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Peran Perawat Sebagai Edukator Kepada Pasien Rumah Sakit X Hanipah Hanipah; Aisyah Nurjanah; Nur Saebah; Rafi Farizki; Hilyah Farhany Faradilla
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Februari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i1.222


Abstract – The results of observations at the X hospital in Central Java revealed that there were not a few patients who experienced hopelessness so that the healing process became more difficult and longer due to negative patient perceptions. To overcome this, of course, requires the performance of components from hospital health including nurses to help recover patients through positive thinking. For this reason, this study wants to examine the role of nurses as educators for patients at Hospital X. The aim is to find out the role given by educational nurses to patients at Hospital X, Central Java. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with 50 respondents selected by purposive sampling and random sampling. Data collection procedures were carried out through observation, interview documentation, and distribution of questionnaires to the respondents. After the data is obtained, an in-depth analysis will be carried out so that it is known that the nurse educator provides a fairly positive role worth 55% in helping patients to have positive thoughts so that recovery and treatment time becomes more effective and efficient. Nevertheless, it is also known that nurse educators do not feel optimal in carrying out their performance due to several factors such as a lack of personnel in the team, training that has not been ongoing and so on which has resulted in their skills not developing rapidly.
Perspektif Orang Tua pada Kesehatan Gigi Anak Usia Sekolah Aisyah Nurjanah; Rafi Farizki; Agus Rohmat Hidayat; Nur Saebah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Februari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i1.226


Abstract – Dental health is a component of health in school-age children that their parents need to pay attention to. The subjects in this study consisted of 50 parents who had school-age children between 4-10 years in Harjamukti District, Cirebon City. The aim of this research was to look at the parents' perspective on the dental health of school-age children. The method used is observational through a questionnaire on parents who have school-age children. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study show that most parents have a fairly good perspective and are concerned about the dental health of their children who are at school age. However, there are also some parents who do not understand the dangers of dental caries in children. In this case, parents with a fairly good perspective and care about children's dental health have no relationship with the parents' occupational factors.
Upaya untuk Mencegah Penyakit Diabetes pada Usia Dini Agus Rohmat Hidayat; Hanipah Hanipah; Aisyah Nurjanah; Rafi Farizki
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i2.229


Abstract – Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder that arises due to an increase in blood sugar levels that are above normal values that take place chronically. Indonesia is currently the 5th country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world. Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that cannot be cured, but can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle properly. Objective: to analyze efforts that can be made to prevent diabetes from an early age. Method: The research method used is qualitative research with data collection techniques by conducting document reviews through data collection or scientific work that aims to collect bibliographical information. The technical data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman models. Results: (1) regulate diet; (2) doing physical activity; (3) checking sugar levels periodically; and (4) involve the role of the family in the prevention of diabetes. Conclusion: Diabetes Mellitus prevention efforts must be implemented early to minimize the risks that will occur in the future.
Penanganan Gizi Buruk kepada Ibu Hamil Devi Handayani; Eva Fauzia; Aisyah Nurjanah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i2.232


Abstract – The development of the fetus can be impacted by the mother's nutritional state both before and during pregnancy. fetus in the process of conception. if the mother's dietary intake is consistent before and during pregnancy, it is expected that she will have a healthy kid in a few months who will be of average weight. In other words, the mother's nutritional status affects the quality of the baby that is born. During and before pregnancy. In Indonesia, there are still many pregnant women who are undernourished. This is what prompts a research for the government to solve this as it continues to rise year after year. problem. The government is still working to lower neonatal and under-five death rates by keeping an eye on and keeping track of the decline in the nutrition's widespread use. Numerous initiatives are taken to enhance community nutrition, such as stepping up the exclusive breastfeeding program (ASI), combating micronutrient deficiencies, and providing pregnant women with iron supplements, vitamin A, taburia, salt that has been iodized, and management of malnutrition and malnourished patients. becomes essential for government initiatives.
Peran Perawat Sebagai Edukator Kepada Pasien Rumah Sakit X Hanipah Hanipah; Aisyah Nurjanah; Nur Saebah; Rafi Farizki; Hilyah Farhany Faradilla
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Februari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i1.222


Abstract – The results of observations at the X hospital in Central Java revealed that there were not a few patients who experienced hopelessness so that the healing process became more difficult and longer due to negative patient perceptions. To overcome this, of course, requires the performance of components from hospital health including nurses to help recover patients through positive thinking. For this reason, this study wants to examine the role of nurses as educators for patients at Hospital X. The aim is to find out the role given by educational nurses to patients at Hospital X, Central Java. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with 50 respondents selected by purposive sampling and random sampling. Data collection procedures were carried out through observation, interview documentation, and distribution of questionnaires to the respondents. After the data is obtained, an in-depth analysis will be carried out so that it is known that the nurse educator provides a fairly positive role worth 55% in helping patients to have positive thoughts so that recovery and treatment time becomes more effective and efficient. Nevertheless, it is also known that nurse educators do not feel optimal in carrying out their performance due to several factors such as a lack of personnel in the team, training that has not been ongoing and so on which has resulted in their skills not developing rapidly.
Perspektif Orang Tua pada Kesehatan Gigi Anak Usia Sekolah Aisyah Nurjanah; Rafi Farizki; Agus Rohmat Hidayat; Nur Saebah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Februari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i1.226


Abstract – Dental health is a component of health in school-age children that their parents need to pay attention to. The subjects in this study consisted of 50 parents who had school-age children between 4-10 years in Harjamukti District, Cirebon City. The aim of this research was to look at the parents' perspective on the dental health of school-age children. The method used is observational through a questionnaire on parents who have school-age children. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study show that most parents have a fairly good perspective and are concerned about the dental health of their children who are at school age. However, there are also some parents who do not understand the dangers of dental caries in children. In this case, parents with a fairly good perspective and care about children's dental health have no relationship with the parents' occupational factors.
Upaya untuk Mencegah Penyakit Diabetes pada Usia Dini Agus Rohmat Hidayat; Hanipah Hanipah; Aisyah Nurjanah; Rafi Farizki
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i2.229


Abstract – Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder that arises due to an increase in blood sugar levels that are above normal values that take place chronically. Indonesia is currently the 5th country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world. Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that cannot be cured, but can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle properly. Objective: to analyze efforts that can be made to prevent diabetes from an early age. Method: The research method used is qualitative research with data collection techniques by conducting document reviews through data collection or scientific work that aims to collect bibliographical information. The technical data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman models. Results: (1) regulate diet; (2) doing physical activity; (3) checking sugar levels periodically; and (4) involve the role of the family in the prevention of diabetes. Conclusion: Diabetes Mellitus prevention efforts must be implemented early to minimize the risks that will occur in the future.
Penanganan Gizi Buruk kepada Ibu Hamil Devi Handayani; Eva Fauzia; Aisyah Nurjanah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v11i2.232


Abstract – The development of the fetus can be impacted by the mother's nutritional state both before and during pregnancy. fetus in the process of conception. if the mother's dietary intake is consistent before and during pregnancy, it is expected that she will have a healthy kid in a few months who will be of average weight. In other words, the mother's nutritional status affects the quality of the baby that is born. During and before pregnancy. In Indonesia, there are still many pregnant women who are undernourished. This is what prompts a research for the government to solve this as it continues to rise year after year. problem. The government is still working to lower neonatal and under-five death rates by keeping an eye on and keeping track of the decline in the nutrition's widespread use. Numerous initiatives are taken to enhance community nutrition, such as stepping up the exclusive breastfeeding program (ASI), combating micronutrient deficiencies, and providing pregnant women with iron supplements, vitamin A, taburia, salt that has been iodized, and management of malnutrition and malnourished patients. becomes essential for government initiatives.
Manfaat Edukasi Pentingnya Zat Gizi Kepada Calon Ibu Hamil Eva Fauzia; Siti Hapsah Pahira; Aisyah Nurjanah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Februari 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v12i1.243


Abstract – Nutrition is the main factor in determining the health value of pregnant women. Nutrition in pregnant women is influenced by knowledge, the higher the knowledge of prospective pregnant women, the lower the risk of pregnant women being affected by disorders during pregnancy. Maternal nutritional health before and during pregnancy affects the health status of herself and the developing fetus. Pregnancy is an important condition for increasing nutritional knowledge. This study aims to determine the importance of nutrition education for prospective pregnant women. The method used in this research is library research. The results obtained indicate that prospective pregnant women who receive education such as classes for pregnant women, posyandu activities, activities that contain education on nutrition and prevention of stunting mostly have good knowledge and a positive attitude. There is a significant relationship between providing nutrition education and increasing knowledge and attitudes about the importance of nutrition during pregnancy later.
Karakteristik Remaja Terinfeksi HIV yang Memanfaatkan Program Pencegahan Penularan HIV ke Anak di RSUP P Kota Jakarta Timur Erina Eka Hatini; Eline Charla Sabatina Bingan; Sofia Mawaddah; Aisyah Nurjanah
Jurnal Forum Kesehatan : Media Publikasi Kesehatan Ilmiah Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Februari 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52263/jfk.v12i1.244


Abstract – Cases of adolescents infected with HIV in Indonesia continue to show numbers that show an increase. Ignorance of adolescents is one of the factors driving this increase. Thus the need for insight regarding how HIV is transmitted in order to provide assistance for adolescents to avoid HIV and its transmission to children. Adolescents are categorized as an age with a very high risk of transmission. The rate of HIV transmission from mother to child has increased from year to year. In this case, the government implements the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to Child or known as PPIA. PPIA's first program was the provision of information related to HIV/AIDS to pregnant women during pregnancy checks. This study uses a quantitative approach which is presented descriptively with a sample of 97 adolescents. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire which was afterwards presented in table form with percentages and cross-tabulations between variables. The results showed that 75% of the respondents were aged 14-16 years, with the majority having high school education (48%), working (54%), and having good knowledge of HIV transmission (71%). Good knowledge is not always directly proportional to a supportive attitude towards the PPIA program. Thus it is necessary to improve integrated antenatal care services related to the integration of counseling services and HIV testing.