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Preventing Bullying with Tolerance: A Study of Islamic Law Farida Isroani; Munir Munir
Rechtsidee Vol 10 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jihr.v10i0.779


The actualization ​​of religious tolerance is a standard of consideration consistent concept of humans towards mutual respect of other religions by living together without mixing beliefs. This research uses a qualitative case study approach through observation, interview and documentation. The supporting factor for the actualization of the value of tolerance is the goal orientation of each school member, including the principles of wholeness, unity, humanism, and socialism. While the inhibiting factors are based on experience and basic understanding related to religious differences which are influenced by: (1) character and personality, (2) psychological development, (3) parenting pattern, (4) lack of religious teaching, (5) the surrounding environment and culture, and (6) previously established social relations.
Analysis Of Money Burning Practices in Fruit Relailing, Bojonegoro Regency, Perspective Of Sharia Economic Law Munir Munir; Rizqi Alfian Rizal; Nurul Huda; Ifa Khoiria Ningrum
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jmbe-itb.v1i1.450


The currently developing economy is developing towards a market orientation where competition occurs in various activities within the national economy. Recently, the development of trade in Bojonegoro has developed, including in fruit retail, namely the Fruit Laskar shop which is famous for having several branches in almost all sub-districts in the Bojonegoro district, discount promos and price discounts are given on the grounds that there is an abundance of stock on the market so they can sell below the market and if it is termed using money burning, predatoring pricing or selling at a loss, business actors deliberately sell at a loss to dominate the market and in the long run to get multiple profits. The results of this study contribute a theory regarding demonstrating the concept of money burning business at Fruit Laskar Fruit Retail in Bojonegoro Regency in accordance with Islamic Economic Law. First, because the terms and pillars of Bai Muwada'ah are fulfilled, Second, when a sale and purchase contract occurs between the buyer and seller voluntarily, the third is related to the terms of transparency in the Bai' Muwad'ah contract, it is not an absolute requirement because the seller is not the buyer, and it is proven in the practice does not contain Ikhtikhar and tadris elements and there is no monopoly because in the current era it is difficult for this to happen, the concept of money burning when viewed from the objective of practice is carried out to dominate the market, gain large profits in the future, and this is what is similar or even similar to the capitalist concept , where actually this money burning is only a stepping stone to further become money capital or money accumulative. The money burning carried out by the Fruit Warriors is to increase the number of buyers and expand their market, in the case of burning money in the form of giving discounts, at the beginning the company had to spend money for various purposes from building systems to marketing.
Restrukturisasi Produk Pembiayaan Musharakah Mutanaqishah di Bank Syariah Indonesia dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Munir Munir; Wahyu Hidayat; M. Ridwan Hambali; Ahmad Munir
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jmbe-itb.v1i1.451


This research is motivated by the demands of society for the Islamic banking industry to innovate and develop products and services in order to meet the needs and facilitate transactions. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of musha>rakah mutana>qis}ah financing products as a development of musha>rakah contracts. This study uses a field research methodology that is descriptive in nature. The research location is at the Bojonegoro Branch of the Indonesian Sharia Bank. This research was conducted using primary data sources obtained directly and secondary data sources obtained from other media such as books, journals and others. This study shows that the musha>rakah mutana>qis}ah contract has undergone restructuring, which should be intended for purchasing assets (houses, shop houses, motorcycles, cars and so on) but in its implementation, the object of musha>rakah mutana>qis}ah transactions between banks Indonesian sharia and customers are assets that are fully owned by customers, where previously the customer's assets were purchased in part by the bank to leave a portion of ownership (his}s}ah) of one rupiah for the customer. So here applies the shirkah amla>k ikhtiyari contract in the form of joint ownership of assets. Then the bank's portion is acquired by the customer by purchasing it in installments according to the agreement until it is paid off and the asset is fully owned by the customer again. This is hilah/engineering in the contract that aims to get the customer to get cash. Therefore, it is more appropriate if the financing is carried out using an 'inah sale and purchase agreement, in which the customer sells his assets to the bank in cash, then the customer buys them again from the bank in installments according to the agreement. The law of buying and selling 'inah is permissible according to Syafiiyah scholars.
Mining Cryptocurrency di Blockchain Indika Rakhman; Munir Munir; Nurul Musyafa’ah; Sri Minarti
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jrime-itb.v1i1.446


Mining cryptocurrencies on the blockchain is a method for collecting crypto by breaking secret codes compiled with mathematical algorithm equations. Miners will receive rewards in the form of digital coins according to the amount of crypto mined and the type of crypto, this is because each crypto has its own level of difficulty. Crypto includes electronic money (e-money), where the use of e-money as a medium of exchange in modern transactions is still being debated among contemporary scholars about its legitimacy. Two things that become the problem are (1) what is the mechanism for mining cryptocurrency on the blockchain, (2) how is the review of Islamic Economic Law on cryptocurrency mining on the blockchain. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain cryptocurrency mining practices on the blockchain and to find out the review of Islamic Economic Law on cryptocurrency mining. This research is a qualitative research by collecting data and information through interviews. The data sources include primary data sources, namely interviews with crypto miners, secondary data sources, namely books, journals, theses, scientific papers and other written works. While the tertiary data comes from dictionaries, encyclopedias, and related articles. This research data collection method obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation. While the method used to analyze the data is a qualitative analysis method using the theory of mining, al-mal, and ju'alah. From the research results it is known: (1) The cryptocurrency mining mechanism on the blockchain is carried out with a supercomputer facilitated by a GPU, FPGA or ASIC by using certain scripts on the BTC/ETH network to find new blocks containing crypto to get rewards (sell). (2) According to the Sharia Economic Law review of mining cryptocurrency on the blockchain, crypto reward (ju'al) results can be accepted as assets according to the definition of the Hanafiyyah scholars, Ibn Abidin, Imam az-Zaila'i, Imam al-Syatibi, Ibn Arabi and Syafii scholars. However, it is not accepted as a means of payment like conventional money (gharar, dharar, qimar), but both must comply with the conditions and limits set by the Shari'a, this is stated in the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council No: 116/DSN-MUI/ IX/2017 concerning Sharia Electronic Money.
Riba and Interest in The View Of The Four Madzhab and Contemporary Ulama Munir Munir; Ahmad Adil Manan; Shofa Robbani; Ahmad Munir
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jrime-itb.v1i1.447


The discourse on usury is a classic issue, both in the development of Islamic thought and in Islamic civilization. Riba is a complicated problem that often occurs in society. The research focus that forms the basis for this research is (1) What are the opinions of the 4 madzhab scholars regarding usury? (2) What are the opinions of contemporary scholars about bank interest?, and the purpose of this research is (1) to find out what the opinions of 4 madhhab scholars about usury are, (2) to find out what contemporary scholars think about bank interest. This research is a type of library research. The results of this study are that the opinion of the Hanafi Madzhab regarding the sale and purchase of goods that are exchanged or weighed with usury goods if they are weighed for trading and there is an addition, it can be said that usury fadhl. The opinion of the Maliki school of illat usury is when usury goods are used as a price. According to the opinion of the Shafi'i Madhhab, illat usury focuses on usury goods when they become the value of the price, if the two goods are valued or become the price of something. While illat on food is anything that can be eaten and fulfills several criteria such as food or staple food, according to the Hambali Madzhab what can be said is usury is every sale and purchase of a kind that is weighed with one date. Bank interest according to the opinion of contemporary scholars, namely KH. Sahal Madfudh explained about the exploitative, inhuman and consumptive nature of bank interest. Therefore, the concept of bank interest for productive behavior for people's business according to kyai sahal is permissible. Meanwhile, bank interest for consumptive and unproductive behavior is prohibited. According to M. Quraish Shihab, bank interest is not illegal, considering that the current interest does not contain elements of persecution and oppression among human beings. According to him, it does not prohibit bank interest because there are still scholars who allow it, because the interest has been agreed upon at the beginning of the transaction and does not contain elements of oppression and persecution, but if you want to be safe, you should make transactions at Islamic banks. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi said that bank interest taken by savers at the bank is usury which is forbidden, Yusuf Qardhawi firmly stated that bank interest is the same as usury which will always be punished as haram.