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Jurnal Bestari No 37 (2008)
Publisher : Jurnal Bestari

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This warning observes the law aspects viewed from the principles of law institution management in the Plan of Law Regulation in Higher Education. The writing focuses on the topics of non profit organization, autonomy, non discrimination issues which become the main vision in the regulation.Related to the higher education rules, this writing points out on the importance of: having legal institution and the process of its formation, the relationship among the similar institutions, the difference between foundation?s legal institution and education? legal institution and the fund of the institution.
Pantai Taman-Pacitan ecotourism development: Conservation and community empowerment orientation Prihanta, Wahyu; Zainuri, Ach. Muhib; Hartini, Rahayu; Syarifuddin, Amir; Patma, Tundung Subali
Journal of Community Service and Empowerment Vol 1, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jcse.v1i1.11515


Ecotourism is a form of tourism that is closely linked to the principle of conservation. Thus, ecotourism is right and beneficial in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of ecosystems in natural areas, particularly turtle conservation areas. Ecotourism is synergized to turtle conservation as it has such features: (1) Conservation, the use of biodiversity does not damage the natural source, also it does not cause negative impact whereas it is very environmentally friendly, (2) Education, by improving community’s awareness and changing their behavior about the need for conservation of living natural resources and their conservation, (3) Economy, ecotourism provides economic benefits and spur regional development; and (4) Active role of community, this is done by building partnership with local communities for the development of ecotourism. Based on the issues, “IbW Conservation and Ecotourism Ngadirojo  District Pacitan Region” was done by (1) Making a model of tourism activities that is environmentally, ecologically, socially, and economically beneficial to local communities and to the sustainability of natural resources, (2) Assessing the object of tourist attraction in flora and fauna conservation areas, in this case sea turtles and their ecosystems, so that can synergize with ecotourism activities, and (3) Making a model of local community-based tourist institution. The method implemented to achieve the objectives was “Community Empowerment through Ecotourism” which is described as follow: (1) Land Conservation, value and travel product, (2) Creation of an ecotourism atmosphere that all people who live in the area will gain the benefit, (3) The development of tourism activities that carry the excellence of the physical, economic, socio-cultural aspects of the local, (4) The solid image of ecotourism activities in the region that is supported by the readiness of all stakeholders, and (5) Integration of turtle theme conservation and ecotourism area with other supporting tourism products in the Regency. Pacitan Construction of facilities that have been carried out are: (1) developing the forest of eternity, (2) ecological restoration of coastal forests, (3) making sea water wells for turtle ponds, (4) nursery of coastal forest vegetation, (5) construction of marine biota ponds and sanitation facilities, (6) construction of shelters and gazebos, (7) construction of parking lot, and (8) widening of the ecotourism ring road. The next stage plans are: (1) ecotourism community empowerment, (2) strengthening the ecotourism area, and (3) revitalization of marine biota ponds.
The Role of Legal Sociology in Terms of Covid-19: Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Indonesia Rahayu Hartini1 , Yusufa Ibnu Sina Setiawan2
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13613


The study of legal sociology is a study that has legal phenomena, but uses social science and sociologytheory. The role of Legal sociology is so tight when juxtaposed with a problem that is emerging, namelythe global pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid)-19. The juridical normative research with a method ofapproach to the law, conceptual and comparative. Legal materials that have been collected are analyzed bycontent analysis. Some affected countries that successfully handled the COVID-19 pandemic, including:South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore. Italy and United States containment strategy for handling Covid-19are contradictory from those countries above. PSBB has been applied in Indonesia and other countries. ThePSBB must be accompanied by other programs so that the government can successfully handle COVID-19..PSBB does not guarantee that the community will obey the regulation. The most effective action with allthe consequences is regional quarantine or lockdown accompanied by other supporting programs from thegovernment.
Pelatihan Diversifikasi Cabai Merah pada Gapoktan Ngudi Lestari Desa Sugihmas, Grabag, Magelang Nugroho, Setiya; Satrio Noto Negoro, Muhammad; Saputra, Septiadi; Hartini, Rahayu; Yunita, Aryani; Mulyawati, Delia
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.718 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.4336


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Semoyo, Desa Sugihmas, Kecamatan Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang dengan melibatkan kelompok tani Ngudi Lestari. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemasaran hasil panen cabai dengan diversifikasi produk cabai dan penjualan secara online. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat beberapa diversifikasi produk cabai merah diantaranya cabai merah kering dan cabai bubuk pada kelompok tani Ngudi Lestari. Selain itu, untuk membantu pemasaran maka dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan pada pembuatan website untuk memperluas jangkauan penjualan produk cabai merah. Untuk hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah olahan cabai bubuk, cabai kering, serta website yang digunakan sebagai sarana penjualan online. Diharapkan dengan adanya website tersebut dapat memudahkan penjualan serta dapat meningkatkan perekonomian Desa Sugihmas terutama untuk Dusun Semoyo.
The ambiguity of dismissal of notary over bankruptcy in Indonesia Rahayu Hartini
Legality : Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Vol. 29 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/ljih.v29i2.15677


A notary is a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds and other authorities regulated in-laws and regulations. Notaries are also private legal subjects (natuurlijk persons), which have free will to carry out legal actions. According to the Law on Notarial Positions, a Notary is dishonorably dismissed when (s)he is declared bankrupt. On the other hand, the UUK and PKPU recognize the rehabilitation of bankrupt debtors if they have fulfilled their obligations. This is where there is ambiguity or a fuzzy norm (vegen norm). Legal research aims to find out how bankruptcy is regulated in the notary position, and what are the legal consequences for the position of a notary both as a person and in relation to his/her position as a notary public? This legal research is normative juridical using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The legal materials obtained are analyzed using content analysis. The results of the discussion: 1). Notary bankruptcy has been regulated in UUK and PKPU as well as in the Law on Notary Position. 2). The legal consequences for a Notary who is declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court have an impact on the notary's personality, as well as on his position. According to the Law on the Position of Notary Public, if violating Article 84 which results in losses to the parties, the notary is obliged to pay compensation. According to the UUK and PKPU, this could result in the debtor losing the right to act freely on his assets, but not losing the right to perform his/her tasks and hold a position. As a recommendation, in the Law on the Position of Notary Public, it is necessary to clearly define the separation of Notary as a person from her/his position as his profession.
Increasing Application for Marriage Dispensation during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Sociology Review of Law at the Jombang Religious Court Rahayu Hartini; Jamik Imam Utomo
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i Vol 8, No 6 (2021): November-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sjsbs.v8i6.23059


This paper discusses the increasing application for Marriage Dispensation during the corona virus pandemic which is viewed from the sociological aspect of law. Applications for dispensation for marriage are more complicated and must be submitted through the Religious Courts, but the facts on the ground show that the number of applications for dispensation for marriage is increasing during this pandemic. The situation during this pandemic which makes sociological factors, the occurrence of imbalances in the structure of society makes the dysfunction of the community's inability to maintain their nature. The legal issues are: (1) What are the factors that increase the number of applications for a marriage dispensation in the Jombang Religious Courts (2) What are the considerations of the Jombang Religious Court judges in granting the marriage dispensation. This research is juridical and sociological in Jombang Religious Court. By using a statue approach, conceptual, with primary and secondary data types and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The discussion of the research results shows that: 1). The increasing application for Marriage Dispensation during this pandemic is caused by the association of children with restrictions on learning activities so that their time is used more for playing gadgets that are not common and the lack of parental supervision, this makes many factors that can plunge them. 2). The basis of the judge's consideration in granting the application for dispensation for marriage is based on "benefit and harm" then the court will grant the request for dispensation. Because it is feared that if they are not married, they will increase sin and disrupt the legal rights of children who are born under the law.Keywords: Application; Marriage Dispensation; Pandemic; Sociology of Law; Religious Courts AbstrakTulisan ini membahas tentang meningkatnya permohonan Dispensasi Perkawinan pada masa pandemi virus corona ditinjau dari aspek sosiologis hukum. Permohonan dispensasi nikah memang lebih rumit dan harus diajukan melalui Pengadilan Agama, namun fakta di lapangan menunjukkan jumlah permohonan dispensasi nikah semakin meningkat di masa pandemi ini. Situasi di masa pandemi ini yang menjadikan faktor sosiologis, terjadinya ketidakseimbangan dalam struktur masyarakat menjadikan disfungsi ketidakmampuan masyarakat dalam menjaga kodratnya. Permasalahan hukum tersebut adalah: (1) Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah permohonan dispensasi nikah di Pengadilan Agama Jombang (2) Apa saja pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Agama Jombang dalam memberikan dispensasi nikah. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis dan sosiologis di Pengadilan Agama Jombang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan patung, konseptual, dengan jenis data primer dan sekunder serta dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Pembahasan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Meningkatnya permohonan Dispensasi Nikah di masa pandemi ini disebabkan oleh pergaulan anak dengan pembatasan kegiatan belajar sehingga waktunya lebih banyak digunakan untuk bermain gadget yang tidak lazim dan kurangnya pengawasan orang tua, hal ini menjadikan banyak faktor yang dapat menjerumuskan mereka. 2). Dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam mengabulkan permohonan dispensasi perkawinan didasarkan pada “manfaat dan kerugian” maka pengadilan akan mengabulkan permohonan dispensasi. Karena dikhawatirkan jika tidak menikah akan menambah dosa dan mengganggu hak-hak hukum anak yang lahir di bawah hukum.Kata Kunci: Penerapan, Dispensasi Perkawinan, Pandemi, Sosiologi Hukum, Peradilan Agama.
Yustisia Vol 4, No 2: August 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v4i2.8648


AbstractThis study was to formulate a concept of return policies / principles of the law of "pacta sunt servanda" in Law No. 37 Year 2004 regarding Bankruptcy in bankruptcy to resolve disputes arbitration clause. By promoting legal issue: Why the provisions of Article 303 of Law No. 37 Year 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU basic rule "pacta sunt servanda" in a bankruptcy dispute resolution by arbitration clause. Research is normative juridical approach the statutory (statute approach), histrorical approach, conceptual approach and case approach. Basingon: doctrine, theory and principles of law and reasoning/logic of the law as a legal argument. From the discussion of the research results obtained conclusions; that Article 303 of Law No. 37 In 2004 the basic rule pacta sunt servanda occurrence in bankruptcy solutions that are its arbitration clause. The principle is metanorma should be legal guidelines for each product that has never been out of the occurrence of any legal basis. (1).Pasal 303,UUK afflicted materil law, when it is left actually dangerous because it can cause legal uncertainty which may result in less used existing legal rules(Article 303 UUK, an article that "kebablasan wrong/confused".(2).Position agreement with the law is the same, meaning that the agreement in this case in particular the provisions of the Arbitration clause made by the party should be the same as in the case of the Law on Bankruptcy.Key Words: Bankruptcy, delay debt payment obligations(PKPU), Basis of pacta sunt servanda (PSS)AbstrakPenelitian ini untuk merumuskan kembali suatu konsep dasar/prinsip hukum “Pacta Sunt Servanda” dalam UU No. 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dalam menyelesaikan sengketa pailit dengan klausula arbitrase. Dengan mengedepankan legal issue;Mengapa ketentuan Pasal 303 UU No. 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU mengesampingkan asas “Pacta Sunt Servanda” dalam penyelesaian sengketa pailit dengan klausul arbitrase. Merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundangan-undangan (statute approach), histrorical approach, conceptual approach dan case approach. Mendasarkan pada: doktrin, teori dan prinsip hukum dengan penalaran/logika hukum sebagai argumentasi hukum. Dari pembahasan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan;bahwa Pasal 303 UU No. 37 Tahun 2004 mengesampingkan berlakunya asas Pacta Sunt Servanda dalam penyelesaian masalah kepailitanyang ada klausul arbitrase-nya. Azas merupakan metanorma yang harus dijadikan pedoman bagi setiap produk hukum agar tidak pernah keluar dari berlakunya asas hukum. (1).Pasal 303 UUK mengalami cacat hokummateril, apabila hal ini dibiarkan justru berbahaya karena dapat menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum yang dapat berdampak pada kurang bermanfaatnya aturan hukum yang ada (Pasal 303 UUK, merupakan Pasal yang “kebablasan/salah/keliru”.(2).Posisi perjanjian dengan undang-undang adalah sama/sederajad, artinya perjanjian dalam hal ini khususnya ketentuan mengenai Klausul Arbitrase yang dibuat oleh para pihak seharusnya sama berlakunyaseperti halnya UU Kepailitan.Kata kunci: Kepailitan, PKPU Asas Pacta Sunt Servanda (PSS)
Sosialisasi Program Aplikasi SIMAM: Upaya Inventarisasi Aset Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah Bululawang Muhammad Luthfi; Rahayu Hartini
Jurnal Dedikasi Hukum Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jdh.v2i1.20922


Muhammadiyah sebagai salah satu organisasi filantropi Islam dengan ragam aset yang dimiliki, mencanangkan program manajemen aset melalui aplikasi SIMAM, program ini menyasar seluruh aset yang berada pada setiap unsur pimpinan dan amal usaha yang dimiliki Muhammadiyah, berkenaan dengan hal tersebut maka dilakukan sosialiasi program aplikasi SIMAM di salah satu unsur pimpinan Muhammadiyah di kecamatan Bululawang. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan, untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang program aplikasi SIMAM. Metode sosialisasi digunakan dalam kegiatan dengan pendekatan klasikal berupa pemberian pertanyaan pre-test, ceramah / presentasi, diskusi / tanya jawab, dan pemberian pertanyaan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menyatakan, sebelum kegiatan dilakukan Mitra kebanyakan belum mengatahui tentang program SIMAM hal ini diketahui dari hasil jawaban pre-test yang di berikan, berdasar dari hasil jawaban pre-test Tim Pengabdi memberikan 3 materi meliputi, konsep program SIMAM, tujuan program SIMAM, dan jenis kehartabendaan yang dimaukkan pada program SIMAM. Dampak kegiatan yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini Mitra mengetahui dan memahami program aplikasi SIMAM, hal ini di buktikan dengan jawaban dari pertanyaan post-test yang didapat Tim Pengabdi di mana seluruh peserta mengetahui dan memahami program aplikasi SIMAM.   SIMAM Application Program Socialization: Efforts to Inventory Assets for Muhammadiyah Bululawang Branch Managers Muhammadiyah as one of the Islamic philanthropic organizations with a variety of assets owned, launched an asset management program through the SIMAM application, this program targets all assets located in every element of muhammadiyah's leadership and business charity, in this regard to this, the socialization of the SIMAM application program is carried out in one of the muhammadiyah leadership elements in Bululawang subdistrict. The purpose of carrying out activities, is to provide knowledge and understanding of the SIMAM application program. Socialization methods are used in activities with a classic approach in the form of giving pre-test questions, lectures/presentation, discussions / Q&A, and giving post-test questions. The results of the activity stated before the activity was carried out, most partners did not know about the SIMAM program, this was known from the results of the pre-test answers given, based on the results of the pre-test answers the Pengabdi Team gave 3 materials including, the concept of the SIMAM program, the purpose of the SIMAM program, and the type of treasures in the SIMAM program. The impact of the activities resulting from this activity, the Partner knows and understands the SIMAM application program, this is evidenced by the answers to post-test questions obtained by the Pengabdi Team where all participants know and understand the SIMAM application program.
Conversion training of conventional to sharia cooperatives for regional leaders of 'Aisyiyah, Malang City Tinuk Dwi Cahyani; Rahayu Hartini; Fadilla Muhammad Mahdi
Community Empowerment Vol 6 No 12 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.959 KB) | DOI: 10.31603/ce.5332


Islamic Cooperation; Conversion; Training
Facilitating the article of association and bylaws preparation of the As-Sakinah Cooperative, Regional Leaders of 'Aisyiyah Malang City Fadilla Muhammad Mahdi; Rahayu Hartini; Tinuk Dwi Cahyani
Community Empowerment Vol 8 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/ce.8202


The As-Sakinah Cooperative in Malang City is a cooperative that is in the process of converting to a sharia cooperative. However, this cooperative does not yet have a new draft of article of association and bylaws. Changes in the contents of the article of association and bylaws need to be made because there are some fundamental changes in the conversion to a sharia cooperative, such as changes to the organizational structure, name and operational activities. The service team tries to help solve the problem through workshops to discuss the contents of the new article of association and bylaws. This draft document, the article of association and bylaws, will be ratified through a meeting of cooperative members.