Pryambodho Pryambodho, Pryambodho
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Blok Paravertebral Lumbal Teknik Injeksi Satu Titik pada Kadaver: Penelitian Volume Zat Pewarna Metilen Biru pada Ruang Paravertebra Pryambodho, Pryambodho; Satoto, Darto; Natali, Christella
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 2 (2016): Juni
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Anestesia blok saraf perifer merupakan teknik anestesia untuk memfasilitasi operasi daerah ekstremitas atas atau bawah khususnya pada pasien dengan masalah medis berat. Anestesia blok saraf perifer bawah minimal memerlukan dua injeksi, yaitu pada pleksus lumbalis dan sakralis. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui volume metilen biru yang dapat mencapai segmen L2 sampai S3 dengan teknik sekali injeksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode up and down pada 5 kadaver. Volume awal yang ditentukan adalah 40 mL. Interval antar volume ditentukan 10 mL. Bila penyebaran metilen biru pada volume 40 mL mencapai ruang paravertebra L2 sampai S3 maka kadaver selanjutnya menggunakan volume metilen biru 30 mL, namun bila tidak didapatkan penyebaran ruang paravertebra L2 sampai S3 maka kadaver selanjutnya menggunakan volume 50 mL. Penelitian akan dihentikan bila memenuhi satu dari tiga ketentuan yaitu hasil konstan tercapai, tidak didapatkan penyebaran ruang paravertebra L2 sampai S3 pada volume maksimal 80 mL dan jumlah maksimal 20 kadaver tercapai. Dari kelima volume metilen biru yang diteliti, tidak didapatkan penyebaran ruang paravertebra L2 sampai S3. Segmen penyebaran tertinggi metilen biru pada ruang paravertebra L1 dengan volume 60 mL, sedangkan penyebaran terendah pada S1 dengan volume 60 mL dan 70 mL. Penyebaran kontralateral didapatkan pada volume 40 mL dan 70 mL. Teknik injeksi satu titik blok paravertebral lumbal tidak dapat menghasilkan penyebaran pada ruang paravertebra L2 sampai S3.  Kata Kunci: Blok paravertebral, injeksi satu titik, lumbal, metilen biru, up and down method   Lumbar Paravertebral Block with One Injection Technique: Methylene Blue Dye Volume in Paravertebral Space Peripheral nerve blockade is a technique for facilitating lower or upper surgery specifically in patient with severe comorbidities. Peripheral nerve blockade for lower extremity needs two injections for lumbal plexus and sacral plexus. In previous study, 30 mL methylene blue injections in paravertebra space L4, spreading in paravertebra space L1 until S2. This study aimed to determine the minimum methylene blue volume to spread from paravertebral space L2 until S3. This study  used 5 cadavers with up and down method. Starting volume was 40 mL. Interval between volume was 10 mL. If the volume 40 mL in the first cadaver can spread from L2 until S3 paravertebral space, the next volume for the next cadaver would be 30 mL. If the volume 40 mL in the first cadaver can’t spread from L2 until S3 paravertebral spcae, the next volume for the next cadaver would be 50 mL. The experiment stopped if it fulfilled one of three conditions; constant results achieved, maximum volume 80 ml that couldn’t spread from L2 until S3 paravertebral space, and maximum 20 cadavers used. From the tests of five volume sizes, none of them spreaded from L2 until S3 paravertebral space. The highest spread of methylene blue was at L1 with volume 60 mL while the lowest spreads were with volume 60 mL and 70 mL. Contralateral spread happened at volume 40 mL and 70 mL. In conclusion, One injection technique in paravertebral block could not spread the methylene blue into L2–S3 paravertebral space.  
Ketepatan Rumus Peres dan Topografi Anatomi dalam Menentukan Prediksi Kedalaman CVC pada Pemasangan Subklavia Kanan Perdana, Aries; Pryambodho, Pryambodho; Kambey, Barry Immanuel
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 3 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Pemasangan kateter vena sentral (CVC) merupakan suatu tindakan yang cukup rutin dilakukan pada perawatan intensif maupun perioperatif. Diperlukan suatu metode atau rumus sederhana dan akurat untuk memperkirakan kedalaman kateter CVC yang tepat. Studi ini mengevaluasi posisi dan kedalaman kateter vena sentral dengan menggunakan rumus Peres ([tinggi badan/10]-2) dan pengukuran topografi anatomi, serta menilai insiden malposisi pada pemasangan CVC. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional analitik. Lima puluh pasien yang menjalani pemasangan kateter vena sentral (CVC) dengan pendekatan vena subklavia kanan dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok Rumus Peres ([tinggi badan/10]-2) dan kelompok Pengukuran Topografi Anatomi.Hasil perhitungan prediksi dipakai untuk menentukan batas fiksasi kulit. Kedalaman CVC dievaluasi dengan mengukur jarak antara ujung distal kateter CVC dengan karina pada radiografi dada. Hasil pengukuran tersebut dianalisis dengan uji statistik Bland Altman. Pada kelompok Rumus Peres, rerata jarak antara karina dengan ujung distal kateter CVC adalah sebesar 1,5 cm dibawah karina (IC 95% 1,2 sampai 1,9 cm), limit agreement 0,0 sampai 3,0 cm. Rerata jarak pada kelompok pengukuran topografi anatomi sebesar 0,85 cm (IC 95% 0,5 sampai 1,1 cm) limit of agreement -0,5 sampai 2,2 cm. Pada penelitian ini insiden malposisi ditemukan sama pada kedua kelompok(masing-masing 3 insiden). Rumus Peres dan Pengukuran Topografi Anatomi tidak tepat dalam memprediksi kedalaman kateter CVC pada orang Indonesia. Kata kunci: Kateter vena sentral (CVC), subklavia kanan, metode prediksi, rumus Peres, topografi anatomi The AmLuracy of Peres formula and Landmark Technique to Predict the Depth of Central Venous Catheter with Right Subclavian Vein ApproachCentral venous catheter (CVC) insertion is a routine procedure in intensive care and perioperative care. Simple and amLurate method is needed to predict the optimal depth of CVC. This study evaluated the position and depth of central venous catheters by Peres formula ([height/10] -2) and Landmark measurement, and also assessed the incidence CVC insertion malposition. This was an analytic observational study. Fifty patients undergoing central venous catheter (CVC) with the right subclavian vein approach was divided into two groups: Formula Peres ([height / 10] -2) and Anatomy Topography Measurement group. The calculation result was used to determine the boundary prediction of skin fixation. CVC depth was evaluated by measuring the distance between the distal end of the CVC catheter with karina on chest radiographs. The measurement results were analyzed by statistical tests Bland Altman. In Peres Group, the mean of the distal CVC was 1,5 (0,82) cm under carina (IC 95% 1,2 to 1,9 cm), with the limit of agreement 0,0 cm to 3,0 cm. The mean of landmark groups was 0,85 (0,73) cm (IC 95% 0,5 to 1,1 cm) with limit of agreement -0.5 cm to 2,2 cm. The incidence of malposition was found similar in both groups. Both prediction methods were not amLurate to predict the depth of CVC insertion in Indonesian people. Key words: Central venous catheter (CVC), right subclavian, prediction methods, Peres formula, landmarks
Comparison between lidocaine and nacl 0.9% inhalation in heart rate and blood pressure changes during laryngoscopy and intubation Soenarto, Ratna Farida; Pryambodho, Pryambodho; Adji, Muhammad Prakoso
Bali Journal of Anesthesiology Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.403 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/bjoa.v3i1.137


Introduction: Laryngoscopy and intubation is an invasive procedure routinely done during general anesthesia. The cardiovascular response to these procedures can be harmful in patients who are vulnerable, especially those who have cardiac or cerebrovascular problems. One method to attenuates the cardiovascular response was the use of anesthetics, including lidocaine. This study aimed to assess the effect of inhaled lidocaine on cardiovascular responses after laryngoscopy and intubation.Patients and Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind clinical trial on 50 subjects who underwent elective surgery, 24 subjects were given inhaled lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg and 25 subjects were given 0.9 % NaCl inhalation before laryngoscopy and intubation. Cardiovascular parameters being investigated were changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate in a serial manner.Results: In the first minute after intubation, MAP and heart rate were higher in the NaCl group. The difference in MAP was 15.5 mmHg (p <0.001) while heart rate was 9.5 beats/min (p <0.001). In the 3rd minute after intubation, MAP and heart rate kept different in both groups: 16.6 mmHg (p <0.001) and 11.2 beats/minute (p <0.001), respectively. In the 5th minute after intubation, MAP and heart rate remained different between two groups: 16.7 mmHg (p <0.001) and 10.0 beats/min (p=0.03), respectively.Conclusion: Lidocaine inhalation was able to attenuate cardiovascular response due to pain stimuli and sympathetic stimulation after laryngoscopy and intubation.