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Peningkatan Kompetensi Pelatih PPLP Papua Menuju Prestasi POPNAS Ke-XVI Tahun 2023 Saharuddin Ita; Ansar CS; Ibrahim; Ipa Sari Kardi; Yahya Eko Nopiyanto
Community Education Engagement Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): October
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/ceej.v4i1.10597


Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan pelatih PPLP Papua tentang ilmu kepelatihan olahraga berbasis IPTEK dan sport science, (2) pelatih memiliki kemampuan dalam merencanakan program latihan berbasis tuntutan aktifitas pertandingan masing-masing cabang olahraga, dan (3) PPLP Papua dapat berprestasi di ajang POPNAS ke-XVI tahun 2023. Metode yang digunakan yaitu workshop dan pendampingan berbasis teori (persentasi/ceramah) dan praktek. Manfaat dari kegiatan tesrbut adalah (1) terjalinnya kerjasama antar lembaga/institusi yakni, Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan FIK UNCEN dan DISORDA Provinsi Papua, (2) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan kompetensi pelatih dan asisten pelatih PPLP tentang ilmu kepelatihan berbasis IPTEK dan sport science dan mendapatkan kemampuan dalam menyusun program latihan, dan; (3) terlaksananya tugas Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) seabagai kewajiban seorang Dosen. Adapun hasil dari pelatihan tersebut, (1) sebagian besar peserta peserta memahami penyajian materi yang disampaikan pada saat pelatihan, dan (2) sebagian besar peserta mendapatkan nilai baik ditinjau dari penilaian evaluasi / kompetensi terhadap pelatihan.
Mental Readiness of Physical Education Students for Odd Semester Lectures in 2023 Yahya Eko Nopiyanto; Septian Raibowo; Andika Prabowo; Ipa Sari Kardi; Ibrahim
Indonesian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): September: Physical Education and Sports Science
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52188/ijpess.v3i2.461


Studi purpose. Mental preparation affects a person's performance in achieving and realizing their hopes, especially in the fields of education and sports. This study aims to reveal the level of mental readiness of physical education students in attending lectures in the odd semester of 2023. This research seeks to reveal the level of mental readiness of physical education students to attend lectures in the odd semester of 2023. Materials and methods. This research is quantitative. The population in the study was 250 students. The research sample was chosen randomly so that there were 112 students. Research data was collected using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Analysis of research data using simple statistics with standard deviation formulas and ideal mean values so that five categories are formed. Results. The results of the analysis illustrate that 34 students have very high mental readiness, 62 students have high mental readiness, 12 students have moderate mental readiness, 3 students have low mental readiness, and 1 student has very low mental readiness. Conclusions. It was concluded that students have high mental readiness to attend lectures in the odd semester of 2023.
Psikologi Atlet Junior Sian Soor Tenis Lapangan Dalam Pertandingan Ince Abdul Muhaemin M; Marsuki; Andi Syaiful; Ipa Sari Kardi; Ibrahim
Indonesian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): March: Physical Education and Sports Science
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52188/ijpess.v4i1.485


Studi purpose: As an athlete who has a demand to excel when competing, anxiety in athletes becomes one of the conditions that athletes often experience which affects the athlete's performance in facing the match. One of the mental factors that trigger athletes' psychology is anxiety, self-confidence, and resilience factors. This study aimed to determine the level of anxiety, self-confidence, and resilience of Sian Soor junior athletes in the sport of tennis. Materials and methods: This type of research was descriptive quantitative, which is to see a description of the psychological aspects of junior athletes Sian Soor tennis court. The research location was conducted at the Sian Soor tennis Mayor of Jayapura City Papua. The population in this study were all junior athletes Sian Soor Jayapura City Papua involving 25 people from the age group 10 to 18 years. The sample was taken based on random sampling with a total of 18 athletes. The instruments used in data collection were anxiety, self-confidence, and resilience instruments. Results. Based on data analysis from 18 athletes the results that the anxiety aspect was very high (5.56%), high (22.22%), moderate (44.44%), and low (27.78%). Aspects of confidence were very high (5.56%), high (16.67%), medium (61.11%), and low (16.67%). The resilience aspect was high (16.67%), medium (66.67%), and low (16.67%). Conclusions. Based on the results obtained in this study, it is concluded that Junior Sian Soor athletes in Jayapura City Papua on the dominant anxiety aspects of the moderate category, aspects of self-confidence in the moderate category, and resilience in the moderate category. therefore it is suggested to the coach to provide interventions in the form of mental training, especially to increase self-confidence and resilience, so that the degree of anxiety competing can be minimized.
THE TRAINING ON THE APPLICATION OF KINESIOTAPING COMBINED WITH CONTRACT RELAX AS A PREVENTIVE AND REHABILITATIVE MEASURE FOR SPORTS INJURIES ipa sari kardi; I Putu Eka Wijaya; Saharuddin Ita; Ari Sapti Mei Leni; Ibrahim; Baharuddin Hasan; Dewi Nurhidayah; Ansar CS; Yahya Eko Nopiyanto
GEMASSIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): NOPEMBER
Publisher : P3M Universitas Aisyiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30787/gemassika.v2i2.1136


The problems experienced by PPLP/D Papua athletes is sports injuries which limit athletes in running an optimal training program. The dense and heavy training program causes a tendency for sports injuries to occur. The purpose of this community service is to upgrade knowledge and skills on how to install kinesiotaping and contract relax as an effort to preventive and rehabilitative sports injuries. The method used is training with the flow of delivering material and demonstration. Population in this community service are PPLP/D Papua athletes with a total of 98 athletes. The sample used was 60 athletes from 12 sports. The results obtained are an increase in PPLP/D athletes' knowledge about kinesiotaping and contract relax, the dominant pretest results of the very low category 53 athletes (88.3%) become the dominant category of very high 19 athletes (31.7%), high category 18 athletes (30%), and medium category 18 athletes (30%). The results of the t test analysis (paired sample test) found the sig value (2-tailed) = 0.001 <0.05. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the training provided has a positive impact on PPLP/D Papua athletes in terms of increasing knowledge about the application of kinesiotaping and contract relax as preventive and rehabilitative sports injuries.
MENINGKATKAN MINAT BEROLAHRAGA MELALUI SOSIALISASI PERMAINAN SEPAK TAKRAW DI SD NEGERI 106 KOTA BENGKULU Yahya Eko Nopiyanto; Dian Pujianto; Khaton Bagus Phambudi; Septian Raibowo; Rasyono; Ipa Sari Kardi; Ibrahim; Ansar CS; Cahyo Wibowo
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2024
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v8i1.24858


The goal to be achieved in this community service activity is to introduce the sport of takraw and increase student interest in playing takraw. The method used to achieve the objectives of community service activities consists of various stages including investigation, preparation and planning, action, and reflection. The location where the community service activities were carried out was SD Negeri 106 Bengkulu City. Partners or activity participants consisted of 36 students, with male students and female students. A questionnaire is an instrument used to determine the level of student interest in playing takraw. Data analysis used percentage techniques and categorization based on the average value of the participants. The indicator of achievement in this activity is that at least 80% of partners have an interest level in the good category. The results of the data analysis showed that after the community service activities were carried out, 80% of the participants were able to recognize the sport of takraw, and as many as 83% of partners had an interest in playing takrwa in the good category. So it can be concluded that this service activity meets the predetermined success indicators.  ---  Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengenalkan olahraga permainan sepak takraw dan meningkatkan minat siswa untuk bermain sepak takraw. Metode yang digunakann untuk mencapai tujuan kegiatan pengabdian terdiri dari berbagai tahapan diantaranya adalah investigasi, persiapan dan perencanaa, aksi, dan refleksi. Lokasi yang menjadi temoat pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian adalah SD Negeri 106 Kota Bengkulu. Mitra atau peserta kegiatan terdiri dari 36 siswa, dengan siswa putra dan siswa putri. Angket sebagai instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat minat siswa dalam bermain olahraga sepak takraw. Analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase dan pengkategorian berdasarkan nilai rerata peserta. Indikator ketercapain dalam kegiatan ini adalah terdapat minimal 80% mitra memiliki tingkat minat berada pada kategori baik. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian terdapat 80% peserta mampu mengenal olahraga olahraga sepak takraw, dan sebanyak 83% mitra memiliki minat berolahraga sepak takrwa dalam kategori baik. Dari hasil kegiatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian ini memenuhi indikator keberhasilan yang telah ditetapkan.