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TEORI PERMINTAAN (Komparasi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Konvensional Dengan Ekonomi Islam) Elvira, Rini
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 15 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pegabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

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The demand analysis is one of the most important analysis in microeconomics. Conventional economic outlook and Islamic economics about the real demand is almost the same. The fundamental difference lies in the source of sharia law and restrictions that are not found in conventional demand theory. The problems are interesting to study are (1) how the theory of demand in the conventional economic perspective? (2) how the theory of demand in Islamic economic perspective? (3) What are the things that makes the conventional demand theory to the theory of Islamic demand to be a bit different? Demand theory to explain the nature of the relationship between the level of commodity prices with the requested number of commodities in which this relationship can be explained by the law of demand says that the lower the price of a commodity the more commodities amount requested, and vice versa. Analisis permintaan merupakan salah satu analisis yang paling penting dalam mikroekonomi. Pandangan ekonomi konvensional dan ekonomi Islam tentang permintaan sesungguhnya hampir sama. Perbedaan mendasar terletak pada sumber hukum dan batasan syari’ah yang tidak ditemui dalam teori permintaan konvensional. Permasalahan yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah (1) bagaimana teori permintaan dalam perspektif ekonomi konvensional? (2) bagaimana teori permintaan dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam? (3) Hal-hal apa yang membuat teori permintaan konvensional dengan teori permintaan Islami menjadi sedikit berbeda? Teori permintaan menjelaskan sifat hubungan antara tingkat harga komoditas dengan jumlah komoditas yang diminta dimana hubungan ini dapat dijelaskan melalui hukum permintaan yang mengatakan bahwa semakin rendah harga suatu komoditas maka akan semakin banyak jumlah komoditas yang diminta, begitupun sebaliknya.
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.554 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ba.v1i2.876


This research aimed to investigate the effect of profitability ratio (ROA,ROE) and market value ratio (EPS) on sharia stock price at companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). This research was applied research which is assosiative quantitative. The population of this research was all of companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2011-2013 period. In selecting the sample was done by purposive sampling technique. The number of samples were 24 companies listed in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) within 3 years a row. This research used multiple regression linier techniques in hypothesis testing. Research result showed that Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), and Earning Per Share (EPS) simultaneously have a possitive and significant effect on sharia stock price. While, the effect was partially different, Return On Assets (ROA) and Return On Equity (ROE) had not possitive and significant effect on sharia stock price. While Earning Per Share (EPS) has possitive and significant effect on sharia stock price.Key Words:  Sharia Stock, Sharia Stock Price, ROA, ROE, EPS
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.969 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/ba.v2i2.1057


Within the last five years PT. Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Simpang Sekip Kota Bengkulu have difficulty in increasing the number of the customer  product ARRUM. Thus causing often do not achieve the sales target. This research attempt formulated product strategy, pricing, promotions, and location can be used as an attempt to increase the number of customer product ARRUM by using SWOT analysis. The results of research to formulate 6 (six) product strategy, namely, (1) maintaning corporate identity,(2) maintaining consistent product services, (3) consistenly maintaining value estimates are a product, (4) pay more attention to the comfort of the customer, (5) using a service-based information tecnology for ease of transactions, and (6) maintaining  the quality of product. The Four (4) pricing strategies, namely, (1) maintaining consistent estimates of the financing, (2) administration costs of maintaining a consistenly competitive, (3) extend the term of payment, (4) set the ujrah competitively. Three (3) promotional strategy, (1) expanding media promotion, (2) promotion with a fixed frequency which pay attention to cost efficiency, (3) optimize the capabilities of your existing salespeople. Two (2) distribution strategy (location, consisting of, (1) expand the areas of marketing, and (2) more focus on the market potential of the environment site  PT. Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Simpang Sekip Kota Bengkulu.Keywords : strategy, product, price, promotion, location, sales
JURNAL ILMIAH MIZANI: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINFAS Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (117.356 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/mzn.v1i2.55


Sistem ekonomi konvensional memandang bahwa uang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai alattukar (medium of exchange) dan kesatuan hitung (unit of account) namun juga berfungsi sebagaikomoditas yang dapat diperjualbelikan hingga menghasilkan keuntungan. Dengan kemampuan uangsebagai penyimpan nilai maka uang dianggap memiliki nilai waktu (time value of money) yangdiproksi dengan tingkat bunga. Dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam bunga identik dengan riba, lalubagaimana pandangan ekonomi Islam terhadap nilai waktu uang? Ekonomi Islam memandangbahwa uang hanya berfungsi sebagai alat tukar (medium of exchange) dan kesatuan hitung (unit ofaccount) tidak sebagai komoditas. Artinya uang tidak dapat diperjualbelikan dan dispekulasikansecara bebas. Karena itu uang tidak memiliki nilai waktu, tetapi waktulah yang memiliki nilaiekonomis (economic value of time. Jika waktu tersebut digunakan dengan baik dan bijak maka waktuakan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang relatif besar
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 20, No 1 (2016): JUNE
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.596 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v20i1.88


The Effect of Trading Activity on the Sharia Return Share Company Listed in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) During 2012-2014. This article is aimed at investigating whether trade activities such as frequency, volume, trading day where simultaneously and partially affected to sharia companies stock return listed on JII period 2012-2014. The samples of this study were 17 companies during three periods. The results of the research showed that (1) trading frequency, trading volume, and trading day were simultaneously affected to the syariah companies return stock at alpha 1%, (2) trading frequency was affected positively but it was not significant to the syariah companies, (3) trading volume was affected significantly positive to the syariah companies at alpha 1%, (4) trading day was affected positively but it was not significant to the syariah companies stock return, (5) the capability of trading frequency, trading volume, and trading day simultaneously affected syariah companies listed on JII period 2012-2014 was 17, 8%, and (6) the capability of trading volume partially affected syariah companies stock return listed on JII period 2012-201 was 22, 6%.
TEORI PERMINTAAN (Komparasi Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Konvensional Dengan Ekonomi Islam) Rini Elvira
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 15 No. 1 (2015): Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/islamika.v15i1.35


The demand analysis is one of the most important analysis in microeconomics. Conventional economic outlook and Islamic economics about the real demand is almost the same. The fundamental difference lies in the source of shari'a law and restrictions that are not found in conventional demand theory. The problems are interesting to study are (1) how the theory of demand in the conventional economic perspective? (2) how the theory of demand in Islamic economic perspective? (3) What are the things that makes the conventional demand theory to the theory of Islamic demand to be a bit different? Demand theory to explain the nature of the relationship between the level of commodity prices with the requested number of commodities in which this relationship can be explained by the law of demand says that the lower the price of a commodity the more commodities amount requested, and vice versa. Analisis permintaan merupakan salah satu analisis yang paling penting dalam mikroekonomi. Pandangan ekonomi konvensional dan ekonomi Islam tentang permintaan sesungguhnya hampir sama. Perbedaan mendasar terletak pada sumber hukum dan batasan syari’ah yang tidak ditemui dalam teori permintaan konvensional. Permasalahan yang menarik untuk dikaji adalah (1) bagaimana teori permintaan dalam perspektif ekonomi konvensional? (2) bagaimana teori permintaan dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam? (3) Hal-hal apa yang membuat teori permintaan konvensional dengan teori permintaan Islami menjadi sedikit berbeda? Teori permintaan menjelaskan sifat hubungan antara tingkat harga komoditas dengan jumlah komoditas yang diminta dimana hubungan ini dapat dijelaskan melalui hukum permintaan yang mengatakan bahwa semakin rendah harga suatu komoditas maka akan semakin banyak jumlah komoditas yang diminta, begitupun sebaliknya.
Manhaj: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Manhaj: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.757 KB) | DOI: 10.1161/mhj.v4i2.161


Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) adalah salah satu rujukan nasional untuk meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing bangsa Indonesia di sektor sumberdaya manusia melalui pencapaian kualifikasi sumberdaya manusia Indonesia yang dihasilkan oleh sistem pendidikan dan sistem pelatihan kerja nasional, serta sistem penilaian kesetaraan capaian pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prospek dan kesiapan beberapa perguruan tinggi di kota Bengkulu yang berposisi sebagai lembaga pendidikan tenaga kependidikan (LPTK) pogram studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris terhadap wacana pemberlakukan kurikulum berbasis KKNI yang efektif akan diberlakukan pada tahun akademik 2016/2017. Disamping itu penelitian ini bertujuan menjadi sarana penemuan solusi terhadap kendala yang menjadi rintangan dari pemberlakukan kurikulum berbasis KKNI. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa kelima LPTK yang menyelenggarakan program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris pada prinsipnya siap melakukan perberlakuan kurikulum berbasis KKNI pada tahun akademik 2016/2017, akan tetapi efektifitas penerapan kebijakan ini seyogya dibarengi dengan kesiapan semua perangkat yang dibutuhkan termasuk kebijakan pengembangan kurikulum tertulis dari masing-masing institusi secara permanen. Dari lima LPTK yang ada, hanya FKIB-Unib yang telah menerapkan kurikulum KKNI dan berjalan baik sedangkan yang lain masih dalam proses finalisasi struktur kurikulum yang diharapkan.KKNI, Pembaharuan Kurikulum, dan LPTK 
Peran Perguruan Tinggi Ekonomi Islam dalam Mempersiapkan Sumberdaya Manusia Syariah Rini Elvira
Al-Intaj : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.272 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/aij.v1i2.774


The more rapid growth and development of islamic financial institutions (especially the islamic banks) have a positive impact on the increasing need for human resources (HR) sharia. To meet the needs of qualified human resources sharia, professional, and in accordance with the needs and expectations of the Islamic finance industry, required the participation of all parties. One of the parties that have a high contribution is Islamic colleges (PTAI) through the Department of Islamic economics. Department of Islamic economics should play an active role in preparing qualified human resources and professional sharia so as to meet the needs and expectations of the Islamic finance industry. In an effort to produce quality graduates and professionals the Department of Islamic economics can contribute by: (1) Open prgram studies, (2) formulate a curriculum that is appropriate to combine courses that provide knowledge professionalism of economics, finance, banking, business, knowledge of sharia ( law & applications) as well as moral values (faith and morals), (3) Provision of funds development, (4) conduct training that is relevant, (5) the development of research and scientific work, (6) provided facilities for adequate learning; matriculation language, library (complete literature), lab mini bank, (7) the teaching staff of competent and qualified, (8) support programs such as; internships, on-job training.
Pengukuran Kinerja Pengelolaan Zakat Nasional menggunakan Indeks Zakat Nasional (IZN) 2.0 dan Dampaknya terhadap Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Indonesia Periode 2021 Rini Elvira
Jurnal BAABU AL-ILMI: Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ba.v7i2.7942


The study aims to measure the performance of national zakat management and its impact on poverty alleviation in Indonesia for the 2021 period. National Zakat Index (N.Z.I.) 2.0, formed based on macro and micro dimensions, is used to measure the performance of national zakat management. The General Poverty Index (GPI), with headcount index, income gap ratio, poverty gap, sen index, and F.G.T. index, and the B.A.Z.N.A.S. Welfare Index (B.W.I.), with indicators of the poverty line, had kifayah. Nisab zakat is used to measure the impact of zakat management on poverty alleviation in Indonesia for the 2021 period. The result show (1) The performance of the national zakat management for the 2021 period is considered very good, with an N.Z.I. value of 0,88. (2) Based on the GPI and B.W.I. indicators, the management of national zakat in the distribution sector has been able to improve the welfare of mustahik and alleviate poverty in Indonesia for the 2021 period
The Influence of Financial Literacy, Financial Management, and Financial Technology on Business Performance And Sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises In Sumatera, Indonesia Rika Desiyanti; Nor Azilah Husin; Rini Elvira; Sefnedi Sefnedi; Tyara Dwi Putri; Chrismondari Chrismondari
Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Bung Hatta Vol. 18 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Bung Hatta
Publisher : Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/jmubh.v18i2.23238


Business performance and business sustainability are crucial for business owners to achieve their targets. The business performance and sustainability of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) contribute positively to the country's economy. When compared to large companies, MSMEs employ the most people. MSMEs more significantly influence the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth or development. MSMEs are the backbone of a nation's economy, increasing employment possibilities. The worst issue is the decline in annual sales and potential economic headwinds brought on by dropping commodity prices. This study aims to analyze the influence of financial literacy, financial management, and financial technology on business performance and the sustainability of MSMEs in Sumatra. This study was designed using a quantitative approach and questionnaire survey of MSME owners in Sumatra, Indonesia. A simple random sampling technique is used. The data were analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM). The validity, reliability test, statistical descriptive, and multiple regression tests were conducted. Financial literacy and technology affect business performance; meanwhile, financial management does not. Furthermore, the result shows financial literacy and management affect business sustainability. Financial technology does not affect the sustainability of MSMEs.