Perdana, Aries
DiscoverSys Inc.

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Bali Journal of Anesthesiology Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15562/bjoa.v2i2.65


Introduction: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) was a frequently complication after open heart surgery, especially in paediatric patients < 2 years old and had been related with increased mortality and adverse renal outcomes. This study aimed to know the incidence of AKI post open heart surgery in paediatric patients and its relation with duration of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and patient’s age in Indonesia tertiary national hospital.Methods: This was a cohort retrospective study, using medical record and Cardiac ICU chart data, of 195 paediatric patients who underwent open heart surgery from June 2014 - June 2015 in Integrated Cardiovascular Center Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. After ethical approval from Research Ethic Committee, data were collected and sorted by inclusion and exclusion criteria. AKI was diagnosed based on RIFLE criteria. Data were analyzed by chi-square and multivariate analysis (SPSS software 22.0 version).Results: Incidence of AKI post open heart surgery in paediatric patients was 36.4%. Duration of CPB > 60 min had a significant correlation with increased incidence of AKI (p 0.043; RR 1.248). Patient’s age ≤ 2 years old also had a significant correlation with increased incidence of AKI (p<0.001; RR 2.431). Multivariate analysis results showed that both duration of CPB > 60 min and patient’s age ≤ 2 years old were significant risk factors of AKI (OR 2.951, OR 5.371).Conclusion: Incidence of AKI post open heart surgery in paediatric patients was 36.4%. Duration of CPB duration > 60 min and patient’s age < 2 years old were significant risk factors of AKI.
Kefektifan Sedasi antara Campuran Ketamin Propofol (Ketofol), dan Propofol Fentanil pada Prosedur Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Sugiarto, Adhrie; Perdana, Aries; Jefrey Tuhulele, Norman Rabker
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Sedasi adekuat diperlukan untuk menjaga kedalaman sedasi dan analgesia serta mengendalikan pergerakan pasienselama prosedur ERCP. Propofol merupakan sedasi yang tanpa efek analgesia namun memiliki efek depresikardiovaskular dan respirasi yang tergantung dosis. Penambahan ketamin dosis kecil diharapkan menurunkankebutuhan dosis propofol dalam mempertahankan kedalaman sedasi, analgesia, kestabilan hemodinamik danrespirasi. Penelitian ini membandingkan keefektifan sedasi antara campuran ketamin-propofol (ketofol) danpropofol-fentanil pada prosedur ERCP. Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis acak tersamar ganda, 36 pasien dewasayang menjalani prosedur ERCP, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok KF (n=18) yang mendapatkanketofol 1:4 dalam semprit 50 mL, serta kelompok PF (n=18) yang mendapatkan fentanil 1 mcg/kgBB dan propofoldalam semprit 50 mL. Kedalaman sedasi diukur dengan Ramsay Sedation Scale. Hasil penelitian didapatkan reratakonsumsi propofol permenit, kelompok ketofol lebih rendah bermakna dibanding dengan kelompok propofolfentanil (p<0.05). Jumlah kebutuhan fentanil pada kelompok ketofol lebih rendah dibanding dengan kelompokpropofol-fentanil (p<0.05). Mula kerja dan waktu pulih pada kelompok propofol-fentanil lebih cepat dibandingdengan kelompok ketofol (p<0.05). Kejadian hipotensi pada kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0.05).Tidak didapatkan kejadian desaturasi dan mual/muntah pada kedua kelompok. Simpulan adalah ketofol lebihefektif daripada propofol-fentanil untuk kedalaman sedasi dan analgesia serta memiliki efek samping yangminimal. Kata kunci: ERCP, Propofol, ketamin, fentanil, sedasi, analgesia The effectiveness of sedation is the ability of the drugs to maintain sedation depth and analgesia, and to controlpatients movements during ERCP procedure. Propofol is a sedative agent that has no analgesia effect and hasa dose-dependent cardiovascular and respiratory depressant effects. The addition of small dose of ketamin isexpected to reduce the required dose to maintain hemodinamic and respiratory stability. This study comparedthe effectiveness of sedation between 1:4 ketamin propofol mixtures (ketofol) and propofol-fentanyl in ERCPprocedure. This research a double blind randomised clinical trial was done in 36 adult patients who underwentERCP procedure, which were divided into two groups: KF group (n = 18), which were treated with ketofol 1:4in a 50 mL syringe, and PF group (n = 18) which were treated with fentanil 1 mcg/kgBW and propofol in a 50mL syringe. The depth of sedation was measured by Ramsay Sedation Scale (RSS). The average consumption ofpropofol per minute of ketofol group was significantly lower than fentanyl propofol group (p<0.05). The medianfentanyl consumption of ketofol group was significantly lower than fentanyl propofol group (p<0.05). The onsetand the recovery time in fentanyl propofol group were faster than ketofol group (p<0.05). There was no significantdifferent in the incidence of hypotension in both groups (p>0.05). There were no desaturation events or nausea/vomiting in both groups. Conclution ketofol was more effective than fentanyl-propofol mixture in maintaining thedepth of sedation and analgesia and has minimal side effects. Key words: Analgesia,ERCP, fentanyl, ketamine, propofol, sedation Reference Adler DG, Baron TH, Davila RE, Egan J, Hirota WK, Leighton JA, et al. ASGE guideline: the role of ERCP in diseases of the biliary tract and the pancreas. Gastrointest Endosc. 2005;62(1):1–8. Glomsaker TB. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in Norway, University of Bergen, 2013. Available at thesis_Glomsaker.pdf, accessed on October 24, 2014 Chainaki IG, Manolarki MM, Paspatis GA. 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Ketamin/propofol versus fentanyl/propofol for sedating obese patients undergoing Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), Egypt J Anesth, 2013;29:207–11. Thom G. The evolving role of ketofol and its use as sedation agent in PSA in children: systemic review, 2013. Available at, accessed on October 11, 2014.
Perbandingan Keberhasilan Insersi Kanul Intravena antara Penggunaan dan Tanpa Penggunaan Penampil Vena pada Pasien Pediatrik Perdana, Aries; Kapuangan, Christopher; Alantas, Anas; Manggala, Sidharta Kusuma; Wardhani, Yosi Dwi
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 1 (2017): Februari
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Insersi kanul intravena pada bayi, balita atau anak-anak cukup sulit karena kecilnya ukuran pembuluh darah vena dan lokasinya yang dalam di jaringan subkutis. Kesalahan insersi kanul intravena cenderung terjadi pada kasus difficult venous access (DVA). Penelitian ini membandingkan keberhasilan insersi kanul intravena dengan atau tanpa penggunaan penampil vena pada pasien pediatrik. Setelah mendapat persetujuan dari Komite Etik FKUI/RSCM dan konsen dari pasien, dilakukan penelitian uji klinis acak tidak tersamar pada 88 sampel pasien pediatrik. Pasien dirandomisasi menjadi dua kelompok, pada kelompok 1 dilakukan insersi kanul intravena tanpa penampil vena, sedangkan kelompok 2 dilakukan insersi kanul intravena dengan penampil vena. Data yang terkumpul diuji dengan uji Chi-square. Insersi kanul intravena sekali tusuk dengan penampil vena keberhasilannya 3,095 kali lebih besar dibanding dengan tanpa penampil vena (p<0,05). Insersi kanul intravena sekali tusuk pada pasien dengan status gizi kurang-buruk memiliki angka keberhasilan 0,285 kali dibanding dengan status gizi normal lebih (p<0,05). Usia memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap insersi kanul intravena (p<0,05). Keberhasilan insersi kanul intravena sekali tusuk dengan menggunakan penampil vena lebih baik dibanding dengan tanpa penampil vena. Keberhasilan insersi kanul intravena memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan status gizi dan usia. Kata kunci: Difficult venous access, kanul intravena, penampil vena, status gizi Comparison of Successful Vein Cannula Insertion between Using Vein Viewer and without Vein Viewer in Pediatric Patients Vein cannula insertion in infants, toddlers, or children is quite difficult because of the size and location of their veins. Wrong vein cannula insertion are prone to happen in Difficult Venous Access (DVA) cases. This research is comparing the successful vein cannula insertion between using vein viewer and without vein viewer in pediatric patients. After obtained the ethical approval from Ethical Committee of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and informed consent from patients, 88 pediatric patients were enrolled to this randomized controlled trial. Patients were randomized into 2 groups: first group was inserted without vein viewer and second group was inserted using vein viewer. Data was analyzed with Chi-square test. Successful rate in first attempt vein cannula insertion using vein viewer is 3.095 times higher than without vein viewer (p<0.05). First attempt vein cannula insertion in malnutrition patients has successful rate 0.85 times higher than good nutrition-obese patients (p<0.05). Age has significant relationship with vein cannula insertion (p<0.05). Successful rate in first attempt vein cannula insertion using vein viewer is higher than without vein viewer. Successful first attempt in vein cannula insertion has significant relationship with nutrition status and age. Key words: Difficult venous access, nutrition status, vein cannula, vein viewer
Ketepatan Rumus Peres dan Topografi Anatomi dalam Menentukan Prediksi Kedalaman CVC pada Pemasangan Subklavia Kanan Perdana, Aries; Pryambodho, Pryambodho; Kambey, Barry Immanuel
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 3 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Pemasangan kateter vena sentral (CVC) merupakan suatu tindakan yang cukup rutin dilakukan pada perawatan intensif maupun perioperatif. Diperlukan suatu metode atau rumus sederhana dan akurat untuk memperkirakan kedalaman kateter CVC yang tepat. Studi ini mengevaluasi posisi dan kedalaman kateter vena sentral dengan menggunakan rumus Peres ([tinggi badan/10]-2) dan pengukuran topografi anatomi, serta menilai insiden malposisi pada pemasangan CVC. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional analitik. Lima puluh pasien yang menjalani pemasangan kateter vena sentral (CVC) dengan pendekatan vena subklavia kanan dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok Rumus Peres ([tinggi badan/10]-2) dan kelompok Pengukuran Topografi Anatomi.Hasil perhitungan prediksi dipakai untuk menentukan batas fiksasi kulit. Kedalaman CVC dievaluasi dengan mengukur jarak antara ujung distal kateter CVC dengan karina pada radiografi dada. Hasil pengukuran tersebut dianalisis dengan uji statistik Bland Altman. Pada kelompok Rumus Peres, rerata jarak antara karina dengan ujung distal kateter CVC adalah sebesar 1,5 cm dibawah karina (IC 95% 1,2 sampai 1,9 cm), limit agreement 0,0 sampai 3,0 cm. Rerata jarak pada kelompok pengukuran topografi anatomi sebesar 0,85 cm (IC 95% 0,5 sampai 1,1 cm) limit of agreement -0,5 sampai 2,2 cm. Pada penelitian ini insiden malposisi ditemukan sama pada kedua kelompok(masing-masing 3 insiden). Rumus Peres dan Pengukuran Topografi Anatomi tidak tepat dalam memprediksi kedalaman kateter CVC pada orang Indonesia. Kata kunci: Kateter vena sentral (CVC), subklavia kanan, metode prediksi, rumus Peres, topografi anatomi The AmLuracy of Peres formula and Landmark Technique to Predict the Depth of Central Venous Catheter with Right Subclavian Vein ApproachCentral venous catheter (CVC) insertion is a routine procedure in intensive care and perioperative care. Simple and amLurate method is needed to predict the optimal depth of CVC. This study evaluated the position and depth of central venous catheters by Peres formula ([height/10] -2) and Landmark measurement, and also assessed the incidence CVC insertion malposition. This was an analytic observational study. Fifty patients undergoing central venous catheter (CVC) with the right subclavian vein approach was divided into two groups: Formula Peres ([height / 10] -2) and Anatomy Topography Measurement group. The calculation result was used to determine the boundary prediction of skin fixation. CVC depth was evaluated by measuring the distance between the distal end of the CVC catheter with karina on chest radiographs. The measurement results were analyzed by statistical tests Bland Altman. In Peres Group, the mean of the distal CVC was 1,5 (0,82) cm under carina (IC 95% 1,2 to 1,9 cm), with the limit of agreement 0,0 cm to 3,0 cm. The mean of landmark groups was 0,85 (0,73) cm (IC 95% 0,5 to 1,1 cm) with limit of agreement -0.5 cm to 2,2 cm. The incidence of malposition was found similar in both groups. Both prediction methods were not amLurate to predict the depth of CVC insertion in Indonesian people. Key words: Central venous catheter (CVC), right subclavian, prediction methods, Peres formula, landmarks