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Talent Management in Human Resource Management to Improve Organizational Performance Jung Sen; Adi Harianto; Ika Puspa Satrianny
Indonesian Journal of Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): March 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/modern.v2i2.3460


Adaptation companies to pass talent management need at global era in view of information current and fast change and then continuous.Human resources with new talent for organization is need to achieve organization success/performance. Organization must time increase and energy to repair performance from new talent. Talent will compete do the best for organization when organization will appreciate the job. The findings from this study are talent management practices with a strong focus on business strategy and its alignment with overall business goals. These practices have statistically highly significant impact on corporate profits; one that is greater than that of any other focus of talent management practices. This research paper suggested that the management and individuals need to establish metrics and communicate the impact of the organization’s talent management efforts
Pemberian Bantuan Fasilitas Perpustakaan dan Pelatihan Administrasi Perpustakaan di PKBM-Emphaty Medan Jung Sen; Rafika Sari Br Sembiring; Viktor Saputra Ginting; Adi Harianto; Devia Febrina
ULINA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Mandiri Bina Prestasi (UMBP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58918/ulina.v1i1.190


Layanan Perpustakaan adalah pemberian bantuan, fasilitas dan penunjukan untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan secara cepat dan mudah. Layanan perpustakaan berarti untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi penggunanya, perpustakaan harus menyediakan bahan pustaka sesuai dengan yang diperlukan secara tepat dan akurat, sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemustaka. Layanan perpustakaan merupakan citra dari suatu perpustakaan.Tidak ada perpustakaan jika tidak ada layanan. Tujuan perpustakaan memberikan layanan bahan pustaka kepada pengguna adalah agar bahan pustaka yang telah dimiliki perpustakaan dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya oleh pengguna. Oleh karena itu harus diusahakan agar pengguna memanfaatkan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan. Usaha itu dilakukan melalui promosi jasa perpustakaan agar pembaca tahu bahan pustaka apa saja yang dimiliki. Fungsi Layanan menyajikan informasi guna kepentingan pengguna mempertemukan dengan bahan pustaka yang diminati. Harus diusahakan agar perpustakaan menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang mebuat senang datang ke perpustakaan serta bimbingan dan peningkatan minat baca. Perpustakaan harus berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mencarikan bahan pustaka yang dikehendaki pengguna walaupun harus meminjam ke perpustakaan lain atau menunjukkan dan menyediakan sumber informasi lainnya yang bersifat rekreasi.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Menerapkan Authentic Assesment Dalam Pembelajaran Darwan Tanady; Mega Sanjaya; Kuandi Chandra; Jung Sen; Adi Harianto
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 2, No 5 (2023): Agustus (In progress)
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8232609


Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi dari kondisi guru-guru di SMP Swasta Dharma Putra Medan yang dominan berlatar non kependidikan sehingga membutuhkan pelatihan untuk menyusun instrumen Asesment Autentik. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu melalui penyampaikan makalah dan workshop. Proses pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini memakai metode penyampaian makalah tatap langsung, diskusi, dan dilanjutkan pendampingan menyusun instrumen autentik. Masyarakat mengikuti kegiatan dengan antusias, ditunjukan dengan keaktifan peserta dalam diskusi ketika penyampaian makalah dan juga penyusunan intrumen. Solusinya adalah dengan memaksimalkan grup wa dan memberikan rekaman video kegiatan. Adapun manfaat dari kegiatan ini guru-guru di SMP Swasta Dharma Putra Medan dapat menyusun intrumen autentik dengan baik sesuai mata pelajaran yang diampu.
The Analysis of Statement of Cash Flow in Assessing the Financial Performance at PT Akasha Wira International TBK: Analisis Laporan Arus Kas dalam Menilai Kinerja Keuangan Pada PT Akasha Wira International TBK Adi Harianto; Ester; Zulkheiri
Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains Vol. 6 No. 7: JULI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/jks.v6i7.3943


The statement of cash flow has an important role in helping to assess the financial performance of a company. Cash flow information assists its financial statement users in obtaining the relevant information concerning the source and use of virtually the entire financial system over a given period of time. Cash flow is a concept in accounting and finance used to describe the inflow represent cash receipts while outflow relate to cash expenditure. Cash flow of a company is a crucial factor that enhances its operations. Due to the relevance of cash flows in the company’s operations and performance, companies need to develop a suitable cash flow and apply it in order to maximize shareholders values. Cash flow can be used as effective way of forecasting the company’s ability in providing profit in future. If the company has lack of cash, the company will have difficulties in conducting the business activities such as making purchasing, making investment and paying the loan. The purpose of this research is to know result of analysis of cash flow in determining the financial performance at PT Akasha Wira International, Tbk. Research design used in this research is descriptive research design with conducting financial statement analysis. Research methods which used are descriptive statistic analysis with financial ratio analysis. The conclusion of this research is that financial performance in PT Akasha Wira International Tbk isn’t good based on analysis of cash flow. There is decreasing of cash flow in year 2012-2016. It shows that there is decreasing of company’s ability in paying liabilities and generating income with using cash. The company doesn’t manage the cash flow properly with result that the company will have lack of cash in developing the business. There is increasing of liabilities in conducting business activities. The company cannot collect the account receivable quickly. The cash isn’t used properly in generating sales. There is decreasing of financial performance in year 2012-2016. It shows that there is decreasing of the company’s ability in generating income. The company cannot increase the sales significantly because there is change of customer demand and choice. The company doesn’t make innovation in developing the new product with considering the customer’s expectation.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Menerapkan Authentic Assesment Dalam Pembelajaran Darwan Tanady; Mega Sanjaya; Kuandi Chandra; Jung Sen; Adi Harianto
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 2, No 5 (2023): Agustus (In progress)
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8232609


Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi dari kondisi guru-guru di SMP Swasta Dharma Putra Medan yang dominan berlatar non kependidikan sehingga membutuhkan pelatihan untuk menyusun instrumen Asesment Autentik. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini yaitu melalui penyampaikan makalah dan workshop. Proses pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini memakai metode penyampaian makalah tatap langsung, diskusi, dan dilanjutkan pendampingan menyusun instrumen autentik. Masyarakat mengikuti kegiatan dengan antusias, ditunjukan dengan keaktifan peserta dalam diskusi ketika penyampaian makalah dan juga penyusunan intrumen. Solusinya adalah dengan memaksimalkan grup wa dan memberikan rekaman video kegiatan. Adapun manfaat dari kegiatan ini guru-guru di SMP Swasta Dharma Putra Medan dapat menyusun intrumen autentik dengan baik sesuai mata pelajaran yang diampu.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Tax Socialization Activities to Increase Compliance with Paying Land and Building Taxes (Case Study of Communities in Medan Labuhan District) Siti Aisyah; Ratih Anggraini Siregar; Taufiq Risal; Ina Liswanty; Tika Nirmala Sari; Adiharianto
International Journal of Sustainable Applied Sciences Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): October 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijsas.v1i4.474


This research aims to determine and analyze the effectiveness of the role of tax socialization in increasing community compliance as taxpayers to pay land and building tax in the Medan Labuhan area which consists of six regions, namely Kampung Besar, Martubung, Sei Mati, PekanLabuhan, Tangkahan and Nelayan Indah. The type of research used in the research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data was obtained through observation, interviews, documentation and then analyzed. In this research, the researcher looks at and describes the condition of the company and then analyzes it so that the results and findings are useful as material for decision making and problem solving in the future. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of land and building tax collection in Medan Labuhan District is in accordance with existing regulations and has a very important role. All planned activities carried out by the Medan Labuhan District Government can be said to be quite good, although there are still things that need to be improved in terms of PBB collection payments. The obstacles and efforts faced by Medan Labuhan District in implementing land and building tax collection are lack of knowledge regarding PBB collection, different economic levels and awareness of taxpayers in making PBB payments.
Analysis of the Effect of Financial Performance on Stock Prices in Consumer Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2017 – 2022 Zakia Fadila; Amin Hou; Adi Harianto; Deby Siska Oktavia Pasaribu; M. Fakhrul Hirzi
ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 14 No. 6 (2023): December: Management Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset, Publikasi dan Konsultasi JONHARIONO

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62398/probis.v14i6.437


This study aims to analyze the effect of financial performance on stock prices in consumer sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022. The method used by the author in this study uses descriptive quantitative research methods. This descriptive qualitative research is to determine the effect of financial performance on stock prices in consumption sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022. Population identification in this study is the consumer goods industry sector of the food and beverage industry subsector totaling 26 companies. The sample in this study amounted to 7 food and beverage industry sector companies listed on the IDX 2024. Data analysis in this study used the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results of this study are partially ROE has no positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in Consumer Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022, 2) partially ROA has a positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in Consumer Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022, 3) partially DER has a positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in Consumer Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022. 4) simultaneously ROE, ROA and DER have a positive and insignificant effect on stock prices in Consumer Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2022