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Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 5 No 1 (2021): 1 Januari - 30 Juni 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.723 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v5i1.1448


AbstrakRasisme merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering kita jumpai dalam kehidupan. Kita tinggal di wilayah yang sangat rentan dengan maslah diskriminatif dikarenakan kekayaan yang kita punya. Indonesia memiliki aneka ragam suku, bangsa, ras, agama, bahasa, budaya, warna kulit, dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Rasisme sering terjadi karena perbedaan yang dimiliki, terutama karena fisik dan yang sering terjadi lebih sfesifik kepada warna kulit. Warna kulit sering menjadi hal yang sangat kontroversial karena banyak yang beranggapan bahwa kaum pemilik kulit putih lebih baik dari pemiliki kulit hitam sehngga terjadi kesenjangan sosial dan diskriminasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam artikel ini menggunakan studi pustaka berbagai sumber seperti jurnal, buku dan artikel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kasus ketidakadilan seperti rasisme dan diskriminasi masih ditemukan di Indonesia. Padahal pancasila sebagai dasar negara menyatakan pada sila ke-2 dan sila ke-5 bahwa kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradad juga keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.Kata Kunci: Rasisme, Pancasila, Diskriminasi AbstractRacism is one of the problems we often encounter in life. We live in a very vulnerable area with discriminatory issues because of the wealth we have. Indonesia has various ethnic groups, nations, races, religions, languages, cultures, skin colors, and many others. Racism often occurs because of differences, especially because of physicality and what often occurs is more specific to skin color. Skin color is often a very controversial thing because many think that white owners are better than black owners so that there is social inequality and discrimination. The method used is a qualitative and descriptive approach. The data collection techniques in this article use literature studies from various sources such as journals, books and articles. The results showed that cases of injustice such as racism and discrimination are still found in Indonesia. Whereas Pancasila as the basis of the state states in the 2nd and 5th principles that a just and civilized humanity is also social justice for all Indonesian people.Keywords: Racism, Pancasila, Discrimination.
Korelasi Pedagogik Dan Kebijakan Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Leni Yulia; Zihan Suryani
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 1 (2022): 1 Januari - 30 Juni 2022 (In Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (710.179 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i1.2648


Abstrak Pendidikan Indonesia dewasa ini masih dihadapkan dengan problematika mutu Pendidikan yang rendah. Kualitas, sarana prasarana, layanan, tenaga pendidik serta kebijakan-kebijakan Pendidikan yang masih jauh dari mutu berkualitas merupakan salah satu dampak penyebab rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Adanya upaya peningkatan yang terus digempurkan pada mutu Pendidikan akan berdampak besar pada aspek-aspek Pendidikan. Upaya peningkatan harus difokuskan terutama pada tenaga pendidik. Kompetensi pedagogik pendidik menjadi fokus utama dalam mengimplementasikan mutu Pendidikan yang berkualitas. Disamping itu, kebijakan-kebijakan Pendidikan sangat berandil besar dalam menata dan mengatur sistem PendidikanKata Kunci: Pedagogik, Mutu Pendidikan, Kebijakan Pendidikan AbstractIndonesian education today is still faced with the problem of low quality education. The quality, infrastructure, services, teaching staff and educational policies that are still far from qualified are one of the causes of the low quality of Indonesia's human resources. The existence of continuous efforts to improve the quality of education will have a major impact on aspects of education. Improvement efforts should be focused primarily on teaching staff. The pedagogic competence of educators is the main focus in implementing quality education. In addition, education policies play a major role in organizing and regulating the education systemKeywords: Pedagogy, Quality of Education, Education Policy
The Effect of Using Gadgets on Children Against Sundanese Cultural Values Silih Asah, Silih Asih and Silih Asuh Leni Yulia; Zihan Suryani; Yona Wahyuningsih
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2023): January 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i1.211


The use of information and communication technology is increasing. Starting from elementary school age children to seniors. Gadget is a technology that many users. The impact of using technology such as gadgets, especially on children, will affect the cultural values attached to children. In the Sundanese environment, Sundanese cultural values become a distinctive identity, especially the cultural values of compassion and care. But it is undeniable, Sundanese cultural values are currently being affected due to the use of gadgets that are used starting from children. Many of the Sundanese values have decreased until they are no longer visible in the child's identity.
Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Kelas 1 Sd Melalui Program Semester Kurikulum Merdeka Materi SBDP Zihan Suryani; Deti Rostika
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (JURDIKBUD) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Juli: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (JURDIKBUD)
Publisher : Amik Veteran Porwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jurdikbud.v3i2.1652


Over time, the education system in Indonesia has undergone many changes. The curriculum in Indonesia has also changed to become an independent curriculum which is synonymous with independent learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, and the data collected for this research is through observation. the result of this research is that the implementation of the independent curriculum in class 1 at SDN Permata Biru has been carried out according to the provisions. The independent curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes intracurricular activities and projects to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile (P5). Implementation of the semester program through class 1 art projects is carried out every week in semester 2. With different material each week students can produce works and study happily in accordance with the concept of independent learning. The benefits resulting from this semester program project activities are interesting to study because they are related to student creativity.