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Fon : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2023): Fon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/fon.v19i1.6878


ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bunyi ujaran kalimat imperatif,kalimat ekslamatif dan kalimat berita dalam bahasa Batak Angkola. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Praat untuk mengukur parameter akustik dalam kajian fonetik seperti frekuensi ,durasi, dan intensitas . Pengukuran bunyi ujaran eksperimental ini menggunakan sinyal yang diekstrak menggunakan analisis spektrum dengan bantuan komputer dan software yang ada di komputer bernama Praat.Hasil rekaman suara dalam bahasa Batak Angkola tersebut disimpan dalam bentuk WAV dan software Praat versi 6.0.14 ( Boersma Weenik , 2016 ) yang digunakan untuk menganalisis fitur fitur suprasegmental tersebut.  Praat adalah program komputer yang memiliki fungsi untuk media menganalisis , sintesis, dan manipulasi bunyi ujaran. Kemudian metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental. Eksperimen terkait dengan identifikasi dan verifikasi bunyi uajaran penutur menggunakan parameter akustik melalui analsisis spektograf .kajian fonetik akustik ini digunakan sebagai pembeda antara bunyi asli dan bunyi tiruan yang diucapkan oleh penutur.  Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa parameter akustik seperti frekuensi , durasi dan intensitas dapat digunakan untuk membedakan bunyi ujaran asli dan yang palsu atau tiruan oleh penutur.KATA KUNCI: Kata kunci 1; Bahasa Batak Angkola 2; Kajian Fonetik 3; Prosodi  PROSODY ANALYSIS ACOUSTIC PHONETIC STUDY IN BATAK ANGKOLA LANGUAGE KEYWORDS: The purpose of this study is to identify the speech sounds of imperative sentences, exclamative sentences and news sentences in the Batak Angkola language. This research is conducted using Praat to measure acoustic parameters in phonetic studies such as frequency, duration, and intensity. This experimental speech sound measurement uses a signal extracted using spectrum analysis with the help of a computer and software on a computer called Praat. The results of the voice recording in the Batak Angkola language are stored in WAV and Praat software version 6.0.14 (Boersma Weenik, 2016) which used to analyze these suprasegmental features. Praat is a computer program that has functions for media analyzing, synthesizing, and manipulating speech sounds. Then the research method used in this study is the experimental method. Experiments related to the identification and verification of the speaker's speech sound using acoustic parameters through spectrograph analysis. This acoustic phonetic study is used as a differentiator between the original sound and the artificial sound spoken by the speaker. The results of the study indicate that acoustic parameters such as frequency, duration and intensity can be used to distinguish the original speech sound and the fake or imitation by the speaker.KEYWORDS: Keyword 1; Batak Angkola Language  Keyword 2; Fonetic Study  Keyword 3; Prosody
Mentawai Language Variations in the Mentawai Islands Regency, West Sumatra Province Satwiko Budiono; Rita Novita; Tengku Syarfina
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.10.1.8-18.2023


The language aspect in cultural preservation focuses more on the arts and social systems. In fact, language as a connecting medium for arts and social systems also needs to be preserved. In this regard, this study seeks to language use documentation of the Mentawai language in the Mentawai Islands Regency, specifically in dialect varieties. It is intended to find out the situation and condition of the language, make language maps, and determine the varieties of the Mentawai language in the Mentawai Islands Regency. The research data were taken from 200 Swadesh’s basic vocabularies and 200 cultural vocabularies by means of direct interviews. Comparison of research data is based on seven observation areas, namely Mongan Poula, Maileppet, Muntei, Madobag, Sioban, Matobe, and Makalo villages. This study uses a dialectological approach with quantitative and qualitative methods. In this case, the quantitative method is in the form of dialectometric calculations, while the qualitative method is a description of the situation and conditions of the Mentawai language according to the language map. As a result, the Mentawai language in the Mentawai Islands Regency has two dialects, namely, the Sipora Pagai dialect and Siberut dialect. All two have a dialectometric percentage of 51—80%.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jpkm.v29i2.38109


Berkembangnya teknologi dan internet dengan kemudahan mengakses informasi secara bebas sangat mendukung bidang pembelajaran khususnya dalam pembelajaran literasi multimodal bahasa inggris. Pada awalnya, pembelajaran literasi guru dan pembelajar berkomunikasi melalui keterampilan membaca dan menulis dalam artian melek huruf. Namun. dengan peningkatan pengembangan teknik pembelajaran dewasa ini menjadi literasi multimodal. Tujuan pelatihan adalah untuk (1) mengembangkan wawasan keilmuwan dan keterampilan mahasiswa menjadi instruktur pembelajaran literasi bahasa inggris berbasis multimodal yang telah diperoleh selama kuliah, dan (2) mahasiswa yang dilatih mengimplementasikan literasi bahasa Inggris berbasis multimodal untuk pembelajaran di Madrasyah Tsaniwiyah (MTs) SKB 3 Menteri Sinar Serdang Desa Rantau Panjang, Kecamatan Pantai Labu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Hasil pelatihan mahasiswa menunjukkan (1) mereka mengimplementasi pengetahuan dan mahir membangun komunikasi secara sosial langsung dengan pembelajar di sekolah, dan (2) menerapkan teknik critical thinking dan soft skill dalam mengajar literasi bahasa Inggris siswa MTs. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan perhatian dan pemahaman siswa MTs terhadap materi dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris, dan mereka mulai berani mengekspresi ide mereka.
PEMETAAN BAHASA DI KABUPATEN YAHUKIMO (Language Mapping in Yahukimo District) Ganjar Harimansyah; Tengku Syarfina; Satwiko Budiono
SAWERIGADING Vol 29, No 1 (2023): Sawerigading, Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v29i1.1190


In 2022, the Indonesian House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has approved the formation of three new provinces in Papua. The new provinces are South Papua Province, Central Papua Province, and Papua Mountains Province. The expansion has encouraged the acceleration of development in Papua. One of the regencies that has a low level of accessibility is Yahukimo Regency. This is because there are only two choices of transportation to get there, such as air transportation or water transportation through the rivers. In this regard, the effort to language documentation in Yahukimo Regency is important. Language documentation effort in this study by mapping language based on a dialectological approach. This language mapping in Yahukimo Regency aims to identify the linguistic situation and conditions that existed there before the impact of regional expansion. This can be said as a language preservation effort. The research data is taken from language data that has been collected by the National Agency for Language Development and Cultivation under authority of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology from 1992 to 2019. Language mapping uses a dialectological approach that includes dialectometric calculations and language maps. As a result, there are 25 languages in Yahukimo Regency that have been mapped to date. However, the low level of accessibility means that not all areas in Yahukimo Regency can be identified and mapped. Further research opportunities are still wide open to identify languages in Yahukimo Regency.  AbstrakKabupaten Yahukimo merupakan kabupaten di Provinsi Papua Pegunungan—salah satu provinsi baru di Papua—yang memiliki aksesibilitas rendah. Karakteristik wilayah Yahukimo yang masih tertutup memiliki dampak keterlindungan penggunaan bahasanya dari pengaruh luar. Data pemetaan dari Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa (2019) belum menggunakan penggolongan provinsi terbaru dengan adanya penambahan tiga provinsi baru  (Provinsi Papua Pegunungan, Provinsi Papua Tengah, dan Provinsi Papua Selatan). Upaya mendokumentasikan bahasa seperti yang ada di Kabupaten Yahukimo ini menjadi penting. Pendokumentasian bahasa dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pemetaan bahasa berdasarkan pendekatan dialektologi. Pemetaan bahasa di Kabupaten Yahukimo bertujuan mengidentifikasi situasi dan kondisi kebahasaan yang ada di sana sebelum adanya dampak pemekaran wilayah. Hal ini dapat dikatakan sebagai upaya pelindungan bahasa. Data penelitian diambil dari data bahasa yang telah dikumpulkan oleh Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa di bawah naungan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi sejak tahun 1992 hingga 2019. Pemetaan bahasa menggunakan pendekatan dialektologi yang memuat penghitungan dialektometri dan peta bahasa. Hasilnya, ada 25 bahasa di Kabupaten Yahukimo yang terpetakan hingga saat ini. Peluang penelitian lanjutan masih terbuka lebar untuk mengidentifikasi bahasa-bahasa di Kabupaten Yahukimo.
Analisis Frekuensi, Intensitas, dan Durasi pada Bahasa Turki oleh Native Speaker dan Non-Native Speaker menggunakan Praat Raees Narhan; Prima Sholihatun; Tengku Syarfina
LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 20 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Center of Language and Cultural Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30957/lingua.v20i2.840


Untuk membandingkan suara dalam bahasa Turki oleh native speaker dan non-native speaker, penelitian ini akan melihat seberapa sering bunyi tertentu muncul dalam bahasa, berapa lama bunyi tersebut bertahan, dan seberapa intens bunyi tersebut dihasilkan oleh penutur berbeda. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif karena peneliti menggunakan pendekatan instrumental dengan menggunakan program Praat untuk menganalisis frekuensi, intensitas, dan durasi suara perempuan dewasa. Analisis yang akan dilakukan adalah analisi kontrastif.Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi instrumental, khususnya program Praat yang terkomputerisasi. Penutur asli dari Istanbul, Turki, dan non-penutur asli dari Medan, Indonesia, masing-masing menjadi sumber data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Frekuensi yang dihasilkan oleh penutur asli turki lebih besar dari pada yang bukan penutur asli (2) Intensitas maksimal penutur asli lebih tinggi daripada yang bukan penutur asli, tetapi lebih rendah dari penutur yang bukan asli bahasa Turki. (3) Durasi penutur asli cenderung lebih panjang karena mereka menggunakan kalimat dan frasa yang lebih panjang dalam pengucapannya.
Stress in Angkola Batak Language: An Acoustic Phonetic Approach Syarfina Tengku; Alika Sandra Hasibuan; Lusiana Sinaga
LINGTERSA (Linguistik, Terjemahan, Sastra) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Linguistik Terjemahan Sastra (LINGTERSA)
Publisher : TALENTA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/lingtersa.v4i2.13451


The purpose of this study was to analyze the prosody of stress in declarative utterances of the Angkola Batak language using an acoustic phonetic approach. This research used an experimental phonetic approach, namely by performing manipulations aimed at determining the effects of manipulation on the observed behavior of individuals (Latipun, 2002). Experimental measurements of speech sounds were carried out using spectrum analysis using a computer. The recordings used came from a Sony ICD-PX 470 recorder in WAV format, and Praat software version 6.0.54 was used to analyze suprasegmental or prosodic features. The suprasegmental or prosodic features analyzed include pitch, intensity, and duration of speech. The results of this study showed that the stress position of declarative utterances in the Angkola Batak language was located at the beginning of the word or the first syllable. Like the word mangan, which consisted of two syllables, namely the words ma and ngan, the emphasis occured at the beginning of the word or the first syllable, namely ma with a frequency of 175.9 Hz, a duration of 0.582 seconds and an intensity of 73.99 decibels. Then the word utte which consisted of two syllables, namely the words ut and te, the emphasis occured at the beginning of the word or the first syllable, namely ut with a frequency of 323.6 Hz, a duration of 0.167 seconds and an intensity of 65.4 decibels. In addition, with the same findings in words consisting of three syllables, such as the word mamasu, which consisted of three syllables, namely the words ma, ma and su, the emphasis occured in the first syllable, namely ma with a frequency of 200.3 Hz, a duration of 0.198 seconds and an intensity of 72.65 decibels. The stress on the first syllable in declarative sentences was based on the high frequency value produced by Angkola Batak native speakers.
Formant Analysis in Native and Non-Native Speakers Tengku Syarfina; Maysarah Siregar
EduInovasi: Journal of Basic Educational Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): EduInovasi:  Journal of Basic Educational Studies
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI Nasional Laa Rooiba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/edui.v4i1.5896


This research wants to find out how the voice formants of people who speak English as their first language differ from the voices of people who speak English as a second language. This research uses a computer program called Praat to help with the research. The people to be studied are those who grew up speaking English and those who learned it later in life. The samples in this research were taken 1 male voice and 1 female voice non-native speaker and 2 native speaker voice sample Male and Female. The findings of the analysis show that there are not many differences between native and non-native speakers' pronunciations of each monophthong, especially when they relate to the monophthong /ə/, which is difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce correctly.
Paradigm Shift of Language Revitalization in Indonesia Satwiko Budiono; Selly Rizki Yanita; Tengku Syarfina
JURNAL ARBITRER Vol. 10 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ar.10.4.338-347.2023


Language revitalization as a linguistic social movement that aims to preserve and promote local languages, is experiencing a paradigm shift in Indonesia. These shifts can be seen from the aspect of language status objects. That is meant here is that the object of language status in language revitalization is not only languages with minority and endangered status. All local languages in Indonesia can be revitalized. Based on these conditions, this study explores the shift in the language revitalization paradigm in Indonesia. This aims to explain the structure of paradigm shift and provide an explanation for understanding language revitalization in its historical development in Indonesia. The study method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques from the results of literature studies. Data analysis refers to Thomas Samuel Kuhn’s structure of the scientific revolution in terms of paradigm shift. As a result, the shift in the language revitalization paradigm in terms of the language status object is based on the heterogeneity of languages in Indonesia. Meanwhile, all languages in Indonesia must and have the right to be preserved in accordance with statutory regulations. This condition makes the government regulate language revitalization regulations that apply to all languages so that all languages in Indonesia receive the same treatment in the context of language preservation efforts.