Chasri Nurhayati, Chasri
Researcher in Baristand Industri Palembang

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Teknologi mutu tepung pisang dengan sistem spray drying untuk biskuit Nurhayati, Chasri; Andayani, Oktavia
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 25, No 1 (2014): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Bananas are a perishable commodity, necessitating further processing fluor substitution flour is a refined products used as a biscuits raw material diversification treatment. The hygienic way in the manufacture of bananas could be done by spray drying were utilize the hot temperatures of a blower This study used a fluor substitution kepok (A1) and fluor substitution. (A2) Having six variations of composition ratio of banana gedah flour, mung bean flour and fish fluor on treatment (P) were P1 (1: 1.5: 1.5), P2 (1: 1: 1), P3 (1: 0.5 : 0.5), P4 (2: 0.5: 0.5), P5 (3: 0.5: 0.5), P0 (4: 0: 0) Testing the quality standards of SNI 01- 3841-1995 of banana gedah flour based treatment and 01-7111.2-2005 The results showed that drying of banana gedah flour produced 3.62% water content for kepok fluor substitution bananas and 3.73% for fluor substitution bananas, met the the quality standards of SNI 01-3841-1995 with category A for quality. The best treatment on occured on A1P1 obtained by comparison 1: 1.5: 1.5 All biscuits treatment with bananas fluor substitution, fish flour and green bean flour met the quality requirements 01-7111.2-2005 except for the water content of banana gedah flour.Keywords: banana flour, spray drying, biscuitsAbstrakPisang merupakan komoditi bersifat mudah rusak, sehingga diperlukan pengolahan lanjutan. Tepung pisang merupakan produk olahan digunakan sebagai diversifikasi bahan baku biskuit. Cara hyangiene dalam pembuatan tepung dapat dilakukan dengan spray drying yaitu memanfaatkan suhu panas blower. Penelitian ini menggunakan pisang kepok (A1) dan pisang gedah (A2). Mempunyai enam variasi komposisi perbandingan tepung pisang, tepung kacang hijau dan tepung ikan pada substitusi biskuit (P) yaitu P1 (1:1,5 :1,5); P2 (1:1:1); P3 (1:0,5:0,5); P4 (2:0,5 :0,5); P5 (3:0,5:0,5); P0 (4:0:0). Pengujian tepung pisang berdasarkan standar mutu SNI 01-3841-1995 dan biskuit SNI 01-7111.2- 2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengeringan tepung pisang menghasilkan kadar air 3,62% untuk tepung pisang kepok dan 3,73% untuk tepung pisang gedah, memenuhi standar mutu SNI 01-3841-1995 kategori mutu A. Kandungan gizi biskuit terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan A1P1 dengan perbandingan 1:1,5 :1,5. Semua perlakuan biskuit dengan substitusi tepung pisang , tepung ikan dan tepung kacang hijau memenuhi syarat mutu SNI 01-7111.2-2005 kecuali untuk kadar air biskuit tepung pisang gedah.Kata kunci: Tepung pisang, spray drying, biskuit
Pengolahan lateks pekat proses dadih menggunakan garam alginat hasil ekstraksi rumput laut untuk produk busa Nurhayati, Chasri; Andayani, Oktavia
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 26, No 1 (2015): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Processing of concentrated latex derived from latex plantations using curd system is one of the concentrated latex processing as an alternative raw material for processing latex foam instead of using centrifuges. Generally concentrated latex used as raw materials processing foam products. Processing pendadihan is done by mixing the latex pendadih with gardens that have been preserved and left mendadih for a certain time. Concentrated latex concentration by means pendadihan require pendadih materials such as sodium alginate extracted from seaweed. The method of research using experimental design with of three variable concentrations of sodium alginate (K1) is the concentration of 0.15% The K2 = 0.20% concentration and K3 = 0.25% concentration. The results of testing the curd latex include dry rubber content (KKK), the levels of solids (KJP), ammonia and mechanical stability once every two days for 16 days. Curd result have been made of latex foam rubber products, further testing for hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break, pampatan fixed and specific gravity. The test results compared with foam rubber SNI number 1241-85. The results showed that the best latex curd is K2 with the value of the KKK: 52.03%, KJP: 54.02%, ammonia levels: 0.63% and mechanical stability:115 seconds and foam rubber products is best treated with violence K2:33 N/mm, tensile strength: 0,067 N/mm2, the value of elongation at break: 80%, the value of fixed pampatan: 18.63% and density: 0,143 g/cm3.Keywords : foam rubber, latex whey, natrium alginateAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari alternatif bahan pendadih yang berasal dari ekstraksi Sargasum sp. Penelitian dilakukan melalui 3 rangkaian tahapan yaitu ekstraksi natrium alginat dari Sargassum sp, penggunaan natrium alginat pada pendadihan lateks dan pembuatan karet busa menggunakan lateks dadih tersebut. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimental dengan 3 (tiga) variabel konsentrasi natrium alginat (K) yaitu K1= konsentrasi 0,15%, K2= konsentrasi 0,20% dan K3= konsentrasi 0,25%. Hasil lateks dadih dilakukan pengujian meliputi kadar karet kering (KKK), kadar jumlah padatan (KJP), kadar amonia dan kemantapan mekanik setiap dua hari sekali selama 16 hari. Lateks dadih yang dihasilkan dibuat produk karet busa, selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian terhadap kekerasan, tegangan putus, perpanjangan putus, pampatan tetap dan bobot jenis. Hasil pengujian dibandingkan dengan SNI karet busa 06-0999-1987. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lateks dadih terbaik adalah perlakuan K2 dengan nilai KKK: 52,03%, KJP: 54,02%, kadar amonia: 0,63% dan kemantapan mekanik: 115 detik dan produk karet busa yang terbaik adalah perlakuan K2 dengan kekerasan: 33 N/mm, tegangan putus:0,067 N/mm2, nilai perpanjangan putus: 80%, nilai pampatan tetap: 18,63% dan berat jenis: 0,143 g/cm3.Kata Kunci : karet busa, lateks dadih, natrium alginat
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 26, No 2 (2015): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengunaan fly ash batubara dalam pembuatan membran keramik dan penggunaanya untuk membran pengolahan air gambut. Tahapan penelitian meliputi: 1) percobaan optimasi komposisi membran dengan memvariasikan persentase fly ash dan clay (montmorilonit) dan suhu, 2) karakterisasi membrane keramik yang dihasilkan dengan XRD dan SEM, dan 3). kemudianmelakukan ujicoba membran untuk proses desalinasi dan purifikasi air gambut. Optimasi dilakukan dengan memvariasi komposisi yaitu perbandingan fly ash batubara: clay: 40%:60%, 50%:50%, dan 60%:40% dengan variasi suhu pembakaran membran keramik :700oC, 800oC, dan 900oC. Ujicoba dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan desalinasi dan purifikasi dari 9 (sembilan) variasi membran keramik. Hasil difraktogram menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kandungan mineral untuk setiap perbedaan komposisi, sedangkan hasil analisa SEM menunjukkan bahwa suhu pembakaran berpengaruh pada profil permukaan dan densitas membran keramik yang dihasilkan. Hasil pengujian air gambutyang diolah dengan membran keramik tersebut menunjukkan adanya penurunan kandungan yang cukup signifikan untuk parameter pH, Pb, Fe, Mn, Cd, CaCO3, nitrat, nitrit, TDS, klorida dan total zat organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua membran dapat mengolah air gambut menjadi air bersih sesuai dengan standard persyaratan kualitas air bersih (Permenkes No 416/MEN/KES/PER/XI/1990), terkecuali untuk kandungan logam besi dan mangan. Berdasarkan penurunan cemaran air gambut, membran keramik dengan komposisi berat fly ash: clay (50%:50%) pada suhu pembakaran 900oC mampu mengolah air gambut secara optimal.
Optimasi pengolahan limbah cair karet remah menggunakan Mikroalga Indigen dalam menurunkan kadar BOD, COD, TSS Nurhayati, Chasri; Hamzah, Basuni; Pambayun, Rindit
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 24, No 1 (2013): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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A study of waste water treatment technology using indigenous microalgae from waste water crumb rubber industry was done. This aims of study to use the isolated microalgae in variously pH (7, 8, 9) and concentration 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% of indigenous microalgae as a degradating Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS). Stages of sewage treatment conducted in this study with comprehensive solution methode was isolation and screening indigenous microalgae ot treated waste sites, characterization microalgae, cultivation doubling microalgae and test performance of microalgae from liquid industrial waste crumb rubber. The isolate of microalgae with pH variation and concentration of indigenous microlagae has potency to reduce waste water crumb rubber. The result show that the type of microalgae as a result of identification is Chlorella vulgari. In pH variation (7, 8, 9 ) and concentration of indigenous microalgae (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%), we found that the the best result to degradated BOD, COD, and TSS as namely as pH 7 with concentration of microalga 15% was 36.84 mg/l (83.48%) for BOD, pH 7 with concentration of microalgae 20% was 88.20 mg/l (76.91%) for COD, pH 8 with concentration of microalgae 5% was 0.91 mg/l (92.67%) for TSS.Keywords : BOD, COD, crumb rubber, indigenuos microalgae, TSSAbstrakTelah dilakukan penelitian teknologi pengolahan limbah cair karet remah menggunakan mikroalga indigen. Penelitian ini untuk memanfaatkan mikroalga hasil isolasi dengan memvariasikan pH dan konsentrasi mikroalga dalam menurunkan kadar Biologycal Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemycal Oxygen Demand (COD) dan Total Suspended Solid (TSS). Tahapan pengolahan limbah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini dengan metode Comprehensive Solution adalah isolasi dan skrining mikroalga indigen dari limbah yang diolah, karakterisasi mikroalga, pengembangbiakan, penggandaan dan menguji kinerja mikroalga terhadap limbah cair industri crumb rubber. Mikroalga hasil isolasi diperlakuan pada pH dan konsentrasi mikroalga berturut turut yaitu 7, 8, 9 dan 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% untuk pengolahan limbah. Hasil isolasi mikroalga diperoleh satu jenis mikroakga indigen yaitu Chlorella vulgari dan perlakuan pH dan konsentrasi mikroalga mampu menurunkan kadar BOD, COD, TSS, dimana perlakuan terbaik yaitu pada pH 7 dengan konsentrasi mikroalga 10% yaitu 36,84 mg/l (32,84%) untuk BOD, perlakuan pH 7 dan konsentrasi 20% untuk 88,20 mg/l (60%) untuk BOD, dan perlakuan pH 8 dan konsentrasi 5% yaitu 0.91 mg/l (15%) untuk TSS.Kata kunci : BOD, COD, karet remah, mikroalga indigen, TSS
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 27, No 1 (2016): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan lumpur aktif cair dari hasil pengolahan limbah industri crumb rubber sebagai dekomposer pupuk organik. Metode penelitian ini adalah desain eksperimental Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL), terdiri lima perbandingan bahan baku tandan kosong kelapa sawit, kotoran ayam dan lumpur aktif (A) dengan variasi A1 (1,5:0,5: 0,5) , A2 (1,25:0,75: 0,5), A3 (1,0 : 1,05 : 0,5), A4 (0,75 : 1,25 : 0,5),dan A5 (0,5 : 1,5 : 0,5). Hasil pupuk organik dilakukan pengujian sesuai SNI 19-7030-2004 “Spesifikasi kompos dari sampah organik domestik” dan data pengujian proses pembuatan kompos meliputi pH, kelembaban dan suhu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan A3( 1,5:0,5:0,5) dengan nilai unsur hara makro: nitrogen total (2,1045%), P2O5 (16,492%), K2O (0,9630%), kadar air (43,197%). C-organik (28,66%), pH (6,98), C/N rasio (13,618%) memenuhi persyaratan mutu pupuk organik dari sampah organik domestik nomor SNI 19-7030-2004. Ke lima perlakuan tersebut mengandung unsur hara mikro yang terdiri Mg,Mn, Zn,Ca, Pb, Cd, Fe total, bahan ikutan, Co, Mo, Hg, As dan faktor lain seperti temperatur,warna, bau, Samonella Sp dan E. coli memenuhi persyaratan mutu pupuk organik dari sampah organik domestik nomor SNI 19-7030-2004.
Pemanfaatan alginat dari alga laut untuk meningkatkan stabilitas kompon lateks bahan baku souvenir karet Nurhayati, Chasri; Yulita, Eli; Andayani, Oktavia
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 24, No 1 (2013): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

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This study aimed to determine the effect of adding sodium alginate as a stabilizer agent for latex goods preparation, such as rubber compound latex rubber raw material for souvenirs. Best alginate extraction temperature is obtained at a temperature of 60 °C with alginate to yield test results were 8.20%, ash content of 24.5%, the water content of 7.855% and 1.615 cps viscosity. Quality of the best liquid latex compound found in treatment 4 with the addition of 0.20 phr alginate as indicated by the test results of 119 cp viscosity money and time for testing mechanical stabilizer 597 Sec. The results showed that the compound latex mooney viscosity resulting in treatment 5 for 37, mooney scorch average of 0.27, the average hardness 38.5, tensile strength 38 kg/cm2, 20 kg/cm2 modulus 300%, elongation at break is 508%, tear resistance treatment 5 is 62 kg/cm2.Keywords : Alginate, colloids, latex compoundAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan natrium-alginat sebagai bahan penstabil kompon lateks untuk bahan baku barang jadi lateks, dalam hal ini dicoba souvenir karet. Suhu ekstraksi alginat terbaik diperoleh pada suhu 60 oC dengan hasil pengujian alginat untuk rendemen adalah 8,20%, kadar abu sebesar 24,5%, Kadar air 7,855% dan viscositas 1,615 cps. Mutu kompon lateks cair yang terbaik terdapat pada perlakukan 4 dengan penambahan alginat sebanyak 0,20 phr yang ditunjukan dengan hasil uji viscositas money sebesar 119 cp dan uji mechanical stabilizer time sebesar 597 Sec. Hasil penelitian terhadap kompon lateks menunjukkan bahwa viscositas mooney yang dihasilkan pada perlakuan 5 sebesar 37, mooney scorch rata-rata 0,27, hardness rata-rata 38,5, Shore A, tegangan putus 38 kg/cm2, tegangan tarik 20 kg/cm2, perpanjangan putus adalah 508%, ketahanan sobek perlakuan 5 adalah 62 kg/cm2.Kata kunci : Alginat, koloid, kompon lateks
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 21, No 2 (2010): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7827.873 KB) | DOI: 10.28959/jdpi.v21i2.3172


Research about the effects of dextrin addition on the quality of coffee cube has been conducted. This research aims to know the effects of dextrin on the quality of block coffee. Full random design is used with ten treatments consisting of D0 (control) without dextrin, D1(0.5% dextrin), D2(1%), D3(1.5%), D4(2%), D5(2.5%), D6(3%), D7(3.5%), D8(4%), D9(4.5%),D10(5%), all treatments are repeated three times. The observed parameters include pH of the prepared coffee, moisture content, extra content, hardness of coffee and organoleptic test of prepared coffee taste. The result  of this research shows that the treatment has significant effect on moisture content, extra content, pH of the prepared coffee, the solubility, hardness and taste of coffee. Characteristics of block coffee with 0-3% dextrin addition produce moisture content in range of 6.31% to 6.60%, extract content in range of 29.41% to 59.72%, pH of prepared coffee in range 5.62% to 5.806%, solubility in range of 43.80% to 60.1%, and hardness of coffee in range of 0.21% to 0.59%. For organoleptic test on the taste of prepared coffee in treatments of D0 to D6, there is no significant effect on the taste of coffee while for treatments of D7 to D9 have significant effect. Dextrin addition under 3% does not have effect on the taste of coffee but dextrin addition above 3% will affect the taste of coffee.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 21, No 1 (2010): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28959/jdpi.v21i1.3156


Research about treatment of waste water from activity of Exploration and production oil and Gas with comprehensive solution method (bioremediation-biotreatment-biofiltration) has been done. Purpose of this research is to knows the bacterium activity in reducing rate cemaran petroleum liquid waste.. first phase added bioremiaddiasi with addition of biological agent which has been obtained. At this phas added bacterium counted 6% v/v from waste water volume and growth of bacterium is optimal. Second phase is biotreament that is by giving opportunity of bacterium which has been added so that initiation of floc formation. At this phase liquid waste is flown showly and is not aerated so that s formed flok initiation by bacterium, and than phase three is biofiltration by flowing waste to bioreactorending containing active carnonl. The active carbon has contained bacterium at part of the surface so that liquid waste passingit will experience biofiltration. The three steps can process waste soThat so parameter qualified that is H²S,Fenol,COD,Oil fatty, and ammonia declines so is under theasthold with quicker time.To know method effectiveness of comprehensive solution is done waste treatment of microcosm scale to apply biological agent obtained.. This thing was showed result of examination of control microcosm from sampling T0 until T8 is H2S:0.144-0,015 mg/l,phenol 1,6537-0,405 mg/l,hydrogen ion exponent 9,07-9,13,COD g372-1132 mg/l, oil lemak52-471 mg/l and ammonia 3,713-0,1373 mg/l of chemical test result at microcosm with method coprehensive solution is H2S: 0,160-0,014 mg/l,phenol 0,0529-0,0105mg/l,hydrogent ion exponent 9,07-9,13,COD 9372-1132 mg/l, oil lemak 52 -471 mg/l and ammonia 3,713-0,1373 mg/l.Based on calculaton of linear regresision to degradation of parameter tasted waste at microcosm with method comprehensive solution is estimated to requires processing time around 41 days, almost thrice more effectively if using ordinary IPAL method
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 21, No 1 (2010): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7356.136 KB) | DOI: 10.28959/jdpi.v21i1.3162


The objective of this research ae making dodol from admixture of fruits and knowng about formula of the dodol so can product the foods fulfill requiments. This research varies five (5) treatment and three(3) repetitions. First treatment is proportion between peneaple and papaya are treatment A4500g,750 g, treatment A3=700g,550g treatment A4=800g,450g and treatment A5=1000g, 250g. paramenter tested are water content ,protein content, ash content, couarse fiber and sugar content. The best treatment was gotton from treatment A4(additional of 800 g pinapple pure. Product characteristic produced are water content : 5,34%,ash content : 0,50%, couarse fiber : 0,33% and sugar content : 40,03%.
Jurnal Dinamika Penelitian Industri Vol 28, No 1 (2017): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENELITIAN INDUSTRI
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1023.214 KB) | DOI: 10.28959/jdpi.v28i1.2333


The objective of this research was to study the effect of temperature and time depolymerization of natural latex rubber using NaNO2, H2O2 and Ascorbic Acid (0.4: 0.2: 0.1) mol at pH about 5 towards its molecular weight reduction, then studied the effect on the quality of adhesives produced. The stages of this research include making concentrated natural rubber latex, its depolymerization, rubber crepe making, rubber compounding and followed by rubber adhesives manufacturing. Depolymerization is conducted by varying the temperature (50, 70 and 90 oC) with the duration (4, 6, 8, and 10 hours). The indication of molecular weight reduction is determined by the mooney viscosity test, while the quality of the rubber adhesives is evaluated from the Brookfield viscosity test and its peel strength. Concentrated Natural Rubber was successfully prepared using 2% (v / v) ammonium laurate 20% and 0.2% (v / v) 2% sodium alginate resulted in dry rubber content 49.36%, mechanical stability 91 seconds, ammonia 0.58% and Viscosity Mooney 193.80 cp. Chemical depolymerization is able to reduce the viscosity mooney of natural rubber approximately 95%. The results showed that the greatest molecular weight reduction was depolymerization at 70 ° C for 8 hours indicated by decreasing the mooney viscosity from 193.80 to 10.05 cp. From the results of testing the quality of the adhesives, the lower the molecular weight the adhesive power between layers of rubber is higher with lower Viscosity Brookfield. The peel strength of resulted adhesive ranges from 4.76 - 17.25 kg / inch2 with brookfield viscosity between 1966 - 3810 cp. Based on the comparison with the quality of rubber adhesives in the market  that has peel strength about 4.35 kg / inch2, it can be said that the rubber adhesives from of this research results have met the market requirements.