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Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 11: Juli 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/jcijurnalcakrawalailmiah.v1i11.3089


Entrepreneurial self-efficacy refers to a person’s belief in their ability to successfully achieve the tasks of entrepreneurship. Self-efficacy has been found to contribute significantly to performance. It will determine the level of motivation and effort exerted as well as how long entrepreneurs will persevere that is factors which may be factor for entrepreneurial success. The purpose of this research is to know whether there is the impact of entrepreneurial selfefficacy on entrepreneurial intention at PT Karya Lencana Mas. Research design used in this research is descriptive research design and correlational research design. Research methods which used are descriptive statistic analysis, validity and reliability test, normality test, coefficient correlation, coefficient of determinant, simple linear regression analysis and Z testing. The conclusion of this research is entrepreneurial selfefficacy has impact on entrepreneurial intention at PT Karya Lencana Mas.
Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality Vol 11 No 2: Desember 2022 (in Press)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47492/jih.v11i2.2422


This research investigates the influence of the work enviroment and individual characteritis on employees job satisfaction. This skripsi contributes to the working environment and employees’ individual characteristic to increase employees job satisfaction. In carrying out the work or character of an individual must be able to put themselves and their work environment so well that it will affect the individual can achieve the expected job satisfaction. In the world of work, usually relate to a person's attitude to his work. Linkage attitude with this work will pave the way positive or negative evaluative held by employees about aspects of their work environment. This means that every person on the job reflects the experience pleasant and unpleasant in his work and hopes for the future. The working environment is meant here is the physical work environment and non-physical, such as acceptable behavior management and workplace environment itself (workplace), among others working facilities and security. If the work environment possible, then the employees will make the workplace a fun in performing activities works, so as to reduce fatigue, which in turn can lead to satisfaction with the job. As such, working environment and individual characteritic relationship does have the potential to create an employes job satisfaction.
Talent Management in Human Resource Management to Improve Organizational Performance Jung Sen; Adi Harianto; Ika Puspa Satrianny
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): March 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/modern.v2i2.3460


Adaptation companies to pass talent management need at global era in view of information current and fast change and then continuous.Human resources with new talent for organization is need to achieve organization success/performance. Organization must time increase and energy to repair performance from new talent. Talent will compete do the best for organization when organization will appreciate the job. The findings from this study are talent management practices with a strong focus on business strategy and its alignment with overall business goals. These practices have statistically highly significant impact on corporate profits; one that is greater than that of any other focus of talent management practices. This research paper suggested that the management and individuals need to establish metrics and communicate the impact of the organization’s talent management efforts
Pengembangan Kemahiran Mengajar Terhadap Guru di SMK Swasta GKPS 1 Raya Dalam Peningkatan Profesional Guru Thamrin T; Deva Djohan; Stefvy S; Robin R; Ika Puspa Satrianny
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 2, No 5 (2023): Agustus (In progress)
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8232701


Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan merupakan guru kelas yang dalam tugasnya dituntut menguasai banyak mata pelajaran. Oleh karena itu tidak dipungkiri bahwa penguasaan pengetahuan (materi) beberapa mata pelajaran menjadi tidak maksimal dan berpotensi terjadi kesalahan atau miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran. Ada indikasi bahwa guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan kurang menguasai materi dan kurang mahir dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Ketidakmahiran dalam pembelajaran menjadi faktor kelemahan guru dan menghambat pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran, serta mempengaruhi disposisi positif siswa terhadap mata pelajaran. Guna mengatasi kesalahan atau miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan setiap guru harus meningkatkan kemahiran mengajar dengan memahami konsep - konsep dan prinsip-prinsip belajar  secara benar sehingga pengetahuan guru bertambah dan guru dapat mengubah cara mengajar di kelas. Kemahiran mengajar guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui kegiatan workshop. Pengembangan kemahiran mengajar merupakan pengembangan profesional yang efektif dan terstruktur yang menghasilkan perubahan pada pengetahuan dan praktik guru dalam pembelajaran.
Pengembangan Kemahiran Mengajar Terhadap Guru di SMK Swasta GKPS 1 Raya Dalam Peningkatan Profesional Guru Thamrin T; Deva Djohan; Stefvy S; Robin R; Ika Puspa Satrianny
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 2, No 5 (2023): Agustus (In progress)
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8232701


Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan merupakan guru kelas yang dalam tugasnya dituntut menguasai banyak mata pelajaran. Oleh karena itu tidak dipungkiri bahwa penguasaan pengetahuan (materi) beberapa mata pelajaran menjadi tidak maksimal dan berpotensi terjadi kesalahan atau miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran. Ada indikasi bahwa guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan kurang menguasai materi dan kurang mahir dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Ketidakmahiran dalam pembelajaran menjadi faktor kelemahan guru dan menghambat pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran, serta mempengaruhi disposisi positif siswa terhadap mata pelajaran. Guna mengatasi kesalahan atau miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan setiap guru harus meningkatkan kemahiran mengajar dengan memahami konsep - konsep dan prinsip-prinsip belajar  secara benar sehingga pengetahuan guru bertambah dan guru dapat mengubah cara mengajar di kelas. Kemahiran mengajar guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui kegiatan workshop. Pengembangan kemahiran mengajar merupakan pengembangan profesional yang efektif dan terstruktur yang menghasilkan perubahan pada pengetahuan dan praktik guru dalam pembelajaran.
The Impact of Organizational Culture Toward Organizational Competitiveness at PT. Mega Royal Utama Medan: Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Daya Saing Organisasi Pada PT. Mega Royal Utama Medan Bestadrian Prawiro Theng; Ika Puspa Satrianny; Sri Aprianti Tarigan; Susanto; Felix Leonardi
Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Vol. 7 No. 2: FEBRUARI 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.081 KB) | DOI: 10.56338/jks.v2i1.639


The purpose of this research is to analysis the impact of organizational culture toward organizational competitiveness at PT. Mega Royal Utama Binjai Medan. The data is obtain interview and questionare.There have 32 respondent from the company which only work in the office and supervisor only in the company. Whereby the data analysis using descriptive statistic( mean, median, mode), validity, reability, coeficient of corelation, regresion anlysis and hypothesis test. The result from the data is all valid, realible and normal, so the data can be use for futher analize. There have a significant impact the organizational culture toward organizational competitiveness. Where the Ha accepted and Ho rejected Z­count = 4,776 > Z­table = 1,96. Determination (r2) = 85.6% prove the organizational culture impact 85.6% toward organization competitiveness. The writer intend to give some recomedation which are outbond and happy weekend, monthly meeting and open minded discussion, swtiching work day and, give appreciation and recognition.