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The The Signage Placement Directions On The Pedestarian Path, Iskandar Muda Road, Medan City Hibnul Walid; Indra Kesuma Hadi; Muhammad Amin; Surta Ria Nurliana Panjaitan; Rizky Franchitika
Jurnal Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam LLDikti Wilayah 1 (JUMPA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): March: Mathematics and natural science
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah I Sumatra Utara (LLDikti I)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54076/jumpa.v2i1.224


The city of Medan as the capital city of North Sumatra Province has made significant progress. This coTechnology and Computer Sciencemmercial buildings in several places, one of which was in the Jalan Iskandar Muda corridor. In general, these buildings are spread along road corridors that function as commercial areas in the city of Medan. Presence signage on Jalan Iskandar Muda, Medan City, it turns out that they tend to maximize the economic potential of the region, resulting in a shift in the function of urban space into a space for advertising media expression. As an effort to create city comfort that supports visual aesthetics and does not interfere with pedestrian comfort, this research produces a design concept in the form of placement signage according to the designated zone, namely in the pedestrian zone, the design of the height proportion signage to the width of the pedestrian path using a human scale approach, panel or plane dimension design signage by using the concept golden section, as well as setting the point of placement or spread signage using the concept of rhythm and local regulations that have been established with the aim of limiting the number of signage on the pedestrian path.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Digital Vol 1, No 2: JUPED - Mei 2022
Publisher : Insight Power (Kekuatan Wawasan)

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The scientific study of the integrated utility network in the city of Medan, and the mapping of safety locations in the city of Medan. The title of the study became the initial discussion material to formulate the focus of research in the infrastructure sector on the most urgent (important) infrastructure problems found in the city of Medan inventory of drainage flow dimensions and patterns, Measurement of drainage channel base elevation, Inventory of public perceptions of water management and drainage systems, Analysis of hydrology Hydraulic analysis and social analysis of society. It was found that there were 2 sewers on Jalan Cempaka, but the dimensions that changed significantly resulted in being unable to accommodate runoff from upstream. The sewer at the District Office is at the lowest elevation and becomes a collection of flows from various directions. The second sewer near the leafy Glugur road is suffering from the settlement. The impact of land-use change without knowing the function of the natural channel has an impact on the closure of the natural discharge channel, thus affecting the pattern of runoff. Selayang River is one of the causes due to the low channel dimensions. Irregular channel size is related to flooding problems due to river overflow, it is necessary to normalize the river by considering the potential that exists in each river. Flood problems also require handling from upstream to downstream. Solving the problem of air and flood problems requires clear regulations. For this reason, appropriate regulations are needed for solving water and flood problems at the level of policies or regulations of the Medan City Government.Keywords: Accompaniment, Network research, development, infrastructure,
Optimalisasi California Bearing Ratio Tanah Lempung Lunak Menggunakan Metode Stabilisasi Dua Tahap Sozatulo Gulo; Rizky Franchitika
Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang

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Tanah dengan karakteristik yang kurang baik sering menimbulkan permasalahan baru, salah satunya adalah jenis tanah lempung lunak. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu metode perbaikan tanah untuk mengubah karakteristik tanah tersebut. Stabilisasi dua tahap menggunakan abu batu bukho dan abu vulkanik berpotensi mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai California Bearing Ratio (CBR) optimum sebesar 9,245% dari stabilisasi dua tahap tanah lempung lunak dengan variasi bahan tambah 12% abu batu bukho dan 4% abu vulkanik. Penambahan 6% abu batu bukho dan 4% abu vulkanik didapatkan 100% kepadatan tanah. Penambahan 9% abu batu bukho dan 4% abu vulkanik didapatkan 100 % kepadatan tanah. Penambahan 12% abu batu bukho dan 4% abu vulkanik didapatkan 100% kepadatan tanah. Hal tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh stabilisasi dua tahap berdasarkan variasi persentasi dapat meningkatkan kepadatan tanah.
Penataan Distribusi Air Permukaan untuk Efisiensi Penggunaan dan Pemanfaatan Air Di Desa Hamparan Perak Yudha Hanova; Rizky Franchitika
Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Edisi Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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One of the efforts to increase the productivity of agricultural land in the Desa Lama is to manage surface water caused by excess rainwater. Arrangement of surface water on agricultural land will have a positive impact on plant growth because the water needs of plants can be fulfilled, especially in the dry season. The arrangement of the system aims to distribute surface water and rainwater evenly in agricultural areas. This study aims to analyze the arrangement of surface water on agricultural land with a catchment system as a medium for managing rainfall that falls so that farmers can utilize and distribute water to agricultural land by designing reservoirs. In the Desa Lama, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency. The method used in this study consists of, 1) Hydrological analysis such as analysis of maximum daily rainfall, return period rainfall, analysis of hourly rainfall distribution, and return period discharge. 2) Analysis of storage capacity. From the implementation of the design of the storage carried out in the field, it was obtained that the surface water storage capacity was 37.47 m3/s. Based on the hydrological analysis results, the storage capacity is the storage capacity for the 20 year return period.
Kajian Pondasi Sumuran pada Jembatan Bo'u Lahomi Kabupaten Nias Barat. Rizky Franchitika; Kartika Indah Sari; Yustinus Y.P Gulo
Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Edisi April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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The Bo'u Lahomi-West Nias Bridge is a bridge that spans 11.80 m. The sub-structure of the bridge consists of abutments and foundations. This evaluation was conducted to determine the bearing capacity of the well foundation and the safety factor against the working load along with an evaluation of the analysis of the amount of foundation reinforcement and pile cap. The safety factor for the bearing capacity of the well foundation is determined based on the comparison of the bearing capacity value of the well foundation > with the maximum load value that works on the foundation, while the safe factor for pile cap reinforcement and the well foundation is determined based on the strength value of the column > with the maximum load value received. In addition to field data, this analysis requires testing of soil parameters in the laboratory. The meters tested were specific gravity (Gs), filter analysis of moisture content, density, direct shear strength of the soil in the field. Based on the results of the analysis of the bearing capacity of the well foundation, it was found that the value of the bearing capacity of the pile foundation group was 2510,78 tons and the maximum load acting on the foundation was 1550,40 tons. 15 13, and shear reinforcement in the direction of X 10 – 140 and Y 10 – 100 and analysis of reinforcement on the well foundation obtained 35 D 19-250 principal reinforcement and spiral reinforcement 12 – 50 with a column strength of 7654.153 Ton > Pu = 1550.40 Tons, thus the bearing capacity of the well foundation on the bo'u bridge meets the requirements and is safe against the load received and the column cross-sectional design meets the requirements so that the size of the piles and reinforcement can be used.
Uji Penerapan Perbaikan Tanah Dasar Jenuh Air dengan Stabilitas Semen untuk Rekomendasi Desain Struktur Jalan di Kawasan Hamparan Perak Kab. Deli Serdang M. Hadi Sofyan; Rizky Franchitika; Yudha Hanova
Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Edisi April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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Roads are an important factor in supporting agricultural development and making it more efficient. In the construction of agricultural roads in Lama Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, the presence of soft soil is one of the problems in the construction of farm road construction. Embankments built on soft subgrade without reinforcement will experience a slide. so that it is necessary to strengthen and improve the subgrade soil to prevent road sliding. This study aims to increase the carrying capacity of water-saturated soil on agricultural land in Lama Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency. The method used in research on the improvement and strengthening of the subgrade for farm roads is cement stabilization. The variations in cement content used were 3%, 4%, and 5%. The bearing capacity of subgrade and stabilized soil will be tested using a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP). From the research results, it can be seen that the average CBR value of subgrade is 0.65%. From the results of the comparison of soil CBR values, soil stabilization with a cement percentage of 3% shows a CBR value of 5.51%, or 6%, fulfilling the requirements to increase soil carrying capacity according to MDP 2017, where the minimum subgrade CBR for pavement design is 6%.
Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter di Era Digital untuk Masa Depan Trisna Rukhmana; Aria Mulyapradana; Yosep Heristyo Endro Baruno; Karsim Karsim; Rizky Franchitika; Al Ikhlas
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 3 (2024): Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i3.5458


Character education is a crucial aspect in shaping the future of the younger generation, especially in the increasingly advanced digital era. However, the role of technology in shaping character and moral values ​​is becoming increasingly significant, with associated challenges and opportunities. This research explores the perceptions of education stakeholders regarding the importance of character education in the digital era, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced in integrating technology with character formation. Through a qualitative study using interviews and observations, the findings show the awareness that exists in the educational community regarding the importance of character education in the digital era. However, challenges in the use of technology are also acknowledged, including insufficient supervision and irresponsible use by students. However, technology also provides great opportunities in providing innovative and interesting character education. The implications of these findings highlight the need for strong collaboration between all educational stakeholders to maximize the potential of technology in shaping the character of the younger generation for a better future.