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Wahana Peternakan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v6i3.695


This study aims to determine the effect of using rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations on the production performance (ration consumption, body weight gain and ration conversion) of broilers. This study used 100 DOC without male and female separation. The cages used were box cages measuring 75x60x50 cm per unit of 20 units and each unit consisting of 5 chickens. This research method is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD), with 5 ration treatments and 4 replications. The treatment rations were A (100% Commercial / Control Ration), B (75% Commercial Ration + 25% Local Ration) C (50% Commercial Ration + 50% Local Ration), D (25 % Commercial Ration + 75% Local Ration) and E (100% Local Basal Ration). Parameters measured were ration consumption (g/head/week), body weight gain (g/head/week) and broiler ration conversion. The results of the analysis of diversity showed that the provision of rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on ration consumption, body weight gain and broiler ration conversion. The results of the DMRT test showed that the provision of rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations on ration consumption, body weight gain and ration conversion in treatments B, C and D were not significantly different from treatment A, but significantly higher than treatment E. Based on this study it can be concluded that giving 25% commercial ration + 75% local ration has the same effect as giving 100% commercial ration (control ration). Keywords: Broilers, local rations, production performance
Kendala Pengembangan Ternak Sapi Potong di Kenagarian Batang Gasan Kecamatan Batang Gasan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Afrijon Afrijon; Romi Andika; Fajri Maulana
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 25, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jpi.25.2.222-232.2023


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi kendala pengembangan ternak sapi potong di Kenagarian Batang Gasan Kecamatan Batang Gasan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey. Responden penelitian ini adalah peternak sapi potong yang berada di Kenagarian Batang Gasan, Kecamatan Batang Gasan, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, sebanyak 74 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan pembahasan secara desktiptif. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada beberapa kendala dalam penggembangan ternak sapi potong di Kenagarian Batang Gasan Kecamatan Batang Gasan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman yaitu ketersediaan lahan hijauan (peternak hanya mengandalkan rumput liar), keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana seperti mesin potong rumput dan chopper, belum menerapkan formulasi ransum berdasarkan kebutuhan ternak, pakan yang diberikan tidak sesuai fisiologis ternak dan minimnya penerapan IPTEK terutama teknologi pakan seperti silase dan fermentasi hijauan.
POTENSI RANSUM BERBASIS BAHAN BAKU LOKAL SEBAGAI PENGGANTI RANSUM KOMERSIL TERHADAP KANDUNGAN KADAR AIR DAN KADAR ABU Amelia Lulu Rosalin Hutabarat; Fadhli Fajri; Fajri Maulana; Wenni Meika Lestari; Dwi Sandri; Bunga Putri Febrina; Abdul Muta Ali; Noor Jannah; Anggun Angkasa Bela Persada; Mufrida Zein; Sihabuddin Chalid
Jurnal Peternakan Borneo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Peternakan Borneo
Publisher : Politala Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/jpb.v1i1.5


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ransum berbasis bahan baku lokal sebagai pengganti ransum komersil terhadap kadar air dan abu. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan pakan lokal yang ada di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yang terdiri dari jagung lokal, dedak padi, bungkil inti sawit, tepung ikan, maggot, tepung batu, topmix dan juga ransum komersil. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 5 perlakuan ransum dan 4 ulangan. Ransum perlakuan yaitu A (100 % Ransum Komersil / Kontrol), B (75 % Ransum komersil + 25 % Ransum Lokal) C (50 % Ransum Komersil + 50 % Ransum Lokal), D (25 % Ransum Komersil + 75 % Ransum Lokal) dan E (100 % Ransum Basal Lokal). Parameter yang diukur adalah kadar air (%) dan kadar abu (%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kualitas nutrisi ransum lokal dan ransum pabrikan pada komposisi tertentu memberikan pengaruh berbeda tidak nyata terhadap kadar air dan kadar abu. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa komposisi campuran ransum lokal dan ransum komersil tidak berpengaruh terhadap kandungan nutrisi terutama kadar air dan kadar abu. Kadar air berkisar 11,64% -12,38% dan kadar abu berkisar 16,14% - 16,76%.
PROFIL FITOKIMIA EKSTRAK DAUN GELINGGANG (Cassia alata L.) SEBAGAI KANDIDAT ANTIBIOTIC GROWTH PROMOTER (AGP) TERNAK UNGGAS Fadhli Fajri; Wenni Meika Lestari; Bunga Putri Febrina; Dwi Sandri; Fajri Maulana; Amelia Lulu Rosalin Hutabarat; Abdul Muta
Jurnal Peternakan Borneo Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Peternakan Borneo
Publisher : Politala Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34128/jpb.v2i1.14


Tanaman gelinggang (Cassia alata L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian unggulan dari Kalimantan Selatan, dan tanaman yang berpotensi mengandung senyawa fitokimia yang bersifat antibakteri dan dapat digunakan sebagai Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) untuk ternak unggas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan fitokimia yang terkandung di dalam ekstrak daun gelinggang. Sampel daun gelinggang diperoleh dari Kab. Tanah Laut, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut air, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji kandungan fitokimia. Hasil uji kandungan fitokimia ekstrak air daun gelinggang positif mengandung senyawa fenolik, flafonoid, saponin dan tanin. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak air daun gelinggang (Cassia alata L.) mengandung senyawa fenolik, flavonoid, saponin dan tanin yang dapat bersifat antibakteri dan dapat digunakan sebagai Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) untuk ternak unggas.
Wahana Peternakan Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v6i3.695


This study aims to determine the effect of using rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations on the production performance (ration consumption, body weight gain and ration conversion) of broilers. This study used 100 DOC without male and female separation. The cages used were box cages measuring 75x60x50 cm per unit of 20 units and each unit consisting of 5 chickens. This research method is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD), with 5 ration treatments and 4 replications. The treatment rations were A (100% Commercial / Control Ration), B (75% Commercial Ration + 25% Local Ration) C (50% Commercial Ration + 50% Local Ration), D (25 % Commercial Ration + 75% Local Ration) and E (100% Local Basal Ration). Parameters measured were ration consumption (g/head/week), body weight gain (g/head/week) and broiler ration conversion. The results of the analysis of diversity showed that the provision of rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on ration consumption, body weight gain and broiler ration conversion. The results of the DMRT test showed that the provision of rations based on local raw materials as a substitute for commercial rations on ration consumption, body weight gain and ration conversion in treatments B, C and D were not significantly different from treatment A, but significantly higher than treatment E. Based on this study it can be concluded that giving 25% commercial ration + 75% local ration has the same effect as giving 100% commercial ration (control ration). Keywords: Broilers, local rations, production performance
Estimation of Forage Productivity and Business Feasibility Analysis at the Integrated Agricultural Center of PT Arutmin Indonesia Site Asamasam Seftia Norazizah; Fajri Maulana; Endang Wawan; Nurul Yakin; Muhammad Syahwal Ade Putra
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 11 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i11.371


The purpose of this study is to support the development of cattle fattening business in the Integrated Agricultural Center (SPT) managed by PT Arutmin Indonesia. The research method used in this study is Field Work Practice (PKL) which is carried out at PT Arutmin Indonesia Site Asamasam, Simpang Empat Sungai Baru Village, Jorong District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province. This street vendor lasts for three months, from March 4, 2024 to June 3, 2024. The results of this study show that the productivity of indigofera, sorghum, elephant grass and odot grass in SPT is 2.92 tons, 4.5 tons, 2.9 tons, and 0.278 tons respectively with a dry matter content of 4.08% respectively; 4,8%; 6,57%; and 7.48%. Based on the results of the feasibility analysis of the cattle fattening business in the tax return. The cattle fattening farm business in the SPT is feasible to run because it has a turnover of Rp. 400,000,000 with PP for 5 years and the company will break even if the BEP price is Rp. 15,321,525 and successfully sells 15 cows.
Physical and Chemical Quality of Sorghum and Indigofera Silage as Cow Feeding in the Sentra Pertanian Terpadu of PT Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Asamasam Noor Jannah; Fajri Maulana; Endang Wawan; Nurul Yakin; Muhammad Syahwal Ade Putra
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 11 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i11.372


To support the management of forage and cattle fattening business at the Integrated Agricultural Center (SPT) of PT Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Asamasam. This research uses the Field Work Practice (PKL) method which is carried out for three months, starting from March 4, 2024 to June 3, 2024. During this period, various activities are carried out according to a predetermined schedule and can be adjusted to other activities of the company. This street vendor was held at PT Arutmin Indonesia Tambang Asamasam, which is located in Simpang Empat Sungai Baru Village, Jorong District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The results of this study show that Silage P3 (sorghum 40% and indigofera 60%) and P4 (sorghum 20% and indigofera 80%) are seen from physical quality (color, texture, aroma, and pH) and chemical quality, especially protein content, are in accordance with cow fattening. The physical qualities of sorghum silage and indigofera (color, texture and aroma) are almost the same very well there are no failures in the fermentation process. The pH value of silage is able to stay below 4 so that the silage is of good quality. The chemical quality of sorghum and indigofera with water content of 67.78 – 70.02%, ash content 4.03 – 6.83%, crude protein 4.69 – 19.41%, crude fat 7.58 – 9.35%, crude fiber 38.21 – 40.29%, carbohydrates 18.60 -23.59%, phosphorus 0.13 – 0.21%, calcium 0.16 – 0.91% and calories 197.27 – 228.54Cal/g can be used for cattle fattening.