat generation in the brake rotor. However, the temperature increase is not linear concerning vehicle speed. The vehicle's mass significantly influences the heat generated in the rotor during braking. At the same speed, a higher-mass vehicle will produce more heat.
Utilize the Prediction Results from the Neural Network Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU) Model to Optimize Reactive Power Usage in High-Rise Buildings Ahmad Rofii; Busono Soerowirdjo; Rudi Irawan; Wahyu Caesarendra
International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31763/ijrcs.v4i2.1351


The growing urbanization and the construction sector, efficient use of electric energy becomes important, especially the use of reactive power. If excessive use causes decreased efficiency and increased operational costs. Decreased efficiency contributes to increasing exhaust gas volumes and greenhouse emissions. Efficient energy can achieved if planning and predictions are correct. This research applies the GRU neural network method with grid search initialization as a novelty predictive model for energy-use high-rise buildings in form fast training without multiple iterations because optimal hyperparameters are obtained. Experimental show the MAE and RMSE performance metrics of the GRU better than LSTM in predicting energy consumption data peak loads, off-peak loads and reactive power. The accuracy of GRU predictions can optimize the use of energy to contribute to saving the environment from exhaust emissions and the greenhouse effect in urban systems. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of GRU over LSTM, proof of the much lower MAE and RMSE values. This metric shows the accuracy of GRU in generalizing data both during peak and off-peak hours, as well as in reactive power usage. By Utilizing GRU's capabilities, building management can manage reactive power usage effectively, allocate reactive power resources appropriately, and mitigate peak load times and the power factor within the threshold, thus avoiding additional costs and electrical system efficiency and contributing to reducing the carbon footprint and gas emissions greenhouse. Research on GRU is widely open in the high-rise building sector, including its integration with sensors to automatically control energy use.