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Experimental and Numerical Studies of Natural Convection on Elliptical Tube in Thermal Asymmetric Cavity Angga Tegar Setiawan; Budi Utomo Kukuh Widodo; Nila Rahmawati
JMES The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25807471.v2i2.6398


The characteristic of natural convection heat transfer in a thermally asymmetric cavity is influenced by temperature differences and space between the heat source and cavity wall. The heat source is any bluff body placed inside the cavity. This research used a heated elliptic tube as the heat source inside the cavity. The three tubes are of 2.5 aspect ratio (AR) in a vertically aligned arrangement. The cavity was thermally asymmetric because three sides of the cavity were insulated while the other side was exposed to convection with ambient air. The clearance ratio (CR) as the ratio between the gap from the insulated wall to the major axis of the tubes to the space of the cavity is varied 0.4 and 0.6. while the pitch ratio is constant at 3.5a. this study analyzes the characteristics of heat transfer from the surface of the elliptical tube to the surrounding air experimentally and numerically. The result reveals that the highest heat transfer coefficient 0f 0.4 CR is higher than that of 0.6 CR. The numerical solution shows the contour and streamlines of the fluid flow in all conditions as the characteristics of natural transfer thermally asymmetric cavity.
Desain Woodstove Portable Untuk Menghasilkan Tenaga Listrik Hendi Lilih Wijayanto; Angga Tegar Setiawan; Kadex Widhy; Kadriadi Kadriadi; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Vincentius Sulistyoaji Nugroho; Ageng Muhammad Raihan; Dwika Dendrawan
BRILIANT: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual Vol 7, No 4 (2022): Volume 7 Nomor 4, November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.351 KB)


Saat ini penggunaan kayu bakar untuk kegiatan memasak serta sebagai pemanas telah menjadi sangat populer, terutama pada saat kegiatan berkemah. Perapian dan tungku dengan bahan bakar padat yang menghasilkan panas dengan biaya rendah dari kayu bakar yang ada disekitar fungsi utama menggunakan panas dari tungku adalah untuk memanaskan air dan panas tungku menghasilkan listrik merupakan manfaat tambahan. Manfaat tambahan juga dapat dihubungkan dengan pembangkit listrik skala mikro, diwujudkan dengan menggunakan termoelektrik generator. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan desain tungku berbahan bakar kayu yang terintegrasi dengan termoelektrik generator yang tersedia secara komersil. Sehingga mendapatkan tegangan dari termoelektrik generator yang dapat menghasilkan energi listrik yang maksimal. Tungku dirancang dengan dimensi panjang 30cm lebar 20cm dan tinggi 17cm yang menggunakan 4 buah termoelektrik generator yang dipasang secara parallel pada dinding tungku.
Sistem Pendingin Wire &Tube Transformator Frekuanesi 50-60 Hz pada Prototipe Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Angga Tegar Setiawan; Ahmadi Ahmadi; Fahrul Fahrul; Jumaddil Hair
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 3 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i3.2416


The Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) prototype at the Morowali Metal Industry Polytechnic has the main component in the form of a transformer that generates heat actively. The increase in temperature that occurs in the transformer is caused by continuous loading. In addition, a significant and relatively high temperature rise in the transformer, can reduce the performance of the transformer. This research will design a transformer cooling system on the EAF prototype. The temperature of the transformer will be maintained at a certain temperature until there is no longer an increase in temperature due to loading. The wire-tube cooling system in the transformer uses water and transformer oil as the cooling medium. Regulating the flow rate of the water fluid in the copper pipe is expected to be able to further optimize the cooling process in the transformer. The results show that the design of the wire-tube cooling system is able to release the temperature of the transformer oil with a heat transfer rate that varies according to the flow rate of the cooling water fluid. Experiments carried out for 30 minutes resulted in a heat transfer rate of Qu 760.5 kJ/s with a water flow rate of 2.5 liters/minute, Qu 1661.2 kJ/s with a water flow rate of 5 liters/minute, Qu 2558.5 kJ/kg with a water flow rate of 5 liters/minute. the water flow rate is 7.5 liters/minute and Qu 3213.9 kJ/kg with a water flow rate of 9.20 liters/minute, this shows that the higher the water flow rate, the higher the heat transfer.
Modifikasi Mekanisme Pelumasan Pada Mesin Frais Berbasis Mikrokontroler Hendi Lilih Wijayanto; Sri Windi; Angga Tegar Setiawan
Jurnal Metal Indonesia Vol 44, No 2 (2022): Metal Indonesia
Publisher : Balai Besar Logam dan Mesin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32423/jmi.2022.v44.75-81


Salah satu sistem mekanisme yang mengontrol dan mendistribusikan oli pelumas ke komponen mesin yang berputar adalah sistem pelumasan. Bagian-bagian mesin yang bergesekan satu sama lain rentan terhadap keausan, yang dapat dihindari atau dikurangi dengan pelumasan. Operasi dasar sistem pelumasan adalah menyemprotkan pelumas pada bagian-bagian mesin yang bergerak yang bersentuhan satu sama lain selama penyalaan.Mesin frais merupakan salah satu mesin yang memiliki sistem pelumasan. Pada mesin frais, sistem pelumasan berada pada meja mesin yang bisa bergerak dalam sumbu X, Y dan Z. Pelumasan meja mesin frais perlu dilakukan setiap hari saat mesin akan digunakan. Menurut standar umum mesin frais, pelumasan dilakukan dengan cara menarik tuas pompa pelumas sebanyak empat kali. Namun, karena sistem pelumasan dilakukan secara manual oleh operator, hal tersebut terkadang terlupakan oleh operator. Melihat hal tersebut, peneliti melakukan modifikasi sistem pelumasan yang bertujuan supaya bagian-bagian mesin yang mengalami contact sliding dapat beroperasi dengan otomatis. Metode penelitian ini dengan cara memodifikasi sistem pelumasan manual yang telah ada pada mesin menjadi otomatis yang dikontrol melalui arduino uno dan digerakkan oleh motor stepper. Pada saat pompa pelumas terhubung arus listrik, secara otomatis pompa akan memompa sebanyak empat kali.Motor akan berhenti berputar setelah selesai memompa. Sehingga prototype yang dibuat mampu bekerja pada mekanisme sistem pelumasan mesin frais konvensional secara otomatis menyemprotkan 10ml oli.
Desain Forklift Mini Kapasitas 100 Kg dengan Sistem Penggerak Aktuator Linier Angga Tegar Setiawan; Hendi Lilih Wijayanto
BRILIANT: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Volume 8 Nomor 1, Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28926/briliant.v8i1.1172


Forklift merupakan alat yang berfungsi sebagai alat angkat dan angkut barang dari suatu tempat ketempat yang lain. Kebutuhan penggunaan forklift sangat banyak digunakan, terutama dalam proses pengangkutan barang yang dilakukan di bengkel kerja mekanik. Selain memudahkan pekerjaan manusia dalam memindahkan barang, penggunaan forklift dengan ukuran mini dapat mempermudah penggunaan diarea yang terbatas. Rancangan forklift mini pada penelitian ini menggunakan hollow ASTM A36. Penggerak aktuator linier digunakan untuk menggerakkan garpu kearah vertikal. Akumulator (accu) digunakan untuk menyuplai arus listrik pada aktuator linier. Forklift mini memiliki 4 buah roda yang terpasang pada rangka. Roda pada rangka forklift mempermudah forklift bermanuver di area yang terbatas. Dari hasil pengujian pada forklift mini, forklift mampu mengangkut beban maksimum hingga 100 kg dengan ketinggian angkat garpu 140 cm. Forklift mini memudahkan aktifitas angkat dan angkut yang dilakukan di bengkel kerja. Sehingga, rancangan forklift mini yang dihasilkan dapat membantu proses pemindahan barang yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara manual.
Pelatihan Pengelasan dan Pembuatan Alat Penunjang Laboratorium Pengelasan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri Pertambangan Bungku Angga Tegar Setiawan; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Hendi Lilih Wijayanto; Yudi Siswanto; Eriek Aristya Pradana Putra; Abduh Malik Alfafa; Aditiyo Tri Saputra
Journal of Industrial Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Published in October 2023
Publisher : Politeknik ATI Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52759/jice.v2i2.232


Higher education has an important role in the Tri Darma, namely participating in truly educating the lives of the nation and state in society. One step is to make humans no longer objects of development but subjects of development. As a development subject, abilities and skills in mastering science and technology are certainly required. The use of welding technology has developed and is widely used and exploited in the wider community, especially in meeting industrial needs. One of the welding methods is Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), namely welding using an electric arc. The aim of this activity is to increase the welding competency of Bungku Mining Vocational School students by adding special skills in the form of SMAW welding and providing encouragement and assistance so that Bungku Mining Vocational School students are able to provide welding equipment that supports learning in the laboratory. The benefit of this activity is to provide knowledge and train skills in SMAW welding so that it can be used to develop laboratory facilities.
Development of cloud visualization a machining manufacturing system shop floor Joko Sulistyo; Angga Tegar Setiawan; Isa Setiyasah Toha
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 33, No 2: February 2024
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v33.i2.pp1005-1015


The industry is currently experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by the automation of cyber physical systems and advanced connectivity through the internet of things (IoT). This revolution enables real-time monitoring of machines status on the shop floor by leveraging cyber-physical and IoT technologies. This paper describes the results of research that develops IoT and cloud-based visualization for a machining manufacturing system shop floor. Our proposed solution involves an internet of things device equipped with two current sensors to detect machine and spindle current. The sensor connected to an Arduino Nano, which is then connected to Wemos D1 for wireless transmission of data to the cloud. The cloud has been developed to store data and provide visualization applications, in the form of machines layout map to monitor machines conditions in the form of machines ON, machines OFF, spindles ON and spindles OFF in real time.
Safety Analysis Factor Of Smart Shredder Machine Frame For Face Mask Waste Hendi Lilih Wijayanto; Amiruddin Amiruddin; Angga Tegar Setiawan; Joko Sulistyo; Yusdianto Yusdianto
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 22, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v22i1.4036


The COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a global public health threat. Hence, the potential danger increased the use of health masks, resulting in increased medical waste in the environment. This incident also occurred in Morowali District, especially in the PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park area. The waste produced by employees was disturbing; thus, it required urgent prevention and control of a pandemic. During the pandemic, the industrial area (IMIP) needed to provide various health protocol facilities that directly/indirectly benefited employees' health. This research designed a tool to solve this problem, namely the frame design of the smart shredder machine for face mask waste. This device works automatically (IOT) to shreds, process, and sterilize mask waste. The results of this tool can be monitored through periodic applications for the mask waste sterilization system and the destroyed mask waste storage system. This tool is suitable for placing in high-mobility industrial areas, such as the IMIP industrial area, which has around 60,000 employees.
Visualisasi dan Analisis Bibliometrik Terhadap Tren Penelitian Menara Pendingin Angga Tegar Setiawan; Eriek Aristya Pradana Putra; Jumaddil hair
Journal of Energy, Materials, & Manufacturing Technology Vol 3 No 02 (2024): Journal of Energy, Materials, & Manufacturing Technology
Publisher : Unit Penelitian, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (UPPM) Politeknik ATI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61844/jemmtec.v3i02.777


One of the most practical and economical ways to dissipate large amounts of heat generated by different types of equipment is to use enclosed cooling towers, as cooling towers offer the important advantage of direct contact between liquids. To support the development of new research that makes an important contribution to the topic, it is necessary to analyze research trends. The approach used in this study is a bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in the Scopus database over the last ten decades (1922-2023). In this study, a total of 178 cooling tower publications were evaluated to assess publication production trends, countries, primary languages, institutions, authors, major journals, and keywords. The results showed a fluctuating trend in the number of articles during the period with the main focus on cooling towers. Countries such as China and the United States showed high productivity in this study. Authors such as guan and gurgenci have significant contributions in cooling tower research. Commonly used keywords include cooling tower and cooling tower design.The implications of these findings can help researchers, academics, publishers, and other stakeholders in understanding and optimizing their contributions in the field of study of cooling towers. Thus, this research makes a valuable contribution in enriching the understanding of research developments in the cooling tower domain