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Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Enzim Selulase dari Keong Sawah Pila ampullaceal Menggunakan Substrat Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Hamzah, Hasty
Pharmauho: Jurnal Farmasi, Sains, dan Kesehatan Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Pharmauho
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.667 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/pharmauho.v4i1.4626


Enzim selulase adalah enzim yang berperan dalam katalisis reaksi hidrolisis selulosa menjadi glukosa. Enzim ini dapat diisolasi dari keong sawah Pila ampullacea menggunakan substrat selulosa alami dari serbuk gergaji kayu.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan menentukan kondisi optimum selulase dari keong sawah. Penelitian diawali dengan persiapan substrat serbuk gergaji dengan cara delignifikasi menggunakan NaOH 2%. Selanjutnya mengisolasi enzim selulase dari hepatopankreas keong sawah melalui teknik destruksi, homogenisasi dan sentrifugasi. Penelitian dilanjutkan untuk memurnikan selulase melalui pengendapan protein selulase menggunakan amonium sulfat (NH4)2SO4 pada berbagai tingkat kejenuhan 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 60%, 80%. Pemurnian tahap berikutnya dilakukan dengan cara dialisis menggunakan membran selofan. Aktivitas selulase diperoleh dengan menghitung kadar glukosa sebagai produk hidrolisis dari substrat selulosa (serbuk gergaji) menggunakan metode Nelson-Somogy, sedangkan kadar protein ditentukan dengan metode Lowry dengan menggunakan bovine serum albumin (BSA) sebagai standar. Enzim selulase dari keong sawah mencapai aktivitas maksimum pada kondisi optimum: konsentrasi substrat (serbuk gergaji) 2% (b/v), pH 5,8, suhu 40 ᵒC, konsentrasi enzim 7,2 mg/mL. Kata Kunci: Selulase, keong sawah, Pila ampullacea, serbuk gergaji, isolasi, karakterisasi
The Formulation and Antioxidant Activity Test of Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) Leaves Extract Lotion Hasty Hamzah; Yuyun Wirasasmita; Wa Ode Syafriah
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46496/medula.v9i2.24014


Background: With current wide range of scientific research regarding the benefits of antioxidants, many has tried to invent new sources of this compound. The use of plant-based source for antioxidants recently become more and more popular, and one of these plants is Binahong (Anredera cordifolia). The leaves of these plant had been analyzed before to contain antioxidant compound. Objective: This research aimed to test, based on previous claim of antioxidant activity of Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) leaves. Methods: The lotion used was formulated using Tween 60 and Span 60 as its emulgator. After test, it was determined that the emulsion type is water in oil (w/o). Before Binahong Leaves extract were incorporated, the lotion was tested for physical stability including organoleptics, emulsion type, pH determination, homogeneity, and viscosity. Results: The analysis for antioxidant activity by DPPH method of Binahong leaves extract with various concentrations of 12,5 μg/mL, 25 μg/mL, 50 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, 200 μg/mL, 400 μg/mL, yield a value of IC50 822.22 µg/mL (mild antioxidant activity level). This result corroborates previous findings with the same result. Meanwhile, the lotion containing Binahong leaves extract with various concentrations of 25 μg/mL, 50 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, 200 μg/mL, 400 μg/mL, 800 μg/mL were analyzed with same method and yield a value of IC50 27041.50 µg/mL. Conclusion: The result proved there was a further loss of antioxidant activity after the extract were incorporated into lotion. Keywords: Formulation, Anredera cordifolia, Antioxidant, Antioxidant Lotion, Binahong, 
Analisis Kandungan Zat besi (Fe) Pada Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Yang Tumbuh dengan Ketinggian Berbeda di Daerah Kota Baubau Hasty Hamzah; Nur Rahmah Yusuf
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Edisi Bulan Januari (Edition For January)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598//ijcr.2019.6-has


Moringa oleifera Lam. is ones of the multipurpose plants. All parts of the plants are useful to human life and efficacious as a medicine. Moringa oleifera Lam can grow in the lowlands and highlands to an altitude of 1000 masl. This study was conducted to determine the levels of iron (Fe) in Moringa oleifera Lam leaves that grew at different heights using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) the results shows the amount of iron (Fe) in the lowlands of 14 masl (Wameo Village) is 6.28 mg per 100 g of Moringa leaf, medium plains 58 masl (Kantalai Village) is 5.57 mg per 100 g of sample while in the highlands 318 masl (Kaisabu Subdistrict) is 3.86 mg per 100 g of sample. Factors that influence the amount of iron content in Moringa oleifera Lam leaves are height which further affects the intensity of sunlight, humidity. Other factors can be caused by soil conditions (texture, moisture, nutrient, and pH).
Profil Peresepan Obat Hipertensi pada Pasien Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas X Periode Januari – Juni Tahun 2020 Hasty Hamzah; Sapril Sapril; Irmayana Irmayana
Jurnal Sains & Kesehatan Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Baubau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.017 KB) | DOI: 10.57151/jsika.v1i1.15


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which blood vessels have persistently elevated pressure. This research method is done by collecting data in the form of secondary data. Secondary data was obtained from the Pharmacy section to find out the data on the number of patient visits. The data taken in the form of age group, gender, type of drug, drug class and drug combination. The results showed that the number of prescriptions obtained from January to June was 174 prescriptions and the highest percentage of drug use in hypertension patients based on gender was 115 prescriptions (66.91%) women, namely in the age group 50 years, 96 prescriptions were used. (83.47%), the use of drugs based on Hypertension drugs that was most widely prescribed was Amlodipine with 144 prescriptions (78.68%), the most prescribed group of Hypertension drugs was Calcium Antagonists with 144 (83.75%) prescriptions The most combined drugs were Amlodipine + Captopril with 18 prescriptions (58.06%).
Studi Etnofarmasi Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat Suku Buton Sub Etnis Kalende Hasty Hamzah; Mursalim Mursalim; Sapril Sapril
Jurnal Sains & Kesehatan Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Baubau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.952 KB) | DOI: 10.57151/jsika.v1i2.52


This study aimed to find out various herbal plants of  Butonese Sub-Ethnic Kalende, in Kapontori sub district, Buton Regency, Sulawesi Tenggara. This study was a descriptive research using qualitative method and snowball sampling technic by interviewed 15 informants using questionnaire. This study had obtained 46 families of 72 habitus of herbal plants and one more that had not been identified yet. The most used herbal plants was from zingiberaceae family. Leaf is the most often used part of the herbal plants with the highest percentage (49%), which was processed by boiling it (43%). Those herbal plants could heal various disease.  
Uji Kadar Vitamin C Bawang Dayak dan Bawang Merah Menggunakan Titrasi Iodimetri Wa Jumi; Evi Mustiqawati; Hasty Hamzah
Jurnal Sains & Kesehatan Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Baubau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.372 KB) | DOI: 10.57151/jsika.v2i1.155


Vitamin C is an important compound for the human body. The fuction of vitamin C is to form collagen and antioxidants that the body needs. This study aims to determine the levels of vitamin C in dayak onions (Eleutherine Palmifolia (L.) Merr) and red shallots (Allium Ascalocinum L.) using iodimetric titration. To tests the levels of vitamin C using the iodimetric method. The results of vitamin C levels carried out in three consecutive titrations had a concentration value of 46,5 mg/g in dayak onions with an average value of 5,67 mL and a concentration value in shallots of 39,7 mg/g with an average value of 4,8 mL.
Uji Kadar Zat Besi (Fe) Sediaan Obat Tablet Tambah Darah (Ferro Fumarat) dengan Metode Kompleksometri Ratih Nurwanti; Hasty Hamzah; Nurdiyanti
Jurnal Sains & Kesehatan Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Baubau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.381 KB) | DOI: 10.57151/jsika.v2i1.158


Iron is a very important element to form hemoglobin (Hb). Blood supplement tablets which are often consumed in the process of g iron are ferro fumarate. The aims is determine the levels of iron (Fe) contained in blood supplement drugs (ferro fumarate). This type of research was a laboratory experiment using the complexometric method and a complex forming substance, namely disodium ethylene diamine tetra acetate (Na2EDTA). A sample of blood supplement tablets (ferro fumarate) which was prepared in 10 tablets was made into powder and then 150 mg was taken and titrated with Na2EDTA as the titrant and using the Erichrome Black T (EBT) indicator resulting in a purple titration end point turning blue. The results showed that the level of iron (Fe) in the blood supplement sample (ferro fumarate) was 200%.