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LONG-TERM FSO/FPSO CHARTER RATE ESTIMATION Kurniawati, Hesty A; Aryawan, Wasis D; Baidowi, Achmad
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan Vol 13, No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Department of Naval Architecture - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.385 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/kpl.v13i1.10105


Most of the charter rate data provided in the market is for the short-term and it is based on freight rate for cargo ships. This paper offers a method to estimate long-term charter rate for special ships such as FSO and other supporting vessels. The method is utilizing engineering economy such as IRR and goal seek facility provided in spreadsheet. The IRR is iterated 2% above the basic saving interest rate to find more attractive charter rate and the sensitivity analysis provides flexibility for the owner in order to anticipate the volatility of economic condition
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNESA

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Hasil refleksi yang didapat peneliti selama kegiatan PPP berlangsung di SMKN 1 Kediri, saat proses belajar mengajar kurang lebih sebanyak 50% siswa yang kurang dalam keterampilan kolaborasi dan keterampilan komunikasi sehingga penguasaan materi baik secara kelompok atau individu yang telah diberikan oleh guru kurang diterima dengan maksimal. Sedangkan di pembelajaran abad 21 sekarang ini dibutuhkan keterampilan yang memiliki ciri yang disebut sebagai 4C, yaitu: Communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation. Kembali pada tujuan peneliti yang diharapkan mampu menerapkan model pembelajaran MPA sehingga keterampilan komunikasi, kolaborasi dan hasil belajar setelah kegiatan belajar mengajar dapat meningkat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dimana teknik analisis datanya bersifat sikluistis. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Teknik observasi, angket dan tes. Teknik analisis data digunakan untuk mengolah data menjadi suatu bentuk yang mudah dibaca dan diinterpresentasikan dalam pengolahan data. Analisis hasil belajar untuk mengetahui ketuntasan klasikal dan idividual, analisis observasi dan angket dianalisis menggunakan rumus persentase hasil obsrvasi atau angket dan analisis keterlaksaan pembelajaran dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TKR 1 sebanyak 34 orang, dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki semuanya.Hasil yang dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran market place activity terlaksana sesuai dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran pada RPP. 2) Penerapan model market place activity dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi siswa pada mata pelajaran teknologi dasar otomotif. 3) Penerapan model market place activity dapat meningkatkan keterampilan kolaborasi siswa pada mata pelajaran teknologi dasar otomotif. 4) Penerapan model market place activity dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran teknologi dasar otomotif. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Market Place Activity dapat meningkatkan keterampilan belajar abad 21 sehingga hasil belajar siswa kelas X TKR 1 SMK Negeri 1 Kediri juga mengalami peningkatan
The Hull Strength of Marine Current Turbine Platform Baidowi, Achmad; Arief, Irfan Syarif; lintang, lintang candra
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 2, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.756 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v2i3.3482


Strength analysis of hull structure of marine renewable energy is crucial. The hull structure must be able to whitstand the harsh environmental load such as wave, wind and the weight of the payload and the structure itself. This paper analyzies the structural hull strength of marine current turbine platform. The platform is held by 4 mooring lines in 200 m water depth. The hull material is AISI1050 with yield stress 530MPa, the analysis consist of stress analysis which consider the dynamic motion of the platform due to wave, current, win and mooring line tension. The dynamic motion shows the maximum gravity acceleration is 1.3496G. The gravity acceleration creates additional loads due to weight multiplication of payload and structure. From the dynamic analysis using numerical software, the maximum mooring line tension due to dynamic analysis is 300.74 kN and this tension will creates stress in the moring line connection structure in the platform hull. The maximum stress of the is 126.045Pa, The mooring line tension is the highest loads compared to other factors such as weight. The safety factor of the structure based on the analysis is 4.2 which can be calculated by comparing the yield stress of the hull material and the maximum stress occurred due to dynamic load
Impact Analysis of Trim Tab Inclination Angles Variation to Propulsion Power Requirement of 6 Meter’s Speed Boat Amiadji, Amiadji; Baidowi, Achmad; Nanda Oktova, Aufal
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 6, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1030.785 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v6i3.10639


Determining the ship's propulsion power requirements is one of the most crucial things in ship design which is related to the ship's resistance. One of the causes of the high value of a ship's resistance is excessive trim of the ship. Therefore it needs a mechanism to overcome this, it can be by applying trim tabs. The trim tab is a small surface mounted on the ship's transom that can be adjusted according to the conditions of the ship. By adjusting the angle of the trim tab to be larger, it can increase the lift force and torque moment at the stern of the ship which can reduce the trim of the ship. Based on the boat’s characteristics, referring to the guide from Bennet Marine, the appropriate trim tab’s geometry for this boat is a trim tab with a span width of 18” (46 cm) and a chord length of 9” (23 cm). After selecting the trim tab geometry, then analyzing the resistance and trim of the ship using the CFD method. Through CFD simulation, trim tab with an angle of 15⁰ can reduce the value of the ship's resistance to 17.25% and for the trim can be reduced to 46.72%. Then after the ship's propulsion power requirements calculation, it is shown that the trim tab with an angle of 15⁰, a reduction of 11.56% is obtained from 78.854 kW to 69.741 kW.
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.116 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.v10i2.29495


A gross tonnage (GT) is a volume capacity of fishing vessel regarding its role in the fisheries resource utilization and management affairs. Information regarding GT is important, hence there is a need to conduct measurement in objective manner. The result of GT recalculation conducted by the Ministry of Transportation on under 30 GT fishing vessels showed that there is a significant difference between the documented GT and recalculated GT which indicates a massive mark down. Consequently, most of owners decline the later result as it goes higher and has impact on operational cost. Regarding that problem, this paper investigates the GT calculation process in Indonesia. In order to provide objective measurement, this research compares the existing GT calculation method and numerical computation. The result reveals that both methods produced different GT, which is about 32% gap for fishing vessels in Muncar and 27% gap in Prigi.Keywords: Gross tonnage, fishing boat, measurement, numerical computation
Simulasi CFD Fluida Udara pada Reefer Container Yard yang Menggunakan Sistem Solar Panel Roof Ericson Posmanov Martua Silalahi; Sutopo Purwono Fitri; Achmad Baidowi
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v9i2.56491


Perdagangan peti kemas yang meningkat setiap tahunnya membuat pelabuhan harus meningkatkan fasilitas bongkar muat mereka. Adanya isu mengenai greenport yang mengharuskan penghematan energi serta pengurangan produksi CO2 juga mempengaruhi perkembangan pelabuhan. Oleh karena itu, selain menambah alat bongkar muat, pelabuhan juga mulai mengelektrifikasi hampir seluruh alat bongkar muat yang dimiliki. Akibatnya konsumsi listrik akan semakin meningkat. Konsumsi listrik paling besar pada pelabuhan ada pada lahan penumpukan reefer container. Untuk menangurangi penggunaan energi listrik tersebut, maka diaplikasikan solar panel roof menjadi alat untuk memanfaatkan matahari sebagai sumber alternatif energi listrik. Selain sebagai alat alternatif penghasil energi listrik, dengan adanya atap yang dipasangkan pada lahan penumpukan reefer container membuat panas pada dinding kontainer menjadi berkurang sehingga harapannya konsumsi listrik pada lahan penumpukan reefer container juga dapat berkurang. Pada studi ini disimulasikan penggunaan solar panel roof pada reefer container yard dengan bantuan aplikasi CFD untuk melihat persebaran panas pada fluida udara yang ada disekitar kontainer sebelum dan sesudah diaplikasikan. Selain itu pada studi ini juga dilihat penghematan yang terjadi setelah mengaplikasikan solar panel roof. Pada analisa transient thermal, udara sekitar kontainer berpendingin yang menggunakan atap dan tidak memiliki selisih rata-rata sebesar 21ºC. Pada analisa fluid flow, udara sekitar kontainer berpendingin yang menggunakan atap dan tidak memiliki selisih sebesar 26,482ºC. Pada simulasi tanpa atap, temperatur udara sekitar kontainer berpendinginnya adalah 57,532ºC pada analisa transient thermal dan 59,872ºC pada analisa fluid flow. Pada simulasi dengan atap, temperatur udara sekitar kontainer berpendinginnya adalah 31,808˚C pada analisa transient thermal dan 33,39ºC pada analisa fluid flow. Penghematan konsumsi energi yang didapat ketika mengaplikasikan solar panel roof pada container yard adalah sebesar 36,57% pada tier 4, 31,08% pada tier 3, 31,04% pada tier 2, dan 31,72% pada tier 1.
Analisa Hambatan dan Efek Diving pada Kapal Monohull Pelat Datar dan Kapal Konvensional (Streamline) Fitricia Putri Rizki Ricinsi; Tony Bambang Musriyadi; Achmad Baidowi
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v9i2.53616


Penelitian, pengembangan, dan inovasi banyak dilakukan dalam bidang perkapalan. Salah satu inovasi tersebut adalah kapal dengan pelat datar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbandingan hambatan pada kapal pelat datar dan kapal streamline, serta mengetahui ada tidaknya diving atau trim by bow pada kapal pelat datar maupun kapal streamline. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan penyelesaian Computational Fluid Dynamic atau CFD dengan software C-Wizard Numeca Fine Marine pada masing-masing kapal dengan rentang kecepatan 5 knot – 10 knot. Hasil yang diperoleh dari simulasi menggunakan C-Wizard pada Numeca Fine Marine adalah hambatan kapal pelat datar lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kapal streamline, dengan angka 11.618 kN pada kecepatan 5 knot dan 54.529 untuk kecepatan 10 knot. Sedangkan pada kapal streamline dengan displasemen yang sama didapatkan angka 9.299 kN pada kecepatan 5 knot dan 49.956 kN pada kecepatan 10 knot dan pada kapal streamline dengan WSA sama didapatkan nilai 9.39 kN pada kecepatan 5 knot dan 49.788 kN pada kecepatan 10 knot. Selanjutnya, efek diving menunjukan hasil bahwa kapal pelat datar mengalami diving pada bagian haluan dengan angka 0.228 deg untuk kecepatan 5 knot dan 1.13 deg untuk kecepatan 10 knot. Sedangkan untuk kapal streamline mengalami trim by stern dengan angka -0.08 deg untuk kecepatan 5 knot dan -0.41 deg untuk kecepatan 10 knot.
Development of Cutter Head Design in Cutter Suction Dredger with Thickness and Pitch Variation Amiadji Amiadji; Achmad Baidowi; riyan prayogo
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 3, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.626 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v3i3.4755


The need for dredgers for the shallow water in the sea with a very high level of siltation on the coast of Indonesia is a factor worth considering. For example, coastal areas in Ujung Pangkah sub-district, Gresik district, East Java province. The choice of the area is due to the many institutions and corporations that are back and forth utilizing these waterways. But the main obstacle to making a Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) is almost all the equipment needed is imported, for example, the main equipment is the cutter head. Therefore looking at the needs, economics and technology factors, this paper will discuss the cutter head design. Available data is a request from the owner, 40KW power cutter head; 1000mm cutter diameter; 30rpm rotation. The force distribution given 5950 N is in accordance with the dredging condition which is to have a strong material tension to be estimated to work at a relatively Soft density of <100 Mpa and Medium around 100Mpa - 170Mpa. The expected results of this design are to obtain a proportional design before the production process and to function at a minimum according to specifications. The usefulness of this design really hopes to be followed up to the production stage and can be applied.
Thrust and Torque Analysis on Propeller C4-40 with The Addition of Kort Nozzle to Pitch Variation Irfan Syarief Arief; Achmad Baidowi; Maria Ulfa
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 6, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.976 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v6i3.10631


At this time there are various types of propellers, one of which is the CPP propeller (Controllable pitch propeller). The CPP propeller can change pitch angles, and at certain pitches it can pull the ship backwards without having to change the rotation. But keep in mind that the CPP has only one pitch design where changing the pitch position means reducing the efficiency of the propeller. So it takes a kort nozzle to increase efficiency. The addition of a kort nozzle is one of the developments of an Energy Saving Device (ESD) which in addition to increasing efficiency it is also able to increase the thrust. Problem formulation of this research is to find out changes in thrust, torque and efficiency on the propeller CPP C4-40 after the addition of kort nozzle 37. This research begins with determining the dimensions of the propeller, also the types and dimensions of the nozzle. Then the design and drawing of the propeller C4-40 with a kort nozzle 37 was carried out for pitch changes of 0°, 22.5° and 45°. The next step is a meshing process where each pitch the number of meshing ranges from 2.3 to 3.5 million cells. The last step is to simulate the performance of the propeller with the nozzle using software based on Computational Fluid Dynamic.  From this research, it can be concluded that the addition of kort nozzle 37 on the propeller C4-40 changes the thrust, torque and efficiency values significantly. Thrust only increased at pitch 0° J 1.4 and pitch 22.5°. The greatest increase in thrust at pitch 22.5° J 0.6 is 88.74%. Torque is reduced except for pitch 0° J 0.8-1.4. The biggest decrease in torque at pitch 45° J 1.2 is 83%. Meanwhile efficiency has decreased at all pitch angles. Where the biggest decrease in pitch 45° J 1 is 99.83%.
Analysis of the Motion Response on the Cylindrical Platform of the Deep Sea Achmad Baidowi; Irfan Syarif Arief; Ahmadi Munib
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 3, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.957 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v3i4.4766


The strategic point of potential tidal energy in Indonesia can be a solution to the energy crisis, and as the development of renewable energy. Several concepts of the floating marine current turbine (MCT) have been offered, one of them is the cylindrical platform. The object of the conducted study is 33 m cylindrical platform with twin horizontal axis MCT installed underneath the platform. The analysis begins with the platform properties which include Centre of gravity, gyration radius and inertial. The environmental loads are 1 m/s and 2 m/s current speed, 2.4 m wave height, and 22 knots wind. The properties will be used as input for motion analysis and mooring line tension. The results of the analysis with turret configuration of three lines and four lines show that the response amplitude operator (RAO) on the largest translational motion on surge motion as far as 4 m and rotational motion of 4.5 degrees. For the analysis of the mooring system the average maximum tension of the mooring chain reaches 2000 kN, with the maximum proof load at the value of 2245.82 kN which resulted to a safety factor of 1,73 and it still complies to API RP 2SK Standard.