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Kualitas papan partikel dari limbah serat kelapa muda dan styrofoam untuk kebutuhan dunia industri Markus Nanda Andika; Enda Apriani; Syaiful Mansyur; Sumpena Sumpena
Jurnal Engine: Energi, Manufaktur, dan Material Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Proklamasi 45 University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30588/jeemm.v6i2.1165


Waste of young coconut fiber can potentially be used as reinforcement for new particleboard material. This potential agricultural waste is quite large in Indonesia. Styrofoam waste is also a problem to date. This is because the use of styrofoam as a food wrapper is still quite high in Indonesia. Besides being environmentally friendly, this particleboard also has economic value in the industrial world. Young coconut waste is crushed with a coconut fiber decomposing machine. Styrofoam as an adhesive is dissolved with gasoline. Each proportion of raw material for young coconut fiber: styrofoam, which is 25: 75 (%), 50: 50 (%), and 75: 25 (%).The test results of the mechanical properties of the particleboard with Composition III showed better results than the particleboard with Composition I and Composition II, which obtained an average MoE value of 832.69 kgf / cm2, an average MoR value of 12.10 kgf / cm2, and the average IB value of 2.01 kgf / cm2.
Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Serbuk Kayu Menjadi Briket Cetak pada Warga Desa Sambireme Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen Rena Juwita Sari; Syaiful Mansyur; Muchamad Malik; Fitria Basuki Sukandaru
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.229 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/jppm.v8i1.243


Sebagian penduduk Desa Sambirembe, Kec. Kalijambe bekerja sebagai petani, pengusaha pengolahan kayu dan pekerja pengolahan kayu. Desa ini memiliki sekitar 154 pengrajin kayu yang membuat perabot rumah tangga seperti almari, kursi, meja dan lain-lain. Semua pengrajin kayu dalam pembuatannya masih menggunakan alat-alat yang sederhana. Di sisi lain, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe, juga memiliki 25 unit usaha pengolahan kayu yang tersebar dari RT 05 yang merupakan milik perorangan. Pengolahan kayu tersebut akan menghasilkan limbah sisa berupa serbuk gergaji dari penggergajian kayu. Perkiraan jumlah rata-rata limbah serbuk gergaji adalah 2 kubik per hari. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah lingkungan dan kurangnya tempat penampungan serbuk gergaji jika pengolahan kayu menghasilkan produksi yang terus menerus. Khalayak sasaran adalah pengrajin kayu RT 05, Dusun Wonosari, Desa Sambirembe. Jumlah sasaran yang bergabung adalah 20 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan dua metode, yaitu metode pelatihan dan metode praktek. Metode pelatihan dilakukan dengan memberikan materi teori tentang tata cara pembuatan briket serbuk gergaji, pelatihan branding, pelatihan pembuatan logo, pelatihan pembuatan kemasan dan pelatihan digital marketing. Metode praktik dilakukan dengan praktik langsung pembuatan briket serbuk gergaji. Selama acara penyuluhan dan pelatihan berlangsung, para peserta cukup antusias dalam mengikuti materi yang disampaikan oleh para pemateri dari tim PKM Universitas Proklamasi 45. Demikian juga dalam kegiatan praktek, partisipasi peserta sangat dominan, sehingga dapat diprediksi tingkat penyerapan materi sangat baik. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai adalah terbentuknya kelompok percontohan briket cetak serbuk gergaji kayu sebagai awal pengembangan usaha secara komersial, menghasilkan produk briket cetak yang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan kayu bakar, dan menghasilkan buku panduan teknis pembuatan briket cetak dari serbuk gergaji kayu sehingga diharapkan dapat mewujudkan kemandirian dan peningkatan kesejahteraan melalui peningkatan pendapatan keluarga. Some residents of Sambirembe Village, District. Kalijambe works as a farmer, wood processing business and wood processing worker. This village has about 154 wood craftsmen who make home furnishings such as cupboards, chairs, tables and others. All wood craftsmen in making the kingdom still use simple tools. On the other hand, Wonosari Hamlet, Sambirembe Village, also has 25 wood processing business units spread from RT 05 which are individually owned. The wood processing will produce residual waste in the form of sawdust from sawmills. The estimated average amount of sawdust waste is 2 cubic per day. This creates environmental problems and lack of sawdust storage if wood processing produces continuous production. The target audience is wood craftsmen RT 05, Wonosari Hamlet, Sambirembe Village. The number of targets joined is 20 people. This activity is carried out by two methods, namely training methods and practical methods. The training method is carried out by providing theoretical material on the procedures for making sawdust briquettes, branding training, logo making training, packaging making training and digital marketing training. The practical method is carried out by direct practice of making sawdust briquettes. During the counseling and training event, the participants were quite enthusiastic in following the material presented by the presenters from the PKM team of the Proklamasi University 45. Likewise in practical activities, the participation of the participants was very dominant, so it could be predicted that the absorption rate of the material was very good. The output target is the formation of pilot groups of wood sawdust molded briquettes as the beginning of commercial business development, producing printed briquette products cheaper than firewood, and producing a technical manual for making molded briquettes from sawdust so that it is expected to be able to realize independence and improve welfare through increased family income.
Speech Recognition pada Kontrol Gerak Tangan Bionik berbasis Raspberry Pi dan Arduino Syaiful Mansyur; Muchamad Malik; Aan Burhanuddin; Jihan Abdul Malik
Jurnal Engine: Energi, Manufaktur, dan Material Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Proklamasi 45 University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30588/jeemm.v7i1.1431


The bionic hand is a broad bio-mechatronic device that incorporates various concepts involving biology and mechatronics. In this journal, the authors research finger movements in bionic hands using voice commands. In designing this bionic hand, the author made a mechanical design using a 3D printing machine. The hardware design used by the Raspberry Pi to process voice data is then transmitted to Arduino to carry out servo movement commands so that it can move bionic fingers. Software design uses the Python language using the Google text-to-speech API. From this research, data was generated with 100% accuracy. The movement of bionic fingers moves according to the commands spoken.