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LANGUAGE TEACHING IN VIEW OF POSTMODERN PARADIGM Surya Asra; Chairuddin Chairuddin; Fiza Rauzika Altasa; Pangkuh Ajisoko
JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE Vol 4, No 2: November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/jol.v4i2.5961


The postmodern paradigm has developed very broadly. It has not only become a discussion in the field of philosophy but also influenced almost all fields of science, especially the socio-cultural sciences, including language teaching. This study aims to review how postmodernism affects language teaching and what effects it has on the language teaching and learning process, be it teaching a second or foreign language or teaching a first language. This is an analytic study using a literature review approach from written sources to describe the results and draw research conclusions. The results show that postmodernism has influenced language teaching, especially with the emergence of criticism of existing teaching methods and the raising of the critical question of whether teaching languages should use existing teaching methods or whether language teaching does not need to follow these methods. Criticism then gives birth to an understanding method of pedagogy that is based on communicative language teaching (CLT). Postmodern philosophy suggests that language teaching can be done with a combination of several existing methods or can also add new methods or techniques.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 5 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i5.10683


Abstrak:Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan mendiseminasikan teknologi keramba jaring apung dalam meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas ikan nila yang dihasilkan oleh pokdakan sepakat makmur. Metode yang digunakan adalah edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui berbagai tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi.Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan tergambarkan melalui lembar pencatatan post test yang memperlihatkan 3 anggota kelompok (16%) memahami kelebihan dan kekurangan budidaya ikan nila dengan sistim keramba jaring apung, 6 anggota kelompok (40%) cukup memahami perhitungan kualitas air pada usaha budidaya ikan nilai, 6 anggota lainnya (40%) cukup paham dengan materi tahapan pembuatan keramba jaring apung dan 5 anggota pokdakan (33.3%) cukup memahami materi siklus pemberian pakan selama masa pembenihan pada kolam keramba jaring apung.Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 3 anggota kelompok (20%) sangat memahami materi teknik pencatatan produk dan 11 anggota (73,3%) cukup memahami materi perhitungan analisa usaha. Disimpukan bahawa 73,3% anggota kelompok cukup memahami tatacara pengisian buku kas kelompok serta 20% anggota pokdakan mengetahui ciri-ciri benih nikan nila yang baik dan berkualitasAbstract: This community service (PKM) aims to introduce and disseminate floating net cage technology in increasing the quantity and quality of tilapia produced by Pokdakan agreed to prosper. The method used is educative and technology transfer through various stages of activities including coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of the activities that have been carried out are illustrated through a post-test recording sheet which shows 3 group members (16%) understand the advantages and disadvantages of tilapia cultivation with floating net cages, 6 group members (40%) quite understand the calculation of water quality in fish farming. value, 6 other members (40%) quite understand the material for the stages of making floating net cages and 5 members of the pokdakan (33.3%) quite understand the material of the feeding cycle during the hatchery period in floating net cage ponds. The results of the mentoring showed that 3 members of the group (20%) really understood the material on product recording techniques and 11 members (73.3%) quite understood the material for business analysis calculations. It was concluded that 73.3% of group members quite understood the procedures for filling out the group cash book and 20% of pokdakan members knew the characteristics of good and quality nile tilapia seeds.